containers technology. Furthermore, we conducted
a thorough performance evaluation of CryptoAC to
demonstrate its scalability and efficiency. COER-
CIVE is available online as open-source software.
Future Directions. We are implementing further
functionalities of CryptoAC, like multi-administrator
support and tree-based file sharing. Moreover, we
are working on the secure management of crypto-
graphic material (e.g., users’ private keys) to seam-
lessly support solutions like Trusted Execution Envi-
ronments. To extend the applicability of COERCIVE,
we are planning to integrate CryptoAC with Hyper-
ledger Fabric to replace the cloud with a decentralized
solution. Finally, in this paper we analyzed the per-
formance of CryptoAC with respect to scalability and
asymptotic behaviours, which may be unlikely in real-
world scenarios. To further study the performance of
CryptoAC, we are developing a dedicated simulator to
evaluate CryptoAC on arbitrary AC policies through
real-world workflows (i.e., sequences of operations).
The authors were supported in part by the Integrated
Framework for Predictive and Collaborative Secu-
rity of Financial Infrastructures (FINSEC) project and
the 5G-CARMEN project that received funding from
the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and
Innovation Programme under grant agreements no.
786727 and no. 825012, respectively.
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Cryptographic Enforcement of Access Control Policies in the Cloud: Implementation and Experimental Assessment