Feed Base for Animal Husbandry in the Regions as a Factor of
Increasing Food Security and Sustainable Development Ensuring in
the Russian Federation
Magomed D. Magomedov
, Olga V. Karabanova
and Vladimir V. Stroev
Moscow City University, 2nd Agricultural fare 4, Moscow, Russian Federation
Keywords: Food Security, Animal Products, Mixed Feed, Grain, Hay, Green Feed, Silage.
Abstract: The article shows the great importance of ensuring the food security of the country. Its state in the Russian
Federation (RF) is considered. The assessment of the level of food supply in the country is given. There is the
attention to the greater efficiency when feeding animals with compound feeds is paid in the article. An
inequality is proposed to determine the economic feasibility of the production and use of compound feed. It
is indicated that it is advisable to produce mixed feeds, in some cases, using their own grain and protein-
vitamin-mineral concentrates. The state of production of the main ingredients in the Russian Federation that
are part of compound feeds is shown.
Animal husbandry is one of the most important
sectors of agriculture, which has a significant impact
on it. Animal husbandry produces the most important
food products - milk and meat, which are the main
source of protein of animal origin; it produces raw
materials for various sectors of the processing
industry, supplying them with milk, meat, wool,
sheep, leather, etc. The relevance of this topic is that
in development animal husbandry is inextricably
connected with crop production, since the efficiency
of the industry is largely determined by the state of
the feed base.
The main trends in the market for livestock
products today are as follows:
Growing need for animal protein, rising
incomes and continued urbanization;
Increase in the number of livestock in
Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and other
countries in the region, which increases supply
from these countries and may affect potential
price reductions in the market, possible
Geographically, the main growth of meat
demand will be in China against the
background of the development of the food
industry in the country;
The increase in the population of Muslim
countries will be a factor in the increase in
demand for halal beef.
At the same time, harsh climatic conditions
complicate the task of providing livestock with
quality feed in winter in Russia. Russia is still
dependent on the import of livestock products (18-
20% of consumption). The cost of livestock
production in Russia is much higher than in other
developed countries (Karabanova, Sharapova.,
Magomedov, 2020). But at the same time, the
industry needs support and development in Russia, as
it plays one of the most important tasks in ensuring
the country's food security.
Ensuring the country's food security is of great
social, economic and political importance (Altukhov,
2019). In the early 1990s, when there was a serious
food problem in the USSR, radical economic and
political changes began. Both subjective and
objective factors had a negative impact on this
problem. Subjective include deliberate restrictions on
Magomedov, M., Karabanova, O. and Stroev, V.
Feed Base for Animal Husbandry in the Regions as a Factor of Increasing Food Security and Sustainable Development Ensuring in the Russian Federation.
DOI: 10.5220/0010593205160521
In Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure (ISSDRI 2021), pages 516-521
ISBN: 978-989-758-519-7
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the supply of food to the trading network, as well as
the irresponsible attitude of individual citizens
involved in this problem. And objective are the low
technical level of agricultural, food and transport
enterprises, which had a great influence on a
significant increase in losses in the production and
transportation of food products. In modern
conditions, after the use of advanced technologies in
these enterprises, losses and efficiency were
significantly reduced. According to the results of the
studies, economists of our country set the necessary
lower threshold for ensuring food security. It is 85%.
The methodological and informational base of the
study is the works of researchers in the field of
agricultural, economy, regionalistics. The theoretical
and methodological basis for studies of regional
socio-economic systems is laid down in the works of
W. Eisard, A. Weber, A. G. Granberg, N.N.
Kolosovsky, etc. The agricultural sector as a
subsystem of the regional economy was investigated
in the works of A.I. Altukhov, V.M. Bautin, T.A.
Dozorova, M.N. Dudin, and others. The problem of
state regulation of the regional economy was raised in
numerous publications by L.I. Abalkin, E.Yu.
Alekseitcheva, A.S. Bashkirtsev. The study is based
on data from statistical agencies for different periods
of time (OECD, Rosstat),
Analysis, synthesis, modeling, analogy,
formalisation, generalization are chosen as research
The food security situation has improved much in
recent years. The figure 1 shows that the share of
imported food in the Russian market has a downward
trend over the past 15 years. This indicator is one of
the components of the methodology for assessing
economic security in the Russian Federation.
Figure 1: Share of food imports in food retail commodities
Russian Federation % (Federal State Statistics Service,
However, despite positive trends in food security,
many problems remain: high competition in the world
market, industry difficulties caused by pandemic
restrictions, high costs of livestock products, and
The main food products necessary for human life
include grain and its processed products; meat of all
kinds; milk and milk products; fish and fish products,
as well as eggs. (Altukhov, 2020) Among them,
livestock products occupy a large proportion.
When studying the problems of animal husbandry
in Russia, it is necessary to concentrate on providing
the feed base as the main component of the cost of
livestock products.
At the same time, climate features put first the
problem of providing livestock feed in winter.
Currently, grain directed for foraging purposes is not
always used effectively (Magomedov., Alekseicheva,
Kulomzina, 2015). So, for example, according to
Rosstat data in 2019, cattle and poultry were fed grain
at its finest - 12.7 million tons, which is not desirable.
The main products of the livestock industry
include meat, milk, eggs.
The shortage of meat and meat products to meet
the needs of the country's population, taking into
account their exports, is 0.4 million tons (according
to Rosstat data for 2019). This volume is small.
However, given the economic feasibility of
increasing the export of meat and meat products, it is
necessary to significantly increase their production in
the country.
Milk and milk products occupy a large part in
human nutrition. Their production volumes in the
country in the last ten years have not changed much
and until today Russia is forced to import products to
meet needs. Import exceeds 20% of the volume
produced in the country.
To solve this problem, the Government of the
Russian Federation should pay more attention to
Feed Base for Animal Husbandry in the Regions as a Factor of Increasing Food Security and Sustainable Development Ensuring in the
Russian Federation
increase the production of milk and dairy products,
although entrepreneurs engaged in this type of
business receive some support. A positive factor
affecting the development of the industry is the
increase in milk production from one cow. At the
same time, there was a decrease in the number of
cows. That is, on the one hand, there was an increase
in milk production on average from one cow, and on
the other, a decrease in the number of cows, and as a
result, the total milk production remained at about the
same level. It is necessary to increase the number of
highly productive cows and create the required feed
base for them to improve the situation.
Table 1: Feed consumption in livestock industry of the
Russian Federation (in farms of all categories) for 2000-
2000 2010 2017 2018 2019
All feed in
terms of feed
units, mln
tons 106,9 96,9 107,0 105,6 105,9
37,1 43,6 54,1 54,9 55,9
coarse, juicy
and other
69,8 53,3 52,9 50,7 50,0
per head of
28,5 28,9 29,2 29,0 29,1
According to Rosstat data (Federal State
Statistics Service, 2020).
Eggs are an important food item for humans that
meet the protein needs to some extent. In recent
years, there have been great positive changes in the
poultry industry of the Russian Federation, but
despite of it, egg imports remain very high. So,
according to 2019, 6728 million units were imported.
To eliminate this problem, the interest of
entrepreneurs engaged in this type of business should
be increased and a good feed base should be created.
Of the above-mentioned livestock products, only
milk and dairy products do not provide food security.
That is, they produce less than 85% of the required
level. To solve this problem, first of all, it is necessary
to create a good feed base.
The table 1 presents data on the consumption of
all types of feed in the livestock industry of the
Russian Federation for 2000-2019.
As table 1 shows, the total feed consumption for
the period under review remained at approximately
the same level. At the same time, the consumption of
concentrated feed increases every year. That is, if in
2000 they were used 37.1 million tons, and in 2019
use was increased to 55.9 million tons (growth
amounted to 50.7%). However, for other types of feed
(hay, green feed, silage and senage), the opposite
trend is observed. In 2000, their volume amounted to
69.8 million tons, and in 2019, 50 million tons
(production decreased by 28.4%). This situation
adversely affects the amount of milk produced
(Panova, 2020). Cows should receive concentrated
and other fodder in strict accordance with
zootechnical standards. Otherwise, it will not be
possible to avoid a decrease in milk yields. An
analysis of the work of advanced agricultural
enterprises showed that the collection and drying of
coarse and juicy feed is carried out using advanced
technology and technology, therefore the labor
intensity and labor losses during their harvesting have
significantly decreased, which positively affected the
growth of livestock production efficiency. Table 1
shows that feed consumption per head of conditional
cattle remained at almost the same level.
Dry forage (hay), green feed, silage and senage
occupy an important place in the diet of farm animals
(Tranchenko, 2014). The volumes of their production
are significantly influenced by the natural and
climatic conditions in the regions of the country, the
level of use of advanced technology and technology,
the state of organization of labor and etc. (Panova,
2020). If there are real conditions for increasing the
volume of harvests of these types of feed in a
particular region, it is necessary to interest
entrepreneurs engaged in this type of business.
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure
Table 2 Hay, green feed, silage and senage production in the Russian Federation for 2011- 2018, mln tons.
Indicators 2011 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
11734,0 10257,9 10119,4 9637,3 9751,2 9481,4 9152,5
green feed, silage and senage 888,8 638,2 664,6 566,7 673,2 631,0 569,1
Cultural ha
fields and im
hay 197,2 110,8 103,7 116,6 50,5 50,6 47,9
reen feed, sila
e and sena
e 973,8 511,4 520,8 450,5 302,4 262,5 237,8
Total ha
11931,2 10369,7 10223,1 9753,9 9801,7 9532,0 9200,4
reen feed, sila
e, sena
e 1862,6 1149,6 1185,4 1017,2 975,6 893,5 806,9
According to Rosstat data (Federal State Statistics Service, 2020).
Table 2 shows that the amount of hay produced in
the Russian Federation is constantly declining except
in 2016, when there was a slight increase compared
to 2015. About the same situation has developed in
green feed, silage and senage, with the exception of
2014, when their number was slightly more than
In animal feeding, concentrated feed occupies an
important place. They include different types of grain
available in each region and, if economically feasible,
imported from other regions, regions and republics;
Waste from food enterprises and feedstuffs brought to
a suitable condition. Of all the listed species of
concentrated feed, feedstuffs are more effective.
Scientists involved in the study of the problems of the
agro-industrial complex have found that compound
feed gives a large return on pure grain by 34%. The
composition of feedstuffs includes many components
of different nutritional value. Some of them exist in
the region where the feed mill operates, and the rest
is imported from other regions. Practice shows that it
is not always profitable to bring the missing
ingredients for the production of feed from other
regions of the country. This is primarily due to the
high transport costs and therefore it is necessary to
assess the economic feasibility of acquiring them.
Based on the results of the studies, we recommend
using the following inequalities to assess the
profitability of feed production:
ZhP1 × C - Zk ≥ ZhP2 × C
Zz (1)
ZhP1 - the volume of livestock products obtained
by feeding one head of conditional cattle with
compound feed, kg.;
C - price of one kg of livestock products produced,
rub. (Magomedov, Kulomzina, Chaikina, 2012).
Zk - costs of production and sale of livestock
products obtained by feeding one head of conditional
cattle with compound feed, rub.;
ZhP2- volume of livestock products obtained by
feeding one head of conditional cattle with clean
grain, kg;
Zz - costs of production and sale of livestock
products obtained by feeding one head of conditional
cattle with clean grain, rub.
The results of practical testing of this inequality
confirmed its validity.
A large variety of ingredients are used for the
production of feedstuffs as mentioned above. They
are not always available in the region where the feed
mill is located, and some of them are produced only
in a single region. Therefore, the production of scarce
types of ingredients should be increased where
possible. Table 3 presents the data on the structure of
production of feedstuffs and its main ingredients for
the federal districts of the Russian Federation
(Alexeichev, Edelev and Magomedov, 2011) for
Feed Base for Animal Husbandry in the Regions as a Factor of Increasing Food Security and Sustainable Development Ensuring in the
Russian Federation
Table 3 - Structure of combined feed production and its main ingredients by federal districts of the Russian Federation for
2019, % .
Federal Districts Combined Feed and Ingredients
premixes protein vitamin-
mineral complex
Central 42,4 64,0 64,4 47,3 2,2 46,0 27,4
South 7,2 12,9 14,6 6,9 2,8 4,0 22,0
8,9 4,9 2,6 3,4 14,5 3,0 23,7
Far Eas
ern 0,7 0,1 0,1 3,9 80,4 0,0 0,1
Siberian 8,5 5,8 1,7 0,0 0,2 7,0 5,8
Ural 8,8 2,9 5,3 0,0 0,0 7,0 0,5
Volga 20,4 9,4 10,0 38,5 0,0 28,0 19,5
North Caucasus 3,1 0,0 1,3 0,0 0,0 5,0 1,0
100 100 100 100 100 100 100
According to Rosstat data (Federal State Statistics Service, 2020).
The table 3 shows that the Central Federal has the
largest share in the total production of feedstuffs -
42.4% and the lowest is in the Far Eastern - 0.7%.
Such dramatic fluctuations in the volume of feed
produced in federal districts show that they do not
everywhere pay the necessary attention to the
development of livestock. If we take into account that
livestock products are used in nutrition by citizens of
our country everywhere, then to meet the needs for
them, they should be imported from other federal
districts. And if still, in such federal districts they
produce livestock products, then pure grain is used as
concentrated feed. This form of animal feeding is
Premixes are added to them to produce mixed
fodders with sufficient mineral substances and
vitamins. After that, balanced feed is obtained and as
a result, the efficiency of feeding animals increases.
Given this importance in the Central Federal District,
increased attention is paid to increasing the
production of premixes. As a result, their largest share
in the total volume in the country is concentrated in
the Central Federal District. Following to the Central
District is the Southern and in third place is Volga
region. As the number of mixed feed produced in the
country increases, the volume of premixes should
also grow synchronously. This will make it possible
to increase the efficiency in feeding animals with
compound feed.
Protein-vitamin-mineral concentrates (PVMC)
contain the required amount of minerals and vitamins.
They can, in a certain ratio with grain produced
locally, ensure the production of balanced feed for
agricultural enterprises and livestock complexes. In
such situations, the presence of grain at the location
of feed consumers is very important. The
disadvantage of such feedstuffs is the large proportion
of grain in them, which increases their cost. Despite
this, in most cases, it is more profitable to feed
animals with such feed than clean grain. Our country
has huge territories and it is not economically feasible
everywhere to produce feed from a large number of
ingredients. Therefore, increasing the production of
PVMC will make it possible to use coarse grain more
For animal life-sustaining activity, protein occupies
an important place. Under such conditions, the
production of fodder protein is of particular
importance. The data in Table 3 show that most feed
protein is produced in the Central Federal District. At
the same time, in the Siberian, Ural and North
Caucasus federal districts its production is completely
absent. Table 3 also shows that the Far Eastern
Federal District has a large share of fish flour
production (80.4%). This is due to the presence of
favorable conditions in this district for the production
of fish flour. These possibilities need to be fully
exploited, since it is a very valuable ingredient
necessary for the production of feedstuffs. Meat-and-
bone flour and cake are produced more in the Central
Federal District. As far as possible, it is necessary to
increase their volumes, since they have a positive
impact on the quality of the produced feed.
In the future, from our point of view, it is
necessary to significantly increase the production of
these ingredients necessary for the production of
feedstuffs, which will contribute to the increase in
livestock production in the Russian Federation. This
will make it possible to fully meet domestic needs for
them and send a certain amount for export, which will
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure
provide an opportunity to replenish the country's
foreign currency resources and improve the financial
condition of domestic agricultural enterprises.
At the same time, it is necessary to increase the
competitiveness of the Russian feed base, reducing
the cost, but at the same time maintaining the high
quality of the feed due to the preservation of sugar,
protein, and high nutriency during long-term storage;
increase the productivity of livestock (including
winds, milk production with a high protein content)
and preserve its health; ensuring complete
mechanization and automation of the process from
mowing of herbs to distribution of feed to animals;
reduction of fuel consumption up to 40%; reduction
of first-class fodder harvesting time; increasing the
degree of return on the use of land: with a feed
conveyor and several slopes.
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Altukhov, A.I. (2019). The paradigm of food security.
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Altukhov, A.I. (2020). Food security in the context of the
implementation of the new version of its doctrine.
Bulletin of the Kursk State Agricultural Academy, 9: 82-
Federal State Statistics Service, 2021. Retrieved from
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(2020). Competitiveness of a Multicultural Region’s
Economy: Measuring and Provision. Public
Administration and Regional Management in Russia.
Contributions to Economics. Springer, Cham.
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E.Yu. (2015). Increasing the economic efficiency of
using forage grain. Ekonomika i predprinimatel'stvo,
10-1 (63): 580-582.
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(2012). Pricing. Moscow: The publishing company
Dashkov and K.
Panova, E.O. (2020). Factors and reserves of increasing
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yesterday, today, tomorrow, 7: 73-84.
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Tranchenko, L.V. (2014). Modern state and trends in the
development of the feed base. Agricultural Journal,
3(7): 437-441.
Feed Base for Animal Husbandry in the Regions as a Factor of Increasing Food Security and Sustainable Development Ensuring in the
Russian Federation