The annual economy staffing needs are covered
mainly by educational organizations graduates, as
well as partly by retraining the unemployed,
interregional and foreign labor migration (Sigova,
2009). At the same time, the potential of personnel
professional training and retraining is not taken into
account by authors specializing in forecasting the
economy need for qualified personnel (Subanakova
and Byuraeva, 2018).
Official and scientific-based methods are focused
on the offer of educational services that are formed at
the higher, secondary and primary levels of
professional training. Modern realities dictate the
need for education level continuous improvement and
competencies expansion throughout the entire career.
It requires taking into account the educational
services market opportunities to quickly solve these
problems within the institute additional professional
education framework through the tools of
professional retraining and advanced training of both
persons with secondary vocational and (or) higher
education, and those in the process of obtaining the
education. It should also be taken into account that
thanks to digital educational technologies and
distance learning, the response time of the
educational services market to the current economy
demands is reduced to several months (Lee and Choi,
Cho, 2019).
Another important addition to the training system
intersectoral modeling methodology at the regional
level is to take into account structural changes in the
economy within a single forecast period (in this study
– a year). Regional specifics, expressed in the
contrasting seasonality of the activities number (in
particular, in the agro-industrial and recreational-
tourist complexes) (Tsehla and Plugar, 2017), dictate
the need for the labor market flexible adaptation to
irregular demand, which, to a certain extent, may also
be solved within the framework of additional
professional education institution.
Testing of the methodology for modeling the
personnel training system in the digitalization
conditions was carried out on the example of the
Republic of Crimea, a region that has a pronounced
seasonality of the main budget-forming industries
As input parameters that determine the overall
dynamics of the additional professional education
market development in the region, the indicators were
considered, the official forecast of which is given in
regional and sectoral development programs, as well
as the Republic of Crimea Socio-Economic
Development Strategy until 2030, i.e. the growth rate
of the economy by the activity type, the number of
employees for the current period, the average salary
(and the index of its growth) by economic sector, the
volume of investment, the labor resources use
seasonality coefficient by type of economic activity.
Forecast indicators of the economy dynamics and
investment activity in the context of economic
activities are also reflected in the annual forecasts of
the Republic of Crimea socio-economic
development, officially published by the Ministry of
Economic Development of the region.
According to current documents and official
statistics, the Republic of Crimea is expected to
prioritize the development of health resorts and
tourism, healthcare, agro-industrial and fisheries
complexes, chemical industry and construction. This
is confirmed by the dynamics of the gross regional
product of the Republic of Crimea for 2015-2019,
presented in Table 1. The largest specific weight is
occupied by trade and real estate operations (on
average, 16.0% and 11.0%). The share of agriculture,
manufacturing and public administration (9.0%),
healthcare (8.0%) and construction (7.0%) is a bit
lower, but at a fairly high level.
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure