Sustainable Innovative Development of a Regional Enterprise:
Strategic and Operational Potential
Galina S. Merzlikina
, Olga S.Oleinik
and Natalya O. Mogharbel
Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd, Russia
Volgograd Institute of Management, Branch of RANEPA, Volgograd, Russia
Keywords: Sustainable Innovation Development, Innovative, Strategic, Operational Potential.
Abstract: Innovations are a priori recognized as the main driver of economic growth of both the economy of a region,
a country, and an individual enterprise. Research on sustainable innovative development both abroad and in
our country is performed based on statistical observations of the innovation development of only a certain
territory (region, country). However, it is the regional enterprises (especially industrial), as fractals of the
regional economy, that determine the level of sustainable innovation development. The assessment of
sustainable innovation development of an enterprise is being studied by scientists, but there is no single,
generally accepted assessment methodology. This paper reveals, on the basis of the analysis, that the
sustainable innovative development of a regional enterprise is reduced to a certain adaptive response, which
is not supposed to be assessed; the author's definition of sustainable innovation development is proposed as
achieving a balanced innovative state, which consists in the formation and rational, active use of the
innovation potential of an enterprise, which allows to support the innovation process to achieve the set goals
and to solve problems and does not lead to a loss of economic development stability. It is clarified that
innovation potential means the totality of the enterprise resources, the territory required for innovation. A new
functional structure of innovation potential is proposed: material, production, human, financial, marketing,
intellectual, patent and digital potentials. Moreover, it is proposed to divide the innovation potential into
strategic (focused on achieving strategic goals, as a rule, non-financial) and operational (focused on achieving
operational goals, usually financial).
Innovations are a priori recognized as the main driver
of economic growth of an enterprise. Indicators of
innovation activity are currently decisive in the
competitive struggle (maintaining competitiveness)
and the achievement of sustainable economic growth,
and in the indicators of success ratings (the
importance of economic entities, regions, countries).
The direct interest of enterprises in innovation (the
level of profitability and capitalization directly
depends on the level of development of science-
intensive and high-tech industries, (Branscomb et al.,
1998) remains only at the level of wishes and
implementation of innovative processes, although it
would seem that the need to maintain competitiveness
requires this. An interesting conclusion was made in
one of the scientific works (Frenkel et al., 2015), it
turns out that classical competition cannot support the
creation of new technologies or innovative ways, and
it is business that must activate either its own
scientific research or initiate it. Realizing the
importance of innovation and innovative
development, business creates new “architectural”
structures - “co-existing” innovation systems
(integration of regional and sectoral enterprises)
(Meuer et al., 2015) and forms, at least, regional
innovation structures and regional innovation
patterns (Isaksen et al., 2017).
At present, sustainable innovative development is
of particular importance, i.e. stable, systematic
innovative development, not leading, among other
Merzlikina, G., Oleinik, O. and Mogharbel, N.
Sustainable Innovative Development of a Regional Enterprise: Strategic and Operational Potential.
DOI: 10.5220/0010593005010506
In Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure (ISSDRI 2021), pages 501-506
ISBN: 978-989-758-519-7
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
things, to an innovation crisis (either lack of
innovation, or “excess”, inability to implement
scientific developments). To assess sustainable
innovation development, enterprises need to use new
approaches based on the concepts of “sustainability”,
“balance”, and “adequacy”. Such techniques have not
yet been developed.
For the innovative development of an enterprise,
it is important to have an innovation potential (a well-
known indicator, often used); the structure of
indicators of innovation potential, as a rule, is
“functional”, and reflects the elements of the
economic potential of the enterprise (production
innovation potential, financial innovation potential,
etc). Unfortunately, most of the methods for assessing
the innovation potential lack indicators of its use,
apparently this is assumed by itself, but this is not the
case. The presence of innovation potential does not
solve the problems of innovation development; it is
necessary to highlight the concepts of “formation”
and “use” of innovation potential. The Fridag-
Schmidt dynamic management system, involving the
assessment of strategic (development) and
operational (use) capacities, can be useful in this case
(Fridag et al., 2007).
