7. The problems of information support for career
guidance activities for higher education institutions
remain, i.e. the lack of a systematic approach to
providing access to a digital platform that integrates
information about the labor market and the
educational services market; the low level of
applicants awareness about existing information
systems and services that promote professional self-
determination, which makes it difficult to solve the
information asymmetry problem. It is paradoxical
that the current problem manifests itself in the
conditions of increasing education system
information openness (Mertsalova, 2015), due to the
ICT development and state support (Consultant.ru,
8. University websites weak integration, as the
most popular tool for information interaction, with
information resources containing information about
the graduate employment effectiveness, the
universities effectiveness and rating (rating system
importance is noted by many authors (Mertsalova,
The conducted empirical studies results, confirming
the existence of a relationship between the regional
universities career guidance activity practices and the
applicants professional self-determination, can be
used for practical purposes. A conscious choice of the
most effective practices will permit to optimize the
improving the vocational guidance system costs not
only for higher education institutions, but also for the
vocational guidance system in the region as a whole.
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