"own" control signal to all functional elements
involved in the current freeze-frame, but not
separately; it has the form of their spectrum. This
spectrum includes specific frequencies that coincide
with the proper frequencies of the desired FS, and as
they are included in the collective activity, they create
the desired "system effect" together, ensuring the
survival of the OS. According to the law of resonance,
each FS "responds" only to a frequency that coincides
with its own circular frequency. Upon receiving such
a signal, any FS is instantly involved in the joint
collective work of the FS team, whose own
frequencies are included in the spectrum of
frequencies sent by the brain. Currently, there are
very good software tools for processing such discrete
signals. Any signal is a message that is uniquely
recognized in the human body due to its
decomposition into a complex Fourier series. To
calculate individual eigenfrequencies of the FS,
signalers use a discrete Fourier transform (DFT),
which is processed on computers using the fast
Fourier transform (FFT) program.
Currently, problems 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this study
have been successfully solved. In this regard, it
should be noted that the human brain effectively uses
both typical Y
) and current Y
) models in its
operation. The M number fixes the total number of
typical models stored in its memory; 2N is the total
number of identical segments Δx
=n (x
- x
)/2N for
the interval [0, 1]; K is the number of the current
model Y
), where K>>2N. If Y
matches, it means they are balanced, and the OS
maintains its integrity and survives. When
), the OS most often dies.
The human body as an OS is a highly flexible
executive mechanism. Its organs, which are FS and
FE, "respond" only to the spectrum of control signals
ω1, ω2,..., ωq, q circular frequencies of which
coincide with their own circular frequencies, coming
from the brain via neural networks. Only in this case,
the OS creates the necessary "system effects". This
point, unfortunately, has fallen out of the field of view
of management specialists, whereas signalers use it
very effectively. They are the ones who effectively
use their Fourier series decomposition, discrete
Fourier transform (DFT) and fast Fourier transform
(FFT) when processing pulse signals. In this case, the
FE involved in creating the desired "system effect"
must be taken into account. Under these conditions,
the system theory of information (STI) (Laptev 2013)
allows (using its tool which is the "Eidos" system) to
calculate the amount of information quickly (with a
plus or a minus sign, or equal to zero) contained in the
fact of the impact of any factor on the OS or vice versa
of the OS on the external environment. Moreover, it
allows us to judge which structure can go to some
future state, desirable (target) or undesirable. And the
amount of information reflects the impact of a
specific factor on the OS or the environment, and the
sign shows if it promotes or hinders the OS in certain
condition. When several factors affect the OS, their
effect on its state can be calculated as the sum of the
effects of each of them. At the same time, it turned
out that no one has yet fully used the dialectic of
nature as a general theory of the functioning and
development of open systems.
The use of methods for solving the 3rd, 4th and
5th problems in the study has convincingly confirmed
the need for their advanced solution. We have
obtained practical confirmation of the correctness of
a clear goal for a reasonable investment in the agro-
industrial complex and their competent use. Together
with the latest scientific and practical achievements in
the field of natural and artificial intelligence, concrete
mathematics, technologies of system-cognitive and
spectral analysis, this approach has fully justified
itself. At the same time, it was confirmed that it is
necessary to include software tools in the Eidos
system that ensure the creation of proper "system
effects" from a well-organized collective work of the
FS of the OS in a particular situation. The method of
solving the 5th problem justifiably includes solving a
number of tasks to study the impact of investment on
the results of agricultural activities, including cases of
typical and atypical situations that require a person to
display extraordinary intellectual and inventive
abilities. It involves describing the technology of the
author's information and cognitive ACM in the OS,
taking into account the complex use of the technology
of system-cognitive analysis, the theory of Fourier
series, discrete and integral Fourier transform and the
law of resonance. The acquired experience allows us
to reasonably assume the successful solution of the
remaining tasks.
The expected result of our research will also consist
in finding a new way to resolve cognitive dissonance
– psychological discomfort of the manager caused in
his mind by the clash of conflicting ideas about ways
to solve the problem of effective functioning and
development of the agro-industrial complex in the
new external investment environment. With its help,
multiparametric, dynamic, non-linear OS, such as
AIC with complex structures, can successfully
function and develop in typical and atypical freeze-
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure