Neural Networks based Software Development Effort Estimation: A
Systematic Mapping Study
Fatima Ezzahra Boujida
1 a
, Fatima Azzahra Amazal
1 b
and Ali Idri
2 c
LabSIV, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Ibn Zohr University, BP 8106, 80000 Agadir, Morocco
Software Projects Management Research Team, ENSIAS, Mohammed V University,
Madinate Al Irfane, 10100 Rabat, Morocco
Systematic Mapping Study, Software Development Effort Estimation, Artificial Neural Networks.
Developing an efficient model that accurately predicts the development effort of a software project is an im-
portant task in software project management. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are promising for building
predictive models since their ability to learn from previous data, adapt and produce more accurate results. In
this paper, we conducted a systematic mapping study of papers dealing with the estimation of software devel-
opment effort based on artificial neural networks. In total, 80 relevant studies were identified between 1993
and 2020 and classified with respect to five criteria: publication source, research approach, contribution type,
techniques used in combination with ANN models and type of the neural network used. The results showed
that, most ANN-based software development effort estimation (SDEE) studies applied the history-based eval-
uation (HE) and solution proposal (SP) approaches. Besides, the feedforward neural network was the most
frequently used ANN type among SDEE researchers. To improve the performance of ANN models, most
papers employed optimization methods such as Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization
(PSO) in combination with ANN models.
Over the last decades, software effort estimation
techniques have seen increasing demand among re-
searchers and practitioners. The researchers working
in the software development effort estimation (SDEE)
field are facing greater challenges in order to produce
a measurement tool that accurately estimates the de-
velopment effort. In this regard, a reliable estimate of
software effort is crucial to ensure that time and bud-
get constraints are met (Sommerville, 2010). Erro-
neous estimates can lead to situations where the soft-
ware cannot be produced on time and within the bud-
get set in the initial planning, which in turn may result
in loss of contracts (Jones, 2007).
To get accurate estimates, several SDEE models
have been developed. They can be grouped into three
main categories (de Barcelos Tronto et al., 2008):
(1) Parametric models (Boehm, 2000; Mendes, 2008)
which presume that the function expressing the Rela-
tionship between effort and software attributes has a
well-defined form; (2) Machine learning (ML) mod-
els (Wen et al., 2012; Huang et al., 2008; Kumar
et al., 2008; Elish, 2009; Shepperd and Schofield,
1997; Ahmed and Muzaffar, 2009) which rely on the
use of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques such as
case-based reasoning (CBR) (Idri et al., 2015; Idri
et al., 2002a; Idri and Zahi, 2013; Idri et al., 2019;
Idri, 2002), decision trees (DT)(Idri and Elyassami,
2011), genetic algorithms (GA) and artificial neural
networks (ANN) (Idri et al., 2002b; Idri et al., 2007);
and (3) Expert judgment (Hughes, 1996) which is
purely based on the experience of one or more ex-
perts in previously completed projects to derive esti-
mates. Machine learning (ML) techniques have re-
cently received special attention from SDEE com-
munity. Wen et al. (Wen et al., 2012) conducted a
systematic literature review (SLR) on the use of ML
models in SDEE. Their SLR revealed that ANN and
CBR were the most frequently used techniques by
SDEE researchers. Further, among the eight ML tech-
niques that were identified in the study, ANN models
were the most accurate in terms of arithmetic mean of
Preds (25) and arithmetic mean MMREs (mPred(25)=
64% and mMMRE = 37%).
Boujida, F., Amazal, F. and Idri, A.
Neural Networks based Software Development Effort Estimation: A Systematic Mapping Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0010603701020110
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2021), pages 102-110
ISBN: 978-989-758-523-4
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ANN models have been widely used among soft-
ware researchers since they have several advantages.
