(e.g., owl:differentFrom, owl:AllDifferent...)
of the resources is also worth exploring.
Finally, we intend to follow different leads to
improve the performance of our approach in terms
of speed, from query optimization (in particu-
lar for the owl:InverseFunctionalProperty and
owl:FunctionalProperty properties) and further
parallel querying. We will also study the software
and hardware architecture needed to provide a web
service with a caching system. We plan also to fur-
ther exploit the monitoring capabilities of SPARQL,
by using for example the PROV-O ontology
to bet-
ter track the provenance of results, this could be used
in particular for owl:sameAs relationships stored in
specific named graphs (see Section 3, item 4 in the
second list). We also want to exploit timestamps to,
among other things, timely re-run queries executed a
long time ago or to query an endpoint that was previ-
ously unavailable.
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WEBIST 2021 - 17th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies