criminal liability of legal entities is growing, and this
is considered a trend in the progressive development
of modern criminal law.
From a practical standpoint, legal entities commit
a significant number of crimes in the spheres of
economy, trade, labor law, tax law, health care and
environmental protection. A. Renou, argues that “it is
necessary to effectively punish these crimes,
especially since the financial resources of enterprises
allow them to commit much more serious crimes in
comparison with the capabilities of individuals”
(Lawrenson and Braithwaite, 2018).
Herewith, it is extremely interesting that the
criminal law systems of these states belong to
different legal systems. The criminal liability of legal
entities is established in the UK, USA, Canada and
some former colonies of Britain, which are classified
as a common law criminal family. But at the same
time, legal entities are brought to criminal
responsibility in a number of countries of the
Romano-Germanic legal family (Ministry of Justice,
Prior to the adoption of the 2015 Criminal Code
in Vietnam, there was no possibility of recognizing
legal entities as the subject of a crime. In the period
up to 2015, under the criminal law of the SRV
(hereinafter - SRV), only individuals could be
criminally liable.
The birth of the 2015 Criminal Code contributes
to the development of politics and criminal law
thinking in our state. For the first time in the history
of the criminal legislation of the SRV, the Criminal
Code provides for criminal liability for commercial
legal entities. This has changed the traditional
understanding of crime and punishment, meeting the
demand in the fight against crimes committed by
commercial entities in Vietnam in recent years. This
has created a legal basis for international cooperation
in the fight against crime, especially the transnational
organized crime. According to the traditional point of
view, it is a crime to combine objective and subjective
factors. According to objective factors, it is the
criminal act of a person that exposes society to a
significant danger. According to subjective factors,
this act should be associated with the internal
subjective attitude (guilt) of the offender, therefore,
prior to the adoption of the Criminal Code of 2015,
the criminal legislation of Vietnam recognized only
an individual as a subject of a crime, since it meets
the above two conditions. Thus, only a natural person
is subject to criminal liability, the liability of legal
entities, respectively, is not provided for by criminal
In the past, in a planned economy, legal entities
were mainly state-owned enterprises that produced
goods and products pursuant to the state’s plan,
therefore, the obligations for these legal entities were
not considered. However, at present, with the socialist
market economy and the trend of international
integration in Vietnam, there are many different types
of enterprises producing products for different
Many legal entities are commercial economic
organizations that have committed new unlawful acts
because of profits, which are detrimental to the
interests of the state, society and people. Therefore, in
addition to administrative liability, liability for
damages in civil law, the establishment of the
institution of criminal liability for legal entities for
committing dangerous acts has become necessary.
A legal entity is an organization, but not all
organizations are legal entities. Only those
organizations that meet the requirements of the law
can become legal entities and have an independent
status to enter into legal relations, that is, they have
the same “A legal entity is an organization that meets
all the necessary conditions established by law...
which is a subject of civil legal relations; differs from
an individual (individual); a legal entity is an
organization, but not any organization, but only those
organizations that meet all the conditions established
by law” (Nie, 2018).
It should be noted that a legal entity is an
organization that is legally established, has a strict
organizational structure, has independent property
and independently participates in legal relations on its
own behalf and is responsible for its property when
entering into these relations.
Legal entities can participate in public relations,
including criminal law relations.
When participating in criminal legal relations, are
legal entities recognized as subjects of a crime and are
they subject to criminal liability for dangerous acts?
Currently, this issue, which some countries are
considering, others have noted in the criminal law,
including Vietnam.
However, in general, consideration of the
question of whether a legal entity can become a
subject of a crime is always the main task in
regulating the criminal liability of a legal entity.
As analyzed above, not every organization has the
legal status of a legal entity. To be considered a legal
entity, an organization should meet the following
- A legal entity should be legally created, that is,
it should be established in the manner prescribed by