note that the funding of local authorities in these
countries is much higher than in the Russian
In France, in communes where the population is
less than 10 thousand people, the municipal police
operates, which maintains public order and public
safety, ensures the peace of citizens in a strictly
defined framework established by law. In this State,
the municipal police is the reserve of the National
Gendarmerie of France and the National Police in the
context of the implementation of the functions of the
criminal police, reports to the mayor and is
accordingly funded from the local budget. This
experience of the municipal police of the V Republic
could be used in the implementation of law
enforcement activities of the internal affairs bodies of
the Russian Federation, this is, first of all, a
competitive procedure for the formation of the
personnel component and detailed regulation of the
powers of officials performing the relevant functions
(Bolotina, 2006).
The main powers of the municipal police officers
are: prevention of offenses, identification of citizens,
video surveillance, inspection of citizens and
inspection of various objects. In the course of their
activities, they also have the right to apply a number
of coercive measures, such as physical force, special
means (Khusyainov, 2016; Kešetović, 2013).
In the experience of the development of the US
law enforcement system, you can find an example
when the local government itself “serves and
protects” by creating a special service of US sheriffs.
Sheriff – an official elected by the population of the
district for 2-4 years, whose main responsibility is to
maintain law and order in the district entrusted to him.
As the head of the county police, the American sheriff
has fairly broad powers in the field of public order
protection: he arrests, brings offenders to court, and
is authorized to use weapons against them
(Golovanova, 2016; Wilson, 2003; Payne, 2004).
The creation of the municipal police in the Russian
Federation should lead to a further increase in the
active participation of citizens in the protection of
public order and ensuring public safety, as well as in
the provision of assistance to law enforcement
agencies in ensuring public order and public safety, in
the prevention and suppression of offenses.
In 2016, also by the deputies of the Duma faction
of the political party “Fair Russia” was re-attempt to
create a municipal police force in the Russian
Federation by introducing a new bill number 385-7
“On the municipal police in the Russian Federation”,
as a result of this bill will be enacted from January 1,
2018 has proposed the creation of the standards with
The creation of the municipal police was proposed
to include in its composition such services as part of
the duty, patrol units for the execution of
administrative law, commissioners of municipal
police, as well as a number of other units that were to
perform the functions conferred upon a municipal
police Department in the proposed bill.
The adoption of this bill should have to be
subjected to significant changes, but rather to abolish
a number of units of the Ministry of internal Affairs
of the Russian Federation, in particular police unit
that performs the functions of protection of public
order and functionally performs the powers that were
supposed to be passed the municipal police
(Golubykh, 2017).
The adoption of a decision on the reorganization
of a number of divisions of the internal affairs bodies
and the transfer of their powers to the municipal
police is essentially a very serious step and should
have a significant argument, so it is not surprising that
this bill has not received support.
Undoubtedly, when developing this legislative
project, the authors did not take into account all the
difficulties that were expressed in the shortcomings
of this draft law, related to the sources and procedure
of funding, as well as in the technical support of the
activities of the municipal police, and the issues of
determining the service in this structure.
A number of Russian scientists in their scientific
publications have considered issues related to the
creation, organization and functioning of the
municipal police.
In his article on the draft law on municipal police,
R. A. Zhuravlev believes that for the creation of a
municipal police, first of all, a transition period of 2-
3 years is necessary, in which the legal, material,
technical, financial and organizational bases for the
functioning of the municipal police would be created
(Zhuravlev, 2017).
At the same time, at present, the need to create a
municipal police in Russia among scientists is
considered a fairly controversial topic.
In his research, I. V. Ivanko says that due to the
lack of material and legal prerequisites at the
necessary level, as well as due to the low
development of civil society, it is premature to talk
about the process of forming a workable, meeting all
the requirements of modern society, municipal police
(police) on the territory of the Russian Federation
(Ivanko, 2011).