First, they are able to learn from historical data (At-
tarzadeh and OW, 2014) and model complex relation-
ships between effort and cost drivers (Iwata et al.,
2010). Second, it is possible to obtain more accu-
rate estimates with the correct configuration of the
weights (Huang and Chiu, 2007). Third, they can
be adapted to the environmental changes through free
parameters (synapses) (Kamlesh et al., 2019; Kaur
and Singh Salaria, 2013).
As the research area related to the use of ANN
in SDEE has deepened, the number of ANN-based
SDEE papers has increased. Therefore, it becomes
important to summarize the existing works and pro-
vide an overall view. Consequently, it is of crucial
importance to construct a classification scheme and
structure the reported studies on ANN-based SDEE,
in order to understand and facilitate their application.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no system-
atic mapping study has been conducted on the use of
ANN in SDEE. Therefore, in this paper, a systematic
mapping study (SMS) is conducted to investigate the
use of artificial neural networks in SDEE. As stated
in (Kitchenham, 2010), a mapping study aims to
find and classify primary studies in a specific thematic
area. It can be used to identify available literature.
The purpose of this SMS is to: 1) identify the
existing Neural Network-based SDEE papers pub-
lished until 2020; and 2) classify and evaluate the
selected studies with respect to five criteria: publi-
cation source, research approach, contribution type,
techniques used in combination with ANN models
and type of the ANN used.
This paper is organized as follows: Section II re-
ports the research methodology used to conduct our
SMS. Section III presents the results of the mapping
study. Section IV shows the implications for research
and practice. Conclusions and future works are pre-
sented in Section V.
To conduct our study, we adopted the mapping
process suggested by Kitchenham and Charters
(Kitchenham, 2007). According to Ref. (Kitchen-
ham, 2007), the purpose of a mapping study is to find
and classify primary studies related to a specific the-
matic area. This process is based on five steps: (1)
define the mapping questions,(2) conduct an exhaus-
tive search for primary studies, (3) select studies, (4)
extract data, and (5) synthesize data. The description
of each of these steps is given below.
2.1 Mapping Questions
The first step of the mapping process consists on
defining the set of the mapping questions (MQs) to
be addressed. Five MQs were defined. The MQs and
their main motivations are listed in Table 1. These
MQs are related to the properties and categories pre-
sented in Table 2.
2.2 Search Strategy
The objective of this step is to identify the relevant
ANN-based SDEE papers that treat the MQs of Ta-
ble 1. To carry out the search, we used four digi-
tal libraries: IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital library, Sci-
ence Direct and Google Scholar. The IEEE, ACM
and Science Direct were chosen to provide full-text
access to the highest quality engineering and techni-
cal literature. Google Scholar was used to find ad-
ditional relevant studies since it explores other elec-
tronic databases. Note that, these four databases were
used in our previous mapping and review studies (Idri
et al., 2015; Amazal and Idri, 2019; Idri et al., 2016a;
Idri et al., 2016b). They were also adopted by other
researchers to conduct their SMS and SLR such as
Wen et al. (Wen et al., 2012). All searches were lim-
ited to the papers published in the 1993-2020 period.
To conduct the search using the above-mentioned dig-
ital libraries, a search string was constructed. To this
end, we identified the major terms related to our MQs
as well as their synonyms and alternative spellings.
Then, we used the Boolean operators OR and AND
to join synonymous and main terms (Idri et al., 2015;
Amazal and Idri, 2019). The constructed search string
was as follows: (”neural network” OR ”ANN” OR
”MLP” OR ”multi-layer perceptron”) AND (”soft-
ware” OR ”system” OR ”application” OR ”project”)
AND (”cost” OR ”effort”) AND (estimate* OR pre-
To make sure that all papers that address the
MQs of Table 1 were retrieved, we divided the
search process into two phases. In the first phase, we
applied the search string on the four digital libraries
to retrieve the set of candidate studies. In the second
phase, we evaluated each of the candidate papers
using a set of inclusion and exclusion criteria to
decide whether it should be included or rejected. The
evaluation was based on title, abstract and keywords.
In case of doubt, the full text was examined. The
reference lists of all retained papers (papers that
satisfy the inclusion and exclusion criteria) were
checked to ensure that no ANN-based SDEE paper
was missed in the first phase.
Neural Networks based Software Development Effort Estimation: A Systematic Mapping Study
Table 1: Mapping questions.
ID Mapping Question Motivation
MQ1 Which sources are the main targets for ANN To identify the main publication channels targeted
based SDEE papers? by ANN based SDEE studies.
MQ2 What research approaches are applied in ANN To investigate the research approaches most appli-
based SDEE papers? ed in SDEE studies using ANN models.
MQ3 In which contribution types are ANN based To discover the different contribution types of
SDEE papers classified? ANN based SDEE studies.
MQ4 What are the most frequently used techniques To identify the techniques and models that are
and models in combination with ANN based combined with ANN based SDEE models to impr-
SDEE models? ove their performance.
MQ5 What are the main types of ANNs used in To identify the most used types of ANNs in SDEE
SDEE studies? papers.
Table 2: Classification criteria.
Research approach History-based evaluation (HE), solution proposal (SP), case study (CS), review (-
RV), survey (SV).
Contribution type Technique, comparison, validation, metric, model.
Techniques used in Optimization method (Opt), Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO),Clustering tec-
combination with ANN hniques (CT), Use Case Points (UCP), Functional Point (FP), Class Point Analys-
models is (CPA), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Case Based Reasoning (CBR), Bayesian
Regularization (BR), Morphological operator (Mor), Associative Memory Techni-
que (AMT).
Neural network used Feed-Forward Neural Network (FFNN), General Regression Neural Network
(GRNN), Functional Artificial Neural Network (FLANN),Cascade Correlation
Neural Network (CCNN), Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS),
Wavelet Neural Network (WNN), Radial Basis Function Neural Network
(RBFNN), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), Resilient Back Propagation Neural
(RBPNN), Feedforward back-propagation (FBNN), Elman Neural Network
(ENN), Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), Hybrid Neural Network (HNN)
2.3 Study Selection
This step aims to select the relevant studies that an-
swer the mapping questions posed in Table 1. To
this end, we defined a set of inclusion and exclusion
criteria to evaluate each of the candidate studies and
decide on its relevance to our SMS and determine
whether it should be included or discarded. These cri-
teria are linked by the Boolean operator OR and are
given bellow.
Inclusion criteria
Develop, improve or use an ANN-based model
to predict software effort.
Evaluate and/or compare the performance of
an ANN-based SDEE model with that of other
SDEE techniques/models (e.g. linear regres-
sion, decision tree, etc.).
Propose a hybrid model that uses a combina-
tion of neural networks and other techniques to
predict software effort.
Exclusion criteria
Same study with duplicate publications (only
the most complete paper is taken into account).
Studies with focus on how to predict mainte-
nance or testing effort.
Studies with focus on how to predict software
size or time.
Studies estimating effort for construction
2.4 Data Extraction Strategy and
Synthesis Method
Once the studies that are relevant to our SMS have
been selected, the data necessary to address the MQs
were collected. To facilitate data extraction, we used
a data extraction form that we filled out for each of
the selected studies. Table 3 shows the data extracted
from each study. To aggregate evidence and synthe-
size the extracted data with respect to each of the
mapping questions, we used a narrative synthesis ap-
proach. Further, we used some visualization tools
ICSOFT 2021 - 16th International Conference on Software Technologies
such as bar graphs and pie charts to facilitate the anal-
ysis of the results.
Table 3: Data extraction form.
Data extractor
Paper identifier
Author(s) name(s)
Article title
Publication year
Data checker
(MQ1) Publication source
(MQ2) Research approach (History-based evalua-
tion, solution proposal, case study, review, survey)
(MQ3) Contribution type (Technique, comparison
, validation, metric, model)
(MQ4) Techniques used in combination with
(MQ5) Type of the ANN used
This section presents and discusses the results ob-
tained from the 80 selected studies with respect to the
five mapping questions listed in Table 1.
3.1 Overview of the Selected Studies
Figure 1 shows the results of the selection process.
Conducting the search using our search string and the
four digital databases returned 1817 candidate stud-
ies. Since many of them would not be useful to an-
swer the MQs, the inclusion and exclusion criteria
were applied to decide on their relevance to our SMS.
As motioned earlier, the evaluation of the candidate
studies was performed based on keywords, title, ab-
stract and full text. This resulted in 80 selected stud-
ies. No extra relevant papers were found by scanning
the reference lists of the selected studies.
Figure 1: Results of selection process.
The list of selected articles can be sent upon request
to researchers for further research. In addition, the
list will be available in our next systematic literature
review paper.
3.2 Publications Sources and Trends
Two main publication sources were targeted by the
selected studies: journals and conferences. Specifi-
cally, 46 (57.5%) papers came from journals and 34
(42.5%) papers were published in conferences. Ta-
ble 4 indicates the publication sources of the selected
papers with at least 2 papers on the use of ANN in
SDEE. Four journals were identified with 2 studies
addressing the use of ANN in SDEE: Expert Sys-
tems with Applications (ESWA), International Jour-
nal of Information Technology (IJIT), Global Jour-
nal of Computers and Technology (GJCT), and Soft-
ware Engineering Notes (SEN). Two conferences
were identified with 2 papers: International Joint
Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), and World
Congress on Services (SERVICES). The other publi-
cation sources were not listed in the table since they
were used only once to publish ANN-based SDEE
Table 4: Publication sources of the selected studies.
Publication venue Type # of
Expert Systems with Journal 2
Applications (ESWA)
International Journal Journal 2
of Information
Technology (IJIT)
Global Journal of Journal 2
Computers and
Technology (GJCT)
Software Engineering Journal 2
Notes (SEN)
International Joint Conference 2
Conference on Neural
Networks (IJCNN)
World Congress on Conference 2
Services (SERVICES)
To investigate the publication trends of ANN-
based SDEE studies, we analyzed the number of pub-
lished papers over the years. Figure 2 shows the dis-
tribution of the number of papers over the 1993-2020
period. As can be noticed, no ANN-based SDEE pa-
per was found in 1997, 1999, 2002, 2003, and 2006.
Besides, the use of ANN in SDEE has gained research
interest between 2011 and 2019 (74% of the selected
Neural Networks based Software Development Effort Estimation: A Systematic Mapping Study
Figure 2: Publication trends of the selected studies.
3.3 Research Approaches (MQ2)
Five main research approaches were adopted by the
authors of the selected studies as shown in Table
5: Solution Proposal (SP), History-based Evaluation
(HE), Case Study (CS), Review (RV) and Survey
(SV). As can be seen from Table 5, , HE was the most
frequently used approach (89% of papers) followed
by SP (76% of papers). Besides, only 5% (4 out of
80) of the selected papers were reviews or surveys.
It can also be seen that, most of the selected papers
used historical datasets (89%) or Case Studies (4%)
to empirically validate their works.
When investigating the use of the HE approach in
the selected studies, we found that most papers (81%)
used historical datasets to evaluate the performance
of their proposed ANN-based SDEE model or to per-
form a comparison with other SDEE techniques. His-
torical datasets were also employed to study the effect
of some dataset properties on the prediction accuracy
of ANN-based SDEE models.
As for the datasets used to evaluate ANN-based
SDEE models, the selected papers used various
datasets with different sizes and characteristics. Fig-
ure 3 shows the datasets used as well as the number
of papers using these datasets. It can be noticed that,
COCOMO was the most frequently used dataset (27
studies) followed by Nasa (20 studies) and Desharnais
(10 studies). Of the 71 studies using the HE approach,
38 datasets were employed in 108 evaluations. Note
that, each study may perform experiments using more
than one dataset.
Figure 3: Distribution of studies using the HE research ap-
proach over the datasets.
