the OBS metric for different penetration rates of
CAVs. The model’s performance is only reported for
the long-term prediction since such samples have the
highest performance drop in the egocentric percep-
tion model based on the aforementioned experiment.
To prepare the data, we model the cooperative per-
ception mode by assuming 1%, 5%, 10%, 20%, and
50% percentages of CAVs. Figure 6 and Figure 5
show the relation between percentage of CAVs and
OBS metric, and percentage of CAVs and accuracy,
respectively. Both figures demonstrate a logarithmic
increase in performance and observability with in-
creasing the penetration rate. With 20% penetration
of CAVs on average, 85% of TV’s surrounding be-
come observable and the drop in performance com-
pared to full observability mode is decreased to 1%.
In this paper, we proposed two perception models, ap-
plicable to any vehicle trajectory dataset recorded by
a top-down view sensor, to model the egocentric and
cooperative perception. Then, a comparative study
has been performed to quantify the impact of each
perception mode on the problem of lane change pre-
diction. The results showed a 4% performance drop in
our long-term LC prediction model (i.e., T
= 4s)
when using ego-centric perception instead of the full-
observable original dataset. Also, the results indi-
cated that cooperative perception with 20% penetra-
tion of CAVs can almost compensate for the perfor-
mance drop of our prediction model related to ego-
centric perception limitation.
Future work should consider extending the data
generation method by considering the errors in object
detection and tracking modules. The binary represen-
tation used in this work can be extended to a proba-
bilistic representation which enables encoding the er-
ror and uncertainty in vehicles states estimation. Fur-
thermore, the 2D occlusion model used in this study
can be extended to a 3D occlusion model to decrease
the modelling error.
This work was supported by Jaguar Land Rover and
the U.K.-EPSRC as part of the jointly funded Towards
Autonomy: Smart and Connected Control (TASCC)
Programme under Grant EP/N01300X/1. We would
like to thank Omar Al-Jarrah for reviewing previous
version of this paper.
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ROBOVIS 2021 - 2nd International Conference on Robotics, Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems