A Contextualization Feature to Overcome Intergenerational
Language Barriers in Communication Apps
Adi Katz
and Yana Sophia
Industrial Engineering and Management Department, SCE, Ashdod, Israel
Keywords: Computer Mediated Communication, Contextualization, Language Barriers, Age-friendly Interfaces.
Abstract: We address existing intergenerational gaps in use of technology and in digital language, and their potential
negative consequences for the well-being of older-aged adults. We describe a new contextualization feature
which we designed as an addition to existing instant-messaging systems, to overcome misunderstandings and
communication breakdowns during synchronic message exchanges. In the current work we focus on
intergenerational language gaps within families, but our feature would be beneficial for bridging language
gaps between communicators in many different environments (e.g. between employees who use different
professional jargons, people from different nationalities and cultures, and so on). We designed a prototype
user interface for the feature and demonstrate it in the context of the WhatsApp messaging app.
The world’s population is aging, as more and more
people reach longevity. According to the United
Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
(2017), by 2030, older adults are expected to
outnumber children under age ten (1.41 billion versus
1.35 billion). Globally, the number of people aged
eighty years or over is projected to increase more than
threefold between 2017 and 2050, rising from 137
million to 425 million. This demographic transition
poses major challenges in many areas such as health
care systems, pension systems, the labor market and
life-long education. Longevity must come with
quality of life. As part of our vision to expand the
access of older-aged adults to a long-term quality of
life, we
focus on the provision of effective
communication via information and communication
technologies (ICTs), and on increasing social
inclusion for older-aged adults.
The rapid development of technologies raises
unparalleled socio-technological challenges and
opportunities which call for multidisciplinary
solutions in areas related to human-technology
interaction. System developers and interface
designers must address the demands and challenges
of that emerging technologies pose for older users,
and strive for better designs that are geared
specifically for them.
1.1 ICTs’ High Potential for Older
The rapid development of ICTs is leading to a
growing dependence of the world’s population on
them for basic information, social involvement, and
the performance of daily tasks. ICT use has a high
potential for allowing older adults to maintain
independence and social connectedness while
offering them a better quality of life (Olphert &
Damodaran, 2013). New technologies, especially
ICTs, provide many informational and
communicational opportunities for older adults and
offer a variety of practical, physical, social, and
psychological benefits (Nimrod, 2018). Nowadays,
with technology supporting almost every activity,
there are numerous opportunities for technology to
assist older people in everyday tasks such as gaining
quick access to information, financial planning,
making bank transactions from home, finding health-
related information and on-line assistance, booking
for entertainment and leisure venues and shopping.
Furthermore, by helping to overcome geographic and
Katz, A. and Sophia, Y.
A Contextualization Feature to Overcome Intergenerational Language Barriers in Communication Apps.
DOI: 10.5220/0010660800003060
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2021), pages 166-173
ISBN: 978-989-758-538-8; ISSN: 2184-3244
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
transportation constraints, ICTs are particularly
beneficial to older adults who are isolated and/or
home bound (Choi & DiNitto, 2013). Valentine
(2006) has demonstrated the potential value of ICTs
as a new way to maintain and support the intimacy
between family members who live or spend large
amounts of time apart. ICTs offer a means to be
separate and together; they let family members
maintain intimacy by allowing information exchange
and opportunities for loving and caring for one
another online. By connecting family members and
friends, ICTs may decrease the isolation which is
more common among the elderly (Cornwell and
Waite, 2009) and facilitate the social inclusion of this
population. Adoption of technology by older adults
can improve their quality of life and well-being and
may increase their ability to live independently
(Orpwood et al., 2010).
1.2 Intergenerational Technology
Adoption and Use Gap
Although it might seem that older adults are open to
using new technologies, and there is evidence of wider
use and growing positive attitudes toward technology
among older adults over time (Wolfson et al., 2014),
there is still an inter-generational technological gap in
the use of ICTs (Bailey and Ngwenyama, 2010). Age
is an important factor in determining levels of
engagement with information and communication
technologies (Selwyn et al., 2003). The terms “digital
immigrants” and “digital natives” were coined by
Prensky (2001) to describe the difference in
experiences, capabilities, comprehension and attitudes
towards new digital technologies between two age-
groups. “Digital natives” are people born in the digital
era (usually also called Generation X and younger),
while “digital immigrants” refers to people born before
1964. Though the terms portray a dichotomy, this
generational digital divide is not strict since each group
is highly diverse in terms of its members’ experiences,
capabilities, and attitudes toward technologies (Zur &
Zur, 2011). Older adults are themselves a digitally
diverse demographic group (Ball et al., 2019), and the
digital divide within this sector is actually a “grey
divide”, with significant differences in technology use
within this population (Nimrod, 2018). Although the
immigrants-natives distinction is not restricted to age
differences, it can often explain generational gaps that
create misunderstandings, misperceptions and
communication breakdowns. Technology adoption is
associated with a higher cognitive ability and self-
efficacy in computer use, while higher computer
anxiety is associated with lower use of technology
(Czaja et al., 2006). The challenges and barriers that
older people face can lead to a digital exclusion that
may in turn lead to a social exclusion. ICTs have a very
important role for individual participation in the
common activities of the societies in which they live.
Consequently, there is an increasing need to design
age-friendly ICTs that let aging individuals adopt
newer technologies and become part of the digital
ICT use must overcome a combination of age-
related barriers and technology-related barriers. The
age-related barriers are mainly normal changes that a
person undergoes in cognition and in physical
conditions (such as sight impairment), along with
affective barriers (age-related perceptions and
attitudes towards technology). As to technology,
ICTs are usually not designed to be age-friendly. The
combination of barriers leads to intergenerational
gaps and the negative consequences of such gaps,
including deprivation of services and information that
the rest of the population benefits from, deterioration
of the sense of belonging, and social exclusion.
1.2.1 Normal Aging Changes as Barriers to
Adopting and Interacting with
People between the ages of 55 and 75 are typically
classified as “young-old” and those 75 years and
above are classified as “old-old” (Echt et al., 1998).
Aging comes with changes in perception, cognition,
control of movements and various physical
constraints. It is widely recognized that age-related
cognitive impairments and physical changes have
negative influences on the performance of various
tasks and activities. Aging reduces the speed of
cognitive processes, causes a diminution of working
memory capacity, and impairs performance of
activities such as decision making, comprehension,
learning, reasoning, skill acquisition and motor
activation (Head et al., 2002; Kennedy, Partridge, &
Raz, 2008; Lövdén et al., 2010; Wolfson et al., 2014;
Sandberg & Neely, 2016; Czaja, et al., 2019). The
various age-related cognitive decline and physical
constraints impact many aspects of the human-
computer interaction (Ganor, & Te’eni, 2016) and
therefore affect the use of ICTs by older-adults.
1.2.2 Affective Barriers to Adopting and
Interacting with Technology
In addition to physical and cognitive changes, many
older people have affective barriers to adopting and
interacting with new technologies. Vaportzis,
Clausen and Gow (2017) mention factors such as
A Contextualization Feature to Overcome Intergenerational Language Barriers in Communication Apps
older peoples’ lack of knowledge and confidence,
scepticism toward use of technology, perception of
technology as much too complex, feelings of
inadequacy, and unfavorable comparisons with
younger generations. Frustration, physical limitations
and usability difficulties are additional inhibitions to
using technologies (Heinz et al., 2013). Previous
studies also found that older adults experience greater
computer anxiety and feel more negative about the
effort required to master a technology (Czaja and Lee,
2002; Marquié et al., 2002). Also, many older adults
perceive ICTs as having a low value in their lives
(Selwyn et al., 2003), and some are simply resistant
to changing their existing media and communication
habits (Nimrod, 2018). While older-adults
acknowledge that ICTs help them preserve social
relationships remotely, many feel ostracized or
offended when those around them engage with ICTs
while they themselves cannot (Ball et al., 2019). A
high level of technophobia is mentioned as a factor
explaining some age-related digital divides (Czaja et
al., 2006, Nimrod, 2018). All these affective barriers
constrain online activities for older Internet users and
limit the benefits they might otherwise derive from
1.2.3 Technology-related Barriers to
Adopting and Interacting with
ICT software interface conventions for controls are
often less familiar to novice older users, who also lack
the knowledge needed to interact effectively with
digital systems (Czaja, et al., 2019). In addition, most
technological artefacts are not specially designed to
meet the physiological and cognitive characteristics
of the older population (Selwyn et al., 2003). While
adaptation of human-computer interfaces has become
an important design principle, there is a paucity of
research on adaptation for older users and on age-
friendly interfaces (Ganor, & Te'eni, 2016). When
technologies are not geared to the unique
characteristics of this population, their advantages
cannot be fully utilized by it. Along with other
considerations, system interface designers need to
look at ways to reduce boundaries between the older
population and new technologies. Older adults might
be willing to use a new technology when its
usefulness and usability outweighs negatives feelings
about their self-efficacy (Heinz et al., 2013). A
previous work has presented principles and
guidelines for designing apps and products for older
adults, with an overview of the most relevant
elements: input devices, visual and auditory displays,
and information structured to improve perception and
comprehension (Czaja, et al., 2019). Much remains to
be done, however, in the realm of age-friendly
interfaces, if the aim is to increase the adoption and
use of ICTs by older-adults.
1.3 CMC Language Barriers as a Gap
across Generations
Contemporary interpersonal communication has
shifted away from traditional modes based on face-
to-face interaction to digital social platforms. Social
networking, text messaging and instant messaging,
are all methods that family, friends, and strangers too
now use to communicate (Lenhart, et al 2007).
Soffer (2010) claims that computer mediated
communications (CMC) has ushered in a new era of
“digital orality” with a unique writing culture.
Constraints related to the technological medium and
difficulties of texting, such as miniature telephone
buttons, give rise to a linguistic style that is
characterised by a hybrid discourse which combines
formal writing and informal speech-like (spoken)
features. This new and specialized informal language
requires new linguistic skills.
The acquisition of online literacy for digital
communication creates a linguistic gap that
distinguishes generation Y from the baby boomer
generation (Subramaniam & Razak, 2014). The use
of nonstandard language and new forms of slang in
social networks may lead to misunderstandings and
communication barriers. Most of the generation Y
communicators attempt to speed up their typing to
shorten response time. They are also eager to express
themselves. Hence they tend to be creative in using a
variety of abbreviated words (“b4” for before; “shud”
for should, etc.) compared to baby boomers.
Generation Y members also employ syntactical and
lexical reduction, language shortening, acronyms and
omissions (“BC” for because, “JK” for just kidding),
and tolerate misspellings and typos (Soffer, 2010;
Thurlow & Poff, 2011). The younger generation tends
to make many more spelling innovations, and uses
capitalization (e.g. ‘STOP’), interjections (‘ahah',
‘ugghhhhh’), accentuated punctuation (“he did
what??!!”), and a variety of emoticons (♥, ;), :/).
While members of the younger generation revolt
against formal writing rules and seek ways to express
their creativity and uniqueness (Soffer, 2010), older
users are more careful and restrained in their textual
communication, and their writing style is more
formalized. The digital writing styles of younger
users are sometimes off-putting to older adults
(Subramaniam & Razak, 2014).
CHIRA 2021 - 5th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
1.4 Contextualization as a Strategy to
Overcome Language across
Generation Gaps
In order to increase adoption of ICTs by older-adults,
designers must focus both on enhancing motivation
and lowering barriers to the use of these technologies.
Persuasive interactive designs are those which induce
behavioural changes (Fogg, 2009). According to
Fogg’s behavioural Model (FBM), a person with
increased motivation and increased ability has a
greater likelihood of performing a target behaviour.
Here the target behaviour we wish to encourage is
communication among family members via
synchronous chat applications, especially cross-
generational communication. Effective persuasive
technologies boost either motivation or ability. A
previous inspirational project named the Story
Machine (Marcus, 2012) designed and evaluated
powerful ways to improve inter-generational story-
sharing behaviour by persuading and motivating
people to increase story-sharing with other family
members. Our emphasis in the current project is on
increasing the ability dimension, by making
communication simpler. FBM maintains that
motivation alone no matter how high is not
enough to get people to perform a behaviour if they
do not have the ability to do it (e.g. if it is not
sufficiently “simple”).
Even when older adults are highly motivated to
communicate with other family members via
synchronic chat applications, their ability to do so is
low if they cannot figure out the meanings of words
and expressions used by the members of the younger
generation in the family. “Simplicity” is a function of
a person’s scarcest resource at any moment a
behaviour is triggered. We maintain that the scarcest
resources of cross-generational communicators are
time and brain cycles. According to FBM, if a target
behaviour requires time, then the behaviour is not
simple. With regard to “brain cycles”: if performing
a target behaviour causes someone to think hard, the
behavior might not be a simple one. Thinking deeply
or thinking in new ways suggests cognitive difficulty.
The contextualization feature that we designed serves
in FBM terms as a ‘facilitation trigger’ to reduce the
barriers to performing the target behaviour of
communicating whenever there is a language gap.
This type of trigger is appropriate for users that have
high motivation but lack ability. Our facilitator tells
users that understanding a digital text or an emoji is
easy to do, and will not require a resource that he or
she lacks at that moment. With only one click, the
user can get an explanation of the meaning of an
expression, abbreviation or emoji.