3.4 Contribution Type (MQ3)
By analyzing the contribution types of the selected
papers, ve main contribution types were identified:
Comparison, model, technique, validation and metric.
Figure 4 shows the number of studies per contribution
type. As can be seen, most studies are included in the
Comparison contribution type (87%). These studies
either compared various configurations of the same
ANN-based SDEE model or performed comparisons
with other SDEE models. Researchers were also in-
terested on developing new ANN-based SDEE mod-
els or improving existing ones (66%). Note that, no
tool was developed to estimate software effort using
ANN. This lack of ANN-based SDEE Tools may limit
the use of ANN models to estimate software effort in
Figure 4: Number of studies per contribution type.
3.5 Techniques Used in Combination
with ANN Models (MQ4)
Different techniques were used in combination with
ANN-based SDEE models to overcome a set of diffi-
culties related to (1) the selection of the optimal pa-
rameters; (2) the reduction of the size of the input
characteristics; and (3) the optimization of the num-
ber of neurons in the hidden layer. Figure 5 shows
the techniques used in combination with ANN mod-
els and the number of studies in which they were ap-
plied. It can be seen from Figure 5 that neural net-
works were most often combined with optimization
techniques (Opt) (15%), followed by clustering tech-
niques (CT) and COCOMO model (11% for each).
The most frequently used optimization techniques
were genetic algorithms (GA) and particle swarm op-
timization (PSO). The former was used to optimize
the number of neurons in the hidden layers, reduce
the dimensions of the set of features, or reduce the
complexity of neural network models (Bisi and Ku-
mar Goyal, 2016; Goyal and Bhatia, 2019; Tirimula
et al., 2012; K.S., 2000; Oda and Nakazato, 2016).
The latter was applied for its global classification ca-
ICSOFT 2021 - 16th International Conference on Software Technologies
Table 5: Distribution of ANN-based SDEE research approaches over the years.
Research Approach 1993 - 1999 2000 - 2006 2007 - 2013 2014 - 2020 Total
HE 3 4 27 37 71
SP 4 3 23 31 61
CS 1 0 2 0 3
RV 0 0 1 2 3
SV 0 0 1 0 1
Figure 5: Techniques used in combination with ANN-based
SDEE models.
pabilities and to adjust the parameters of the adhe-
sion function (Bisi and Kumar Goyal, 2016; Tirimula
et al., 2013; Suharjito et al., 2016).
We investigated the use of CT and COCOMO in
combination with ANN models for SDEE. The main
goals for using CT and COCOMO were the follow-
CT: (1) to aggregate datasets and make data as
normal as possible; (2) to increase the training ef-
ficiency of ANN models; and (3) to improve the
convergence speed of back-propagation and deal
with imprecise and uncertain data (Azath et al.,
2018; Dasheng and Shenglan, 2012; Praynlin and
Latha, 2018; Hassankashi and Hanchate, 2017;
Huang and Chiu, 2007; Kanmani et al., 2008;
Kanmani et al., 2008; Anita et al., 1998).
COCOMO: for its characteristics and capabil-
ities such as the use of a clear definition of
the attributes for software projects (Attarzadeh
and OW, 2014; Kamlesh et al., 2019; Kaur
and Singh Salaria, 2013; Kumar and Ku-
mar, 2014; Sivakumar, 2014; Sarno et al.,
2015; Satyananda Reddy and Raju, 2009;
Satyananda Reddy and Raju, 2010; Tadayon,
3.6 Types of Neural Networks Used
Various neural network models were developed in the
last years. Figure 6 shows the types of the ANN mod-
els used in the selected papers as well as the num-
ber of studies using each type. As can be seen, the
Feedforward neural network was the most frequently
used ANN type in the selected studies (36% for FFBN
and 21% for FFNN), followed by Multilayer Per-
ceptron (MLP) and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference
System(ANFIS) (15% and 9% respectively). The
widespread use of these ANN models among re-
searchers may be due to the fact that they are sim-
pler to use than other ANN models and more suited
to the problem of software effort estimation. Other
ANN types were rarely used, such as Resilient Back
Propagation Neural Network (RBPNN) (1%), wavelet
neural network (WNN) and Functional Link Artificial
Neural Network (FLANN) (2% each).
Figure 6: Number of studies per ANN type.
This study aims to present an overview of the use of
ANNs in software development effort estimation. In
this section we provide some recommendations to re-
searchers and practitioners based on the findings of
our mapping study.
This study revealed a lack of research on how
to evaluate ANN-based SDEE models in real-life
contexts. In fact, only one case study was identi-
fied among the 80 ANN-based SDEE selected pa-
pers. Therefore, we recommend for researchers to
cooperate with practitioners in order to investigate
in depth the use of ANN models in industry to es-
Neural Networks based Software Development Effort Estimation: A Systematic Mapping Study
timate software effort. Besides, most studies used
historical datasets to evaluate or compare the per-
formance of their proposed ANN-based SDEE mod-
els. The datasets used in these studies are not large
enough to get good results. It is therefore recom-
mended for practitioners to provide researchers with
larger datasets.
No tool was developed to encourage the use of
ANN models among SDEE practitioners. This im-
plies that, researchers should develop tools that im-
plement their ANN-based SDEE models and facil-
itate their use among practitioners and researchers.
Furthermore, this study found that optimization and
clustering techniques are the most frequently used
techniques in combination with ANN-based SDEE
studies. Other techniques such as Bayesian Regular-
ization (BR) and K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) were
rarely used. Therefore, researchers are encouraged to
conduct further research works using other techniques
in combination with ANN.
We noticed that, some types of ANNs were rarely
used, such as Resilient Back Propagation Neural Net-
works (RBPNN), wavelet neural networks (WNN)
and Functional Link Artificial Neural Net- works
(FLANN) while others were used more often such
as Feedforward neural networks, Multilayer Percep-
tron (MLP) and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference Sys-
tem (ANFIS). Therefore, it is suggested to SDEE re-
searchers to explore the use of other types of ANNs
such as Long short-term memory (LSTM) to improve
prediction accuracy.
The aim of this systematic mapping study was to iden-
tify and classify the existing works on ANN-based
SDEE. The paper identified 80 relevant ANN-based
SDEE studies and classified them according to publi-
cation source, research approach, contribution type,
techniques used in combination with ANN models
and type of the neural network used. The main find-
ings of our SMS are the following.
(MQ1): Journals and conferences were the main
publication sources of ANN-based SDEE papers. Be-
sides, the use of ANN in SDEE has gained research
interest between 2011 and 2019.
(MQ2): History-based evaluation was the most
frequently used research approach followed by so-
lution proposal. The use of both approaches by re-
searchers is increasing over time.
(MQ3): Most of the selected studies focused on
developing a new ANN model or evaluating and com-
paring the performance of their ANN model with
other SDEE models.
(MQ4): Optimization methods and clustering
techniques were the most frequently used techniques
in combination with artificial neural networks, fol-
lowed by COCOMO.
(MQ5): Most papers used feedforward neural
networks followed by multilayer perceptron and the
adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system.
Conducting this SMS allowed us to build a classi-
fication scheme of ANN-based SDEE research area.
However, many issues related to the performance of
ANN-based SDEE models need to be investigated in
Therefore, we see a need to systematically analyze
and summarize the evidence of ANN-based SDEE
models performance by conducting a systematic liter-
ature review that aggregates the results of SDEE stud-
ies proposing new or modified ANN models.
To this end, a systematic literature review is ongoing
to analyze the use of ANN in SDEE by taking into
consideration the findings of this SMS.
Another important issue that should be addressed
when dealing with ANN-based SDEE models con-
sists on how to interpret ANNs to gain practitioners
acceptance (Idri et al., 2002b; Idri et al., 2004; Idri
et al., 2010). In fact, ANNs are viewed as black boxes
which may prevent them from being widely used by
SDEE researches and practitioners.
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