eralization of the obtained results. Only five open-
source projects were considered for evaluation, writ-
ten in the same programming language (Java) and
considering a single version. However, we performed
cross-project validation, for each prediction model we
used four other projects to validate it.
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via bugs and changes. Our approach exploits a neural
network model to predict reliability considering two
relevant aspects: post-release defects and changes ap-
plied during the software development life cycle. The
CK metrics are used as independent variables in the
prediction model.
Five open-source projects are used to design the
experiments, two major perspectives being explored,
both using cross-project experiments: to identify the
optimum weight values for bugs and changes and to
discover the proper project used for training.
The results show that for both cross-project exper-
iments, the best accuracy is obtained for the models
with the highest weights for the bugs, thus 75B25C
and that the appropriate project to be used as training
is the PDE project.
As one of our future work, we aim to extend the
proposed model for reliability prediction and to bet-
ter emphasize its applicability through more case-
studies. At the same time, further investigation on
how to empirically determine the metric weights will
be considered.
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Towards a Neural Network based Reliability Prediction Model via Bugs and Changes