Professional Development and Qualification of Health Care
Managers in the Conditions of the COVID 19 Epidemiological
Kamelia Bogdanova
and Galina Chaneva
Faculty of Public Health, Medical University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
Keywords: Managers, Management, Competencies, Program, Covid-19.
Abstract: In the conditions of epidemiological situation the responsibility and the increased requirements to the
healthcare managers significantly increase. Determining the competencies of management staff in a pandemic
is a complex process that requires the use of various methods and tools to identify problems related to the
situation. The main task of managers is to prevent or limit the spread of coronavirus in hospitals. Healthcare
managers are required to have competencies in the following areas: conflict management; motivating
employees; solving problems; information analysis; control; organizing; coordination. Achieving the goals of
each organization depends on the human factor and its effective management. Finding the right ways and
approaches to deal with problems is among the most important management functions of managers. The
effectiveness of health care and its management are related to medical professionals and their motivation to
work. On the other hand, managers must be motivated to develop their competencies and professional skills,
as a condition for quality of the management and creating an optimal organization of work. The purpose of
the present work is to consider the main management functions of the healthcare managers and to determine
the main aspects for continuous development of their competences in epidemiological situation as a condition
for improving management efficiency and quality of health care.
The sustainable development of health facilities in the
competitive environment of the market economy
depends on their ability to provide affordable and
effective medical care. The healthcare is an important
part of them and their quality is a major factor in
patient satisfaction, as a condition for economic
stability of health structures. All this determines the
role of healthcare managers and emphasizes the
importance of their competencies to achieve optimal
organization and favorable working environment in
providing health services in accordance with public
needs and modern understandings of the quality of
medical care (Dobrilova, 2014; Bogdanova, 2019;
Dimitrova, 2019).
Healthcare managers are required to perform
complex management responsibilities because
traditional boundaries between administrative and
medical management are gradually disappearing
(Slipovic and Masic, 2012). Their knowledge and
skills in planning, organizing, directing and
controlling financial, human and material resources
largely determine the effectiveness of health services
(Moore et al. 2002). It is also necessary for these
managers to have behavior which is specific to
healthcare management, and in addition they must
observe the concepts inherent in nursing (Chaneva,
2015; Chaneva et al., 2016).
The responsibility of healthcare managers and
their requirements increase significantly in the
context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Diagnosing the
competencies of management staff, in an
epidemiological environment, is a complex process
that requires the use of various methods and complex
approaches to identify all problematic situations in
hospital structures (Bogdanova and Trendafilova,
2020). The main task for managers is to prevent or
limit the spread of coronavirus in hospitals (World
Health Organization, 2019).
Bogdanova, K. and Chaneva, G.
Professional Development and Qualification of Health Care Managers in the Conditions of the COVID 19 Epidemiological Situation.
DOI: 10.5220/0010596507190723
In Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure (ISSDRI 2021), pages 719-723
ISBN: 978-989-758-519-7
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Although there is no clear definition of the main
competencies and skills required of managers, it is
generally accepted that further academic and
professional development are necessary for the
competent performance of management functions
(Williams and Ewell, 1996).
The dynamic external environment and the
growing social demands require a steady increase in
the cost of knowledge needed to the standards of best
management practice. This is a prerequisite for the
competitiveness and economic stability of health
structures and determines the main aspects of the
strategy for the development of medical institutions
(Slavkova, 2019; Bogdanova and Trendafilova,
The nursing profession is changing in conformity
with the development of medical science and
practice. This hampers the differentiation of
autonomous functions and responsibilities of nurses.
In response to the WHO's provisions regarding
healthcare standards in the practice of European
countries, it is needed a new approach to nursing care,
which will contribute to improving professional skills
for analysis of the patient condition and using of
individual care plan. (Dimitrova, 2019).
The purpose of the present work is to consider the
main management functions of the healthcare
managers and to determine the main aspects for
continuous development of their competences in
epidemiological situation as a condition for
improving management efficiency and quality of
health care.
