for a comprehensive examination of the problem of
counteracting street advertising of drug sales. The
statistical method was used in developing a prediction
of the involvement of new entrants in drug marketing.
In identifying the conditions conducive to the spread
of drug street advertising, the method used was the
examination of court and other procedural
instruments in administrative and criminal cases of
drug advertising. Aristotelian and logical-legal
methods were used to formulate proposals for
improving the organization of counteracting drug
street advertising as well as for supplementing and
amending the existing legal acts in this field. The
system-structural method allowed for a systematic
approach to improve the effectiveness of
counteracting street advertising of drug dealing in the
Deep Web.
The conditions conducive to the proliferation of street
advertising of drug sale can be divided into four
1. Accessibility and variety of locations for the
advertising inscriptions. Graffiti with links to Internet
resources created for the purpose of sale of narcotic
drugs are displayed on the facades of houses,
buildings, temporary construction sites, fences,
outbuildings, various elements of landscaping,
bridges, heating mains, elevated and underground
crossings, bus stops and other facilities. All of these
objects that make up the infrastructure are in walking
distance, are not always guarded, and are represented
by a large number of possible choices, so it is not
always possible to predict which objects will have
new inscriptions on them.
2. Minimum costs for the production of
advertising content. Creation of graffiti does not
require special, including artistic, skills, time or
material resources – painting products are not
expensive and are readily available.
3. A relatively long period of performance of the
advertising function by the image. The longevity of a
drug advertisement depends on a number of
circumstances, the most important of which are:
– lack of appeals to the authorities due to citizens’
ignorance, underestimation or misinterpretation of
the significance of an information message or image.
Most graffiti drug-related advertisements disguise
themselves as innocuous, looking like a random
assortment of numbers and English letters, thus
misleading the lay public as to their criminal nature;
– the reluctance to take an active civil position in
the fight against drug advertising, caused by
indifference to what is happening, perception of drug
addiction and drug trafficking not as a social problem,
but as a permissible part of daily life;
– bureaucratic nature of taking measures to
destroy the discovered inscription or image. The
problem with removing the graffiti is resolved more
quickly if such advertising causes significant damage
to the owners of buildings, structures, vehicles and
spoils the expensive coating of the facilities. Such
actions carry signs of vandalism, which is punishable
under Article 214 of the Criminal Code of Russian
Federation. A decision on a crime report under Article
144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure is taken within
three days of its receipt. The fate of the image as well
as the compensation procedure for the damage caused
is then also determined on based on this decision.
The lifespan of an advertisement may be much
longer if it does not cause obvious substantial harm,
or if the owner is indifferent to the necessity of
destroying it. In accordance with the Federal Law No.
59-FZ dated May 2, 2006 on the procedure for
considering appeals from the citizens of the Russian
Federation, appeals must be registered within three
days of their receipt by the addressee (Part 3 (8)), and
then dealt with within 30 days (Part 12 (1)). The same
deadline is set out in par. 91 of the Order of the
Russian Interior Ministry No. 707 dated September
12, 2013 "On approval of the instruction on the
organization of consideration of citizens’ appeals in
the system of the ministry of internal affairs of the
Russian Federation". Thus, the destruction of street
drug advertisements as a matter of citizen complaints,
rather than as an urgent response to stop an
administrative offence, allows the images to survive
for a very long time;
– citizens’ lack of awareness of their rights and of
how to deal with possible administrative offences
when they witness drug-related graffiti being made by
stencilers or when they observe drug advertisements
already placed in their neighbourhood. Citizens are in
no hurry to take the initiative in painting over the
suspicious texts and images on infrastructure for the
fear of being held administratively liable for
destroying or damaging someone else’s property
(Article 7.17 of the AC RF) or disorderly conduct
(Article 20.1 of the AC RF);
Such concerns may be well-founded, since
painting, for example, on urban facades requires
compliance with the norms established by the
Ministry of Construction and Housing and
Communal Services of the Russian Federation, as
well as by the executive authorities of the constituent