Understanding of Values by Art Students and Political Science
Students for Personal Development in the Context of Sustainable
Natalia B. Karabushchenko
, Tatiana S. Pilishvili
and Mikhail M. Shtyrev
Philological Faculty, The Department of Psychology and Pedagogics, RUDN University, Miklukho-Maklaya str.6, Moscow,
Keywords: Youth Socio-Political Leadership, Students, Young Artists, Personal Values.
Abstract: The essence of the research is a comparative analysis of the value-semantic sphere of young politicians and
artists as representatives of two different professional groups and leadership trends. The empirical part of the
study involved 165 respondents, including 81 students of the 2, 3, 4 courses of the Academy of Watercolors
and Fine Arts of Sergei Andriyaki and 84 students of political science of 2, 3 courses of the RUDN
University of Russia (Moscow, Russia). To study the value orientations of the individual, the method "Value
Questionnaire" (Sh. Schwartz) was used. The comparative analysis of the obtained results was carried out
using the Mann-Whitney U criterion in the IBM SPSS Statistics 22 program. The specific characteristics
determined by the social and professional activities of young politicians and artists, the nature of the
representatives of the two samples are revealed. Conformism, kindness, universalism, independence and
traditionalism are more characteristic to young artists, while hedonism, power and security distinguish
politically active young people. The results of the research can be used in the development of
recommendations for psychological support of youth political leadership and artistic creativity; in the creation
of training courses for the effective communication skills development, taking into account the of young
politicians and artists value representation.
The relevance of the study of the youth leadership
representatives value-semantic personality sphere is
determined by the need for organizational efforts to
create socially active groups of young men and
women focused on their own development in the field
of political, socially-oriented influence on peers
during socialization. For the youth leadership
representatives in the political and creative
environment, the question of their value orientations,
the ability to realize his own individuality in the self-
development field, creativity in the moral choices
implementation, and the ability to take responsibility
becomes fundamental (Petrie, 2014). Modern youth
leaders work in a constantly changing socio-political
environment, and tasks high-quality performance in
this mode implies the individual and flexible
behavioral strategies development. The leader needs
to take into account the opinions of various segments
of the population and interest groups. (Sims, Gong,
and Hughes, 2017). The leadership value-semantic
component contributes to the fact that a young leader
learns to correctly position himself in the world. A
deep understanding of the world order allows a young
manager to concentrate around himself unique
followers with similar values, due to which not
vertical, but network leadership is carried out, while
all participants maintain their authentic "I" (Song,
Fang, Wang and Shi, 2020). The individual political
socialization process today takes place in a stable
environment without drastic changes in value
orientations. Modern youth leaders make a significant
contribution to our society political culture, for
Karabushchenko, N., Pilishvili, T. and Shtyrev, M.
Understanding of Values by Art Students and Political Science Students for Personal Development in the Context of Sustainable Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0010596207010706
In Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure (ISSDRI 2021), pages 701-706
ISBN: 978-989-758-519-7
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
example, active participation in voluntary
organizations (Andersson, 2020).
A young leader acts as a source of universal
values, which in modern conditions is associated with
his ability to lead various groups of people
(Scherbakova, Misirov, Akopyan and Ogannisyan,
2020). Youth leadership today is constantly searching
for a unique relationships style within and outside of
socio-political movements, the main actors regulating
these relationships will be activists who are able to
offer people global supra-group life meanings, while
taking into account the benefits of the entire world
community (Turska-Kawa, 2011). Today, voluntary
youth meetings should take into account the high
level of the individual self-organization, moreover, it
is important to control the social constructive activity
of the target audience internal motivation level
(Panarin and Nazarova, 2018).
The individual sphere of personality values and
senses is structured by two elements, i.e. the value
orientations system and the individual life meanings,
and in generally accepted concepts it is the core of the
individual, which determines the nature and content
of a person life. Various psychological schools have
been studying the value orientations and life
meanings problems, in particular, A. Adler spoke
about the relationship between behavioral and life
meanings that come from the goal set by the subject
and the nature of its implementation (Adler, 1956).
Representative of another scientific school, K. G.
Jung believed that the existence of a meaning in life
is associated with the setting of a certain goal by a
person. Mental health, according to the scientist,
directly depends on the aspirations of a person to
establish spiritual or cultural goals for oneself (Jung,
1978). According to the logotherapy creator V. Frankl
the main engine of the individual behavioral
development is the search and realization of the
meaning of life, this is an innate motivational
tendency. Logoterpy assumes that the meaning of life
is always outside of a person, which allows a person
to conduct a continuous search and implementation.
S. Muddy attributed meaning to the role of the
personality highest integrative principle. A mature
person clearly divides the types of activities and
selects those that contribute to the realization of the
meaning of his or her life (Maddi, 1999).
In Russian psychological thought, the
development of life-meaning concepts took place
within the framework of the subject-activity
approach. S.L. Rebinstein described meaning as a
product of the self-consciousness development,
which is expressed in the everyday achievements of
the individual. A person is often inclined to rethink
his or her life principles, due to the age-specific
nature of the process, which greatly affects his or her
relationship with himself or herself and the
surrounding reality. Meaning is objective in nature,
so any action always reflects a certain motive, it is
embodied in objective meanings, as A.N. Leontiev
wrote in his works. The meaning of life as a
concentrated descriptive characteristic of the core and
most generalized dynamic semantic system
responsible for the general direction of the subject life
as a whole, considers D.A. Leontiev (Leontiev,
B.S. Bratus' defines values as the fundamental
meanings of a person's life realized and accepted by
him or her (Bratus', 2005). In his writings, M. Rokich
divides values into two classes: instrumental and
terminal, in the general category of stable beliefs.
Instrumental values are a belief that justifies the
choice of the most preferable way for a person to
implement a task. Terminal values are the belief that
the ultimate goal of individual existence is worth all
the effort to achieve (Rokeach, 1973). A.V. Seriy and
M.S. Yanitsky describe the formation of value-
semantic orientations in the format of 3 psychological
processes. The first process of interiorization involves
testing social experience through culture, everyday
life, and traditions that characterize the social
structure of society. The second process is the process
of identification. A person begins to relate himself or
herself to other individuals or groups of people on the
basis of an emotional connection, which subsequently
allows this person to adopt and master the norms and
values of others. The third and final stage is the
internalization process. Conscious and active
perception of the surrounding world by the individual
allows to transform the accepted and realized values
into stable internal qualities. According to the
authors, these processes are conditions for the
individual socialization (Yanitskij, Seryj, Braun,
Pelekh, Maslova, Sokolskaya, Sanzhayeva,
Monsonova, Dagbaeva, Neyaskina, Kadyrov, and
Kapustina, T.V., 2019).
During study of youth political leadership
representatives, significant values were identified for
the selected category of people, such as interesting
work, respect for people, active life, self-confidence,
financially secure life, purposefulness. Thus, the data
obtained on the priorities of modern young leaders
show that the future Russian politicians sphere of
activity is externally aimed at society, while
internally it involves maintaining social status and
position in society (Popova and Riabushko, 2017).
The creative leadership representatives on the
example of artists are more introverted, working with
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure
images, but it is through symbolic images that the
influence on the masses occurs, and therefore their
value content becomes no less important than the
political speech of the leader.
Modern research in the field of studying the
psychological characteristics of the individual
involves the identification of patterns and diverse
aspects in the value-semantic sphere of the individual
in adolescence (Arendachuk, 2018). Nevertheless, the
comparative characteristics of this sphere among
people who make important socially significant
decisions in political and socially significant
activities in comparison with artists as representatives
of creative youth remain insufficiently studied. The
hypothesis of this study was the possibility of
identifying the specific features in the value-semantic
sphere of personality among the representatives of
modern youth political leadership and students of a
leading art university as leaders in the creative sphere.
The practical significance of the research results lies
in the possibility of applying the obtained data in the
development of psychological support programs for
young leaders and creative youth in order to increase
the meaningfulness and humanitarian orientation of
their activities, increase awareness and responsibility
with the resources available to them.
The empirical part of the study involved 165
respondents, including 81 students of the 2, 3, 4
courses of the Academy of Watercolors and Fine Arts
of Sergei Andriyaki and 84 students of political
science of 2, 3 courses of the RUDN University of
Russia (Moscow, Russia). To study the value
orientations of the individual, the method "Value
Questionnaire" (Sh. Schwartz) was used. The
comparative analysis of the obtained results was
carried out using the Mann-Whitney U criterion in the
IBM SPSS Statistics 22 program.
