chine (ELM) have also been investigated (Sun et al.,
2008) in order to find the relationship between sales
amount and some significant factors which affect de-
mand (such as design factors). Sun et al. (2008) used
real data from a fashion retailer to demonstrate that
the proposed methods outperform several sales fore-
casting methods which are based on backpropagation
neural networks.
Although ARIMA was one of the popular lin-
ear models in time series forecasting during the past
three decades. Recent research activities in forecast-
ing with artificial neural networks (ANNs) suggested
that ANNs can be a promising alternative to the tra-
ditional linear methods. Towards this end, ARIMA
models and ANNs are often compared with mixed
conclusions in terms of the superiority in forecasting
performance (Zhang, 2003). Since there are conflict-
ing studies about the superiority or not of neural net-
works, when compared with ARIMA models, hybrid
methods have also been proposed.
Zhang, (2003) proposed a hybrid methodology
that combines both ARIMA and ANN models that
take advantage of the unique strength of ARIMA and
ANN models in linear and nonlinear modeling. Ex-
perimental results with real data sets indicate that the
combined model can be an effective way to improve
forecasting accuracy achieved by either of the mod-
els used separately. On the other hand, a hybrid
forecasting method that also been proposed (Khan-
delwal et al., 2015) that applies ARIMA and ANN
separately to model linear and nonlinear components,
respectively after a prior decomposition of the se-
ries into low and high-frequency signals through dis-
crete wavelet transformation. These empirical results
with four real-world time series demonstrated that
the proposed method has yielded better forecasts than
ARIMA, ANN, and Zhang’s hybrid (Zhang, 2003)
Other techniques, like multivariate methods, have
also been used. Fan et al., (2017) used online re-
views and a sentiment analysis method, the Naive
Bayes algorithm, to extract the sentiment index from
the content of each online review and integrate it into
the imitation coefficient of the Bass Norton model
to improve the forecasting accuracy. Their compu-
tational results indicated that the combination of the
Bass/Norton model and sentiment analysis has higher
forecasting accuracy than the standard Bass/Norton
model and some other sales forecasting models. On
the other hand, Lu et al., (2012) used multivari-
ate adaptive regression splines (MARS), a nonlinear
and nonparametric regression methodology, to con-
struct sales forecasting models for computer whole-
salers. Their experimental results show that the
MARS model outperforms backpropagation neural
networks, a support vector machine, a cerebellar
model articulation controller neural network, an ex-
treme learning machine, an ARIMA model, a mul-
tivariate linear regression model, and four two-stage
forecasting schemes across various performance cri-
teria. Guo et al., (2013) effectively applied multivari-
ate intelligent decision-making (MID) model and de-
veloped an effective forecasting model for the prob-
lem of sales forecasting problem in the retail industry
by integrating a data preparation and preprocessing
module, a harmony search-wrapper-based variable se-
lection (HWVS) module, and a multivariate intelli-
gent forecaster (MIF) module. Their experimental re-
sults showed that it is statistically significant that the
proposed MID model can generate much better fore-
casts than machine learning models and generalized
linear models do.
Other machine learning models have also been
employed frequently as they were able to achieve bet-
ter results using non-linear data. The recent research
shows that deep learning models (e.g., recurrent neu-
ral networks) can provide higher accuracy in predic-
tions compared to machine learning models due to
their ability to persist information and identify tem-
poral relationships. A study of deep learning-based
models for forecasting future directions of car sales
has also been proposed (Preeti Saxena, 2020). The re-
sults of this model based on ARIMA and Long Short-
Term Memory-Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM-
RNN) based models are analyzed and used for fore-
casting future directions. Their results showed that
LSTM-RNN is better than the ARIMA for the multi-
variate datasets.
Multi-disciplinary efforts have also been pre-
sented. Gurnani et al., (2017) evaluate and compares
various machine learning models, namely, ARIMA,
Auto-Regressive Neural Network (ARNN), XGBoost
(Chen and Guestrin, 2016), SVM (Hearst et al.,
1998), Hybrid Models like Hybrid ARIMA-ARNN,
Hybrid ARIMA-XGBoost, Hybrid ARIMA-SVM,
and STL Decomposition (Theodosiou, 2011), using
ARIMA, Snaive and XGBoost, to forecast sales of
a drug store. The accuracy of these models was
measured by metrics such as MAE and RMSE. Ini-
tially, a linear model such as ARIMA has been ap-
plied to forecast sales. But ARIMA was not able to
capture nonlinear patterns precisely, hence nonlinear
models such as Neural Network, XGBoost, and SVM
were used. Nonlinear models performed better than
ARIMA and gave lower RMSE. Then, to further op-
timize the performance, composite models were de-
signed using the hybrid technique and decomposition
technique. Hybrid ARIMA-ARNN, Hybrid ARIMA-
Optimizing Sales Forecasting in e-Commerce with ARIMA and LSTM Models