capital in the United States during approximately
1980-1990s, is to a certain extent clarified.
It is believed that overcoming the long-term negative
trend in the development of the US economy is
associated with the neoconservative policy of
President Reagan (Reaganomics). It cannot be denied
at the same time that this policy was carried out
during the years of the computer revolution. Its
economic consequences in terms of innovative
development manifested themselves in a more
favorable dynamics of specific investments than
before. With the accumulation rate practically
unchanged, it became possible to accelerate labor
productivity and macroeconomic growth.
A little later than in the United States, the positive
fruits of computer technology manifested in most of
the developed countries of the world. After the crisis
of 2008-2009. The “computer rent” was exhausted,
and the developed countries returned to the trajectory
of declining growth.
An important further task is to assess the specific
indicators that have given rise to a special period in
most developed countries, not just the United States.
Macroeconomic dynamics in the United States
closely correlates with changes in the indicator
characterizing the need for capital. In turn, the value
of this need is apparently determined by the share of
the intellectual product in production investments.
We tend to associate the nature of the special period
in the United States and other developed countries
with the computer-information boom of the 1980s
and 1990s. The positive impact of computer
technology has manifested itself in almost all of them,
although to varying degrees.
The first bell, indicating the end of a special
period, rang in 2000 and was connected, apparently,
with the global financial crisis, when the shares of,
first of all, high-tech companies literally collapsed.
The inertia associated with the influence of computer
technology, however, continued until 2008. World
financial and economic crisis of 2008-2009 placed the
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