Thus, the assessment of sustainable innovation
development of an enterprise is currently in demand,
but requires taking into account the availability and
use of innovation potential.
The authors of the paper consider the innovation
activity of a regional enterprise as an object of
research. The subject of the research is the process of
innovation, identifying innovation strategic and
operational potential.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the
assessment methods and indicators of the innovative
development of a regional enterprise, to propose a
new structure of indicators for assessing the
sustainable innovative development of an enterprise
based on an assessment of its innovation potential,
and to distinguish between the concepts of innovative
strategic and operational potentials.
Study objectives:
to analyze the definitions of “sustainable
innovation development of an enterprise”;
to formulate the author's definition of the
concept of “sustainable innovation
development of an enterprise”;
to conduct a comparative analysis of
definitions and methods for assessing
innovation potential;
to propose a new functional structure of
innovation potential;
to propose new types of innovation potential.
In the research process, the provisions of the theory
of economic management of an enterprise, the theory
of innovative management, the concept of sustainable
development, the scientific foundations of strategic
planning and management, a balanced scorecard, set
out in the works of famous Russian and foreign
scientists, methods of statistical observation and
analysis, methods, mechanisms and tools of
economic management of enterprises, methodology
and tools for assessing the effectiveness of activities
and balanced management were used. All this made
it possible to substantiate the obtained results and
The analysis of the definitions of “sustainable
innovative development of an enterprise” was
the author's definition of the “sustainable
innovation development of an enterprise”
concept is proposed, based on the assessment
of the formation and use of innovation
a comparative analysis of definitions and
methods for assessing innovation potential is
was performed;
a new functional structure of innovation
potential was proposed;
it was proposed to separate the innovation
strategic and operational potentials.
Sustainable innovation development. The innovation
development of an enterprise is closely related to the
peculiarities of the territory of presence, therefore, the
study of all aspects of the enterprise activities
regardless of the state and characteristics of the
development of the regional economy are doomed to
failure. The assessment of the innovation
development of a regional enterprise is carried out
according to various methods (statistical
compilations, author's methods are proposed by
various scientists), but they all rely on a “basic”
definition of the essence of innovation development
(as an object is always considered a region, a
country), which consists in the process
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure
implementation. The dominance of the “process
approach” in the assessment of innovative
development determines the groups and a set of
indicators that essentially characterize the process in
which the result is “separated” in time from costs (for
example, today “costs for innovation”, and today the
“result of innovations” financed before that), in which
the performance indicator - the production of
innovative products exists outside of any connection
with innovations (production, marketing, financial
and others). There is no single best practice
methodology in this regard: it explores the use of a
diverse set of methodological approaches and makes
recommendations for the development of innovation
databases at the regional level (Nauwelaers et al.,
No less important is the study of sustainable
innovation development of the enterprise; the
adjective “sustainable” essentially defines a certain
“anti-crisis status” of such development (although
innovation is always a high risk and a high probability
of a crisis situation). Sustainable innovation
development of the enterprise is studied by many
scientists. For example, in the work (Yashin et al.,
2016), a detailed comparative analysis of methods for
assessing the sustainable development of an
enterprise was carried out (more than fifty sources
were analyzed) and its own, based on a set of a large
number of indicators, was clarified, the content of the
definition of the concept of “sustainability of the
innovative development of an enterprise”: the ability
of the economic system of an enterprise to establish
and maintain the necessary rates and parameters of
innovative and general development in a dynamically
changing macro and microenvironment for a certain
period of time” with which we can agree.
Let us note that the regional sustainable
development (as a set of economic entities located on
a certain territory) largely depends on the
sustainability level of the innovation development of
enterprises. Apparently, therefore, many economic
concepts and guidelines for sustainable development
of regions are inextricably linked with the
development of regional enterprises.
Thus, sustainable innovation development of an
enterprise is a well-studied category, but the essence
of sustainability is mainly reduced to some kind of
adaptive response not to be assessed. It is possible
only to assess the innovation activity of the enterprise
(the activity of innovative processes).
Let us clarify the content of the concept of
“sustainable innovative development of an
enterprise”: in our opinion, this is the achievement of
a balanced innovative state (Merzlikina, 2020),
consisting in the formation and rational, active use of
the innovation potential of the enterprise, which
allows to support the innovation process to achieve
the set goals and to solve problems and not leading to
the loss of stability of economic development.
The innovation potential of the enterprise.
Readiness for sustainable innovative development
can be assessed using the definition of innovation
potential (Zueva, 2016). Currently, the generally
accepted content of the definition of “innovation
potential” has not yet emerged. Sometimes, instead of
the concept of “innovation potential”, “scientific and
technical potential” is used, although these concepts
are different. As a rule, all researchers rely on the
concept of “innovation potential”, presented by M.
Porter (considered National innovation potential) and
K. Freeman (innovation potential that contributes to
the economic growth of the national system).
A detailed analysis of the definitions in (Yakovleva
E.A.). Let us consider some in details. Under the
innovation potential of an enterprise and a region,
various scientists understand: the ability of an
enterprise to get its own innovative product (Kultin et
al., 2018), as the degree of the enterprise readiness for
innovation transformations”, and not to a less specific
category of “enterprise capabilities” (Krymov et al. ,
2017). It is important that in most of the definitions of
innovation potential, even used in the resource
approach, the importance of using the potential,
assessment of the efficiency of innovation potential is
determined. It should be noted that the efficiency of
innovation and the efficiency of the use of innovation
potential are not equivalent concepts, which requires
its reflection in the structure and indicators of
innovation potential.
The assessment of innovation potential in the
world is performed according to several indices:
international innovation, global innovation,
Bloomberg Agency Index, Potential Innovation
Index, PII (Innovation Capacity Index, ICI) (Kultin et
al., 2018) and similar indices in our country
(Gokhberg et al., 2020). The composition of index
indicators to a certain extent characterizes the
structure of innovation potential, and it is usually the
region that is considered as an object of observation.
The list of indicators, used in the indices varies, but
the structure and benchmarks correspond to the well-
known European Innovation Index (The European
Commission, 2017) (EIS), which includes four types
of indicators, ten dimensions and 27 indicators
characterizing the “Conditions” (human resources,
young scientists and their scientific activity),
“Investments (financing and support of
innovations)”, “Innovation activity” (small and
Sustainable Innovative Development of a Regional Enterprise: Strategic and Operational Potential
medium-sized innovative business), “Patent activity”,
“Types of innovations”, “Export” of innovations.
Statistical observations are performed by country;
this is the complexity of the assessment and
comparative analysis of the innovative capacities of
enterprises - the inaccessibility of the entire
completeness of economic information on individual
enterprises (with the exception of certain large, but
not typical enterprises) for the implementation of the
necessary analytical procedures.
When assessing the innovation potential of an
enterprise, its structure is usually specified, for
example, a complex of intellectual, scientific and
technical, personnel, material, information,
organizational, financial and other types of resources
(Zueva, 2016), a synthesis of several types of
resources of an intellectual, financial, managerial,
technical nature. (Ustinova et al., 2017). In a
generalized form, the structure of innovation potential
that is most often used is presented in (Novikov et al.,
2009). In our opinion, the proposed structure of
innovation potential essentially copies the structure of
economic potential, which could be considered
necessary, but the innovation potential should have its
own specific structure based on its goal-setting and
the need to solve the corresponding problems.
The intellectual component of the innovation
potential is highlighted (some foreign scientists
define the innovation potential as knowledge capital
(Carayannis et al., 2015) (Carayannis, 2013), it is
proposed to highlight the innovation potential
(generation and development of knowledge) and
“absorption potential” (the ability to absorb new
technologies” (Meissner, 2012), which requires
clarification of indicators for assessing innovation
Thus, the concept of innovation potential has
many interpretations, similar in meaning, but
differing in “details”. The structure of the innovation
potential of an enterprise is mainly represented by
functional constituent elements: innovative
production, innovative financial potential etc. In our
opinion, the functional structure of innovation
potential should include: material, production,
human, financial, marketing, intellectual, patent,
digital potential, thereby reflecting the availability
and use of all the resources necessary for innovation.
We consider it necessary to highlight the
importance of additions in the characteristics - it is
important not only to assess the availability of
innovation potential, but also to assess its use.
Formation and maintenance of innovative potential is
a strategic task, at the same time it is necessary to use
the existing potential; this point of view on innovation
potential supposes a balance of management actions,
a kind of “ambidextric” use of the enterprise
resources for the formation, maintenance of potential
and its use.
Innovation potential: strategic and operational
Since in the author's definition of the concept of
sustainable innovative development is characterized
by the achievement of a certain balanced innovative
state, let us turn to the balanced system of indicators
(D. Norton, R. Kaplan) and its interpretation. H.
Fridag and V. Schmidt proposed a dynamic
management model (combining operational actions
and… identifying creative capacities through
strategic actions) (Fridag, 2007), dividing strategic
potentials and operational potentials. In their opinion,
when creating a balanced system of indicators
(assessment of management efficiency), forming an
enterprise development strategy, after specifying
goals and strategic guidelines, it is important to
identify and assess capacities (opportunities, abilities)
that will help achieve the goals. H. Friedag and V.
Schmidt recognize intellectual capital as the most
important for the development of the enterprise,
meaning by it a set of “spiritual” (apparently
intangible) and material capacities (this is human
potential, enterprise employees, their competencies,
level of education, capacities of technology,
equipment (technical, technological capacities), tool
(tool potential), material potential (apparently
resource), communication potential (participation of
affiliates), organizational potential, and even the
environment is recognized by them as a business
potential. The listed types of capacities can be called
functional varieties; it is important that they are, as it
were, a dispersion of the main resources of innovative
development. But, in our opinion, it is important to
select strategic and operational innovation potentials.
Traditionally, everything operational is associated
with solving problems and achieving “close” goals,
and strategic with solving problems and achieving
“distant” goals; but time guidelines are not suitable in
this case. The operational innovation potential (and
the corresponding instrumental support) will make it
possible to assess the effectiveness of the use of
today's potential (all available resources, primarily
financial) and the achievement of operational goals
(usually financial). Strategic innovation potential
should involve the formation of new capacities
(primarily scientific), ensure the achievement of
strategic goals (usually non-financial). Let us choose,
for example, from the abundance of indicators for
assessing the innovation potential of typical
representatives of strategic and operational potential:
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure
the indicator of the availability and competence of the
company research personnel is an indicator of the
strategic potential; the volume of innovative products
is an indicator of operational potential.
In our opinion, the structure of innovation
potential should include fundamentally: strategic
potential and operational potential, the former should
reflect the presence/absence of strategic resources
(material, production, financial, marketing,
intellectual, patent, digital) necessary to achieve
strategic goals and operational potential should
reflect the use/non-use of available resources today
(material, production, financial, marketing,
intellectual, patent, digital). Thus, strategic and
operational actions and results can be divided in time
and space.
The main results presented in the paper are as follows:
the analysis of the definitions of “sustainable
innovative development of a regional
enterprise” is performed, it is revealed that
sustainable innovative development is reduced
to a certain adaptive response, not to be
the author's definition of the concept of
“sustainable innovation development of an
enterprise” is proposed; achieving a balanced
innovative state, which consists in the
formation and rational, active use of the
innovation potential of an enterprise, which
allows to support the innovation process to
achieve the goals and to solve problems and
does not lead to a loss of economic
development stability;
a comparative analysis of definitions and
methods for assessing innovation potential is
carried out, it is revealed that innovation
potential means the totality of the enterprise
resources, the territory necessary for
a new functional structure of innovation
potential is proposed: material, production,
human, financial, marketing, intellectual,
patent and digital potentials;
it is proposed to separate the innovation
strategic and operational potentials; strategic
innovation potential is focused on achieving
strategic goals (as a rule, non-financial),
operational is focused on achieving operational
goals (usually financial).
Further authors research involves the formation of
instrumental support for the assessment and
management of sustainable innovation development
of the enterprise.
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ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure