in most cases, of a person’s standing of the suspect,
which he/she acquires by virtue of the grounds set out
in paragraphs 1-4, Part 1, Art. 46, of the Code of
Criminal Procedure, when a criminal case is opened
in respect of such a person, or the person is detained,
or a measure of restraint was applied before the
charge, or the person is informed of the suspicion of
committing a crime in the manner prescribed by Art.
223.1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure; 2) the need
to issue an international search warrant against a
person based on sufficient evidence giving grounds to
charge the person with an offence, in respect of which
the person is indicted as a charged in accordance with
Art. 171 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and,
therefore, acquires the standing of a charged (Art. 47
of the Code of Criminal Procedure); 3) the possibility
of a court order for a measure of restraint in the form
of taking into custody only in the absence of the
charged and only if an international or interstate
search warrant has been issued in respect of the
Thus, a person, who has been detained on
suspicion of having committed a crime in accordance
with Art. 91 and 92 of the Code of Criminal
Procedure (paragraph 2, Part 1, Art. 46 of the Code of
Criminal Procedure) may remain as such in
accordance with Part 2, Art. 94 of the Code of
Criminal Procedure for 48 hours at, most and in case
of extension of the term of detention in the manner
prescribed in paragraph 3, Part 7, Art. 108 of the
Code of Criminal Procedure – for 72 hours at most,
i.e. for a total of 120 hours at most. If a measure of
restraint in the form of taking into custody was
applied in respect of the detained (paragraph 3, Part
1, Art. 46 of the Code of Criminal Procedure), charge
shall be brought against the person in accordance with
Part 1, Art. 100 of the Code of Criminal Procedure
not later than 10 days after the arrest. The said time
limits are clearly insufficient to complete the
procedure of issuing an international search warrant
against a person while retaining the standing of a
suspect of that person.
A person may be a suspect in relation to at least
one of the offences provided for by Articles 205,
205.1, 205.3, 205.4, 205.5, 206, 208, 209, 210, 210.1,
277, 278, 279, 281, 360 and 361 of the Criminal Code
for a much longer period. The charges in such cases,
in accordance with Part 2, Art. 100 of the Code of
Criminal Procedure, shall be brought against a
suspect, for which a measure of restraint has been
chosen, within 45 days after the imposition of the
measure of restraint, and if the suspect has been
detained and then taken into custody, within the same
term after the time when he/she was detained. A
person may be a suspect for an even longer period if
criminal proceedings are brought against him/her
(paragraph 1, Part 1, Art. 46 of the Code of Criminal
Procedure). In fact, they may amount to the entirety
of the preliminary investigation period, not limited in
accordance with Part 5, Art. 162 of the Code of
Criminal Procedure. Such time limits would be
sufficient for the procedure of issuing an international
search warrant against a person in the standing of a
suspect (which obviously provides the opportunities
for the abuse of right (Andreeva, Grigoryev, Zaitsev,
Trubnikova, 2018)). However, this is impossible due
to the second and third circumstances outlined above.
In order to issue an international search warrant
against a person for the purpose of arrest and
extradition for prosecution or execution of a sentence,
the evidence is needed not only of the crime itself, but
also of its commission by a particular person, the very
person to be sought abroad. The existence of
sufficient evidence to charge a person with an offence
constitutes grounds for indicting the person as a
charged. If there are such grounds, the investigator, in
accordance with Art. 171 of the Code of Criminal
Procedure, shall make a resolution on taking the given
person to the bar in the capacity of the charged.
Therefore, a person acquires the standing of the
accused (Art. 47 of the Code of Criminal Procedure).
In practice, this means that, as stipulated in paragraph
131 of the Interpol Instruction, the request for an
international search warrant to be sent to the Interpol
National Central Bureau shall be accompanied by a
copy of the decision to indict as the charged.
Finally, the third circumstance stems from the
obligatory condition that an international search
warrant for arrest and extradited shall be issued only
against the persons who have been taken into custody
as a measure of restraint. Such a condition logically
follows from the fact that if an absconded is searched
and detained in a foreign state, he/she will need to be
taken into custody (Grigoryev, 2017; Grigoryev,
Kovalchuk, 2018). This condition is enshrined in
paragraph 123 of the Interpol Instruction, according
to which if in respect of a person for whom an
international search warrant has been issued, this
measure of restraint has not previously been applied,
the investigator is given a copy of the decision to issue
an international search warrant against a person in
order to apply to the court under Part 5, Art. 108 of
the Code of Criminal Procedure to obtain a court
order for applying a measure of restraint in the form
of taking into custody in the absence of the charged.
However, a judicial decision to impose a measure of
restraint in the form of taking into custody in absentia
is permitted by law only if an international or