ern 0,7 0,1 0,1 3,9 80,4 0,0 0,1
Siberian 8,5 5,8 1,7 0,0 0,2 7,0 5,8
Ural 8,8 2,9 5,3 0,0 0,0 7,0 0,5
Volga 20,4 9,4 10,0 38,5 0,0 28,0 19,5
North Caucasus 3,1 0,0 1,3 0,0 0,0 5,0 1,0
100 100 100 100 100 100 100
According to Rosstat data (Federal State Statistics Service, 2020).
The table 3 shows that the Central Federal has the
largest share in the total production of feedstuffs -
42.4% and the lowest is in the Far Eastern - 0.7%.
Such dramatic fluctuations in the volume of feed
produced in federal districts show that they do not
everywhere pay the necessary attention to the
development of livestock. If we take into account that
livestock products are used in nutrition by citizens of
our country everywhere, then to meet the needs for
them, they should be imported from other federal
districts. And if still, in such federal districts they
produce livestock products, then pure grain is used as
concentrated feed. This form of animal feeding is
Premixes are added to them to produce mixed
fodders with sufficient mineral substances and
vitamins. After that, balanced feed is obtained and as
a result, the efficiency of feeding animals increases.
Given this importance in the Central Federal District,
increased attention is paid to increasing the
production of premixes. As a result, their largest share
in the total volume in the country is concentrated in
the Central Federal District. Following to the Central
District is the Southern and in third place is Volga
region. As the number of mixed feed produced in the
country increases, the volume of premixes should
also grow synchronously. This will make it possible
to increase the efficiency in feeding animals with
compound feed.
Protein-vitamin-mineral concentrates (PVMC)
contain the required amount of minerals and vitamins.
They can, in a certain ratio with grain produced
locally, ensure the production of balanced feed for
agricultural enterprises and livestock complexes. In
such situations, the presence of grain at the location
of feed consumers is very important. The
disadvantage of such feedstuffs is the large proportion
of grain in them, which increases their cost. Despite
this, in most cases, it is more profitable to feed
animals with such feed than clean grain. Our country
has huge territories and it is not economically feasible
everywhere to produce feed from a large number of
ingredients. Therefore, increasing the production of
PVMC will make it possible to use coarse grain more
For animal life-sustaining activity, protein occupies
an important place. Under such conditions, the
production of fodder protein is of particular
importance. The data in Table 3 show that most feed
protein is produced in the Central Federal District. At
the same time, in the Siberian, Ural and North
Caucasus federal districts its production is completely
absent. Table 3 also shows that the Far Eastern
Federal District has a large share of fish flour
production (80.4%). This is due to the presence of
favorable conditions in this district for the production
of fish flour. These possibilities need to be fully
exploited, since it is a very valuable ingredient
necessary for the production of feedstuffs. Meat-and-
bone flour and cake are produced more in the Central
Federal District. As far as possible, it is necessary to
increase their volumes, since they have a positive
impact on the quality of the produced feed.
In the future, from our point of view, it is
necessary to significantly increase the production of
these ingredients necessary for the production of
feedstuffs, which will contribute to the increase in
livestock production in the Russian Federation. This
will make it possible to fully meet domestic needs for
them and send a certain amount for export, which will
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure