In modern conditions, with a change in views on
the professional activity of a specialist, the
competence-based approach considered in the works
of Kuramaeva, T.A. (Kuramaeva, 2018), Ulyanina,
O.A. (Ulyanina, 2018), Rakhimov, Zh.B. (Rakhimov,
2018), Repina, E. G. (Repina, 2017) and others,
seems to be relevant.
The problem of coping and getting out of critical,
stressful situations, including the professional sphere,
is devoted to the works of both domestic and foreign
scientists, such as Ponikarova, V.N. Pokudina, T.N.
(Ponikarova and Pokudina, 2019), Starovoit, N.V.
(Starovoit, 2018), Chernomyrdina, T.N.
(Chernomyrdina, 2018), Wilfried F. Admiraal, Fred
A.J. Korthagen and Theo Wubbels (Wilfried,
Korthagen и Wubbels, 2000), Abdukadirova, L.Y.
(Abdukadirova, 2020).
In the modern dynamic and competitively active
world, high requirements are imposed on the
competencies of specialists, the formation of soft
skills as the basis for the success of employees in their
professional activities (Gluzman, Yu.V. (Gluzman,
2019), Batsunov, S.N., Derecha I.I., Kungurova,
I.M., Slizkova, E.V. (Batsunov, Derecha, Kungurova
and Slizkova, 2018), Ivenskikh, I.V., Sorokoumova,
S.N., Suvorova, O. V. (Ivenskikh, Sorokoumova and
Suvorova, 2018), Ponikarova, V.N. (Ponikarova,
2020), Chulanova, O.L., Ivonina, A.I. (Chulanova
and Ivonina, 2017).
The study was conducted in the period from 2007 to
2020, the general population of the sample was more
than 1,500 people, the representative sample was 782
people, pupils, students, teachers and specialists who
implement inclusive education in the Northwestern
Federal District of the Russian Federation. Of the
total number of subjects, 30 people were selected who
went through all stages of the study (experimental
To study professional coping behavior, we used a
set of complementary methods, which included
questionnaires “Methods of coping behavior”
(according to R. Lazarus and S. Folkman)
(Clayburgh, 2004); determination of individual
coping strategies (according to E. Heim) (Clayburgh,
2004); leading ways to overcome professional
difficulties in the field of inclusive education
(according to Ponikarova, V.N.) (Ponikarova, 2000);
expert assessment "The level of risk in professional
activity" (according to Zmanovskaya, E.V.)
(Clayburgh, 2004) and others.
Based on the results of the ascertaining part of the
study, we identified the following types of
professional coping behavior - Adaptive (34% of the
subjects in the control group and 50% in the
experimental group) and the Crush type (24% of the
subjects in the control group and 23% in the
experimental group).
Based on the assessment of coping behavior in
terms of productivity and non-productivity, we can
classify the following types of professional behavior:
Creative, Adaptive, Mix - to conditionally
productive; Smash type - to productive; Crush -
unproductive professional coping behavior.
The Mix type was most often noted by us among
students of secondary vocational educational
organizations, the types of coping behavior Creative
and Smash were observed among students of higher
education, while among students under conditions of
additional vocational education - Adaptive and Crush.
The problems that teachers face in their work are
due to stressful situations in working with children
with disabilities in inclusive educational institutions.
The study made it possible to identify the following
circumstances that present significant difficulties for
The main activities of the teacher of inclusive
Forms of organization of subjects of inclusive
Acquaintance with the legislative and legal
framework for the activities of the teacher of
inclusive education and the implementation of
legal acts;
Providing special educational conditions for
people with disabilities;
Meeting the special educational needs of
people with disabilities;
Professional burnout and professional
The study of problem situations was carried out
according to a number of criteria: the orientation of
social interaction, professionally important qualities
(PIQ), risk factors, functions of coping behavior,
coping strategy, competence, etc.
The analysis of the results of studying the
professional coping behavior of the respondents made
it possible to create a generalized description of the
most significant problem situations.
In accordance with the direction of social
interaction of the subjects of inclusive education, we
have identified three groups of situations:
interpersonal, intrapersonal and extrapersonal.
It should be noted that these types of interaction
to one degree or another, directly or indirectly, are