Interdisciplinary Links in the Theory of Criminal Intelligence
Yaroslav Grigoryevich Ishchuk
, Alexander Ivanovich Popov
and Olga Alexandrovna Zygmunt
Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Zoya and Alexandra Kosmodemyanskikh str., 8,
Moscow, Russia
Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V. Ya. Kikot (Ryazan branch), 1-Krasnaya str.,
18, Ryazan, Russia
University of Vechta, Driverstraße, 22, Vechta, Lower Saxony, Germany
Keywords: Criminal intelligence activity, criminal law, criminology, administrative law, a subject of science, crime
prevention, an administrative contract.
Abstract: The article analyzes the interdisciplinary links in the theory of criminal intelligence activity. The purpose of
the work is to search for new opportunities to improve the criminal intelligence counteraction to crime. In
order to achieve the goal, the authors identified the main tasks that followed from the characteristics of a
subject of criminal intelligence activity, namely: identifying common interdisciplinary links, establishing the
presence of a unity of tasks the fight against crime, proving the impossibility of the effectiveness of crime
prevention without conducting interdisciplinary research. The use of the method of comparative analysis in
conjunction with general scientific methods made it possible to establish common features and identify
integral tasks of criminal intelligence activities and other legal sciences, as well as to substantiate the position
according to which the conclusions of interdisciplinary research should enrich the theory and practice of crime
prevention. In the course of the study, it was found that criminal intelligence activity is based on conceptual
criminological theories. The results of the study make it possible to expand knowledge in the field of crime
prevention, to ensure the integration of theoretical knowledge into practical activities.
Since the emphasized theme implies the need to
analyze a subject of criminal intelligence activity, the
prerequisites for this study were the conceptual works
of leading scientists in the considered field:
A.I. Alekseev, G.K. Sinilov (Alekseev A. I., 1973),
A.G. Lekar (Lekar A.G., 1972), S.S. Ovchinsky and
others. A new direction has been developed
criminal intelligence crime prevention, a special role
in this invention was played by S.S. Galakhov, as well
as a number of researchers V.S. Kubarev, A.P.
Nekrasov (Nekrasov A.P., 2005), etc. The works of
A.P. Isichenko (Isichenko A.P., 2001), B.I.
Baranenko, E.A. Didorenko (Baranenko B.I., 2004)
and others were devoted to comprehensive
interdisciplinary research.
Specifying the unconditional scientific
significance of the works of all authors as the basis
for our study, we state that most of the research was
carried out in a different socio-legal and criminal
situation in the country.
The hypothesis of the study is that the two-way
use of theories, practices, information, conclusions of
criminology and a number of other sciences with
criminal intelligence activity will provide new
theoretical knowledge that will increase the
effectiveness of solving the main task of criminal
policy – crime prevention (Ishchuk Ya. G., 2021).
The purpose of the study is to identify and
describe common joint “interests” of legal sciences
and criminal intelligence activity, a comprehensive
analysis of the possibilities of using their symbiotic-
integrated knowledge in crime prevention measures.
In order to achieve this goal, the following tasks
were set and solved: the interrelation and place of
criminology and criminal intelligence activity in
criminal policy were determined, conceptual and
Ishchuk, Y., Popov, A. and Zygmunt, O.
Interdisciplinary Links in the Theory of Criminal Intelligence Activity.
DOI: 10.5220/0010636100003152
In Proceedings of the VII International Scientific-Practical Conference “Criminal Law and Operative Search Activities: Problems of Legislation, Science and Practice” (CLOSA 2021), pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-532-6; ISSN: 2184-9854
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
“private” interests (tasks) of sciences were found, the
value of interdisciplinary research in the field of
crime prevention was proved.
The research materials were scientific works in the
field of criminology, criminal intelligence activity
and a number of other sciences.
The study was based on a dialectical approach to
the disclosure of interdisciplinary relations using
general scientific (systemic, logical, analysis and
synthesis) and specific scientific methods: formal-
logical, structural analysis, comparative method.
Cognitive procedures of system analysis, an
integrated approach to the considered problem were
used. The application of a combination of these
methods and some other ones made it possible to
study and analyze the scientific work of scholars and
the practice of criminal intelligence activity.
Currently, complex (“interdisciplinary”) studies of
various sciences make it possible to look at existing
theoretical and practical problems from a different
angle and develop promising ways to solve them. Key
fields of criminological knowledge are focused on the
theoretical and practical aspects of law enforcement.
The knowledge obtained as a result of the integration
of criminology into the sciences of the “anti-criminal
unit” offers practitioners new ways to solve the
problems of crime prevention.
Criminological ideas are the most important
guideline and source for the formation of criminal
policy, the development of anti-criminal legislation
and law enforcement practice. Criminology occupies
a special, fundamental, and connecting place in the
structure of criminal policy and the disclosure of this
theme requires individual attention and a separate
discussion. Its place can be schematically indicated in
the following way:
Figure 1: Criminal policy.
It should be emphasized that criminal intelligence
activity is organically interconnected with some
sciences (psychology, administrative law,
constitutional law, criminal procedure law,
criminalistics, criminology, criminal law (Shkabin,
G.S., 2017), etc.): on the one hand, it has at the basis
of its concepts certain knowledge of these sciences,
uses their methods and new information, replenishing
its own knowledge, while developing the own
A feature of modern science is the tendency to
synthesize knowledge. New realities are such that
without the synthesis of information obtained through
its accumulation from other areas of knowledge, it is
impossible to solve modern complex problems.
Scientists (Lebedev S. Ya, 2009; Dolgova A.I., 2017;
Antonyan Yu.M., 2014; Kvashis V.E., 2019)
reasonably call such a synthesis criminological, since
it corresponds to the goals and objectives of criminal
The crime prevention system is fundamental to
achieving the purpose of criminal policy and the only
way to reduce the number of crimes: it does not allow
to increase the scope of criminality and boost the
number of victims of crime. The criminological core
of knowledge about crime prevention, being filled
with new data from the sciences of the anti-criminal
cycle, is being implemented in specific areas:
criminal intelligence, criminal law, criminal
procedure, and criminal executive.
Trying to comprehend the criminality,
criminology is the cornerstone of all scientific
information about crime. Criminology can always be
used in research as a starting point of knowledge, as
a general theoretical key to understanding and solving
the problems of the fight against crime.
Therefore, a special task of criminology is to
provide theoretical assistance to criminal intelligence
science, by forming an appropriate knowledge base
for high-quality strategic and practical direction of the
fight against crime.
The criminological foundations of criminal
intelligence activity are determined by the
commonality of the most important goal, which is
established by criminal policy. Currently, the target
vector of criminal policy is aimed at protecting
citizens (Martynenko N.E., 2021), society and a state
from crime.
The solution of modern problems of the fight
against crime is impossible without an integrated
approach, which requires determining the intersection
of academic interests – the subjects of sciences.
The main question of the interrelation between
criminal intelligence activity and a number of other
anti-criminal sciences is to what extent the spheres of
interests of these sciences are connected and,
therefore, to what extent in the process of research it
is possible to determine the degree of their contact.
Note that the objective interrelations of the
sciences are diverse and they are not exhaustive.
These junctions determine complex research, as a
result of which new knowledge appears, aimed at
solving practical problems in the field of crime
Thus, the interdisciplinary link is formed through
the cognitive process of criminality as an integral
phenomenon, as well as such categories as: latent
criminality, the genesis of criminal (pre-criminal)
behavior, the mechanism of committing crimes;
activities and characteristics of persons plotting to
commit a crime, hiding from law enforcement
agencies; analysis and forecasting of the crime
situation and the field conditions; prevention (control,
counteraction) of crimes, legal registration of
procedural and a number of other documents, etc.
The most important element of using the
criminological characteristics of criminality in the
organization of the criminal intelligence activity is the
assessment of the criminogenic (strategic) situation.
Knowledge of the actual quantitative and
qualitative indicators of criminality, its geographical
features; about criminally affected groups of
population; understanding the negative tendencies in
the development of certain groups of crimes, etc.
makes it possible to ensure the implementation of the
principle of rationalization in the organization of
criminal intelligence activity in the country and its
separate regions, to focus the attention of law
enforcement forces and means on conceptual areas,
purposefully, taking into account local conditions, to
develop the most effective measures for crime
prevention and solution. Criminological forecasting,
the main task of which is to determine stable
tendencies in criminality and the factors influencing
it, is a necessary prerequisite for a quick assessment
of the situation and planning of strategical measures.
Forecasting forms the foundation for criminal
intelligence activity, since its information banks are
created on the basis of a prediction of the probability
of illegal behavior of citizens.
It is difficult to overestimate the importance of
predictive activity. It allows you to avoid mistakes
while choosing objects of strategic prevention and
verification, to successfully solve tactical tasks to
anticipate the actions of criminals. The predictive
work in the structure of criminal intelligence activity
becomes a form of this operation, which requires the
use of ever-increasing intellectual and organizational
activity (“criminological thinking”). The
development of “criminological thinking” among law
enforcement officers requires a separate
interdisciplinary consideration. (Gorach N.N., 2019)
The authors of the textbook “Criminal Intelligence
Activity” (Goryainov K.K., 2004) noted that the
dialectical approach to the phenomenon makes it
possible to combine the analysis of the past,
diagnostics of the present and forecasting the future
into a single process.
Further, moving to the cornerstone intersection of
the considered sciences “the personality of a
criminal”, we define its content as a complex of
significant social, psychological, biological and legal
features integrated in the individual, which in their
totality and in interaction with certain determinants
and a specific situation caused the commission of a
Criminology, by generalizing the indicated
features, forms certain types and groups of
“criminals”, which is the necessary knowledge in
criminal intelligence activity in order to understand
the conditions for the formation of a criminal in his
immediate environment, his connections and acts in
social and digital space.
The personality of a criminal is interesting for
criminal intelligence activity because it is the main
and most important link in the mechanism of criminal
conduct, and, accordingly, its features that give rise to
such behavior should be the direct object of law
enforcement interest.
Criminology, identifying and studying the causes
and conditions of crimes, simultaneously determines
the directions of their elimination, formulates
practical recommendations for the prevention of
crimes. An effective direction of the crime prevention
system is special preventive mechanism (Borin B.V.,
2017), which is also implemented in criminal
Interdisciplinary Links in the Theory of Criminal Intelligence Activity
intelligence activities criminal intelligence crime
Criminal intelligence prevention is a scientifically
grounded and regulated by legal norms activity
carried out by specialized subjects (criminal
intelligence divisions), which consists in the
integrated use of criminal intelligence capabilities in
order to determine and eliminate the causes and
conditions of the commission of crimes, to identify
persons from whom it is possible to expect the
commission of a crime, and providing them with a
preventive effect, as well as ensuring the safety of
citizens in need of special protection measures.
Recent criminological studies (Vardanyan A.V.,
2018; Smakhtin E., 2018; Moosavi L.A., 2018)
allowed representatives of theory of criminal
intelligence activity to continue researching the legal,
organizational and tactical foundations of criminal
intelligence crime prevention. Criminal intelligence
prevention, having the same object of research the
personality of a criminal and the processes associated
with it, the latency of criminality, studies, however,
only those aspects that are discovered and recorded
by the criminal intelligence method. Only persons
from whom one can expect a crime commission, as
well as those already plotting specific offences,
secretly preparing to commit them or attempting to
commit crimes, falls into its field of vision. In this
regard, criminal intelligence prevention is
characterized by the peculiarities of covert activities
to influence the persons being controlled in order to
prevent crimes, to take the necessary measures to
exclude the implementation of criminal intentions.
On the other hand, criminal intelligence
prevention has as its task the analysis of criminal
intelligence information about the factors that
determine the state of criminality, the reasons and
conditions supporting to the commission of offenses
and crimes. At the same time, criminal intelligence
prevention, acting as an independent direction of
criminal intelligence activity, is a special type of
crime prevention, and thus, an organic connection is
assumed between the theory of criminal intelligence
activity and the science of criminology.
Criminal intelligence activity intensively uses the
provisions and conclusions developed by the science
of criminal law. It is based on understanding of the
crime (signs of a crime), the circumstances, excluding
the criminality of a deed, stages of crime, and etc.
The situation is different with applied legal
sciences. The interaction of criminal intelligence
science with legal psychology and criminalistics is
well established.
The interaction of psychology, legal psychology
and criminal intelligence has now led to the
emergence and substantiation of a new legal
discipline – criminal intelligence psychology.
The links between criminal intelligence activity
and forensic science are close, which is determined
by the history of the development of both disciplines,
during which forensic science had a significant
impact on the formation of the theory of criminal
intelligence activity. In the system of science,
criminal intelligence activity, following a model of
forensic science, distinguishes: the general theory of
criminal intelligence activity; criminal intelligence
equipment; criminal intelligence tactics; criminal
intelligence technique. It is forensic science that
dictates to field officers where to search and how to
fix the traces of a crime. There are some events that
are impossible without forensic knowledge.
During solving the certain specific problems of
criminal intelligence activity, scientists are forced to
turn to other knowledge that is not included in the
core of anti-criminal disciplines and does not have
criminological knowledge on its basis.
In principle, we note the interrelation between the
science of criminal intelligence activity and the
science of constitutional law. The Constitution of the
Russian Federation, being the main law of the
country, has enshrined the norms that are directly
related to the criminal intelligence activity. They
include, for example: equality of citizens before the
law (Article 19), the right to the inviolability of
private life, personal and family secrets, as well as the
right to inviolability of the home, the limitation of
which is possible only on the basis of a court decision
(Articles 23, 25).
The manifestation of interdisciplinary links in the
framework of criminal intelligence activities can also
be traced in relations arising due to the involvement
of persons on a contractual basis for cooperation.
Within the framework of the contract, it is
possible to reflect in detail the content of the
relationship between parties, to determine the terms
of cooperation, types of assistance.
These contractual legal relationships arise within
the law enforcement function of a state and make it
possible to consolidate the interrelation between a
state and an individual. At the same time, a field
officer, endowed with the appropriate state and power
authorities, at his own choosing, exercising
discretionary powers, determines the counterparty.
As in administrative contracts, agreements on
cooperation within the framework of the criminal
intelligence activity do not have equality between the
parties, but in terms of their focus they are intended
for the realization of public interests – the protection
of a person, property, society and a state from
criminal encroachments (Article 1 of the Federal Law
“On criminal intelligence activity”).
However, the contract is concluded not in
connection with the implementation of administrative
relations, but in connection with the need to detect
crimes. The cooperation between the subjects of the
considered relations is exclusively voluntary, which
allows us to speak about the presence of certain
dispositive principles in legal regulation.
It should be noted that interdisciplinary links of
criminal intelligence activity with “non-criminal”
disciplines are manifested in the preparation of
scientific and practical works on the method of
solving, for example, economic crimes, when
specialists in the sphere of criminal intelligence
activity need knowledge in the field of civil, land,
municipal and other law. Since with the help of
criminal intelligence activity, crimes related to the
life of a person, in general, are solved, the sciences
that regulate relations in society must feed the
criminal intelligence activity their knowledge and
Thus, the peculiarities of the emergence and
implementation of contractual legal relations within
the framework of criminal intelligence activities
allow us to speak of the presence of appropriate
interdisciplinary links.
Knowledge of anti-criminal and other disciplines
substantially completes the lore of the criminal
intelligence science about its subject, creates a
fundamental basis for a strategic analysis of the
mechanism for preparing and committing crimes.
Special (hidden) capabilities, means and methods of
criminal intelligence activity allow a deeper study of
the circumstances of the mechanism of criminal
behavior than it is presented in criminological studies,
and the combination of the obtained data allows, in
general, to solve criminological problems of defining
latent criminality, crime prevention, etc.
Thus, criminality, its causes and conditions, the
identity of an offender and criminal behavior, special
prevention measures, and other problems connected
with criminality are studied by the sciences of the
“anti-criminal cycle”, including the theory of criminal
intelligence activity. In the complex of these sciences,
criminology, being born from a number of scientific
disciplines, represents a certain integrity of the
knowledge union about crime.
The conceptual directions of interdisciplinary
links that allow solving the largest complex of
problems in the field of crime prevention and largely
determine the effectiveness of this activity are the
interrelation of criminal intelligence activity, as well
as a number of legal sciences: criminal law (Shkabin
G.S., 2018), civil law, constitutional law, land law,
and etc.
The improvement of state activity in order to
combat crime is an ongoing process in which new
problems are constantly raised and solved.
Respectively, a reasonable and optimal ratio of
interdisciplinary scientifically based approaches to
creating a modern crime prevention system can today
become one of the leading areas for criminal policy,
since crime prevention is the main means of ensuring
the safety of citizens and a state from illegal, criminal
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