Multi-layer Fog Computing Framework for Constrained LoRa
Networks Intended for Water Quality Monitoring and Precision
Agriculture Systems
Laura García
1,2 a
, Jose M. Jimenez
1,2 b
, Sandra Sendra
, Jaime Lloret
and Pascal Lorenz
Instituto de Investigación para la Gestión Integrada de Zonas Costeras, Universitat Politècnica de València,
C/ Paranimf nº 1, Grao de Gandía – Gandia, Valencia, Spain
Network and Telecommunication Research Group, University of Haute Alsace, 34 rue du Grillenbreit, 68008,
Colmar, France
Keywords: Fog Computing, Multi-layer, Energy-saving.
Abstract: As the population of the world keeps increasing, it is necessary for the agriculture to adopt technologies that
improve the production and optimize re-sources such as water. This has been done by introducing IoT devices,
which has led to smart agriculture or precision agriculture. However, due to the remoteness of the fields, the
communication of these devices needs to be per-formed with technologies such as LoRa that has limitations
on the amount of data and the number of messages that can be forwarded. Furthermore, as there is no
connection to the electric grid, optimizing the energy consumption is a necessity. In this paper, we present a
multi-layer fog computing framework for a water quality monitoring and precision agriculture system. Data
aggregation techniques are applied at the algorithms provided for the different layers to reduce the amount of
data and the number of messages forwarded to the data center so as to improve the performance of the
constrained LoRa network and reduce the energy consumption. Furthermore, the added decision-making
provides fault-tolerance to the system if the connection to the Data Center is not available. Simulations were
performed for different functioning modes. Results show a reduction of the 80% in the amount of transmitted
data and a reduction of 85.33% in the number of for-warded messages for the most restrictive functioning
The adoption of technologies that optimize
agricultural production is necessary to be able to feed
the world population, which is constantly increasing.
Furthermore, the climatological and environmental
problems threaten the future of the agricultural
production as well. The fourth industrial revolution,
Industry 4.0, has also reached agriculture resulting in
the term Agriculture 4.0 (Industry 4.0 in Agriculture:
Focus on IoT aspects., 2020). Fundamentally, it is
about applying ICT (Information and
Communication Technology) techniques to
agriculture. According to De Clercq et al. (2018), the
a 0000-0003-2902-5757
b 0000-0002-3688-7235
c 0000-0001-9556-9088
d 0000-0002-0862-0533
e 0000-0003-3346-7216
application of Agriculture 4.0 will no longer depend
so much on the use of water, fertilizers, and
pesticides, as they will be used in minimal quantities.
Furthermore, it will even be possible to cultivate in
arid areas and use clean and abundant resources such
as the sun or seawater.
Smart agriculture incorporates the contributions
of both capital and high technology, making it
possible to grow food accurately while being clean
and sustainable. For all the previously mentioned
reasons, the use of the Internet of things (IoT) applied
to agriculture is increasing day by day.
One of the biggest concerns, when deploying IoT
devices is their power consumption. Currently, when
García, L., Jimenez, J., Sendra, S., Lloret, J. and Lorenz, P.
Multi-layer Fog Computing Framework for Constrained LoRa Networks Intended for Water Quality Monitoring and Precision Agriculture Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0010618300460055
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems (WINSYS 2021), pages 46-55
ISBN: 978-989-758-529-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
applied to agriculture, most of the time they are
installed in areas where it is not possible to connect
the device to the electricity grid. For this reason,
devices and technologies with minimal energy
consumption are often used. To achieve this, in the
field of communications it is ideal to use technologies
such as Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN).
Among the LPWAN technologies, we can
highlight Long Range (LoRa) (LoRa Alliance, 2020),
due to its low cost, long range, and the use of license-
free bands. The main problem that can be found is that
the information transmitted through the air must be as
optimized as possible to reduce as much as possible
what is known as "time on air" or "airtime", that is,
the time necessary to transmit the message from the
sender node to the receiver (gateway). The more time
utilized for data transmission, the greater the
saturation of the frequency and greater energy
consumption; therefore, it is vital to keep the payload
of the transmissions as low as possible.
Greenfield defines and differentiates Fog
Computing and Edge Compu-ting. When using Fog
Computing a decentralized network structure is
employed in which resources, including data and
applications, will be found somewhere between the
data source and the Cloud (Fog Computing vs. Edge
Computing: What’s the Difference?, 2016). By using
Edge Computing, intelligence is brought into
individual hardware systems such as sensors. Using
Edge Compu-ting, the source devices are already in
charge of filtering data. Redundant data and even
false positives can be removed depending on the
In our work we present the proposal of a multi-
layer fog computing framework for a precision
agriculture and irrigation water quality monitoring
system. Which has been designed to be implemented
in two areas. One of the control zones are the canals
that transport the irrigation water, where the salinity
or turbidity levels of the water are observed, and if
any of the two parameters exceeds a threshold, an
alarm is forwarded. The other zone is that of the crop
fields, where parameters such as soil moisture and
soil salinity will be observed. Through our proposal,
decision-making, regarding the actions to be carried
out to achieve optimal irrigation of the crops, will
occur in nodes located near the sensor nodes.
Furthermore, data aggregation is performed to adapt
to the constrained LoRa network. In this way, the
energy consumption will be reduced by filtering the
data and reducing the number of messages sent to the
data center. The proposed framework will provide the
system with fault tolerance capabilities as well,
eliminating the need of depending on continued
computations at the Data Center.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows. Section 2 presents the related work. The
multi-layer fog computing framework description is
explained in Section 3. The simulation results are
carried out in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 draws the
main conclusions and future works.
The introduction of several layers to the edge and fog
computing architecture provides many benefits
compared to the classic cloud architecture. Gia et al.
(2019) discuss these benefits applied to smart systems
in remote areas. At these areas, the chosen
communication technology, such as LoRa, has a low
bandwidth and performing the analysis and decision-
making activities at the edge allows providing more
functionalities. The presented architecture has an
edge, a fog and a cloud layer and performs image
compression based on CNNS. Results show 67% of
data size reduction with less than 5% of
decompression errors. Guardo et al. (2018) also
presents a fog computing framework with two tiers
intended for precision agriculture. The first tier is
comprised of the sensing nodes and the second tier is
the gateway. Both tiers perform data filtering and
analysis to reduce the amount of data forwarded to the
Cloud. The LoRa and MQTT protocols were utilized
for communication. The authors expected a reduction
in cost, a waiting times and load balancing as a result
of implementing the proposed architecture.
On the other hand, conventional fog computing
networks have some challenges as well. Chang et al.
(2017) present a fog computing infrastructure called
In-die Fog in order to solve some of these challenges.
With Indie Fog, the authors aim to provide a solution
that can be implemented with consumer devices
eliminating the need and the restrictions of the
devices owned by the service provider. Furthermore,
fog computing reduces latency and provides
communication and computation efficiency. Indie fog
can be implemented in an integrated manner, where
the router incorporates a virtual machine to perform
computations, or in a collaborative manner, where a
computer is connected to the router. However, other
devices such as smartphones or vehicles can also be
used as fog devices. Wang et al. (2019) designed a
multilayer system for edge computing. The
architecture is comprised of three layers being the
edge device, the Access Point and the Cloud Center.
The authors divide the system into a blocking and a
Multi-layer Fog Computing Framework for Constrained LoRa Networks Intended for Water Quality Monitoring and Precision Agriculture
nonblocking state. Results showed a minimization of
recovery time for the block-ing state and reduced
latency for the nonblocking state. Another multi-tier
architecture was presented by Chekired and Khoukhi
(2018). The authors also present the Simulated
Annealing Algorithm to determine the best allocation.
A probabilistic model is utilized to determine and
improve the efficiency of the presented architecture.
The simulation results show that a reduction of 35%
in response time can be obtained utilizing the 3-tier
architecture instead of the flat architecture. For the
case of the 2-tier topology, a 20% reduction was
obtained. Regarding offloading, a reduction of 30%
was obtained for the 3-tier topology, outperforming
other designs. Lastly, an improvement in
performance was obtained as well utilizing multi-tier
Although some work has been done in (Guardo et
al., 2018) regarding fog and edge computing in
agriculture, it only considers the fields and a small
number of devices. In this paper, the concept is
extended and applied to both the fields and the canals
that provide water to the fields so as to determine the
quality of the water. Further-more, data aggregation
algorithms are provided for the layers of the
framework that perform fog computing.
In this section, our multi-layered fog computing
proposal for a precision agriculture and irrigation
water quality monitoring system is presented.
The deployment of the water quality monitoring
system for irrigation purposes and the precision
agriculture system is presented in Figure 1. The Canal
Area is comprised of a series of subcanals in a comb
shape where the biosorption pro-cess for water
purification is performed. The Field Area is where the
fields are situated. These fields can be further divided
into different zones to apply different processing to
each of the areas and have a more detailed overview
of the state of the plants. The Urban Area is the zone
where the Gateway is located and connected to the
Data Center. There are clusters of sensing nodes at
each subcanal and deployed on each zone of the
fields, with a cluster head for each cluster. Actuator
nodes are deployed as well at each subcanal to
manage the gates to the biosorption process and to
control the amount of water for the irrigation of the
fields. Furthermore, the cluster head forwards the data
to the aggregator of their Area. Then, the aggregator
forwards the data to the Gateway destined to the Data
Center. The CH nodes and Actuators at each Zone are
detailed at Table 1. The system is scalable, and more
zones can be added when necessary. If monitoring
more fields is necessary, more gateways could be
added so that the data transmission is divided into the
deployed gateways and a bottleneck scenario is
The architecture of the system is presented in
Figure 2. The architecture is com-prised of the
following layers:
Layer 1: The first layer is the layer comprised
of the sensor and actuator nodes. These devices
forward all data to the next layer and do not
perform any computations. The data
acquisition is performed at different
frequencies depending on the selected settings.
These settings are the Research Mode, the
Advanced Farmer Mode and the Regular
Farmer Mode. Table 2 presents the
characteristics of each mode. For the case of the
actuators, the actions are performed when the
message with the new action is received. Then,
a message with the new state of the actuator is
forwarded to the data center.
Layer 2: This layer is comprised of the Cluster
Head nodes. These nodes receive the data from
the sensing nodes and perform the first data
aggregation process detailed by the Algorithm
1. For the Canal Area, these nodes evaluate the
quality of the water by considering the values
obtained by all the nodes at the cluster. The CH
node receives the turbidity or salinity levels
from the sensor nodes of the cluster. The outlier
values are discarded. This is performed by
calculating the variance 𝜎
and determining if
it surpasses the 𝑇ℎ
threshold. Then, the
CH compares all the received values using the
variable to obtain a final result of
the salinity or turbidity levels of the water. If
the turbidity or salinity surpasses the
threshold, an alarm is forwarded to
the next layer. For the case ofthe CH nodes of
the field area, the same process is performed
with soil moisture and soil salinity. That way,
the Aggregator nodes at layer 3 and the Data
center are able to determine if the variations in
the calculations due to water stress or salinity
should be applied when determining the
necessary amount of water for irrigation.
WINSYS 2021 - 18th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems
Layer 3: This layer is comprised of the
Aggregator nodes. These nodes receive the data
from each of their areas, being the canal area or
the field area. This node performs the decision-
making process that determines the actions of
the actuator of their areas. At the canal area, the
Aggregator node sends a message to the
actuator node of the specific canal to open or
close the gates. At the field Area, the
Aggregator node calculates the water
requirements for a time frame of one month and
forward the actions to the Actuator when
irrigation is required. The data exceeding the
time frame of one month is deleted from the
storage system of the Aggregator node. The
data is aggregated as detailed in Algorithm 2
and forwarded to the data center when the data
forwarding timer is reached so the user can
access the history of all the variables.
According to the state of the actuators in the
Canal Area and the selected settings, the
amount of data forwarded to the data center
Layer 4: This layer is comprised of the
gateway. This node will store all the data in the
rare case the Data Center or the connection to
the data center is down. This layer does not
perform data aggregation nor performs
computing as all the necessary data aggregation
and computation has been performed on the
lower layers.
Layer 5: This layer is comprised of the Data
Center. The data center stores all the data and
processes the information to perform analysis
and predictions on water quality, water
requirement and quality of the soil, among
By providing a multi-layered fog computing
functionality to the topology of the water quality
monitoring and precision agriculture system, the
obtained benefits are twofold. On the one hand, it
provides the system with fault-tolerance capabilities
by providing autonomy to each of the layers of the
architecture in case any of the elements of the
network gets damaged or stops functioning and the
decision made at the Data Center cannot be
forwarded. This is a key aspect considering the tree
topology of the system. On the other hand, it reduces
the energy consumption by filtering the data and
limiting the number of messages that are forwarded
to the data center. This reduction in data and
messages also helps to reduce the collisions that may
be caused when different LoRa nodes transmit at the
same time. It also allows the system to meet the duty
cycle requirements of LoRa. However, it is important
to consider that in our proposal, a multi-hop LoRa
network is considered thus protocols such as the ones
in (Liao et al., 2017) are utilized instead of
LoRaWAN. While the use of WiFi results in more
energy consumption than using communication
technologies with similar coverage such as ZigBee,
WiFi is often used due to its convenience,
accessibility and low price of the devices.
Nonetheless, the presented proposal would lead to a
reduction in energy consumption if ZigBee was
utilized as in (Truong et al., 2021).
Figure 1: Water quality monitoring and precision agriculture system.
Multi-layer Fog Computing Framework for Constrained LoRa Networks Intended for Water Quality Monitoring and Precision Agriculture
Table 1: CH nodes and Actuator nodes at each Zone.
Zone CH Actuator
Main canal CH 1 Canal Area Actuator Node 1 &2
Secondary Canal 1 CH 2 Canal Area Actuator Node 3 &4
Secondary Canal 2 CH 3 Canal Area Actuator Node 5 & 6
Secondary Canal n CH n+1 Canal Area Actuator Node 2n+1
Biosorption Output CH n+2 Canal Area Actuator Node 2n+2
Field Area Zone 1 CH 1 Field Area Actuator Node Field Area 1
Field Area Zone 2 CH 2 Field Area Actuator Node Field Area 2
Field Area Zone m CH m Field Area Actuator Node Field Area m
Figure 2: Multi-layered fog architecture of the precision agriculture and irrigation quality monitoring system.
Table 2: Data forwarding and aggregation settings.
Data Acquisition
Data Aggregation
Data Forwarding
Research Mode 10 minutes Data driven aggregation at layer 2 4 times a day + Alerts
Advanced Farmer Mode 30 minutes
Data driven aggregation at layer 2
and layer 3
2 times a day + Alerts
Regular Farmer Mode 1 hour
Data driven aggregation at layer 2
and layer 3
Once a day + Alerts
WINSYS 2021 - 18th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems
lgorithm 1: Data Aggregation at layer 2.
Gather data from the sensors of the CH node
2) Receive the data from the n sensors of the cluste
for each variable var do
4) for each node i in the cluster do
if 𝜎
Discard data from sensor i
8) end if
If 𝑉
> 𝑇
= 𝐶
11) end if
end for
if 𝐶
Add the average of the value for the variable 𝑉
to Alert-Payload string
else if 𝑉
Add the average of the value for the variable 𝑉
to the Alert-Payload string
Store aggregated data 𝑉
end if
20) end for
if there is data on the
load strin
22) Send Alert message with the content of
end if
24) if timer for data forwarding has been reache
Forward stored a
ated data
26) end if
In this section, the results of the simulations for
amount of forwarded data and number of forwarded
packets are presented. As the collision management
is not part of the scope of this paper, it is assumed that
there are no collisions.
The Canal area is comprised of four clusters that
forward the data to one aggregator node. There are
eight actuator nodes in this area. For the Field area,
three zones were considered with three clusters per
zone, one aggregator node which is an
agrometeorological station as well, and three actuator
nodes. The sensing nodes and the CH nodes
communicate through WiFi. The CH nodes and the
Aggregator nodes communicate through LoRa at the
EU 863-870 frequency band, with a bandwidth of 125
kHz and a spreading factor of SF8. This LoRa settings
allow a maximum payload of 222 Bytes including the
LoRa header.
The data forwarded by each layer to the next layer
of the hierarchy on the Regular Farmer Mode is
presented in Figure 3 a) and b). The algorithms allow
reducing substantially the amount of data forwarded
by the higher Layers to the Data Center with an 83%
for layers 1 and 2 and an 80% when the data
forwarding timer is reached. Furthermore, a reduction
of 69% in the transmitted data at the forwarding time
is obtained compared to not performing data
aggregation. This reduction in the forwarded data
leads to a reduction in the energy consumption of the
devices as the higher energy consumption is produced
when data is transmitted.
At the Advanced Farmer Mode, as it can be seen
in Figure 3 c) and d), the amount of forwarded data is
decreased due to the data acquisition frequency of 30
minutes. The state of the Actuator nodes keeps being
forwarded each hour. Thus, there is a fluctuation in
the amount of data forwarded each time the timer is
reached. Furthermore, the data is aggregated at Layer
3 as well and the data is forwarded to the data center
twice a day. With this mode, compared to not per-
forming data aggregation, a reduction of 60% was
achieved when the forwarding time is achieved. With
data aggregation, a reduction of 66% of the forwarded
data was obtained compared to the Research mode.
The reduction reached a 76% at the times where the
states of the actuator are forwarded.
Multi-layer Fog Computing Framework for Constrained LoRa Networks Intended for Water Quality Monitoring and Precision Agriculture
lgorithm 2: Data Aggregation and decision-making at layer 3.
date Actuator decision makin
rules from the Data Cente
2) Receive data from the devices in layer 2.
Receive Actuator State
4) if Canal Area Alert received then
5) Forward Action message to the required actuator so as to open the gates of the biosorption canal closest to the
CH node that activated the alar
Forward Alert messa
e destined to the Data Cente
7) end if
if Field Area Alert receive
9) Store Alert for further processing
Forward Alert Messa
e destined to the Data Cente
11) end if
if data
is reached then
13) if Research Mode then
if all
ates are closed then
15) Add the data from the Main Canal to the Payload string
17) Add data from all CH nodes at canal area to the Payload string
end if
19) Add data of the CH nodes at the field area to the Payload string
else if Farmer Mode then
21) Add data of the Main Canal and the Biosorption Output to the Payload
for each field area do
23) for each Zone at Field area do
Calculate avera
e of the variables measured b
all CH nodes at the same zone
25) end for
end for
27) Add average data of the field zones to the Payload
end if
29) Forward message with the data stored at the Payload string
end if
31) If water_requirement_calculation_time
is reache
For each zone in field area do
if water
stress alert && Salinit
alert receive
34) Calculate water requirements with wate
-stress and salinity modifications
else if water
stress alert receive
36) Calculate water requirements with wate
-stress modifications
else if Salinit
alert receive
38) Calculate water requirements with salinity modifications
40) Calculate water requirements
end if
42) if irrigation_day is true then
43) Forward Action message to the actuator nodes of each area with the amount of water needed for the next
end if
45) end for
end if
47) End
The Researcher mode performs the data acquisition
process each 10 minutes and thus, the high amount of
forwarded data (See Figure 3 d) and f)). As it can be
seen, the nodes in Layer 1 forward all the data to the
CH nodes in Layer 2. The state of the Actuator nodes
is forwarded each hour. The Researcher Mode obtains
a reduction of 35% at the forwarding times compared
to not performing any data acquisition. In this case,
no data aggregation was performed at Layer 3.
Furthermore, there is a water salinity alarm on the
first day. At the times the data forwarding timer is
reached, the data forwarded nearly reaches 20000
Bytes for an hour.
WINSYS 2021 - 18th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems
Regarding the number of forwarded messages, for
the Regular Farmer mode, the number of forwarded
messages remains between 39 and 55 messages per
hour (See Figure 4 a) and b). With an 85.33% of
reduction at peaks compared to the Researcher Mode
and 29% compared to not performing data
aggregation. This mode is optimal for remote areas as
it would allow other LoRa settings with more re-
strictions regarding the number of messages that can
be forwarded by each de-vice. Furthermore, it would
not be detrimental to the farmer as the calculations of
the irrigation requirements only need one measure of
each variable per day except for the meteorology data
were the maximum and minimum values of
temperature and relative humidity are necessary.
At the Advanced Farmer Mode, the number of
messages oscillates between 78 and 83 messages per
hour except for the first hour with 53 messages (See
Figure 4 c) and d)). The reduction of messages at the
peaks is 68,67% compared to the Researcher Mode
and 21% compared to not performing any data
The results of the Researcher Mode are presented
in Figure 4 e) and f)). Between 234 and 249 messages
are forwarded per hour except when the system is
firstly activated where 53 messages are generated. As
it can be seen, the hierarchical structure of the
framework allows reducing the number of forwarded
messages at each layer.
Figure 3: Data forwarded by each layer at the a) Regular Farmer Mode without data aggregation, b) Regular Farmer Mode
with data aggregation, c) Advanced Farmer Mode without data aggregation, d) Advanced Farmer Mode with data aggregation,
e) Researcher Mode without data aggregation and Researcher Mode with data aggregation.
Multi-layer Fog Computing Framework for Constrained LoRa Networks Intended for Water Quality Monitoring and Precision Agriculture
Figure 4: Number of messages forwarded by each layer at the a) Regular Farmer Mode without data aggregation, b) Regular
Farmer Mode with data aggregation, c) Advanced Farmer Mode without data aggregation, d) Advanced Farmer Mode with
data aggregation, e) Researcher Mode without data aggregation and Researcher Mode with data aggregation.
Furthermore, a reduction of 9% of the messages at
the peaks compared to not performing data
aggregation was achieved. This is important
regarding LoRa as there is a limitation in the number
of messages that can be forwarded due to the duty
cycle. Other LoRa settings would not support the
Researched Mode. This is a key aspect if longer
distances need to be reached as higher spreading
factor values would be necessary and thus, the
number of messages that could be forwarded would
The introduction of IoT technologies in agriculture
has led to the optimization of the food production and
resources such as water. However, as precision
agriculture systems often need to be deployed on
remote areas, technologies such as LoRa must be
employed. But these technologies introduce
restrictions on the amount of data that can be
forwarded and the number of messages that can be
transmitter per device due to the duty cycle.
Furthermore, the impossibility of connecting the
devices to the grid also introduces energy
consumption constrictions, which is tied to the
WINSYS 2021 - 18th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems
performed data transmissions. In this paper, a multi-
layer fog computing framework for water quality
monitoring and precision agriculture has been
Two algorithms for data aggregation and
decision-making have been provided as well. These
algorithms also provide fault-tolerance to the network
providing certain levels of autonomy in case the
connection with the Data Center is severed.
The simulation results show a reduction in the
amount of forwarded data for the Advanced Farmer
Mode and the Regular Farmer Mode of 66% and 83%
respectively. Furthermore, a reduction of 68.67% in
the number of messages was obtained for the
Advanced Farmer Mode and of 85.33% for the
Regular Farmer Mode. These results also lead to a
reduction in energy-consumption as the most energy
is consumed when transmitting data.
As future work, other forms of gateways so as to
add another layer of fog computing in networks that
present other types of constrictions will be considered
such as the use of drones for precision agriculture as
a mobile gateway like in (García et al., 2020).
This work has been supported by European Union
through the ERANETMED (Euromediterranean
Cooperation through ERANET joint activities and
beyond) project ERANETMED3-227
SMARTWATIR, and by the Universitat Politècnica
de València through the Program "Convocatoria 2020
de contratación de Doctores para el sistema español
de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, en Estructuras
de Investigación de la Universitat Politècnica de
València (PAID-10-20)".
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Multi-layer Fog Computing Framework for Constrained LoRa Networks Intended for Water Quality Monitoring and Precision Agriculture