Few recent developments with regard to attributes
are worth considering for future studies. Gonzalez
(2019) focuses on the aspect of variation in attribute
importance measures and highlights the need for
reporting how these measures are obtained for better
comparison and interpretation. Though previous
literature is used to select the attributes in our present
study, Webb etal. (2021) has used best-worst scaling
survey to come up with certain criteria to guide
attribute selection for discrete choice experiments.
There are some shortcomings to this research.
Convenience sampling method was deployed to
collect the data because of limited availability of
manpower and resources. Therefore, the results
obtained in the study may not represent the entire
tourism sector. Orthogonal array design method was
applied in converting the full factorial design into a
smaller one that was finally used for the survey. There
could be some initial biases in the respondents due to
the order of survey questions, which could have been
reduced by randomizing the order of questions.
Lastly, this study was conducted for the Indian
tourism market and hence, all results might not be
directly extended to other regions. However, there is
good scope for future research broadening the
findings from this study, which can improve the
quality of tour packages provided and thereby the
global tourism industry.
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