ing analysis of sperm labeled with MitoTracker™ that
specifically binds to mitochondria in the sperm flag-
ella. The possibility to track sperm movements us-
ing other fluorescent probes may have multiple appli-
cations. Several fluorescence compounds have been
developed that are able to detect changes in calcium
variations, production of reactive oxygen species, mi-
tochondrial activity, etc. meaning that it will be pos-
sible to match either of these functions with sperm
motility patterns. The tool may be useful to test drugs
that modify the motility patterns of subpopulations of
sperm. Moreover, multiple probes may be used at the
same time to explain different biological effects.
The developed framework is publicly available in
our GitLab repository
This work was partially supported by Espacio Inter-
disciplinario, Universidad de la Rep
ublica, Uruguay.
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