The object of the study is healthcare management in
hospital wards in epidemiological situation of Covid
- 19. The study is based on analysis of existing
research and literature sources related to the nature
and development of the competencies of health care
managers and the organization of healthcare in
conditions of coronavirus pandemic. In accordance
with the main management functions, the main
aspects of a program for continuous development and
enhancement of the professional competencies of
healthcare managers in the context of the Covid-19
pandemic have been identified.
There are different frameworks for defining
managerial competencies (Dixon, 2006; Groothooff,
2009; Georgieva et al. 2017). They are usually
associated with certain skills or combinations of skills
depending on various factors, such as the level of
management, the level of development of the health
system, staff qualifications, the organization of work
in the health structure and others (Calhoun et al.,
2002; Liang, 2013). Effective health care
management requires managers to have competencies
in the following areas: conflict management;
motivating employees; solving problems;
information analysis; control; organizing;
coordination. In this context, the basic management
skills are identified, the improvement of which is
necessary for the development of the competencies of
managers: making decisions based on evidence;
administration and management of resources;
knowledge of the health environment and the
organization; communication skills and management
of interpersonal relationships; leadership; initiative
and innovation (Liang, 2018; Bogdanova and
Trendafilova, 2020).
Achieving the goals of each organization depends
on the human factor and its effective management.
Finding the right ways and approaches to deal with
problems is among the most important management
functions of managers (Pachev, 1999; Savov, 1999).
This emphasizes the importance of managers'
communication skills for effective human resource
management in accordance with the interests of the
organization and the members of the work team.
The efficiency of management and the quality of
health care are closely related to the motivation of
staff. To a large extent, it is determined by the socio-
economic conditions, but it does not reduce the role
of healthcare managers. The creation of a favorable
working environment and the motivation of the staff
depend on their qualification and professional skills
(Bogdanova, 2019; Jooste and Klipert, 2002). On the
other hand, managers must be motivated to develop
their competencies and professional skills, as a
condition for quality of the management and creating
an optimal organization of work (Bogdanova and
Trendafilova, 2020). The motivation of health care
managers to improve their skills and develop
competencies is related to the prospects for their
career development (Basarov, 2003; Dimitrov, 2009).
They should be informed of the hospital
management's assessment of the accordance of their
knowledge and skills with the requirements for the
positions held. They must also have a clear idea of
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure
what they need to achieve as a result of the training,
such as the level of knowledge and skills, abilities and
behavior, and what change in pay new knowledge and
skills lead to, which increases the motivation of
healthcare workers. This emphasizes the need for a
program for continuous development of
competencies and improving the professional skills of
The program should be based on a system for
monitoring the competencies of health care managers,
as a condition for the relevance, effectiveness and
practical applicability of training in accordance with
the standards for quality of health services (Pachev,
1999; Calhoun et al., 2002 Slipovic and Masic, 2012;
Bogdanova and Trendafilova, 2020). The
professional development of health professionals
depends not only on their training in educational
institutions, but is largely determined by the
opportunities for improvement in the workplace.
Each medical institution must invest resources and
energy for training, continuous qualification and
professional development of its employees in
accordance with the principles of "continuity of
training", "interdisciplinary" and "multidisciplinary"
approach, as a basis for achieving effective and
sustainable development of health structures. This
creates conditions and prospects for career
development and provides the necessary attachment
and motivation by linking between the personal and
organization goals (Chaneva, 2005; Bogdanova,
The application of management methods and
tools in the organization of health care in the hospital
ward is an important condition for the quality of their
management. Continuous informing about the
novelties in the organization of care and the
application of management methods is a prerequisite
for improving the quality and efficiency of medical
care. This can be achieved by developing and
introducing a unified model of healthcare
management, which will regulate the rights and
obligations of healthcare managers and ensure better
organization in the medical institution. The
application of such model requires managers and
healthcare professionals to have the relevant
competencies, knowledge and professional skills
(Bogdanova, 2019).
The introduction of documents that describe the
procedures and elements of the process of health care
in hospital wards help to ensure their quality. Such
documents are the healthcare protocols and technical
slips, which determine the standard performance of
care and their level of quality. Their development and
implementation is carried out by the head nurse at the
hospital, with the participation of the best specialists
(Bogdanova, 2019).
The spread of Covid 19 infection in the last year
has affected all spheres of public life around the
world. Coronavirus (Covid-19) is a respiratory virus
that is transmitted by airborne droplets, by touching
infected surfaces or directly by hand-nose, hand-eye,
hand-mouth, hand-hand, but only if the hand of a
healthy person had contact with a sick person. The
symptoms of the virus are cough, fever, difficulty
breathing, muscle aches and fatigue and others.
Coronavirus has imposed rules and requirements
in hospitals and changed the management and
organization of health care. In the wards for treatment
of the infection, rules for disinfection, putting on
special work clothes, washing hands, regime of
entering and leaving the ward have been introduced.
The main problem for healthcare managers in an
epidemiological situation is finding medical
professionals who are trained to work in a situation of
emergency anti-epidemic measures. The application
of modern management methods and tools is directly
related to the implementation of current information
technologies and the competencies of managers for
their use. This allows correct data analysis and
provides greater opportunities for quality control and
assessment as a factor for effective work
All this confirms the need to create conditions for
continuous development of manager competences
and qualification increase of healthcare professionals
in the epidemiological situation.
The strategies to prevent or limit the spread of the
disease in health facilities include the following:
providing triage, early detection and control of the
source, isolating patients with suspected infection,
applying standard precautions for all patients and
staff, applying empirical additional precautions
measures in case of suspicion of cases of infection,
implementation of administrative control, use of
environmental and engineering control (World
Health Organization, 2019).
Based on the research, in accordance with the
main management functions and WHO
recommendations for preventing and limiting the
spread of coronavirus, the following main aspects of
a program for continuous development and enhancing
the professional competencies of healthcare
managers have been formulated:
I. Increasing the motivation of managers for
professional development in the conditions of Covid
Professional Development and Qualification of Health Care Managers in the Conditions of the COVID 19 Epidemiological Situation
- Participation in seminars for increasing the
knowledge and skills for performing managerial
activity in the epidemiological situation;
- Updating management goals;
- Analysis and synthesis of the results of
healthcare management.
II. Continuous training to improve
management skills:
- Participation in specialized training courses
for care in the epidemiological situation;
- Planning and implementation of new
management activities;
- Participation in management projects.
III. Use and introduction of management
methods and tools, appropriate and applicable in the
epidemiological situation:
- Development and introduction of funds for
planning, organization and control of health care;
- Training and control of medical specialists
on the application and use of protective equipment
and measures at work;
- Implementation of assessment system for
patients on admission;
- Application of standard precautions for all
- Application of additional precautions.
IV. Development of communication skills and
dealing with conflict situations:
- Planning activities to increase the
effectiveness of communication with staff and
management of conflict situations before they occur.
V. Improving the skills to motivate staff and
apply appropriate management styles:
- Planning and implementing of different
management styles;
- Study of staff motivation and application of
means to stimulate and motivate staff.
The results of the study provide a basis for optimizing
the training for skills acquisition to competent
performance of management functions in a pandemic.
Healthcare managers must have all the necessary
knowledge to prevent and limit the spread of Covid-
19 infection in healthcare facilities. The program for
continuous development of their competencies
requires them to have skills for working with
databases and software products, providing
continuous access to the information needed to make
timely and adequate management decisions.
Continuous training and competence
development of healthcare managers provides
prospects for career development which is a factor for
their motivation. This is an essential aspect of the
human resources development and important part of
the strategy for high competitiveness and sustainable
development of the hospitals.
The program for competence development of
managers will help to increase the quality and
efficiency of health care in the context of the Covid-
19 pandemic. This program must be constantly
adapted in accordance with a system for monitoring
the competencies of health care managers and their
motivation for professional development. In this way,
the functioning of health structures and work
organization will be improved, which is a prerequisite
for quality and efficiency of medical care and a
condition for economic stability of the medical
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Professional Development and Qualification of Health Care Managers in the Conditions of the COVID 19 Epidemiological Situation