Bober, Zh.P. rightly declares that the development
of educational systems needs a new philosophical
theory of sustainable development of society, which
would provide the processes of identifying oneself
with a renewed image of "I" and integrating the
individual with new norms and values. The subject of
education, according to Rubinstein, S.L., as a
"character", "initiates his life, solves problems that
arise in the space of the life of an individual".
Today one can hear more and more often that
“peak psychology” (Vygotsky, L.S.), “psychology of
meanings” and “acmeology” are interrelated. Peak
psychology is considered as a methodology of
acmeology and psychology of meaning, and its
foundations are laid in the psyche in the form of the
archetype of meaning (Fedorkina, A.P.).
Acmeology involves the study of various ways to
achieve acme - "the peaks of human quality in a
person" (Gagin, Yu.A.), “peaks of perfection and
power” (Bransky, V.P.). Supporters of acmeological
education understood that the boundary between two
millennia is a period of radical change in the
understanding of the key methodological problems of
science, this is the result of a rethinking of scientific
knowledge accumulated by mankind throughout the
history of its development. Acmeological trends in
education are associated with updating the
organization of the educational process in accordance
with the new strategic objectives of education, the
design of new academic disciplines that allow the
individual to achieve perfection. People who are
accustomed to being limited in life to the "everyday
I", in the overwhelming majority of cases do not
reveal the "psychological potential of their own
individuality" ( Bodalev, A.A.) and do not realize the
meaning of their life. The stability of their existence
is associated with the formula "I am the same as I was
yesterday and what I will be tomorrow." From the
point of view of E. Bern, learners with closed points
of growth embody the life scenarios of an “embittered
pessimist”, “loser”, “burdened with an inferiority
complex”. In all areas of life: interpersonal relations,
issues of financial well-being, preservation of health,
the "life scenario" leads a person along its own path.
Forms of behavior, ways of reacting and making
decisions, avoiding the consequences of actions and
responsibility for them, are “written in the
unconscious of a person” by his parents, teachers, and
mentors. If a "winner's scenario" is formed, a person
constantly strives for personal growth and
achievement of acme, if the scenario is negative, then
low points of life are constantly outlined on their way
- "cate", leading to catabolic processes - "catabole"
(from the Greek "sliding down"), reducing the
efficiency of its functioning and increasing
dependence on circumstances and people around.
Often, such scenarios lead to a preference for an
asocial lifestyle, manifestations of painful narcissism
and all kinds of behavioral deviations.
Such problems can be solved within the
framework of continuous acmeological education,
since it has the potential to search for the optimal
meaning of life "through a through-line", to assess
resource and reserve opportunities that allow us to
revise destructive tendencies in the manifestation of
life-meaning orientations, to find the reasons for the
loss of life prospects. Pozharsky, S.D. proposed to
draw up a map of an individual acme and an example
of constructing a trajectory of movement to individual
success in the educational process, to plan the stages
of the implementation of an individual life program,
to comprehend catabolic phenomena on the path of
life and the mechanisms for overcoming them.
In acme-oriented education, according to
Kuzmina, N.V., the reflective level of pedagogical
abilities is fully manifested, including three types of
sensitivity: "sense of the object" associated with
empathy and penetration into the psychological world
of the student; “A sense of proportion and tact” as
sensitivity to changes in trainees under the influence
of various means of educational influence, and a
“sense of involvement” in the merits and demerits of
one's own activity and personality, manifested in
relationships. Zharinova, E.N. has developed
acmeological trainings aimed at achieving personal
acme. Within the framework of these trainings, the
life scenarios of the loser are comprehended, the skills
for implementing the winner's scenario are formed,
the life-meaning orientations are revised and the
optimal meaning of the individual's life is actualized.
The optimal meaning of life in an acme-oriented
educational environment is a general line of life that
sets a high bar for active life, and the maximum use
of life reserves on the path of transforming
circumstances and rethinking one's own personality.
The indicated tendencies of acmeological education
are designed to help students to define an individual
acme as the realization of the ideal and the search for
the meaning of life. Through the “top” acme, a person
receives a new qualitative characteristic of reaching
the peak levels of his life activity and creative life,
and an additional characteristic - social maturity as
the highest stage of social development.
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure