Operational-search Counteraction to Crimes Committed in the
Institutions of the Penal System using Information and
Communication Systems
Andrey Nikolaevich Fedorov
and Eldar Faritovich Naruslanov
The Scientific Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Ph.D. in Law, Moscow, Russian Federation
Keywords: Operational-search activity, information systems, communications, means of communication, fraud,
counteraction, penal system, investigation of crimes.
Abstract: The need for widespread use of criminological knowledge in the development of theory and practice to
increase the efficiency of detecting fraud committed using mobile telephone communications is impossible
without deep comprehensive scientific research, legal, organizational and tactical measures of a covert
operational-search nature. The specifics of the disclosure of fraud committed using mobile telephone
communications, which includes such components as the detection, prevention, suppression of these crimes,
has not been and is still relevant, including its penitentiary component. These circumstances indicate the need
for develop and implement adequate measures to disclose fraud committed using communications, and
determine the relevance of the topic of the article. In this work, the authors made an attempt to analyze the
current set of measures to improve operational-search activities to disclose fraud committed using
communications, as well as to determine the most effective ways of its development. Purpose of the study:
generalization of knowledge that allows to develop complex scientifically grounded measures to improve
operational-search activities to disclose fraud committed using communications. Objectives of the research:
to investigate the current state of the operational-search activity to disclose fraud committed using
communication means; to develop scientifically grounded recommendations and proposals for improving the
organization of operational-search activities to disclose fraud committed using mobile telephone
communications. Methodology: analysis of the current legislation, as well as scientific materials touching
upon the issues on the topic of this study, conducting questionnaires and interviews with existing employees
of institutions of the penal system, as well as communications workers. Results achieved: recommendations
were formulated to improve the operational and investigative counteraction to crimes committed in prisons
with the help of information and communication systems that can reduce the number of telephone fraud cases
carried out on the territory of places of deprivation of liberty, as well as ensure an effective fight against
telephone fraud without attracting additional forces and funds.
In modern realities, informatization is one of the most
actively progressing directions in the development of
society. Information systems, including those that
ensure the communication needs of mankind, have
now been widely implemented in various spheres of
life, thereby forming a high-tech and at the same time
public space, taking one of the dominant places in
people's lives (Melnikov., 2015).
Such a rapid development of information
networks seems to be a completely understandable
phenomenon, primarily due to a number of factors
(Miroshnikov, 2015):
simplicity and availability;
the possibility of interaction between subscribers
to exchange information regardless of the distance of
their location relative to each other;
the absence of interstate restrictions and this
applies to both users and service providers.
The considered aspect of the development of
society is undoubtedly a positive global achievement
that brings into people's lives an unhindered
Fedorov, A. and Naruslanov, E.
Operational-search Counteraction to Crimes Committed in the Institutions of the Penal System using Information and Communication Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0010633100003152
In Proceedings of the VII International Scientific-Practical Conference “Criminal Law and Operative Search Activities: Problems of Legislation, Science and Practice” (CLOSA 2021), pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-532-6; ISSN: 2184-9854
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
opportunity for communication and exchange of
information, however, thanks to the functions
described above, informatization becomes the object
of attention of the criminals, and when it seems in the
hands of criminals, it turns into an “instrument” of
committing crime encroachments (Meshkova, 2003).
The emergence and development of mobile
telephone communications led not only to the
intensive development of modern society in the field
of its informatization, but also to the introduction of
the achievements of science and technology when
committing fraudulent actions.
The negative consequences of fraud committed
using mobile telephone communications means, in a
broad sense, include the threat to the information
security of the state, information and psychological
security of the individual, wide opportunities for the
use of disinformation and manipulation of
consciousness, the widespread use of information
systems and networks in illegal activities
(Merzogitova, Mayorova, 1998). The information
space is an ideal environment for the activities of
criminals, since access to it is extremely easy, the
potential environment for illegal activities is
significant, and it is easy to ensure the anonymity of
users, it is not controlled by anyone and is extremely
poorly controlled (Zharova, 2019).
Technological schemes developed and applied by
criminal groups using mobile telephony are
distinguished by a high degree of thoughtfulness and
organization, can be both fairly simple and multi-
stage, spatially separated and lasting in time. At the
same time, different areas of illegal activity in various
areas are interconnected and synchronized with each
other in the process of preparing and committing a
crime (Sukhodolov, Ivantsov, Borisov, Spasennikov,
It should be emphasized that the problem of
disclosing fraud committed using communication
means is one of the most urgent in the field of
combating ordinary and penitentiary crime. It is
determined by the high latency of these crimes and
the fact that 93.7% of people living in Russia use
mobile telephone services, which makes them
potential victims of "telephone scams".
Since mid-2008, "telephone fraud" has spread in
prisons as well. This is due to the fact that the
specifics of staying in institutions of the Penal System
of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - PS)
predetermines an extremely high degree of demand
for communication services for suspects, accused and
convicted persons.
The surge in mobile phone fraud has naturally
attracted the attention of science. In recent years,
dissertation research has been carried out on issues
affecting the designated problems (M.N. Bogdanov,
S.V. Gorobchenko, S.N. Kazinskaya, B.A. Kurinov,
V.V. Malygina, I.M. Mishina, A.N. Rozin, A.A.
Nuzhdina). However, their analysis shows that they
are dedicated to:
the study of general issues of fraud investigation
prepared taking into account the specifics of
certain areas of activity (banking, housing, etc.).
As for the issues of operational and investigative
counteraction to crimes committed in the institutions
of the penal system using information and
communication systems, they were not the subject of
independent scientific research.
In this regard, the purpose of the study described
in this article is to generalize knowledge that allows
the development of comprehensive scientifically
grounded measures to improve operational-search
activities to disclose fraud committed using
Achievement of the set research goal necessitated
the formulation and solution of the following tasks:
1) to investigate the current state of operational
and investigative activities to disclose fraud
committed using communication means;
2) develop scientifically grounded
recommendations and proposals for improving the
organization of operational-search activities to
disclose fraud committed using mobile telephone
Thus, this article will consider the problematic
issues of operational-investigative counteraction to
crimes committed using information and
communication systems, including by persons held in
penal institutions.
The methodology and methods of research represent
a system of general scientific and special legal means
and methods of cognition that ensure objectivity and
comparativeness in the study of operational-search
activities to disclose fraud committed using
communications. Among them, in the process of
work, the comparative legal method, general
scientific methods of analogy and statistics, induction
and deduction, sociological methods of questioning,
interviewing, content analysis, and other research
tools of modern socio-humanities were used, which
make it possible to comprehensively study the stated
topic of the article. Analyzed the current legislation,
Operational-search Counteraction to Crimes Committed in the Institutions of the Penal System using Information and Communication
as well as scientific materials raising issues on the
topic of this study.
It should be noted that the operational-investigative
counteraction to crimes committed in the institutions
of the penal system using information and
communication systems is complicated by the fact
that today there are a number of problematic issues in
places of deprivation of liberty that do not allow to
fully exclude the commission of remote frauds
committed by suspects accused and convicted. These
issues include:
lack of funding for the purchase of technical
means to suppress radio signals used by mobile
operators within the boundaries of penal institutions.
The approximate cost of the equipment of 1
institution of the penal system is 15-20 million rubles.
The equipment of all institutions of the Russian penal
system requires more than 14 billion rubles.
However, even if there is the necessary amount of
funding, this equipment, after a certain time, needs to
be updated in view of the improvement of
communication services. At the same time, according
to the position of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass
Communications of the Russian Federation, the
setting of intentional radio interference for civilian
purposes is not allowed, since it will lead to the
creation of unacceptable interference with the
operation of existing mobile radio communication
networks, at the same time, guaranteed blocking of
cellular communication signals throughout the
institution is not ensured. In addition, these devices
do not block 3G / 4G cellular networks;
the absence in the Federal Penitentiary Service
of Russia of normative documents establishing the
norms for the position and the procedure for the use
of blockers;
lack of normative consolidation of the
obligation of mobile network operators to exclude
communication services on the territory of
institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of
Russia. Amendments to the Federal Law of
07.07.2003 No. 126 - FL "On Communications" are
lack of interest of mobile operators in the
exclusion of the territories of institutions of the PS of
Russia from the coverage area of their base stations.
In addition, in practice, there are cases when
criminals who are outside the institutions of the penal
system, acting in order to mislead the bodies of the
preliminary investigation about their whereabouts,
commit remote fraud near the institutions of the
Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, for example,
while in motor transport, thereby falling into a single
coverage area base station of a mobile operator, as the
institution of the PS. As a result of such activities of
criminals, in 2019, cases of documenting the facts of
remote fraud from the territory of former institutions
of the penal system, liquidated or transferred to other
departments, were identified. In such cases, the
process of identifying suspects requires additional
time required to carry out operational-search
On the part of the Federal Penitentiary Service of
Russia, at various government commissions and
coordination meetings, topical issues of the need to
exclude the possibility of using mobile
communications by persons held in penal institutions
are regularly raised.
It should be noted that telecom operators each
year suffer losses associated with mobile fraud on a
global scale of about $ 25 billion. Unfortunately,
domestic mobile operators prefer not to advertise
their losses from this criminal activity. As for users,
we note that as a result of a survey of Russian
subscribers, it was found that 78 % of respondents are
aware of telephone fraud, and 15 % noted that their
relatives and friends have suffered from the actions of
fraudsters who used mobile telephony.
In these conditions, it is important not only to
organize and purposefully carry out security, but also
operational-search measures to uncover fraud
committed using mobile telephony facilities in penal
institutions. The problem of increasing the efficiency
of the operational-search support of their disclosure
has acquired the character of a most important
intersectoral, interdisciplinary scientific and practical
problem. At the same time, its system is complex and
requires deep scientific understanding, a clear
definition of its subjects and objects, the delineation
of competence and responsibility between the
subjects of operational-search activity.
One of the most effective areas of activity of
operational units for detecting qualified crimes
related to telecommunications is the integrated
processing of information about subscribers and the
communication services provided to them, data from
automated payment systems for communication
services and technical, in-system information
characterizing the operation of communication
systems (billing information) (Kirilenko, Alekseev,
The primary data necessary for carrying out
measures for analytical support of the activities of
operational units of the FPS can be obtained:
during the examination of telephones seized
from persons held in penal institutions or transferred
to them;
by analyzing data on the connections of
telephones operating on the territory of the penal
system institutions or in the areas where crimes are
committed by persons held in the penal system.
The proposed approach is based on the fact that
when preparing and committing a fraud committed
using mobile telephone communications, mobile
telephones is used from the territory of the penal
system at the stage of preparing and committing a
crime. Therefore, solving the problem of identifying
their subscribers who took part in the preparation and
commission of a crime corresponds to solving the
problem of identifying persons involved in the crimes
being committed and establishing the facts of their
illegal activities (Stepanenko, Bakhteev, Evstratova,
Moreover, in the conditions of an almost complete
absence of data on users of communication networks,
the rapid change of subscriber numbers and terminal
numbers, as well as the use of one-time or session
SIM-cards, identification and binding of control
objects to communication means in most cases is
possible only during the analysis of technical or
intrasystem data, the acquisition and analysis of
which is possible only with the use of both special
hardware and software complexes, and specialized
software tools or packages of application programs
for general use (Ammar, 2019.).
Prevention, however, often comes down to only
measures of criminal repression (Lavorgna, 2019), on
which most of the interviewed employees of
operational units still rely, believing that the only
effective measure to prevent new crimes is the arrest
and conviction of a fraudster. Therefore, the most
serious attention should be paid to the prevention of
cases of criminal fraud, suppression of the active
activity of professional fraudsters, and neutralization
of factors that facilitate their illegal actions
(Galakhov, 2001). So, organizing the prevention of
fraud committed using mobile telephony means, you
need to:
identify factors contributing to the
commission of fraud and take measures to eliminate
determine the circle of persons who may be
capable of carrying out fraud, and take appropriate
measures in order to prevent its commission;
to identify ways of committing planned or
planned crimes, conditions and other circumstances
that fraudsters intend to use (Paramonov, 1998).
General preventive measures are aimed at
identifying, eliminating and neutralizing the causes
and conditions that contribute to fraudulent
manifestations. Measures of this nature are based on
the analysis of negative factors contributing to the
manifestation of fraud, the available operational-
search information.
Analysis of information, depending on the tasks at
hand, allows you to have information about the
effectiveness of preventive measures, to have an idea
of the negative factors that contribute to fraud, to take
timely measures to eliminate them based on the
rational use of available forces and means. In
addition, in the process of studying operational
materials, changes and trends in the psychology of
fraudsters and their tactics are revealed, which is one
of the conditions for the correct organization of the
work of persons assisting operational units in order to
disclose fraud (Gurov, 1986).
Operations staff can, using overt and covert
to establish the circle of accomplices of fraud
and the role in the crime of each of them;
to identify the nature of actions for the
preparation and implementation of criminal
intentions, ways of committing fraud;
to actively influence the persons involved in
such crimes in order to persuade the latter to abandon
illegal actions, to exert a preventive effect on them, to
remove from the negative influence of criminals and
other persons with a less persistent criminogenic
successfully identify persons who may be
witnesses, victims, as well as various objects and
documents of evidentiary value;
to identify persons who are aware of crimes,
methods and circumstances of their commission;
detect places of shelter of property and
valuables obtained as a result of committing
fraudulent activities;
participate in the verification of operational
and other information;
control the channels of information exchange
between persons held in penal institutions and their
accomplices who are at large, block (interrupt) the
operation of communications on the territory of penal
The essence of the suppression of fraud is
characterized, as it were, by a logical continuation of
measures to prevent contemplated or planned crimes
and comes down to the arrest of those being checked
red-handed at the time of the crimes. The conditions
for the successful implementation of such detention
Operational-search Counteraction to Crimes Committed in the Institutions of the Penal System using Information and Communication
high-quality information support of ongoing
activities (it is necessary to have information about
when, where, in what way and in what composition
the criminals intend to act, etc.);
conducting a study of the object at which the
fraudsters intend to commit a crime;
determination of the forces, means necessary
for the operation, briefing and placement of
employees of operational units and other services
carrying out the arrest of criminals red-handed;
high secrecy of the conducted OSM.
The practice of disclosure shows that the activities
of persons who specialize in fraudulent actions
committed using mobile telephone means are
distinguished by a high degree of criminal
professionalism and legend of their illegal actions
(Martin, Munksgaard, Coomber, Demant, Barratt,
2020). As a rule, the objects of investigation use
several sets of SIM-cards used in the preparation and
commission of crimes. Therefore, in the areas where
crimes are committed, some subscriber numbers are
used, and in everyday activities, others. At the same
time, separate terminals can be used for everyday
SIM cards. At the same time, in a number of cases,
during the commission of a crime, criminals also have
everyday mobile phones with them, on which they
can receive calls or SMS messages. These telephones
are identified by building time-space models and
identifying multiple numbers simultaneously located
in the same areas (Kemp, 2020).
The main feature of the operation of such sets of
mobile phones is the use of terminals with several
SIM-cards and the interconnected operation of
several mobile phones in space and time. For complex
processing of data obtained from several sources, a
system of semantic-statistical processing of
heterogeneous information can be used.
When conducting operational-search measures in
relation to fraudsters, the following tasks are solved:
identification and thorough examination of all
participants in the commission of fraud, including the
use of citizens who provide assistance to operational
establishing the true role of each accomplice
in committing fraud;
establishing the facts of the criminal activity
of criminals;
documenting criminal acts;
non-admission (suppression) of criminal acts;
identification of the accomplices of fraudsters,
as well as persons included in their circle of
taking measures aimed at compensation for
material damage caused by the criminal actions of the
inspected persons;
identification and arrest of fraudsters red-
identification and elimination of the reasons
and conditions conducive to the commission of fraud
committed using the means of mobile telephone
In the process of verification activities in relation
to persons suspected of committing fraud as part of a
group, it becomes necessary to document the criminal
activity of the entire group of fraudsters. To
accomplish this task, it is advisable to use the
capabilities of specialized technical units, since with
the help of their employees, the members of the
criminal group, their roles, previously unknown
episodes are established; places of storage and sale of
money, jewelry and things acquired as a result of
fraud, etc.
The analysis shows that the effectiveness of
processing the information obtained in the course of
technical measures depends on the level of interaction
of the interested services. This relationship is largely
due to the specifics of the tasks solved by the
departments of technical measures, which consist in
documenting criminal activity (Caneppele, 2019).
In the legal literature, based on an analysis of the
practice of combating crime in general, an opinion
has been expressed about the possibility of using two
main tactics when documenting criminal activity,
which can be successfully used when documenting
fraudulent actions:
1. Identification and recording of actions that are
criminal in accordance with the current criminal code,
and committed by leaders and participants of criminal
fraudulent structures;
2. Collection and recording of factual data
confirming the existence and activities of a criminal
community (criminal organization), an organized
In the context of the above, special attention
should be paid to the issues of documenting the illegal
actions of organizers and other leaders of criminal
fraudulent groups. In this regard, one of the main
tasks of documentation is to establish the activities of
their leader in organizing specific crimes and guiding
the activities of their members. Among the main
actions of the organizers associated with their direct
participation, the creation and management of a
criminal group of fraudsters, we will include the
selection of members of the fraudulent group,
distribution of their roles and responsibilities;
formation of a unified attitude and correct
understanding of the criminal purpose among persons
participating in fraudulent activities;
supplying direct perpetrators of fraudulent
actions with means of committing crimes;
development of forms for reporting ordinary
fraudsters to their leader and ways to maintain
intragroup discipline;
involvement of new members into the criminal
group of fraudsters, prevention of the exit from the
formation of individual participants;
determination of the vector of the group's
activities, including tactical and strategic aspects;
determination of the scope of the criminal
offense, as well as the search for a potential victim;
building a latent system of corrupt
relationships with government agencies;
organization of counteraction to law
enforcement structures (Meshkov, 2003).
Identification and fixation in the course of
documenting the above actions will make it possible
to establish the fact of the creation and management
of the activities of an organized criminal structure,
and the circle of its members.
When documenting the actions of the organizers
of fraud, it is necessary to record the presence of
corruption ties that provide the criminal structure with
a certain level of security (Bordilovsky, 1993).
An analysis of the experience of combating
fraudsters with corrupt connections shows that in the
course of identifying corrupt officials and
documenting their illegal activities, it is necessary to
establish data indicating such facts and circumstances
as (Kornoukhov, 1995):
direct participation of officials of state
authorities and administration in criminal activities;
use of official position to cover up fraudulent
Documenting in this case involves the
identification, verification and consolidation of data
objectively confirming the action or inaction in
connection with which the fraud was carried out
(Ryabkov, 2001). Through tacit opportunities or with
the help of technical means, it is also necessary to find
out in whose interests the transfer (or transfer) of the
bribe is supposed to be.
In conclusion, it should be emphasized that only the
comprehensive use of the capabilities of law
enforcement agencies, tactically competent and
qualified and justified use of both public and private
capabilities of units carrying out operational-search
activities, can achieve positive results in disclosing
fraud committed using communications.
The results obtained in the course of the study
allow us to formulate a number of recommendations
for practitioners and heads of institutions and
authorities of the penal system involved in direct
counteraction to telephone fraud:
It is necessary to conduct a survey of the territory
of each institution of the penal system, in which
suspects and those accused of committing crimes are
kept, as well as those sentenced to imprisonment are
serving a criminal sentence. As part of the survey,
identify premises that are suitable for committing
crimes related to telephone fraud.
Strengthen surveillance in the premises identified
during the survey by installing permanent video
If it is possible to exclude access to the premises
of the risk group for persons included in the circle of
potential fraudsters.
On the part of the PS authorities, there should be
constant monitoring of persons who have access to
premises suitable for committing crimes related to
telephone fraud.
The introduction of the formulated
recommendations into the practice of the institutions
and bodies of the PS will significantly reduce the
number of cases of telephone fraud carried out from
their territory, as well as ensure an effective fight
against telephone fraud without attracting additional
forces and funds.
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