to be managed, and then connect it to the public
key derivation structure when the number of ad-
ditional tokens has been reduced as much as pos-
sible. For instance, with reference to our running
example, Figure 6(b) illustrates on the left the key
derivation hierarchy obtained managing, in the or-
der, the purchase of a by β, of c by γ, of b by β,
of e by α, and of b by γ starting from the initial
configuration in Figure 1. Figure 6(b) illustrates
on the right the key derivation hierarchy obtained
managing the same purchases in batch. While the
first strategy implies the addition of 8 tokens, the
second one costs only 6 additional tokens.
• Additional nodes. The data owner might con-
sider, when managing purchases, to insert addi-
tional nodes in the hierarchy to possibly reduce
the number of tokens that will be needed in the
future. Indeed, the presence of a node in the hi-
erarchy representing a set R of resources could be
profitably used by any customer buying a superset
of R, saving in the number of tokens. Indeed, if
at least two customers buy a superset of R, there
is an advantage in having R in the hierarchy, in
terms of the number of tokens payed by the data
owner to manage the two purchases by the two
customers. The data owner can therefore decide,
when a customer buys a set R of resources, to ma-
terialize the node representing R, if she is confi-
dent on the fact that other customers will be inter-
ested in the same set. The data owner pays an ad-
ditional token when first inserting R, but she may
experience a saving in the future. For instance,
with reference to the initial configuration of the
key derivation hierarchy in Figure 1, to manage
the purchase of resources a and b by β, the data
owner might decide to create a new node ab pay-
ing 3 tokens. If, after some time, also δ and ε buy
these resources, it would be sufficient to insert a
token from k
to k
for δ and from k
to k
for ε, saving on the number of tokens inserted to
manage the three purchases (7 tokens instead of
9 tokens). Figure 6(c) illustrates the resulting key
derivation hierarchy.
The adoption of selective encryption for enforcing ac-
cess restrictions in digital data market scenarios, cou-
pled with smart contracts deployed on a blockchain,
has first been proposed in (De Capitani di Vimercati
et al., 2019). Our solution, while sharing with the
proposal in (De Capitani di Vimercati et al., 2019) the
use of selective encryption and key derivation for en-
abling data owners to maintain control over their re-
sources in the data market, nicely complements it. In-
deed, our techniques for minimizing the size of the to-
ken catalog and for limiting the number of additional
tokens implied by the management of each purchase
can be used in combination with the protocols for re-
source purchase presented in (De Capitani di Vimer-
cati et al., 2019).
The adoption of selective encryption, possibly
combined with key derivation, has been widely
adopted in data outsourcing scenarios, which are
characterized by data owners storing their resources
on the premises of non fully trusted cloud providers
(e.g., (Bacis et al., 2016; De Capitani di Vimercati
et al., 2010; De Capitani di Vimercati et al., 2016)).
These approaches however operate in a different sce-
nario and aim at enforcing a (quite static) authoriza-
tion policy defined by the data owner. Also, the key
derivation hierarchy is organized to model the access
control lists of resources (i.e., nodes represent groups
of users), in contrast to capability lists. Changes in the
authorization policy can imply both grant and revoke
of privileges as decided by the data owner, who is in-
terested in limiting her intervention to enforce policy
Other lines of work close to ours are re-
lated to the adoption of blockchain and smart
contracts for data management and access control
(e.g., (Di Francesco Maesa et al., 2017; Kokoris-
Kogias et al., 2020; Nguyen et al., 2019; Nguyen
et al., 2021; Shafagh et al., 2017; Zichichi et al., 2020;
Zyskind et al., 2015)), and privacy and security in
cloud computing (e.g., (Donida Labati et al., 2020;
Zhang et al., 2020)). These approaches are however
complementary to ours, as they do not consider selec-
tive encryption and key derivation for enforcing ac-
cess restrictions to traded resources, and do not con-
sider the peculiarities of data markets.
We studied the management of purchases of resources
in a data market scenario, by properly modifying the
key derivation structure used to enforce access restric-
tions. We proposed two alternative solutions, aimed
at minimizing the overall number of tokens and the
number of additional tokens necessary to support each
purchase, respectively. We also discussed improve-
ments for further reducing the number of tokens nec-
essary to enforce purchases. Our work leaves room to
future works, aimed at comparing the two strategies in
a real world environment to determine which solution
should be preferred in different application scenarios.
SECRYPT 2021 - 18th International Conference on Security and Cryptography