provides a definition of embezzlement. Unlike Note
1 to art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian
Federation, the idea of embezzlement in the Criminal
Code of the Republic of Belarus is much wider and,
in addition to theft, robbery, banditry, fraud,
appropriation and embezzlement, there is also a
deliberate unlawful gratuitous acquisition of other
people's property or the right to property for a
mercenary purpose through extortion, abuse of
official powers and the use of computer technology
(Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, 1999–
Note 2 to Chapter 24 of the Criminal Code of the
Republic of Belarus reveals the concept of repeated
theft, which further expands the understanding of the
system of mercenary crime under the legislation of
the RB. The category of repetition itself, according to
Art. 41 of the Criminal Code of the RB presupposes
the commission of similar or identical crimes in cases
specifically provided for by the Special Part of the
Criminal Code of the RB, regardless of whether a
person is serving a sentence or not, therefore it is quite
consistent with the subject of our scientific interest.
The significance of this legal institution lies in the fact
that special repetition is considered as a qualifying
feature, which naturally leads to an increase in the
limits of punishment and, accordingly, enhances the
direct impact of private prevention and psychological
impact within the framework of general prevention.
It should be noted that this legal institution is
absent in the criminal legislation of the Russian
Federation, however, there is an institution of
repetition, regulated in the norms of the Special Part
of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation,
mainly in the context of administrative prejudice,
including in relation to certain mercenary crimes
(Art.151.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian
Federation; art. 157 of the Criminal Code of the RF,
art. 158.1 of the Criminal Code of the RF, art. 171.4
of the Criminal Code of the RF), which do not change
the legal status of a convicted person in case of
commiting a similar crime and, accordingly, cannot
be considered as direct means of preventing the
recurrence of a crime, however, in general, the
preventive value of administrative precedence is
difficult to overestimate since the presence of this
legal institution in any case contributes to the
provision of a positive preventive effect on a person
who has the inclinations of criminalization
(Savelyeva, 2019), expressed in the repetition of
socially harmful behavior.
A person prosecuted for a socially harmful
mercenary crime, for which he has already been
brought to administrative responsibility, reveals the
social danger of his repeated unlawful behavior and
the criminal deprivation of his personality
(Yakovleva, 2020). Accordingly, bringing him to a
stricter type of punitive liability, in addition to private
prevention, also implements an educational function
that demonstrates to the guilty person, using the
example of the discrepancy between the degree of
punishment of the act and its actual nature, the
undesirability of continuing unlawful behavior
(Heap, Black, 2021).
Continuing the assessment of the significance of
the criminal law systematization of mercenary crimes
in the framework of the prevention of mercenary
crimes, we note the Norwegian experience, which is
characterized by a wide coverage of mercenary
crimes. In particular, Section 263 of Chapter 24
«Embezzlement, Theft and Illegal Use» of the
Norwegian Penal Code states that if a person accused
of embezzlement or theft has previously been
punished with imprisonment under both Chapter 24
and Chapters 17, 18, 25, 26, 27 punishment can be
increased up to 50% (Criminal Code of Norway,
It should also be noted that the institution of
repetition is applied in relation to certain types of
crimes in a number of foreign countries.
So, in Moldova, the institution of repetition, as a
qualifying feature in the norms of the Special Part of
the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova, is
fixed mainly in crimes against the person - murder,
crimes against sexual freedom and privacy, including
in mercenary crimes against the person - Trafficking
in human organs, tissue and cells (art. 158); Human
trafficking (art. 165); as well as in mercenary crimes
against family and minors (art. 206 «Trafficking in
children») and mercenary crimes against health and
community (Art. 217-1 «Illegal trafficking in drugs,
ethnobotanical means or its analogs for the purpose
of alienation») (Criminal Code of the Republic of
Moldova , 2002).
In the Criminal Code of China, the institute of
repetition is provided for only in one norm of the
Special Part (in Art. 356 of the Criminal Code of the
PRC), but by its action it covers the acts provided for
in §7. «Smuggling, sale, transportation, production of
drugs». The measures of influence proposed by this
norm are of interest (Criminal Code of the People's
Republic of China, 1997). According to its
provisions, the commission of crimes from this
paragraph by a person previously convicted of such
crimes is punished with the most severe punishment
provided for in the articles of this paragraph
(Bussmann, Niemeczek, Vockrodt, 2017).