sue of selectively filtering and compacting the data
that each robot could share, and define efficient strate-
gies to let nearby robots only exchange data that are
expected to be informative for a robot conditioned to
its local GP and available time budget. In addition,
we have defined a strategy for the selective assimila-
tion of the data in a robot’s GP only if and when truly
needed. All these strategies are aimed at endowing a
multi-robot system with data sharing and assimilation
mechanisms that would guarantee effective mapping
accuracy while ensuring overall scalability in compu-
tations and communications.
More specifically, we have described an orches-
trated approach (termed SDS in the text) where robots
form summaries of the regions they sample, orga-
nize the summaries into clusters with meta-data, share
their summaries with nearby robots on-demand, as-
similate the summaries into their local GP at the right
time. We tested the approach in simulation using ac-
tual bathymetry datasets and showed how the pro-
posed summarization, sharing, and assimilation strat-
egy compares against strategies where either all data
is shared and assimilated by all the robots or no data
is shared among the robots for planning. Results have
shown that the proposed strategy can balance very
well accuracy and scalability, automatically provid-
ing highly accurate maps without incurring in exces-
sive computational and communication load, overall
showing a very promising scalability.
This work was made possible by NPRP Grant 10-
0213- 170458 from the Qatar National Research Fund
(a member of Qatar Foundation). The findings herein
are solely the responsibility of the authors.
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ICINCO 2021 - 18th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics