(Fishman, 2016; Nasreen, Mahalik, Shahbaz &
Abbas, 2020). Any of the economic systems of
individual states in the third decade of the 21st
century is increasingly dependent on foreign
economies. Researchers from Iran conclude:
«Globalization and the expansion of foreign
economic relations along with the intervention of
each of the states through exercising their national
economic policies within the framework of economic
rules have led to serious complexities, both for states
and the private sector involved in the international
economic relations» (Adibi & Habibi, 2017). From
the experience of Russia, we see that integration into
the global economy, in the event of the introduction
of economic sanctions against certain Russian
companies and sectors of the national economy, has
become a serious risk to the country's economic
security (Krasnova, 2019).
The 2017 Strategy classifies a high level of
criminalization in the economic sphere and
corruption as internal threats to economic security.
This problem has been widely studied by now, both
in domestic and international literature. Many
previous studies (1995-2020) emphasize the
relationship between economic crime and state
institutions, as a result of which “some elite actors
accept the use of violence as a tool in political and
economic competition” (Belokurova, 2018). Studies
of the economic security of the subsequent period of
the country's economic development reveal the
general issues of combating economic crime
(Suhodolov & others, 2017) and corruption (Iliy,
2016; Suhodolov and others, 2018; Bytko, 2019),
give various definitions of the concept of "economic
security" (Klimonova, 2014). In particular, they
define economic security as the basis for ensuring
national security and its other constituent elements
(Hoffman, 2021). Economic security can be
characterized as an activity to protect state economic
interests (Venkatachalam & Kumar, 2021).
Criminologists note the emergence of new forms
of illegal activity carried out using information,
communication and other advanced technologies
(Sukhodolov, Ivantsov, Borisov & Spasennikov,
2017; Kobets & Krasnova, 2018). Although in recent
years a sufficient number of studies have been
published on the legal regulation of the fight against
certain economic crimes (Ponomareva, 2019;
Markuntsov & Wassmer, 2020), it should be
recognized that there is insufficient coverage of the
specifics of preventing crimes of this type.
In this article, we will consider in detail a set of
measures to prevent economic crime and corruption.
The purpose of our research is to present the 2017
Strategy and explore the possibilities of criminal law
and codes of business ethics in the fight against
economic crime.
We present a systematic review of the literature that
investigates economic crime and criminal law
measures to combat it, identifying the factors of
economic crime. To search for relevant studies,
published literature was identified from Scimagojr,
Research Gate, Science Direct, Google Scholar, Sage
Open. A content analysis of the content of documents
of international organizations was also carried out in
order to identify various facts and trends in ensuring
economic security and combating corruption.
Analysis of scientific literature and content analysis
of documents of international organizations, allowed
to establish an effective measure of countering
economic crime and corruption in the private sector.
The review shows that anti-corruption compliance
programs are universal and can be part of any national
strategy to combat economic crime. Experts argue
that the inclusion in company policy of a ban
prohibiting employees or agents from participating in
any act of corruption, with strict sanctions up to and
including termination of employment for various
violations, including non-compliance with anti-
corruption behavior, will help close the supply side of
the corruption equation (Ferris & others, 2021). We
have established that multinational companies are
guided by the Anti-Bribery Business Principles
(Business Principles for Countering Bribery, 2021).
For example, ENKA's Code of Corporate Conduct
states that the company follows the principle of “zero
tolerance for bribery” and is committed to abide by
the relevant laws, rules and principles (Combatting
Bribery and Corruption, 2021). However, the
inclusion of anti-corruption provisions in local acts of
companies does not remove the issue of measuring
the changes that occur as a result of the introduction
of anti-corruption rules into business practice.
Research on various indicators of economic security
becomes the basis for the preparation and
implementation of various strategies for economic
security (Shafieva, 2019).
The system of indicators of economic security is
based on measuring: the effectiveness of the country's