Criminal Legal Measures of Fight against Crime in Russian and
German Criminal Law
Sargis Artemovich Terzikyan
and Natalya Yuryevna Prikhodko
Research center “Russian law”, Law Faculty, University of Potsdam
Department of Management Training of Law Enforcement Agencies, Branch of the Academy of Management of the
Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Bolshevo
Keywords: Additional criminal law, criminal legal measures, counteraction, impact, warning, sanction
Abstract: This paper presents the systems of Russian and German criminal-legal counteraction, provided for by national
legislation and international law. The objective set for the researchers: to consider the theoretical aspects of
combating crimes in Russia and Germany, analyzing the obtained material, generalizing, joining and
synthesizing the results of study separate elements, the authors tried to formulate similar and distinctive
features of two legal systems. The author's paper is interesting for science as a whole and for a private
researcher because he offers for the first time to compare the criminal legislation of the Federal Republic of
Germany and Russia within the framework of combating crime.
Before presenting specific measures of criminal law
in the fight against crime, it is necessary to understand
the criminal legislation system in Germany and
Russia as a whole aimed at combating crime in
Russian and German criminal law, which is the study
goal and is being developed for the first time. In this
part of the cooperative paper, the system of German
and Russian criminal law will be briefly presented.
The study object is the rules of Russian and German
international legislation. Along with this, the sanction
system and its features in German criminal law in the
context of combating crime will be highlighted, two
types of German criminal law criminal and
administrative, and some categories and terminology
of the general part of Russian criminal law, such as
the concept of preventing crimes or legal torts,
suppression as a counteraction element, some
elements and content of criminal law, legislation and
criminal policy, will be considered.
The study used the sources of scientific developments
and materials of practical activities of law
enforcement agencies in Russia and Germany; the
study used a number of methods, reflecting the
comprehensive solution of the problems set in the
article: analysis and synthesis, comparison method,
method of data processing and interpretation.
Studies in the field of legal knowledge, including
criminal law, require a response from the scientific
world in the narration of theoretical aspects and
proposals in solving practical problems facing society
in a particular historical period of its development.
The study of crime in its various aspects, including
with the help of transition to higher levels of
knowledge to a systemic study of measures to counter
crime, including in the conditions of functioning of a
modern legal state, is of primary importance.
Let us consider an overview of the German
criminal law system: German criminal law widely
consists of criminal law and the law of administrative
offenses. Each of these branches of law sets forth its
own components of act and the conditions for
punishment assignment. The main characteristic
features are the legal consequences and opportunities
for the prosecution of wrongful acts (Hellmann,
Terzikyan, S. and Prikhodko, N.
Criminal Legal Measures of Fight against Crime in Russian and German Criminal Law.
DOI: 10.5220/0010636400003152
In Proceedings of the VII International Scientific-Practical Conference “Criminal Law and Operative Search Activities: Problems of Legislation, Science and Practice” (CLOSA 2021), pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-532-6; ISSN: 2184-9854
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2021). An important feature of German criminal law
is that criminal law rules are found not only in the
Criminal Code of the Federal Republic of Germany,
but also in legislative acts regulating other legal
branches. In this connection, the components of a
criminal act of tax evasion are established in the Tax
Code of the Federal Republic of Germany 370 of
the Tax Code). Provisions of a criminal law nature
that regulate civil or administrative legal relations can
also be found in other regulatory legal acts. Thus, the
provisions of the Criminal Code define the main area
of substantive criminal law, while the rules of the
criminal nature of other laws constitute an additional
part of the criminal law. Thus, in German criminal
law it is conventional to distinguish between “basic”
and “additional” criminal law (Schönke, 2019). It
should be pointed out that most of the “traditional”
criminal offenses are contained in the Criminal Code,
for example, murder, theft, fraud, robbery, extortion,
infliction of bodily harm. Additional criminal law
regulates special areas of the necessary criminal law
impact, for example, tort related to psychotropic
drugs or business and financial activities (JuS, 2019,
NZWiSt, 2021). Although the term “additional
criminal law” is used, this does not mean that this part
of the criminal law is in some way or other secondary
to the Criminal Code. This designation is used to
categorize a formal-meaningful nature. Additional
criminal law often regulates misdemeanors and
crimes that are also of great importance in practical
work (Kindhäuser, 2017). Despite the fact that this
part of criminal law is influenced by social changes,
its main and most important features are that it
includes a list of rules that are taken for granted in
legal systems that guarantee subjective rights. The
presence of necessary connection with protection of
legal benefits in these cases practically does not cause
problems (Esser, 2020). The task of additional
criminal law – to put the previous special-branch
legal rules under criminal law protection. The
controversial form of blanket rules is a frequently
used technique for resolving such legal relations.
Along with international commitments incriminal
law (due to ratification, for example, of statute of the
International Criminal Court or the International
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and
Fundamental Freedoms), the law of the European
Union (EU) has a great influence on German criminal
law. In accordance with normal legislative procedure,
the European Parliament and the Council may,
through the adoption of decrees and directives,
establish minimum rules for the establishment of
crimes and punishments in areas of particularly
serious crime that are of a cross-boundary nature, as
well as because of the nature or consequences of
criminal acts, or because of a special need to require
joint action against them (Art. 83, sub-paragraph 1, of
the Treaty on the Functioning of the European
Union). Terrorism, human trafficking, sexual abuse
of women and children, illegal drug and arms trade,
money laundering, corruption, organized crime and
computer crime are identified as such spheres. With
the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty (Vertrag von
Lissabon, 2009), the EU gained additional
opportunities to influence the criminal legislation of
the member states. Thus, the EU strives to ensure a
high security level through the adoption of measures
to prevent and combat crime, as well as to combat
racism and xenophobia, coordination and cooperation
of police departments and bodies administering
criminal justice, including through the mutual
recognition of criminal decisions and, if necessary,
approximation of criminal law (Art. 61, sub-
paragraph 3 of the Lisbon Treaty). If the
approximation of the criminal law of the Member
States is particularly necessary for the effective
implementation of the Union's policy in the area in
which harmonization measures have been taken,
appropriate directives establishing minimum rules for
the determination of criminal acts and punishments in
the relevant area may be adopted (Art. 69b, sub-
paragraph 2 Lisbon Treaty). Thus, for example,
Directives were issued to combat money laundering,
to prevent and combat trafficking in persons and to
provide protection to victims, as well as on the
implementation of preliminary investigation in
criminal cases (Richtlinie 2018/1673/EU, Richtlinie
2011/36/EU, Richtlinie 2014/41/EU). In addition,
according to Art. 83, sub-paragraph 3 of the Treaty on
the Functioning of the European Union in the
Development of Crime, the Council may, with the
consent of the European Parliament, unanimously
determine other areas of crime that meet the criteria
of this sub-paragraph.
The German Administrative Offenses Act
establishes an administrative monetary penalty as a
means of influence.
The Criminal Code provides for punishment in the
form of a monetary penalty and imprisonment as an
ultima ratio of criminal pressure. In this sense, it
should be noted that the sanctions system of the
Criminal Code of the Federal Republic of Germany
distinguishes between punishments 38 et seq.
paragraphs) on the one hand, and remedial and
security measures 61 et seq. paragraphs) on the
other hand. Therefore, when talking about the
sanctions system in Germany, the concept of legal
effect dualism is used (Münchener Kommentar zum,
The theoretical concept establishes a categorical
division of punishments: 1) justified by the law
breaker's fault and being a limited state mechanism
for inflicting harm in the sense of a repressive
response to the committed injustice, or 2)
independent of the perpetrator's guilt, measures to
correct and improve security, which are justified by
the (expected) future threat posed by the performer
and are a proportionate limited response of the state
in order to provide preventive protection (see.
BVerfG 4.5.2011 2 BvR 2365/09) (Müller-Dietz,
1979). According to the law concept, remedial and
security measures 61 et seq. paragraphs of this
chapter of the Criminal Code) are the so-called
second way of the system of criminal sanctions and
serve to prevent future danger posed by such actual
doers whose predicted danger potential as a result of
imposing a custodial sanction or a monetary penalty
in the context of preventive protection of legal
benefits cannot be reflected in whole or sufficiently
(Münchener Kommentar zum, 2020).
Remedial and safety measures include, for
example, psychiatric detention, supervision of
behavior, prohibition to engage in certain activities,
etc. (see § 63 et seq. paragraphs of this chapter of the
Criminal Code).
German criminal law also distinguishes between
basic and additional types of punishment (BVerfGE
128, 326 (376)) (Jung, 2002). However, as an
additional punishment in the Criminal Code, only the
prohibition of operating the vehicle 61 of the
Criminal Code) applies, since the property
punishment was found by the Federal Constitutional
Court (FCC) of the Federal Republic of Germany to
be inconsistent with the Basic Law, and, therefore,
became invalid (see BVerfG BvR 794/95). Along
with this, a law came into force in 2017 reforming the
sphere of criminal forfeiture of property and objects
obtained as a result of a crime or intended to commit
wrongful acts (Bundesgesetzblatt (BGBl.) I 2017,
872). This institution enables law enforcement
authorities, among other things, to confiscate the
property of unexplained wealth 76a, sub-paragraph
4 of the Criminal Code). As a result of these changes,
the need in the judicial establishment of the
committed wrongful act and the performer's guilt
absent. For the purpose of property confiscation, an
initial suspicion of committing one of the criminal
acts defined in § 76a (sub-paragraph 4, sentence 3) of
the Criminal Code and the conviction of the court of
a gross discrepancy between object value and legal
income of the affected party is sufficient 437 of the
Criminal Procedure Code) (Terzikyan, 2019,
Köllner/Mück, 2017). Thus, the legislator tried to
ensure the principle operation that crimes should not
compensate for themselves (Reitemeier, 2017). The
FCC describes the goal of the criminal-legal
confiscation of property as follows: “If law-breakers
could keep property benefits acquired by criminal
means for a long time, this could harm the population
confidence in fairness and inviolability of law and
order” (BVerfG Beschl. v. 14.1.2004 – 2 BvR 564/95
– BVerfGE 110, 1-33, Rn. 103). It should be pointed
out that the need to make these changes is due to the
fight against organized crime and was a requirement
of the European Union Directive dated April 03, 2014
(2014/42/EU) “On securing and confiscating the
objects of the act and what was acquired by criminal
ways” (Heim, 2017). In German criminal law,
provisions related to confiscation are defined as
coercive actions of their own nature 11, item 8 of
the Criminal Code) (Schönke, 2019, Kindhäuser,
2017). In this context, in the literature and in judicial
practice, discussions about the essence of these
measures, which have a repressive nature similar to
punishment, have been and are being conducted
(Bittmann, 2016, Höft).
The logic of scientific research development in
Russia and the practical tasks put forward in carrying
out daily activities on criminal counteraction to crime
as a whole, set the goals of a more detailed and
multilateral study of its individual measures in the
mechanism of criminal fight against crime, the search
for best means of its prevention measures. It is
necessary to point out that research or scientific
thought requires its confirmation by practical data,
including at the international level (Kucher O., 2015).
All conducted research is suggestively aimed at
improving legislation, thereby increasing the
effectiveness of combating crime. In this case, we
cannot but agree with the scientists' opinion about
digitalization of the law enforcement environment,
which can lead to streamlining and simplifying the
interaction of “citizen-society”, “citizen-state”
(Nikitin Ye., 2020, Tagirov Z.I., 2018).
Understanding the mechanism of counteraction in the
criminal sphere includes all the teachings, institutions
and components of criminal law as a scientific
research. Such as, the structure of provision for law,
objective and subjective signs of a crime, crime as a
legal fact and much more.
It is also required to consider cumulative,
interdisciplinary, generalizing and integrative studies,
since it is they that allow the most general and
complete consideration of all of the above institutions
and categories in the process of interaction, contact,
Criminal Legal Measures of Fight against Crime in Russian and German Criminal Law
interchangeability. However, all the shortcomings are
visible here: erroneousness and misleadings of
scientific views, violations of law enforcement, rules
conflict, failure to function in the system of
criminalization or decriminalization, loss of a
methodological understanding of combating crime.
In the Russian scientific literature, an integrated
approach is used in the research of any field of study,
the maximum number of published works is covered.
This is of great importance for moving forward in the
field of interaction in the law enforcement
environment, it allows to rationally use the obtained
information, to tried out it, to justify the rationality of
using one or another of its components.
For example, Lopashenko N.A. defines the
criminal law impact – this influence is generally
positive, since it supposes a focus on the prevention
of harm crime It includes various methods,
measures, including the most severe, that the state and
society can afford (Lopashenko N.A., 2016).
The criminal measures of counteraction, which
are considered by the authors, can be attributed to the
main methods of influencing criminal behavior, as
methods of restraining persons from crimes. The
study and development of criminal countermeasures
should be continuous, associated with the
development of statehood, society, technology. This
correlates with the principles of criminal legislation,
the severity of criminal law, unlawful behavior of a
person (individual person), the severity of crime.
Criminal law guards, protects and preserves what is
not questioned.
The system of general measures of criminal
counteraction to crime, as fundamental elements that
accumulate in themselves the concepts of the criminal
and the punishable and everything connected with
them, includes:
criminal law;
criminal legislation;
criminal policy.
First, criminal law includes the protection of
public relations in society and the state from crimes;
carries out the function of crime prevention, including
the element of prevention of repeated administrative
violations. Protects the individual, society and the
state, property and state structure. Criminal law
formulates not only repressive methods of managing
society, but also offers conditions and grounds for
attenuating, liberating, eliminating responsibility and
punishment. It is known that the criminal law subject
is made up of three main types of social relations, the
content of which is very specific and ambiguous.
Secondly, the proposed system of criminal law
counteraction is based on a complicated mechanism
of the impact of criminal law rules (legislation) on
crime, this effect is partially intermediated, and has
an exceptional preventive effect, but most of it acts
directly and proximately. The system of general
measures can be structured in the following scheme:
from general to specific: criminal law policy
criminal law criminal legislation. However, it
should be said that the first two elements can change,
depending on the breadth of objective properties.
The term “opposition” is defined by legislative
regulations as an action that prevents another action
or an action that serves as an obstacle to the
manifestation, development of another action,
The concept under consideration is directly used
in some regulatory legal acts of federal significance,
1) The Federal Law dated December 25, 2008 No.
273-FZ “On Combating Corruption” in Art. 1 gives
the concept of combating corruption as an activity
...a) to prevent ..., identify ..., eliminate the causes of
crime, summarizing these terms in the concept of
“prevention”; b) on detection, prevention,
suppression, disclosure and investigation,
considering everything as a “fight”; c) to minimize...,
2) The Federal Law dated August 07, 2001 No.
115-FZ “On Counteracting the Legalization
(Laundering) of Criminally Obtained Incomes and
the Financing of Terrorism” in Art. 4 refers to the
measures aimed at countering the legalization of
income... the following: various types of control;
prohibition on informing clients..., refusal to fulfill
the order; other measures, referring to other
regulatory documents.
3) The Federal Law dated March 06, 2006 No. 35-
FZ “On Countering Terrorism” uses the following
concept in Art. 3 countering terrorism as: a)
prevention ..., identification, ...elimination of causes
and conditions...; b) detection, prevention,
suppression, disclosure and investigation of crimes;
c) minimization, elimination of crime consequences.
However, as can be noted, opposition at the
legislative level is defined as warning, suppression,
fight, and in some cases, disclosure and investigation.
Art. 6 “Main Directions of Crime Prevention” (the
Federal Law dated June 23, 2016 No. 182-FZ “On the
Fundamentals of the Crime Prevention System in the
Russian Federation”). 16 positions are indicated as
the main directions of activity. All these 16 positions
are grouped into four blocks: directions that are
implemented through “preventions”, directions that
are implemented through “provision”, directions that
are implemented through “counteraction”, and others.
The term “warning” is used when it comes to
delinquency (item 1.2 of Art. 6), neglect,
homelessness, delinquency and antisocial actions of
minors, as well as when referring to natural and man-
made emergencies.
The term “provision” is used in relation to such
areas of activity as ensuring public safety, including
traffic safety and transport security, ensuring the
protection and protection of private, state, municipal
and other forms of ownership, ensuring economic
security, ensuring environmental safety, protection
environment, fire safety.
The term “counteraction” is used in relation to
illegal migration, terrorism and extremist activities,
illegal drug trafficking, corruption. Four positions of
Art. 6 of the Federal Law dated June 23, 2016 No.
182-FZ - the protection of the individual, society and
the state, the development of a preventive accounting
system, the protection of public order, an increase in
the level of legal literacy and the development of the
legal consciousness of citizens - reveal the term
“prevention” more broadly than the concepts
“warning”, “provision”, “counteraction”.
The criminal legislation of Russia, reflected in the
Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, is thus a
systematized and codified criminal legislation that
includes the entire set of mandatory and
comprehensive criminal law norms in force in Russia.
The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is the
only source of criminal law, all other regulatory legal
acts of the state, decisions of the Constitutional Court
of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the
Russian Federation, other judicial bodies, orders of
the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian
Federation, other law enforcement and law
enforcement agencies, constituent entities of the
Russian Federation are only orienting, auxiliary, and
explanatory and cannot be a source of criminal
Thirdly, criminal policy – the state activity on
civil society and state safety management against
criminal encroachments, development and carrying
out a common line in this, strategy and tactics.
Criminal policy is an integral part of the state
internal policy and differs from its other spheres in its
object, objectives, methods and measures. Its content
depends on socio-political and socio-economic
conditions. With a change in these conditions, the
content of criminal policy as a part of domestic policy
also changes.
Scientific analysis, scientific sensemaking of this
activity, determination of its goals and objectives,
content and forms, directions, its measures and
methods, the formation of provisions related to the
management of criminal policy implementation,
constitute the theoretical basis for its formation and
development. That is, the development of problems
of the state's activities in the management of fight
against crime, its implementation is the main
direction of the criminal policy theory.
The subject of any branch of knowledge
determines the limits in which scientific
understanding of one or another aspect of reality takes
place. The criminal policy subject is the main general
laws of the state's activities to ensure the security of
society, the state from criminal encroachments. The
criminal policy purpose as a state strategic line is the
safety of citizens, society and the state from criminal
encroachments; the subjects of criminal policy are
state and public structures that participate in it.
State policy in the field of fight against crime an
activity that uses various economic, political, legal,
religious, cultural, educational, etc. measures and
methods. Criminal policy – as one of its elements, an
integral part of legal policy. This is an activity to
ensure security from criminal encroachments, based
on the use of criminal law, procedural, criminal
executive and other means used in this.
It is obvious that criminal policy is closely related
to legal policy and is a part of it. Alongside with that,
criminal policy is a relatively independent link, which
is determined by its goals, objectives, principles, and
The authors found in the paper that the European
Union can issue directives for approximation of the
criminal legislation of the Member States,
respectively, and Germany, if this is necessary for the
effective implementation of the Union policy in the
area in which harmonization measures have been
taken, including establishing minimum rules for
definitions of criminal offenses and punishments in
the relevant field. The proposed system of criminal
legal counteraction in Russian legislation is based on
a complicated mechanism of the criminal law impact
on crime, this effect is partially intermediated, and
has an exceptional preventive effect, but most of it
acts directly and proximately. These conclusions are
not conclusive and give a handle for continuing
research in this area, for discussion and rethinking of
erroneous assumptions and a search for a way out of
scientific misleadings.
Criminal Legal Measures of Fight against Crime in Russian and German Criminal Law
We sincerely thank the organizers of the VII
International Scientific and Practical Conference
“Criminal Law and Operational-Investigative
Activity: Problems of Legislation, Science and
Practice” - Research Institute of the Federal
Penitentiary Service of Russia represented by
Gennady Sergeevich Shkabin, Chief Scientific
employee of the Center for Research on Security
Problems in Penitentiary Institutions, for the
opportunity to take part in such an important
scientific event, we look forward to further
cooperation and joint creative work.
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