In the article the concept of quasi ergodicity of two
functions was introduced and these functions are
presented by corresponding forms of integrals. These
notions are important for a further understanding of
the theory. The paper analyses various time segments
of a random process and it is shown how the
covariance of the values of random functions for
different time periods is manifested. It was
established that when planning a process it is
extremely important to determine the risk of random
situations with unforeseen consequences. The need is
shown to have a functional relationship, which would
allow calculating the risk of unforeseen
consequences, as a random event that develops over
time. When using the statistical characteristics, it is
advisable to proceed from a 5% error (risk). For
individual calculation points, in fact, the width of the
2 interval should be calculated, which includes the
influence factor with unforeseen consequences with
the probability of 0.95. This allows us to obtain the
tabular dependence = (t), (t), and then move on to
its analytical expression.
So that the system could function in a given way
at the right time the necessary parameters of the
factors are provided in an amount determined by the
corresponding time interval. For the calculated
parameters of the factors used at various time periods,
the reliability of the system’s work from external
risks is ensured. The given model allows us to expand
the boundaries of automation of the research
management process in space and time, taking into
account the risk associated with the use of factors of
the digital model.
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ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure