foreign scientists (Alfejeva J., 2012; Kuller J., 2011;
Hymes L., 2014; Lichtor J., 2002).
At the same time, we cannot fail, either, to
mention the fair remark of the Minister of Internal
Affairs of the Russian Federation V.A. Kolokoltsev
at an expanded meeting of the board of the Ministry
of Internal Affairs of Russia, held on March 3, 2021,
concerning the lack of efforts in relation to counteract
economic crime, including fraud, since the set of
measures being implemented does not really
correspond to the scale of criminal manifestations in
the economy and the capacities of the units of the
Ministry of Internal Affairs responsible for the
combating them.
Among the many different types of fraud, we
consider it appropriate to focus on one of them: motor
insurance fraud. It is an entire cluster of criminal
activity that requires careful study and analysis.
According to the official data of the Autostat
analytical agency, as of January 1, 2021, 45 million
cars are registered in the territory of the Russian
Federation, while cars account for 76% of all
vehicles. There are no official statistics on motor
insurance fraud, however, an analysis of statistical
data on fraudulent actions committed in the country
under Articles 159-159.6 of the Criminal Code of the
Russian Federation showed that in the period of 2020,
more than half of all registered crimes (55.3%) are
theft of other people's property, among which fraud
amounts to 335.6 thousand (+30.5%), while it should
be noted that there is a continuous increase in such
crimes. Thus, in the reporting period of 2018, there
were 215,036 recorded crimes, 257,187 in the period
of 2019 and 335,631 in the reporting period of 2020.
The motor insurance market is one of the
country’s problem sectors (Shanikhina N.N.,
Okuneva A.A., 2018). Certainly, the modern world
market is organized in such a way that fraud
prevention is a kind of guarantee of the financial
system stability (Skipin D., Sakhno Y., Badenova L.
and Kuznetsov M., 2019). In this regard, it is obvious
that the detection, investigation and prevention of the
designated crimes require special efforts from law
enforcement officers, in particular from operational
units, because it is their activity that is an affiliate
with the detection of crimes, which is a rather
complicated process in relation to motor insurance
fraud, in view of the fact that that criminal schemes
are extremely difficult to recognize.
Speaking of the importance of operational search
activities for the crimes under consideration, its close
relationship with criminal law cannot be ignored,
since it is obvious that the disclosure of crimes is
inextricably linked with knowledge and analysis of
the criminal legal characteristics of motor insurance
fraud. This information will make it possible to
establish the main elements of the unlawful act and,
above all, to formulate the circumstance in proof. It is
the knowledge of the criminal law characteristics that
will help to determine the further vector of
development and to specify the nature of the activities
of law enforcement agencies in countering this
category of crimes. Furthermore, the norms of
criminal law allow to determine the nature of the
crime committed, and such information is necessary
for operational officers both when drawing up and
modeling a plan of operational search measures
necessary for the effective detection and investigation
of motor insurance fraud. The indivisibility of
operational search activities and criminal law is also
determined by the need to ensure the rights and
freedoms of individuals and citizens, and,
notoriously, it is a criminal law that regulates the
observance of the rights of specific individuals,
whose interests may be violated in the
implementation of the CIA. In this regard, we
consider it appropriate to agree with the statement,
that without the existence of criminal law, the
provisions of the Federal Law "On Operational
Search Activities" are not viable in a legal state
(Pleshakov A.M. and Shkabin G.S., 2019).
Thus, in this study, we attempted to establish such
a significant intersectoral connection between
criminal law and operational search activities in the
detection, investigation and prevention of motor
insurance fraud.
In this research, general scientific methods such as
comparison and modeling were used. In addition, the
specificity, comprehensiveness and objectivity of the
applied dialectical method of cognition played a
special role in solving the set goals of this article.
The relevance and reliability of the conclusions
became possible due to the use of a whole range of
methods: statistical, comparative legal, sociological,
as well as a set of private scientific methods such as
surveys, questionnaires, interviews, collection,
analysis and study of forensic practice, regulatory
legal acts, literary and Internet sources covering
various issues of the relationship between operational
search activities and criminal law in the context of the
detection, investigation and prevention of motor
insurance fraud.