learning a foreign language in order to see whether
this method could be introduced and used as the
sustainable method in future education.
However, it is necessary to highlight that we
should be careful while choosing the applications we
would like to use on the online sessions as a powerful
source and tool for studying. To avoid inappropriate
ones we are to try them ourselves first. It would be
wise to add that while choosing the mobile
application for the better learning process you as a
teacher or tutor should take into account that free or
no fee applications are more preferable to suggest
your students on lessons. Hence, in order to enrich
your lessons with engaging activities to keep your
students motivated and simultaneously relaxed
during both synchronous and asynchronous online
sessions you need to choose better one established
application than several typical ones which have not
been tested yet.
In the given article we are focused on examining
the educational value of the popular among students
(and adults too) mobile application Duolingo. Giving
the brief history of this free educational platform
suggesting different languages to learn, underlining
its strong sides, evaluating the progress of the learners
in a graph, as a next step we are to draw conclusions.
The relevance of the topic is provided by the fact
that the recent lockdown has changed our lives
dramatically and in order to adapt to the new
unfamiliar and sometimes depressing conditions is
our main goal. To achieve it we need to think about
the modern equally useful for teachers and students
ways of future learning in the given life
circumstances we were not ready for.
The methodological framework of the study is based
on the comparative method, i. e. the survey containing
learners` answers covering numerous aspects of the
mobile learning that allow to investigate whether so
popular and beloved application Duolingo could be
useful and effective way of teaching and learning a
foreign language or languages. It would be wise to
mention that 60 students of the Naberezhnye Chelny
Institute/the brunch of KFU, Kazan Federal
University (from the freshmen to graduates) were
Also the analytical technique is used while
assessing the contents of the mobile application
Duolingo, its educational value, also taking into
account the data of the surveys which led to further
The experimental data provided in the paper
belong to the authors of the article. Being teachers of
English we have tested this application ourselves
choosing English, Turkish and Arabic languages to
learn. The choice was made deliberately in order to
scrutinize the application from the point of view of a
new learner and advanced one, respectively.
The following works laid fundaments of our
Keegan, D. (2005). The incorporation of
mobile learning into mainstream education and
training. Retrieved from
Keegan, D. (1996). Foundations of Distance
Education. Routledge.
The application under consideration is Duolingo that
is an American language-learning website and mobile
application, as well as a digital language-proficiency
assessment exam. The company uses the so-called
freemium model. Freemium is a blending of the
following words free and premium, in more common
sense is a pricing strategy by which a basic product or
service is provided free of charge, but money (a
premium) is charged for additional features, services,
or virtual (online) or physical (offline) goods that
expand the functionality of the free version of the
software (Guliani, 2017). This business model has
been used in the software industry since the 1980s. A
subset of this model used by the video game industry
is called free-to-play. The analyzed application and
the website are accessible without charge, although
Duolingo also offers a premium service for a fee. As
of 10 February 2021, the language-learning website
and application offered 106 different language
courses in 38 languages. The application has over 300
million registered users across the world (Settles,
2013). Hence, this mobile application is definitely
worth analyzing and underlining advantages and
disadvantages, respectively. While scrutinizing its
relevance and educational value the screenshots
would be added to support statements that were
formulated during our experimental use of the given
application. Three languages, English, Turkish and
Arabic, were chosen to learn by means of Duolingo.
Having used this application for nearly six months we
could outline some of its main working principles.
They are the following.
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure