environment for the formation of responsibility and
adult identity, as well as in obtaining qualifications of
a higher level. (Sheila Riddell, Elisabet Weedon,
We believe that the attention should be focused on
the intersection of career guidance, inclusive
education and the employment of people with
disabilities, as it allows highlighting new perspectives
and aspects for discussing the problems of sustainable
inclusive education.
The issues of career guidance and employment of
people with disabilities are considered by researchers
from different countries. Miles Rinaldi, Rachel
Perkins note that it's necessary to take into account
the factual data when deciding on the employment of
people with disabilities and making
recommendations for a practical solution to this issue
(Miles Rinaldi, Rachel Perkins, 2007). The authors
believe that too often advice and recommendations on
the employment and career guidance of people with
disabilities do not correspond to the available
scientific data and in fact do not help people with
disabilities to get and keep a job. Veronika
Calikovaa, Evgeney Egorov, Elena Razumovskaya
state that employment can in practice ensure life
independence for people with disabilities, and
regional programs are a tool to achieve the goals of
inclusive employment (Veronika Calikovaa, Evgeney
Egorov, Elena Razumovskaya, 2014). Sheila Riddell,
Elisabet Weedon indicate as a problem the conflicting
discourses about disability, as well as a significant
increase in negative identity at the stage of the
transition of disabled people from university to
employment (Sheila Riddell, Elisabet Weedon,
2014). W.Ingamells, S.Rouse, P.Worsfold
W.Ingamells, S.Rouse, P.Worsfold point to
discrimination against the disabled when seeking
employment, which, according to the authors, may be
due to employers' lack of understanding of people
with disabilities (W.Ingamells, S.Rouse, P.Worsfold,
1991). Angus Duff, John Ferguson, Karen Gilmore
emphasize that often, when dealing with employment
issues, employers take the position of compliance
with legal rights of the disabled, rather than delving
into the real needs and opportunities of applicants
(Angus Duff, John Ferguson, Karen Gilmore, 2007).
O.A. Denisova, O.L. Lekhanova note that at present
there is an increase in the quantity of the disabled who
receive vocational education and are focused on
working in their profession. The authors emphasize
that the employer is not always ready to consider
people with disabilities as job seekers, which is
largely due to the low awareness in business sphere
about the real opportunities and competitive work of
people with disabilities. (O.A. Denisova, O.L.
Lekhanova, 2020). Mukta Kulkarni, ReimaraValk
describe paradoxical situations at the employment of
people with disabilities, when disabled employees are
embarrassed to ask for help, and the employer does
not offer help because of the unwillingness to belittle
the dignity of the disabled employee (Mukta
Kulkarni, ReimaraValk, 2010). A number of works
indicate a decrease in social responsibility as well as
consumer sentiment of the disabled. Laufey Lövea,
Rannveig Traustadóttira, James Gordon Riceb note
that the services availability for the disabled limits
their autonomy and negatively affects the desire for
independent life and work (Laufey Lövea, Rannveig
Traustadóttira, James Gordon Riceb, 2018).
Employment problems are often caused by those
deficits that are formed at the stage of vocational
guidance for disabled people. Alois Gherguta,
Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Toma Cozma, studying the
influence of parents and teachers on the choice of a
career by schoolchildren with disabilities, observed a
significant impact of social environment on the
vocational interests of students with disabilities
(Alois Gherguta, Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Toma
Cozma, 2014). According to the authors, teachers and
parents should seek to better understand the special
needs of such children in order to positively influence
their vocational interests and career choices. Some
authors assert that young people with disabilities do
not have a holistic understanding of their personal
qualities and their place in the world, their career and
social prospects. So Kantor V.Z., Antropov A.P.,
Gdalina T.G. believe that high school students with
disabilities need targeted vocational guidance, the
emphasis of which should be on clarifying the
essence of the career, informing about the content and
nature of work in this profession (Kantor V.Z.,
Antropov A.P., Gdalina T.G., 2018). Some
researchers indicate that senior students with
disabilities have a vague idea of theircareer prospects.
Sarah Richard и Sophie Hennekam, analyzing the
awareness of their limitations and resources of the
disabled, highlight the conditions for the formation of
a positive work identity of a disabled person (Sarah
Richard, Sophie Hennekam, 2021).
In general, the available information allows
stating that the correct career choice by a young
disabled person is the matter of intersection of the
interests of the individual and the state in terms of
ensuring conditions for society sustainable
development and global citizenship. The correct
career choice is associated with the ability to
adequately and critically assess their abilities,
opportunities, demands and trends in the labor market
and education resources. The issue of choosing a
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure