The situation is also complicated by terminological
controversy, which emerges due to lack of accounting
of new phenomena related to computer technologies.
Generally accepted and new technological terms as
site, hosting, provider of hosting, search engine etc.
are being legally implemented and without them
criminal qualification of committed crimes is
impossible. (Federal Law No. 149-FZ, 2006).
We consider cybercrime as set of crimes, which
are committed in the cybersphere by or with computer
systems and nets and also against computer systems,
computer nets and digital data (Tropina T., 2005;
Chekunov I., 2013). Also we should take into account
that cybercrimes -–is the consequence of
globalization of telecommunication technologies and
emergence of international communication nets.
In this study is examined legal practice of the UN,
which has been trying to coordinate efforts of certain
states as the USA and the Russian Federation for a
long time, in the sphere of creation of general,
uniform regulation of digital space. As a successful
means of legal regulation at the level of unions of
states on the basis of harmonization of national law
against cybercrimes is studied experience of the EU,
CIS and also it this paper are analyzed directions of
actions in the sphere of cybercrimes countering.
Methodological basis of the research of international
legal experience of cybercrime control is dialectical
method of social processes and phenomena
examining, which are connected with the emergence,
proliferation and turning into global problem
international crime, which is related to
computerization of economy, social life, emergence
of internet and social nets. This helped to receive and
summarize objective information about proliferation
of cybercrimes, which are of transborder nature in
modern circumstances, to determine legal methods
and tools, which are related to criminalization of acts
committed in the cyberspace, to recognize patterns of
international cooperation as the main condition of
effectiveness of penal legal countermeasures against
cybercrimes. Received information was construed
taking into account aims and objectives of the
research, requirements of validity and credibility.
System analysis was used in the studying of certain
international legal acts, which were adopted at the
level of the UN, Council of Europe Conventions,
Agreements of CIS and other regional legal acts. The
use of theoretical provisions of criminalistic,
criminology, penal and penal procedure law
predetermined scientific validity, representativeness
of digital data in the basis of conclusions.
As materials of the research have been used
papers of Russian and foreign researchers, who
specialize in scientific directions related to
international legal regulation of the digital space and
computer crimes control, criminal legal regulation of
acts committed in the cyberspace at the level of
national law. Documents devoted to different aspects
of digital space regulation, countermeasures against
cybercrimes adopted under UN auspices,
international regional legal acts and statistics (Series
of university modules, 2020).
Creation and production of electronic computers
marked new a new stage of development of
international economy – transition from mechanical
to computer processing of data.
The use of computers, which allowed to process
large amounts of economic data also increased the
risk of manipulation of such databases for criminal
purposes – by falsification, theft of computer data,
which contains trade secrets. The lack of defense of
digital data processing programs allowed dishonest
users use flows of social-economic information for
the commission of crimes. (Liu, Z. et al, 2020).
However prior to the emergence of computer nets,
which had globally formed by telecommunication
technologies the world net – Internet, crimes with the
use of electronic computers had been committed at
the local level – in certain companies, states, this
means they had not been of transborder nature and
had not been so proliferated in the economic life and
in the criminal world. (Gura D. Et al, 2020).
In the age of internet digital computer
technologies even in the early 21st century have
started to turn into global system of communication
of the human society. Its’ feature is the idea of free
transmission of data between receiving, broadcasting
and transmitting persons through arbitrary ways by
specially created joints on the basis of self-regulation
and decentralization model (Stepenko V., 2021).
In the ensuring of internet functioning the main
role plays security of its use and countermeasures
against the use of the Internet for illegal purposes.
This is related to the fact that with the development
of new communication technologies have emerged
new threats of global, regional and national nature.
With the use of cybertechnologies emerges
intergovernmental confrontation in the cybersphere –
cyberwars, emerge new terroristic unions, which use