by microfinance organizations that agree to issue a
loan to almost anyone, at a much higher percentage.
Due to the fact that many different financial
instruments have recently appeared, the population
with negative experience in the past is distrustful of
their use. Therefore, the accessibility of financial
services is important to consider through the lens of
the population financial literacy.
The work was carried out on the basis of an analysis
of Russian and foreign literature, scientific sources, a
review of the regulatory framework, a synthesis of
statistical materials from various official documents
of government bodies and others that affect the
process of improving financial literacy, as well as
data from sociological surveys of the National
Agency for Financial Research (NAFI), the All-
Russian Center for Public Opinion Research
(VCIOM), etc.
The data of the Central Bank of the Russian
Federation were used and summarized to study the
institutional provision of financial services in the
region and indicators of the credit and financial
From the point of view of the development of Russian
thought, such Russian economists as: Manakhova
I.V., Shevyakov M.Yu., Belekhova G.V., Zelentsova
A.V., Bliskavka E.A. and Demidov D.N., Boranukov
A.A., Mamuta M.V., Vasyukova L., Masyuk N.,
Vasyukova O. and a number of others made a great
contribution to the development of basic theoretical
and methodological provisions on the impact of
financial literacy on the Russian economy effective
By examining the researchers majority opinion
involved in the study of the financial literacy essence,
we can formulate the concept of financial literacy as
knowledge, skills and attitudes of using financial
services to meet basic financial needs.
The interpretation of the concept of "financial
literacy" is widely presented in the works of foreign
scientists, but there are not many works of Russian
authors. Therefore, research in this field is relevant
and in demand.
The main problems characterizing the current
state of financial literacy include:
1. Lack of long-term financial planning skills;
2. Ignorance of modern financial instruments and,
as a result, the ability to make a balanced decision on
the choice of certain financial services;
3. The habit of hoping for state help;
4. Difficulties with financial risk assessment;
5. Lack of the legislative framework for consumer
protection knowledge;
6. Lack of financial legal aid;
7. Lack of state-implemented pension reforms
The modern definition of financial inclusion has
evolved over the past decade.
In 2009, Financial Accessibility Centre (CFI)
analysts formulated the main parameters of financial
1) Ability of the entire able-bodied population to
receive a full range of quality financial services;
2) Availability of financial services;
3) Ability to easily receive financial services;
4) Respect for the human dignity of clients by the
financial services provider (Vasyukova, Masyuk and
Vasyukova, 2019).
In 2010, World Bank Group analysts identified
the following key components of financial
accessibility: products (payments, savings, insurance,
lending), characteristics (price availability, physical
accessibility, convenience, quality (including
consumer protection)) and channels (access points,
infrastructure, institutions, and customers).
In 2011, Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI)
identified three components of financial affordability:
physical accessibility, demand and quality of
financial services (Mamuta, 2016).
In 2012, the Organization for Economic Co-
operation and Development (OECD) proposes to
consider financial affordability in conjunction with
financial literacy, identifying opportunities for
innovative ways of delivering financial services as a
key characteristic of financial affordability (Atkinson
and Messy, 2012).
According to the Bank of Russia, financial
accessibility is understood as "full access to the basic
set of financial services of the entire country
population and small and medium-sized businesses"
(Official website of the Central Bank of the Russian
Federationю (online)). Among the key indicators of
financial accessibility, the regulator includes
quantitative indicators of institutional security, the
volume of transactions carried out in a cashless
manner, the volume of issued bank cards, the volume
of loans provided, the number of actively used bank
accounts, the quality of financial services provided
based on the results of sociological surveys.
Accessibility of Financial Services in the Aspect of the Population Financial Literacy Development on the Example of the Republic of