The results of the comparative analysis using the
Mann-Whitney U criterion showed significant
differences in most scales of the methodology.
Moreover, both at the level of nominal ideals and
individual priorities, the same trend can be traced.
The mentality of the Russian political elite is
determined by its characteristic features, i.e. personal
loyalty, general idea consecution and efficiency. This
is due to the need to maintain power and achieve a
strategic goal. However, the results of the
comparative analysis on the "Conformity" scale (U =
2,889 at p = 0.043) specify a different reality. Young
political activists (Cp = 77.21), unlike art students
(Cp = 92.33), are not inclined to follow the majority
opinion, to accept the prevailing social and political
order. This is the category of active, energetic people
who have their own opinion and life position, who
want to bring new ideas and views to the social order.
Young artists are ready to follow the authority, to
adhere to the positions of the school in which their
talent develops. Becoming a human creator is a long
and complex process. Therefore, at the first stage, the
artist must master the craft, at the second the he or she
must become a master, a professional, and at the third
he or she must become a creator. Students are at the
first stage of their development, following the
tradition set by the art school.
According to the "Kindness" scale (U = 2,547 at p
= 0.002), there are also differences between the
samples. The value of human kindness is recognized
by students of art universities more (Cp = 96.56). The
artistic view involves penetration into the inner world
of another person, a willingness to understand their
feelings and experiences, so kindness in relationships
is more appreciated. Art students are somewhat
closed and vulnerable, immersed in their own reality,
that is filled with images, colors, and forms. They see
individuality and uniqueness in everything, e.g. in a
person, in nature, in the urban world, conveying their
attitude and emotions through paintings, sculptures,
miniatures. Politically active young people value
"kindness" to a lesser extent (Cp = 73.28), which is
due to high social activity, focused not on a single
individual, but on communities, large groups and the
population segments. The ambitions of young
managers to make changes in society, in the political
and economic system can distance them from the
difficulties and problems that a particular person
faces. Consequently, the value of personal qualities
aimed at relationships is reduced.
Also, art students (Cp = 95.89) are more
committed to traditions than young politicians (Cp =
73.90). According to the scale of "Traditions" (U =
2,601 at p = 0.003), statistically significant
differences were revealed, indicating the tendency of
a creative person to follow the norms and traditions
that have developed in society, to adhere to the
established canons of the artistic tradition in which
their talent matures. Politically active students are
focused on transformations, both socio-political and
economic-technological. Sometimes they become the
initiators of reforms and changes themselves.
Understanding of Values by Art Students and Political Science Students for Personal Development in the Context of Sustainable Education
Undoubtedly, the political activity involves the
development, without which it is impossible to
adequately position an individual state on the world
stage. Undoubtedly, political activities involve the
development, without which it is impossible to
adequately position an individual state on the world
stage. All innovations should be based on collective
memory, only then they will be relevant to the time
and place.
At a statistically significant level, there were
differences on the "Universalism" scale (U = 2,452 at
p = 0.001). The attention of creative youth (Cp =
97.72) is directed to understanding the surrounding
world, to determining their place in it, to specific
details that reflect the state of nature and a man. The
receptivity to everything external makes art students
more caring and tolerant. They readily oppose the
environmental pollution and support the ecological
balance preservation. Politically active youth (Cp =
72.19) are less care-oriented. The ecological aspect
takes a back seat, as the urban space urbanization, the
production facilities deployment, the use of land
resources, so necessary for the life of the country,
become of primary importance for the politician. And
although the trend for a green economy is beginning
to gain momentum in the world, the Russian
establishment is not yet ready for such changes.
The "Independence" value (U = 2,677 at p =
0.007) also indicates differences between the
samples. Art students (Cp = 94.94) are more likely to
express an independent opinion and to behave
independently. Perhaps they are not always ready to
present their view of the world with ease, but at the
same time they appreciate the freedom of self-
expression. For the creative nature, the spirit of
rebellion and the originality of the ideas expressed in
the period of professional maturity are quite
appropriate and characteristic. In the process of
becoming a political figure, on the contrary,
independence values less and less. This trend begins
to be traced at the student age (Cp = 74.78). The
ability to restrain themselves, to control thoughts and
actions, to follow a certain general idea to achieve a
certain goal allow young activists to work more
effectively in a team.
Hedonistic values are more important for young
politicians (Cp = 95.31) than for artists (Cp = 72.89).
This scale indicates the statistically significant
differences (U = 4,464 at p = 0.003) between the
samples. Thus, artistic natures do not seek sensual
pleasure and enjoyment, while students and political
activists are not alien to hedonistic needs.
Presumably, this fact is due not only to the specifics
of the respondents future activities, but also to the
specifics of the sample. Among artists, there are more
women, and among politicians there are more men.
The intention to achieve a high social status and
gain power is undoubtedly more significant for
politically active young people. The "Power" scale (U
= 4,482 at p = 0.002) also indicates the statistically
significant differences between the samples. Art
students (Cp = 72.67) think differently. Many of them
are well aware that, most likely, their financial life
will not be provided at the proper level, that the
results of their work will not be in demand en masse,
that only a few can achieve fame. In a conversation
with young artists, it turned out that they are attracted
to the very process of creativity. They find
recognition and understanding in narrow circles of
like-minded people. The well expressed introverted
orientation of some respondents indicates an inner
stiffness and tightness, about not wanting to let
anyone into their own world. Many people are
repelled by publicity, and the fear of performing in
front of an audience is present. According to the
classification of E.A. Klimov this professional
activity belongs to the type of "person-artistic image".
It is the images creation, the transmission of
emotional experiences through a creative product that
become the basis for the artist interaction with the
surrounding world. Consequently, power and
domination over other people do not attract them, and
influence through the education of aesthetic feelings
is the goal of creative personalities. Young politicians
(Cp = 95.52), on the contrary, are focused on the
creation of public associations, surround themselves
with followers. Power is expressed in organizational
activity, in the ability to influence the minds of
supporters, in the willingness to transform and
innovate for them. In the professions of the "Man -
man" type, the managerial function is particularly
expressed, but the nature of its manifestation is
different. For professions such as psychologist,
teacher, doctor, etc. it has a connotation of support
and help, and in management and politics it has a
connotation of influence and leadership.
Thus, the differences in the scales of
"Conformity", "Tradition", "Kindness",
"Universalism", "Power" in nominal and personal
values are equally strong. Hedonistic orientations
appeared only in the general profile, at the individual
level no differences were found, and the picture is
also observed with a careful study of the
"Independence" scale. But on the "Safety" scale (U =
4,149 at p = 0.047), statistically significant
differences between the samples were found in the
individual profile. Due to the high level of public
activity, publicity, and representation in various
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure
social networks, young politicians (Cp = 91.69) pay
more attention to their own security. A certain degree
of art students closeness (Cp = 76.78), individualism
and restrained contact reduces the importance of the
value of security.
It should be noted that the value orientations of art
students differ significantly from the life-sense
orientations of novice politicians. On the one hand,
this happens due to the specifics of their social and
professional activities. On the other hand, with the
characteristics of the two samples representatives.
Conformism, kindness, universalism, independence
and adherence to traditions are characteristic of
creative natures, while hedonism, power and security
are characteristic of politically active youth. This fact
indicates that the significance degree of a particular
value for respondents depends on the individual
ideological position, on the acceptance of their place
in society, on the importance of the activity that a
person performs, on the awareness of their vocation
and readiness for creation.
Summarizing the results of the study, it is possible to
identify the specific features of students of artistic and
political education profiles.
So, young politicians are more active, building
their own development strategy. Even at a small stage
of development, future managers are aware of the
effectiveness of their own activities, which inevitably
leads to a decrease in the value of personal qualities
aimed at relationships. For young politicians, it
becomes important to acquire power resources, due to
which they see the possibility of their own influence
on their circle.
Young artists tend to allocate their time and effort
to develop the skills that are characteristic to the
masters, following a certain tradition. They are
characterized by kindness as a value, which allows
them to penetrate into the inner world of another
person, to empathize with him or her. They are less
satisfied with their life activities results over the past
period of life than future politicians, so they are not
alien to new sensory experiences. At the same time,
young artists strive to realize themselves within the
framework of existing traditions. The value of
"universalism" is expressed more among young
artists. The representatives of this group are
distinguished by greater independence, asceticism,
the ability to accept other people, the willingness to
protect nature and the world around them, and the
desire to come to the aid to a stranger.
The prospects of the research consist in further
comparative study of the value-semantic aspects of
political leadership and creative activity of young
artists when comparing different groups, taking into
account their professional activities.
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ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure