tion techniques and socio-economicstudies looking at
the impact of a 9 GCHF science project in the middle
of Europe, were conducted in collaborations of over
150 universities and finally published in 2019 within
the Conceptual Design Report for a Lepton (FCC-ee)
and Hadron (FCC-hh) Collider in (CDR, 2019a) and
(CDR, 2019b). The 2020 Update of the European
Strategy for Particle Physics listed the further investi-
gation of the FCC as one of three main priorities and
thus launched a Technical Design Report.
At this stage, in-depth studies like geodetic mea-
surements for possible placements of the tunnel,
structural simulations, material handling during con-
struction, power supply, emergency scenarios and
many more are conducted to estimate feasibility, cost
and construction time. One of these studies concerns
the automation of maintenance, inspection and emer-
gency handling along the 100 km long FCC tunnel.
The automation of these tasks plays a significant role
for downtime, reliability and safety of particle accel-
erators and decreases the radiation exposure of work-
ers. Since these tasks require various adept mechan-
ical interactions with its environment in a huge work
space, the study suggested a rail-based robotic system
with a highly redundant manipulator for the FCC tun-
Based on this suggestion for a generic robot
layout, this paper presents the applied methods to
find a robot design with low production costs, low
robot weight and lowest possible energy consump-
tion, while providing the required precision. Further-
more the robot needs to perform most diverse kinds of
operations from maintenance over inspection to emer-
gency handling, while moving in the complex envi-
ronments of the FCC-ee and FCC-hh tunnels.
In section 2 the environment, given tasks and de-
rived requirements are presented. Some assumptions
and an initial, tentative robot topology are shown in
section 3. Section 4 describes the modelling of the
robot, optimization techniques and objectives as well
as the final optimal robot topology. Then, in section
5 the prototype for future proof of concept studies is
presented and the last section 6 discusses the conclu-
sions drawn from this work.
The FCC tunnel will have an inner diameter of 5.5
m and host two different configurations, first a lepton
collider (the FCC-ee) and then a hadron collider (the
FCC-hh) shown in figures 2 and 3, respectively.
The upper section A of the tunnel is separated
by the ceiling B and will be used for smoke and he-
lium extraction in case of emergencies. The ceiling B
will also function as the support structure for the rail-
based robotic system. Several fire doors divide the
tunnel into about 400 m long sections, through which
the robot can pass via automated hatches. Thus, the
robot space is limited to the area C, when traveling
along the tunnel axis. Further installation material D
like cable trays, fiber optics, helium recovery, com-
pressed air and water pipes are placed on the left and
right side of the cross-section. The floor G consists
of reinforced concrete and embeds a fresh air duct H
and a water drain I. The FCC-ee layout furthermore
contains the booster ring E and the e+/e- ring F and
the FCC-hh layout the cryostat J and the cryogenic
distribution line K.
Figure 2: Cross-section FCC-ee.
In these environments the robotic system has to
be able to handle different maintenance and inspec-
tion tasks. This requires the robot to reach a specific
position and orientation (indicated with arrows in fig-
ures 2 and 3) while providing the necessary precision.
The most diverse tasks, based on experience from in-
terventions in the LHC, are:
• BLM Inspection (I): The Beam-Loss-Monitor
sensors, described in (Holzer et al., 2012), on the
right and left side of E and J, detect the loss of
particles of the beam. These sensors need to be
tested regularly by approaching them with a ra-
dioactive source while reading the sensor values.
• Vacuum Leak Detection (II): Loss of the vac-
uum in the cryostats can lead to fatal destruction,
see incident in 2008 (M. Bajko, 2009). In case
the vacuum pumps detect a leak, the robot has to
move to the corresponding section and inject he-