medium-sized innovative business), “Patent activity”,
“Types of innovations”, “Export” of innovations.
Statistical observations are performed by country;
this is the complexity of the assessment and
comparative analysis of the innovative capacities of
enterprises - the inaccessibility of the entire
completeness of economic information on individual
enterprises (with the exception of certain large, but
not typical enterprises) for the implementation of the
necessary analytical procedures.
When assessing the innovation potential of an
enterprise, its structure is usually specified, for
example, a complex of intellectual, scientific and
technical, personnel, material, information,
organizational, financial and other types of resources
(Zueva, 2016), a synthesis of several types of
resources of an intellectual, financial, managerial,
technical nature. (Ustinova et al., 2017). In a
generalized form, the structure of innovation potential
that is most often used is presented in (Novikov et al.,
2009). In our opinion, the proposed structure of
innovation potential essentially copies the structure of
economic potential, which could be considered
necessary, but the innovation potential should have its
own specific structure based on its goal-setting and
the need to solve the corresponding problems.
The intellectual component of the innovation
potential is highlighted (some foreign scientists
define the innovation potential as knowledge capital
(Carayannis et al., 2015) (Carayannis, 2013), it is
proposed to highlight the innovation potential
(generation and development of knowledge) and
“absorption potential” (the ability to absorb new
technologies” (Meissner, 2012), which requires
clarification of indicators for assessing innovation
Thus, the concept of innovation potential has
many interpretations, similar in meaning, but
differing in “details”. The structure of the innovation
potential of an enterprise is mainly represented by
functional constituent elements: innovative
production, innovative financial potential etc. In our
opinion, the functional structure of innovation
potential should include: material, production,
human, financial, marketing, intellectual, patent,
digital potential, thereby reflecting the availability
and use of all the resources necessary for innovation.
We consider it necessary to highlight the
importance of additions in the characteristics - it is
important not only to assess the availability of
innovation potential, but also to assess its use.
Formation and maintenance of innovative potential is
a strategic task, at the same time it is necessary to use
the existing potential; this point of view on innovation
potential supposes a balance of management actions,
a kind of “ambidextric” use of the enterprise
resources for the formation, maintenance of potential
and its use.
Innovation potential: strategic and operational
Since in the author's definition of the concept of
sustainable innovative development is characterized
by the achievement of a certain balanced innovative
state, let us turn to the balanced system of indicators
(D. Norton, R. Kaplan) and its interpretation. H.
Fridag and V. Schmidt proposed a dynamic
management model (combining operational actions
and… identifying creative capacities through
strategic actions) (Fridag, 2007), dividing strategic
potentials and operational potentials. In their opinion,
when creating a balanced system of indicators
(assessment of management efficiency), forming an
enterprise development strategy, after specifying
goals and strategic guidelines, it is important to
identify and assess capacities (opportunities, abilities)
that will help achieve the goals. H. Friedag and V.
Schmidt recognize intellectual capital as the most
important for the development of the enterprise,
meaning by it a set of “spiritual” (apparently
intangible) and material capacities (this is human
potential, enterprise employees, their competencies,
level of education, capacities of technology,
equipment (technical, technological capacities), tool
(tool potential), material potential (apparently
resource), communication potential (participation of
affiliates), organizational potential, and even the
environment is recognized by them as a business
potential. The listed types of capacities can be called
functional varieties; it is important that they are, as it
were, a dispersion of the main resources of innovative
development. But, in our opinion, it is important to
select strategic and operational innovation potentials.
Traditionally, everything operational is associated
with solving problems and achieving “close” goals,
and strategic with solving problems and achieving
“distant” goals; but time guidelines are not suitable in
this case. The operational innovation potential (and
the corresponding instrumental support) will make it
possible to assess the effectiveness of the use of
today's potential (all available resources, primarily
financial) and the achievement of operational goals
(usually financial). Strategic innovation potential
should involve the formation of new capacities
(primarily scientific), ensure the achievement of
strategic goals (usually non-financial). Let us choose,
for example, from the abundance of indicators for
assessing the innovation potential of typical
representatives of strategic and operational potential:
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure