A Methodology for Integrated Process and Data Mining and Analysis
towards Evidence-based Process Improvement
Andrea Delgado, Daniel Calegari, Adriana Marotta, Laura Gonz
alez and Libertad Tansini
Instituto de Computaci
on, Facultad de Ingenier
ıa, Universidad de la Rep
Montevideo, 11300, Uruguay
Process Mining, Data Mining, Data Science, Methodology, Organizational Improvement, Business
The socio-technical system supporting an organization’s daily operations is becoming more complex, with
distributed infrastructures integrating heterogeneous technologies enacting business processes and connecting
devices, people, and data. This situation promotes large amounts of data in heterogeneous sources, both from
their business processes and organizational data. Obtaining valuable information and knowledge from this is
a challenge to make evidence-based improvements. Process mining and data mining techniques are very well
known and have been widely used for many decades now. However, although there are a few methodologies to
guide mining efforts, there are still elements that have to be defined and carried out project by project, without
much guidance. In previous works, we have presented the PRICED framework, which defines a general
strategy supporting mining efforts to provide organizations with evidence-based business intelligence. In this
paper, we refine such ideas by presenting a concrete methodology. It defines phases, disciplines, activities,
roles, and artifacts needed to provide guidance and support to navigate from getting the execution data, through
its integration and quality assessment, to mining and analyzing it to find improvement opportunities.
Organizations face many challenges within their com-
plex socio-technical systems composed of distributed
infrastructures with heterogeneous technologies en-
acting business processes, connecting devices, peo-
ple, and data. A combination of traditional infor-
mation systems (IS) and Process-Aware Information
System (PAIS) (Dumas et al., 2005) usually manage
structured and unstructured data. Data science (IEEE,
2020; van der Aalst, 2016) emerged as an interdisci-
plinary discipline responding to the problem of man-
agement, analysis, and discovery of information in
large volumes of data. It is fundamental within the
aforementioned organizational context to provide or-
ganizations with the evidence-based business intelli-
gence necessary to improve their daily operation.
An organizational data science project usually in-
volves applying data mining (Sumathi and Sivanan-
dam, 2006), and/or process mining (van der Aalst,
2016) techniques, among others. There are method-
ologies guiding both kind of projects, e.g., PM
van et al., 2015) for process mining, and CRISP-DM
(Shearer, 2000), and SEMMA (Mariscal et al., 2010)
for data mining. These methodologies provide differ-
ent guidance levels and consider these two kinds of a
project as separate efforts. It happens because there
is usually a compartmentalized vision on the process
and organizational data, e.g., process data is man-
aged within a Business Process Management Systems
(BPMS) (Chang, 2016) with a focus on the control
flow execution of the process. In contrast, organiza-
tional data is stored in distributed heterogeneous ex-
ternal databases ,not completely linked to the BPMS.
In (Delgado et al., 2020) we proposed an in-
tegrated framework for organizational data science
called PRICED (for Process and Data sCience for oR-
ganIzational improvEment). It supports business pro-
cess improvement by integrating process and orga-
nizational data into a unified view, allowing the ap-
plication of process and data mining techniques over
the same integrated data set. It also considers data
quality and process compliance assessments. This
framework’s main objective is to help reduce the ef-
fort to identify and apply techniques, methodologies,
and tools in isolation, integrating them in one place.
In this paper, we present the methodological di-
mension of the PRICED framework, by means of
Delgado, A., Calegari, D., Marotta, A., González, L. and Tansini, L.
A Methodology for Integrated Process and Data Mining and Analysis towards Evidence-based Process Improvement.
DOI: 10.5220/0010607004260437
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2021), pages 426-437
ISBN: 978-989-758-523-4
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
a concrete methodology defining phases, disciplines,
activities, roles, and artifacts needed to provide guid-
ance and support for organizational data science
projects. It considers the extraction of execution data,
its integration, quality assessment, mining and analy-
sis, and evaluation of the results to find improvement
opportunities within an organization. We also provide
an example of the application of the methodology as
proof of concept.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In
Section 2 we introduce the methodology with its static
and dynamic views, and in Section 3 we describe an
example of application. Then, in Section 4 we present
related work. Finally, in Section 5 we provide conclu-
sions and an outline of future work.
In (Delgado et al., 2020) we devised a methodology
composed of a static and a dynamic view without
delving into details as we present in this section. The
static view defines the different elements involved
within the methodology, i.e., phases, disciplines, ac-
tivities, roles, and artifacts. It helps to understand
what needs to be done (artifacts), how it should be
done (activities), and by whom (roles and responsibil-
ities). The dynamic view describes a lifecycle guid-
ing the efforts from getting the execution data to min-
ing and evaluating the results to find improvement op-
portunities. In other words, it defines when the activi-
ties that must be performed.
2.1 Static View
We present the static view in what follows, defining
disciplines with their activities, roles, and artifacts,
without the dynamic view’s temporal perspective.
2.1.1 Disciplines & Activities
Disciplines are usually used to group related activities
regarding the topic they deal with, e.g., data quality
assessment. We define ve disciplines to tackle the
different issues, with associated activities to guide the
work to be carried out.
Process & Data Extraction and Integration (PDE).
This discipline groups activities that deal with the
identification, definition of goals, and extraction
of process and organizational data from associated
sources and its integration within a unified meta-
model (Delgado and Calegari, 2020).
PDE1 – Select Business Processes. To identify and
select business processes from the organization
that will be the object of mining efforts to identify
improvement opportunities. To define the min-
ing/analysis effort goals, including the selection
of execution measures when applicable.
PDE2 – Define Mining/Analysis Goals. To define
the purposes of the mining/analysis efforts for the
selected business processes and integrated pro-
cess and organizational data, such as the need to
know process variants that behave differently re-
garding the data they manage, the process model
that better explains the process data, participants
and roles involved in types of traces or managing
specific types of data, among others. Also, exe-
cution measures such as duration of traces and/or
activities and/or compliance requirements such
as message interaction order in choreographies
or tasks execution patterns between different
process participants in collaborative processes
can be defined/selected.
PDE3 – Identify Process and Data Sources. To
identify the sources of process and organizational
data that must be integrated to serve as the
complete mining effort’s first input. It includes
evaluating and analyzing the availability of
elements needed to access and obtain data from
the corresponding sources (i.e., BPMS process
engine, organizational databases, and associated
history logs).
PDE4 – ETL Process and Organizational Data.
To carry out the ETL process to extract pro-
cess data from the BPMS process engine and
heterogeneous organizational databases and
corresponding history logs to the metamodel, we
have defined (Delgado and Calegari, 2020). The
metamodel includes four quadrants for process
definition, process instances (i.e., cases), data
definition, and data instances. As shown in
Figure 1, we envision a general mechanism to
extract data from heterogeneous databases at two
levels: i) the process level, from different BPMS
and corresponding process engines databases
(i.e., Activiti BPMS with PostgreSQL, Bonita
BPMS with MySQL, etc.); ii) organizational data
level, from different and heterogeneous databases
(relational or NoSQL, i.e., PostgreSQL, MySQL,
MongoDB, Cassandra, Neo4j, etc.). It is based
on extending a previous definition of a Generic
API for BPMS (Delgado et al., 2016) and a new
Generic API for databases (SQL/NoSQL)(Hecht
and Jablonski, 2011; Khasawneh et al., 2020),
allowing us to decouple the ETL process from a
specific implementation of the sources. We are
A Methodology for Integrated Process and Data Mining and Analysis towards Evidence-based Process Improvement
currently defining this ETL process.
PDE5 – Integrate Process and OrganizationalData.
To execute matching algorithms over the data
loaded in the metamodel, find and define relation-
ships between process instance variables (in the
process instances quadrant) and organizational
data attributes (in the process instances quadrant).
Several options can be used to discover these
relationships. We have implemented a basic
algorithm (Delgado and Calegari, 2020) based
on values and timestamps to detect which data
register corresponds to which activity execution
in the process, as part of the framework.
Process & Data Quality (PDQ). This discipline
groups activities that deal with the selection, evalu-
ation, and improvement (cleaning) of quality charac-
teristics of process and organizational data from the
integrated data (i.e., integrated metamodel and gener-
ated extended log). (Bose et al., 2013) identifies four
main categories for quality issues in event logs: miss-
ing data, incorrect data, inaccurate data, and irrelevant
data. We have defined a Business Process and Orga-
nizational Data Quality Model (BPODQM) in which
specific dimensions, factors, and metrics for the inte-
grated data from process and organizational databases
are provided. It is based on previous quality mod-
els we have defined for other contexts (Cristalli et al.,
2018)(Valverde et al., 2014), and on (Verhulst, 2016).
PDQ1 – Specify Data Quality Model. To instanti-
ate the Business Process and Organizational Data
Quality Model (BPODQM), select which quality
characteristics will be evaluated over which data
and how the evaluation is done. A quality model
defines which quality dimensions and factors are
considered, to which data they apply and how they
are measured. The BPODQM defines dimensions,
factors, and metrics specific to the context of pro-
cess logs and associated organizational data, but
not necessarily all these elements must be present
in every particular case. Also, the selected met-
rics may be adapted to the particular needs and
available tools for processing data. Dimensions
included in the BPODQM are Accuracy, Con-
sistency, Completeness, Uniqueness, Freshness,
Credibility, and Security.
PDQ2 – Evaluate Quality Characteristics. To
evaluate the selected quality characteristics
over the integrated process and organizational
data, detecting quality problems that should be
resolved before the mining/analysis effort. To
do this, the specified data quality model metrics
are measured over the extended event log (or the
integrated metamodel), and results are obtained
for each one that gives insight regarding the
quality of the dataset.
PDQ3 – Improve Quality Characteristics. To take
the necessary corrective actions to eliminate the
detected quality problems, cleaning the event log
and associated organizational data. It can include
removing data, i.e., unwanted outliers, duplicates,
null values, correcting data according to a specific
domain of possible values, etc.
Process & Data Preparation (PDP). This disci-
pline group activities dealing with the preparation of
the integrated data to be used as input for the min-
ing/analysis effort. It includes taking data to the for-
mat that will allow mining it (i.e., extended event log)
or performing the analysis (i.e., data warehouse). We
have defined three extensions to the event log format
for i) including corresponding organizational data in
events; ii) including participants in events for collab-
orative processes; and iii) including data regarding
message interaction participants for choreographies.
PDP1 – Build Extended Event Logs. To automati-
cally generate the extended log from the inte-
grated metamodel to be used as input for the min-
ing/analysis effort. It includes gathering all in-
tegrated process and organizational data for each
corresponding event when it applies, the involved
participants in collaborations, and messages in-
teractions in choreographies. We have defined
two extensions for the eXtensible Event Stream
following the definitions of the standard:
i) one to include the event type (task, message,
service task, etc.) and a list of variables and enti-
ties associated with the event, and for each entity,
a list of corresponding attributes with their types;
ii) another that also includes the event type and
two views on collaboratives BPs, wherein case
of collaborations the participant that executed the
event is included (as another level over role and
user), and in case of choreographies the from and
to a participant that sends or received the message
interaction is included.
PDP2 – Build Integrated Data Warehouse. To
generate the integrated data warehouse from the
integrated metamodel, to be used as input for the
analysis effort. We defined dimensions directly
related to the metamodel quadrants, i.e., process-
definition, process-instance, data-definition, and
data-instance, adding a user dimension, a time
dimension, and an entity relations dimension to
capture entities references. It is based solely on
ICSOFT 2021 - 16th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 1: Mechanism for the ETL process and organizational data activity.
the relationships between process and organiza-
tional data that we previously discovered in the
metamodel using matching algorithms. The fact
table relates the dimensions mentioned before.
We include process duration and element duration
to analyze execution times for both process and
elements, and we also included the value of
attributes. The data warehouse allows crossing
processes and organizational data to provide an
integrated view of the actual execution of BPs.
PDP3 - Filter Event Log and Data. To filter differ-
ent levels in the extended event log based on pro-
cess or organizational data to be able to perform
additional perspective mining over the data, e.g.,
to partition the log in process variants with simi-
lar behavior based on control flow or on the type
of organizational data they manage, or by apply-
ing compliance rules, or selecting cases based on
duration, among others.
Process & Data Mining and Analysis (PDMA).
This discipline groups activities that deal with
selecting, executing, and evaluating approaches
and tools for the mining/analysis effort. We also
provide an extensive catalog of existing techniques
and algorithms of both process and data mining
approaches and existing tools implementing them
and our definitions and tools to support process and
data mining of integrated data. It helps organizations
using the methodology to find all the information
and guidance they need in one place, to carry out the
mining/analysis effort, easing its adoption.
PDMA1 - Select Mining/Analysis Approach. To
select the mining and/or analysis approach to
apply to the data, i.e., discovering process models
(based on algorithms such as inductive miner,
heuristic miner, or BPMN miner, among others),
conformance and/or enhancement of process
models for process mining approaches, and/or
descriptive (clustering, decision trees, association
rules) or predictive (classification, regression)
for data mining approaches, crossing data from
the business process perspective with the orga-
nizational data perspective. An example is the
clustering of traces based on organizational data
or clustering of data based on the control flow
of traces, depending on the goals and data under
analysis. Also, compliance requirements and
execution measures can be selected as the desired
approach to applying to the data. We provide
a catalog of existing techniques and algorithms
with a summary and corresponding links for each
PDMA2 - Select Mining/Analysis Tools. To select
the mining tool to be used corresponding to the
chosen approach, since different tools and/or
plug-ins implement different algorithms. Also,
for analysis, the tool depends on the approach
selected, i.e., the data warehouse can be used
to cross-process and organizational data, or the
execution measures can be evaluated in a specific
tool. We provide a catalog with links to existing
tools and the support they provide for different
A Methodology for Integrated Process and Data Mining and Analysis towards Evidence-based Process Improvement
PDMA3 - Execute Mining/Analysis Approach. To
carry out the selected mining/analysis approaches
in the selected tools over the integrated process
and organizational data, including execution mea-
sures analysis and/or compliance requirements
evaluation, when defined. It includes dealing with
data input issues or tool execution problems (i.e.,
significant execution times) that would need to
return to previous activities to correct the data’s
problems or change the approach and/or tool
PDMA4 - Evaluate Mining/Analysis Results. To
evaluate the results of the mining/analysis effort
from different perspectives, including the answers
to goals and information needs to be defined by
the business area, and more technical elements
such as the correctness of results (i.e., measures
such as fitness or recall, precision, overfitting,
and underfitting), assessing of statistical signifi-
cance, and other elements to evaluate the technical
soundness of the results obtained. The business
evaluation of mining/analysis results will lead to
valuable information and knowledge on the orga-
nization’s actual execution of business processes,
identifying improvements opportunities to be car-
ried out to generate a new version of the process.
Process & Data Compliance (PDC). This disci-
pline groups activities that deal with selecting, spec-
ifying, and evaluating compliance requirements fo-
cusing on collaborative and choreography processes.
Although it corresponds to another type of min-
ing/analysis of processes and organizational data,
we work on this topic as an independent discipline
due to its specific characteristics. We have de-
fined a Business Process Compliance Requirements
Model (BPCRM) based on specified compliance re-
quirements metamodel from previous works in an-
other context, and on (Turetken et al., 2012) and
(Knuplesch and Reichert, 2017). We have also de-
fined a compliance requirements modeling language
alez and Delgado, 2021) to specify this type of
PDC1 - Identify Compliance Requirements. To
instantiate the Business Process Compliance
Requirements Model (BPCRM) to select specific
dimensions and corresponding factors to evaluate
compliance requirements for the process selected
for the mining/analysis effort. It includes col-
laborative and choreography processes, which
are the focus of the compliance model. The
BPCRM, as the BPODQM quality model, defines
specific dimensions, factors, controls, and metrics
to evaluate compliance requirements over BPS.
Dimensions included in the BPCRM are Control
flow, Interaction, Time, Resources, and Data. An
example of an Interaction factor is Send/Receive
Messages, and control is M occurs, e.g., message
M is exchanged from sender S to receiver R, spec-
ified within the choreography or over the message
itself, and measured accordingly. The compliance
requirements modeling language (Gonz
alez and
Delgado, 2021) is used for specifying process
compliance requirements over the process to be
PDC 2 - Evaluate Compliance Requirements. To
evaluate the results of the compliance require-
ments specified over the process within the ex-
tended event log, including process and organi-
zational data, to analyze violations in traces that
do not comply with the requirements specified.
We define a post mortem compliance evaluation,
and we are working on a ProM plug-in to auto-
mate the analysis. Compliance requirements eval-
uation will lead to getting valuable information
and knowledge on the actual execution of BPs, fo-
cusing on collaborations and choreographies, de-
tecting violations to norms and business rules that
should be corrected in a new version of the pro-
2.1.2 Roles & Artifacts
Figure 2 shows the disciplines and activities pre-
sented, and for each activity, the roles involved and
the input and output artifacts used and generated by
the activity, respectively.
2.2 Dynamic View
We have refined the phases within the framework
in (Delgado et al., 2020), including more specific
sub-phases and adding elements. The dynamic view
phases are Enactment, Data Phase, and Mining Phase,
which we have updated to Mining/Analysis Phase. To
carry out the improvement effort over the process, we
integrate an existing Improvement phase of a previous
methodology we have defined (Delgado et al., 2014).
Figure 3 presents a summary of the dynamic view
of the methodology, showing for each Phase and
corresponding sub-phase, the activities that are per-
formed, and their order, i.e., previous activities.
We will present the flow of execution within the
Phases, i.e., the dynamic view of the methodology in
the example, on a step-by-step basis.
ICSOFT 2021 - 16th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 2: Summary of the Static view of the methodology.
Figure 3: Summary of the Dynamic view of the methodology.
This section presents an example of applying the
methodology that we have carried out on a real busi-
ness process regarding our university. The “Students
Mobility” business process has been introduced in
(Delgado and Calegari, 2020) and corresponds to the
application for students’ scholarships to take courses
at other universities. Figure 4a shows a simplified
business process model using BPMN 2.0, and Fig-
ure 4b an excerpt of the organizational data model
extended from (Delgado and Calegari, 2020).
The process depicted in Figure 4a begins when
a new mobility call is defined and the period for re-
ceiving student’s applications is opened. Students
present their applications with the required documen-
A Methodology for Integrated Process and Data Mining and Analysis towards Evidence-based Process Improvement
(a) Students Mobility business process from (Delgado and Calegari, 2020).
(b) Extended data model for the Students Mobility business process.
Figure 4: Students Mobility proof of concept.
tation within the Registration Office. After 15 days,
the period is closed, and all submitted applications
go through an assessment to see if they comply with
the call, and those complying go through an evalua-
tion by an Evaluation panel, where applications are
ranked, and scholarships are assigned. Finally, the
School board approves the assignments, notify appli-
cants about the results, and ask the selected ones to
sign a contract for the scholarship and get paid.
The data model shown in Figure 4b presents, in
the left side (a), specific tables to support the “Stu-
dents mobility” process, i.e., the mobility Program,
Application (with reference to the Student) and
Validation (with reference to Course) tables, as
well as the Mobility table to register the scholar-
ships that were assigned. The State table registers
the states that the application goes through the pro-
cess control flow. In the right side (b), there are tables
containing organization’s master data, i.e., Student
that apply to the call, their Career and Course to val-
idate the courses selected which are associated to an
Institute and with a Teacher responsible of it.
This process was implemented and executed in
Activiti 6.0 BPMS
community edition using a Post-
database for the organizational data. For the
analysis, we applied process and data mining tech-
niques using Disco
and ProM
, and built a data ware-
ICSOFT 2021 - 16th International Conference on Software Technologies
house using Pentaho Platform
3.1 Execution of the Methodology
Since the methodology covers any mining/analysis ef-
fort, some activities may not apply to specific scenar-
ios. In this case, we describe the activities we per-
formed for each phase defined in Section 2 and justify
those activities that were not considered.
3.1.1 Enactment Phase
The Enactment Phase does not have any concrete ac-
tivity within the methodology. It consists of the orga-
nization’s actual operation, where processes are exe-
cuted, and process and organizational data are regis-
tered in their corresponding databases. In Figure 4,
comments in the “Student Mobility” show when an
activity access the data model to insert, query or mod-
ify data, e.g., within the “Register Application” task,
the Application table is accessed to create a new
application for a specific student (registered in table
Student), with State “Initiated”.
3.1.2 Data Phase
The Data Phase is essential for the mining/analysis
efforts since the final outputs of this phase are the in-
tegrated process and organizational data, improved,
cleaned, and with a minimum quality level to be used
as a valuable input for the Mining/Analysis Phase.
Inception. In this sub-phase, we define the basis for
the mining/analysis efforts.
PDE1 – Select Business Processes. We select the
“Student mobility” process already introduced.
PDE2 – Define Mining/Analysis Goals. Business
people (e.g., the process owner) define several
business questions about the domain with a mixed
perspective of data and processes, such as:
Which organizational data were managed by
cases that took the longest to execute?
Which organizational data are involved in cases
where no successful results were obtained?
Which cases in the successful path are related
to specific organizational data ?
Which users are involved in the cases that took
the longest to execute or to the ones that corre-
spond to the successful path?
Are there paths defined in the process model
that are never executed in the actual operation?
PDC1 – Identify Compliance Requirements. We
did not perform this activity since there were no
compliance requirements defined for the process.
PDQ1 – Specify Data Quality Model. We selected
basic quality characteristics from the BPODQM
model, to be checked over the integrated data:
Dimension: Accuracy, Factor: Syntactic accu-
racy, Metric: Format
Dimension: Completeness, Factor: Density,
Metric: Not null
Dimension: Uniqueness, Factor: Duplication-
free, Metrics: Duplicate attribute/event
Extraction and Integration. In the Extraction and
Integration sub-phase, we perform activities for ex-
tracting and loading process and organizational data
into the metamodel and integrating data by finding
the corresponding relationships between events (i.e.,
activities) and organizational data that they handled.
PDE3 – Identify Process and Data Sources. With
the information of the “Students mobility”
process technical infrastructure, we identify
the BPMS process engine database and the
organizational database and corresponding access
data (i.e., machine and SID) and permits. As
it is common practice in the configuration of
databases, it should have been configured to
allow historical logging, which we use to get
all organizational data related to the process
execution under evaluation in the defined period.
PDE4 – ETL Process and Organizational Data.
In Figure 1, we describe the process for per-
forming this activity. We used two databases
in this proof of concept (within the ellipsis on
the figure’s left side): the Activiti BPMS engine
database and a relational PostgreSQL database
for the organizational data. We also implemented
the metamodel in a PostgreSQL database for
PDE5 – Integrate Process and Organizational
Data. After the process and organizational data
are loaded into the metamodel, we executed
the matching algorithm to find the relations
between the metamodel’s process-instance and
data-instance quadrants. Our basic data match-
ing algorithm is based on discovering matches
between variables (from the process-instance
quadrant) and attributes instances (from the
data-instance quadrant) by searching similar
values within a configurable period near the start
and complete events timestamps. The initial defi-
nitions for integrating process and organizational
data can be seen in (Delgado and Calegari, 2020).
A Methodology for Integrated Process and Data Mining and Analysis towards Evidence-based Process Improvement
Preparation. In this sub-phase, we focus on putting
the data in a suitable format to use as input for the
mining/analysis effort.
PDP1 – Build Extended Event Logs. We auto-
mated this activity with a model-to-text transfor-
mation from the integrated metamodel to the ex-
tended event log, which includes the organiza-
tional data related to each process event. (i.e., ac-
PDP2 – Build Integrated Data Warehouse. We
defined a generic data warehouse that has no
domain-specific elements regarding the process
or organization involved. We also automated the
loading process from the integrated metamodel.
The data warehouse has a star schema represent-
ing the four metamodel quadrants as dimensions
and other dimensions such as users and time. We
also define several measures regarding duration
and values in the fact table.
Cleaning. In this sub-phase, we performed the fol-
lowing activities.
PDQ2 – Evaluate Quality Characteristics. We
checked some of the primary factors selected,
such as date format and not null for timestamps,
not null, and no duplicates for event names.
PDQ3 – Improve Quality Characteristics. We
found some inconsistencies in the date format for
timestamps that were corrected, no nulls were
found, and some duplicates on event names were
corrected based on domain information.
3.1.3 Mining/Analysis Phase
The Mining/Analysis Phase is the actual core of the
mining/analysis effort, where an integrated view on
process and data mining is applied. Approaches and
tools are selected, and the integrated data is analyzed
to discover valuable information on process execution
and improvement opportunities.
Inception. In this sub-phase, we select approaches
and tools for the mining/analysis effort.
PDMA1 – Select Mining/Analysis Approach. As
an analysis approach, we used the data warehouse
to answer some of the questions included in
the mining/analysis effort goals. We also use
process and data mining approaches over the
extended event log to provide another view of the
integrated data.
PDMA2 – Select Mining/Analysis Tools. We se-
lected the Pentaho platform to implement the data
warehouse and Disco and ProM to analyze the ex-
tended log. The same data was loaded in every
tool, i.e., integrated process and organizational
data from the metamodel. However, as the analy-
sis focus is different, it allows us to analyze data
from different perspectives, providing a complete
view on process execution.
Execution. In this sub-phase, we inspected and fil-
tered the extended event log and data and executed the
mining/analysis activities.
PDP3 – Filter Event Log and Data. We inspected
the extended event log to analyze the process
cases, the organizational data that was integrated
with their data, and different variants of the pro-
cess. Figure 5 shows Disco the frequency of se-
lected elements in the extended event log: a) en-
tities and b) corresponding attributes from the or-
ganizational data; and c) associated process vari-
ables. In Figure 5 a), it can be seen that orga-
nizational tables: Application, Program, and
Validation are present in the extended event log,
which were defined in the data model presented in
Figure 4b.
PDMA3 – Execute Mining/Analysis Approach.
Regarding process mining, we used the extended
event log we generated as input to discover the
process model in Disco and with the BPMN
miner plug-in in ProM, to analyze the execution
against the defined model. Figure 5 d) shows the
model discovered in ProM, and Figure 5 e) shows
the model discovered in Disco. It can be seen that
the activities are not completely corresponding to
the model presented in 4a. We also worked with
the data warehouse, crossing data from different
dimensions to answer the questions defined. For
example: which courses and from which careers
have been involved in cases that took more than
15 days to complete? (in the example, 15 days
equals 200.000 milliseconds). We filtered data
by the relation validation-course, which defines
the courses included in the applications with the
case id and the corresponding attributes. As rows,
we included attributes from dimensions “Enti-
tyrelation”, “ProcessInstance”, “DataDefinition”
and “DataInstance”. We selected the “Process
duration” measure and filtered it by duration over
200.000 milliseconds. Figure 6 shows the results
in our Pentaho implementation.
Evaluation. In this sub-phase, we perform the ac-
tivities to evaluate mining/analysis results obtained
from the execution of approaches using the selected
ICSOFT 2021 - 16th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 5: Extended event log analysis: a) entities; b) attributes; c) process variables; d) ProM model; and e) Disco model.
Figure 6: Data warehouse result for courses and careers involved in cases that took more than 15 days to complete.
PDMA4 – Evaluate Mining/Analysis Results.
Regarding the process models discovered by
ProM and Disco, although this process is el-
ementary, several issues were detected. For
instance, the activity ”Notify applicants” was not
present in neither of the models, pointing to an
implementation problem. Concerning the data
warehouse and the example question we showed,
A Methodology for Integrated Process and Data Mining and Analysis towards Evidence-based Process Improvement
career with id 80 presented the most cases with
process duration over the limit defined, leading
to an analysis of the type of courses that students
select, which can be the cause of the delays.
PDC2 - Evaluate Compliance Results. We omitted
this activity since there were no compliance re-
quirements defined for this particular process.
Improvements regarding issues discovered were
not performed since new iterations over the data need
to be done to obtain a deeper analysis of the results.
The classical data-centric analysis is most com-
monly guided by methodologies such as CRISP-DM
(Shearer, 2000), KDD (Brachman and Anand, 1996),
and SEMMA (Mariscal et al., 2010). Still, neither
of them includes detailed guidelines on identifying
and incorporating data that is useful to analyze orga-
nizations’ processes and improve them. CRISP-DM
stands for Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data
Mining. This methodology was initially developed
in IBM for Data Mining tasks, it is a cyclic model
defining stages: Business understanding, Data un-
derstanding, Data Preparation, Modeling, Evaluation,
and Deployment. KDD or Knowledge Discovery in
Databases, which consists of five stages: Selection,
Preprocessing, Transformation, Data Mining, and In-
terpretation/Evaluation. SEMMA is an acronym that
stands for Sample, Explore, Modify, Model, and Ac-
cess, which are its stages. A wide range of algorithms
or methods are used (Gupta and Chandra, 2020).
In (Eck, van et al., 2015) the authors propose PM
a methodology to guide the execution of process min-
ing projects. It consists of six stages with their cor-
responding activities. This methodology is consistent
and complementary with ours. Planning, extraction,
and data processing stages are considered within the
data phase of our methodology. They also consider
enriched event logs with external data, but they nei-
ther pay special attention to organizational data nor
to related problems as quality assessment. Mining
& analysis and evaluation stages are also considered
within the Mining/Analysis phase, but in this case,
they provide deeper information that ours can use.
Finally, process improvement stage is considered by
integrating an Improvement phase from the BPCIP
methodology (Delgado et al., 2014).
Although there are many data quality proposals on
data quality methodologies and frameworks, such as
(Batini and Scannapieco, 2016) and (Tepandi et al.,
2017), to the best of our knowledge, none of them are
focused on integrated process and organizational data
quality management for process mining activities. In
our work, we select and adapt to our needs the main
tasks of existing approaches, obtaining the three pro-
posed tasks (definition of data quality model, evalua-
tion, and improvement of the quality characteristics).
Various approaches propose activities for business
process compliance (Hashmi et al., 2018). The COM-
PAS project defines a life cycle with four phases (e.g.
evaluation) (Birukou et al., 2010). The C
Pro Project
defines a design-time methodology for compliance
of collaborative workflows (Knuplesch et al., 2013).
The MaRCo Project defines activities for compliance
management (Kharbili et al., 2011) (e.g. modeling,
checking, analysis, enactment). However, these pro-
posals neither consider these activities in the context
of an integrated methodology nor leverage process
and data mining for compliance control and analysis.
We have presented the PRICED methodology to carry
out process and data mining and analysis efforts over
integrated process data and organizational data. Key
elements of our proposal include: integrated process
and organizational data, i.e., from process engines
and distributed organizational DBs, loaded in an in-
tegrated metamodel; quality assessment over the in-
tegrated process and organizational data; extended
event logs and a data warehouse to be used for min-
ing/analysis over the integrated data; integrated pro-
cess and data mining/analysis approaches to provide
a complete view of the organization’s actual opera-
We are applying the methodology over more com-
plex processes to strengthens the capabilities of the
approach. We believe the methodology is a valuable
tool to guide the mining/analysis efforts in organiza-
tions towards evidence-based process improvement,
with a complete and integrated view on data.
Supported by project ”Miner
ıa de procesos y datos
para la mejora de procesos en las organizaciones”
funded by Comisi
on Sectorial de Investigaci
ıfica, Universidad de la Rep
ublica, Uruguay.
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