The idea of contextualization in CMC to prevent
or overcome potential communicational breakdowns
and misunderstandings, is not new. Previous research
and system design projects implemented
contextualization as a central component of efforts to
bridge communication gaps and hence achieve
effective communication in organizations. KMail, a
knowledge-enhanced e-mail product (Schwartz &
Te'eni, 2000), is a URL-based email system that
allows message senders to convert words and phrases
in outgoing emails into hyperlinks to organizational
memories. Thus in KMail, contextualization is
implemented via embedded links. KMail was
designed to achieve successful communication by
appropriately adapting messages based on differences
between message senders and their addressees.
Contextualization was implemented also in an email
system designed for customer service representatives
(CSRs) to overcome communication breakdowns
resulting from differences in perspectives, and
especially the lack of a technical background and
professional jargon knowledge from the customers’
side (Katz and Berman, 2011). In the current design
project, we follow the powerful idea of tying
knowledge to action with hyperlinks (Schwartz &
Te’eni, 2000) and apply it in the synchronic context
of instant messaging systems such as WhatsApp. For
each task, users need to have the right knowledge at
the right time. Just as knowledge-workers in
organizations do not have the time to actively seek the
organizational knowledge needed for executing their
tasks, so do people who communicate through instant
messaging systems. In ongoing conversations with
multiple participants in synchronic media,
communicators are required to reply instantly, and do
not have time to look up the meanings of expressions
and emoji symbols that are unfamiliar to them.
Therefore, it would be far more effective if the
missing meanings (the contextual knowledge to
understand message components) were able to find
2.1 Dictionaries
Our contextualization feature for instant messaging
systems links to public and private dictionaries which
explain message components: expressions, phrases,
A Contextualization Feature to Overcome Intergenerational Language Barriers in Communication Apps
idioms, concepts, slang, abbreviated words,
acronyms, interjections, and emojis. The contextual
knowledge retrieved from these dictionaries will
explain unfamiliar message components and thus
serve as a long-term resource for the message receiver
to fully understand incoming messages. The public
dictionaries are databases of widely used message
components, the meanings of which are known to the
general public. Private dictionaries are databases of
message components that are group-specific and
accessed only by group members. In the current
project we are interested in private family dictionaries,
which we call “Famictionaries”. Famictionaries
include specialized phrases, words, and terminologies
that run within the family. Famictionaries have the
ability to preserve a family’s private terminology and
create a shared family experience, thus strengthening
family ties and the sense of belonging and intimacy.
The contextualization feature is a participatory tool,
since users will be able to expand the dictionaries
dynamically by adding dictionary entries to more and
more message components. This way, the dictionaries
constantly expand and stay up to date with new
expressions and evolving terminology. Private
dictionaries will be created and updated by authorized
members of each group. Meanwhile, the public
dictionary will be built and updated by the instant
messaging system companies, in the same manner
that emojis are added to WhatsApp and updated from
time to time.
During message exchange, incoming messages
will be parsed to identify message components that
appear in both dictionaries, and these components
will appear in the message as embedded links. In
other words, segments of the dictionaries would link
up with the message components.
2.2 Prototype Design
We use various techniques known from the field of
HCI to develop our prototype contextualization
feature. In a preliminary study, we distributed
questionnaires using Google Forms via WhatsApp
and Facebook platforms to target end-users. The
distribution was to acquaintances and family
members. A total of 52 old adults (aged 65 and over)
and 56 children (aged 10-18) responded. We found
that 67.3% of adults and 38.9% of children reported
difficulty understanding text messages in family
groups. 61.1% of adults and 20.4% of the children
reported difficulty understanding emoji; 70.9% of
adults and 36.5% of children felt it was difficult for
them to keep up with the pace of WhatsApp
conversations. In open-ended questions regarding
feelings, it emerged that among adults feelings of
frustration and embarrassment arose as a result of
misunderstanding messages. Repeated comments
among the young participants were that grandparents
do not know how to use emoji correctly, that it takes
them a long time to type, and that grandparents do not
always understand jokes and conversation at all. In
addition to distributing the questionnaires, we
received valuable insights from participatory
observations in the correspondence of family
WhatsApp groups in which we are active on a daily
basis. Follow-up interviews (conducted face to face
or via Zoom) with selected subjects, 4 adults and 4
children, further supported the need for a tool to help
understand the meaning of message components (e.g.
utterances, abbreviations, emoji). In the next stage we
created personas (e.g. Grandpa David and grandchild
Tamir) and defined user scenarios that address the
needs of users, such as reading messages, adding a
phrase to a private dictionary, turning on/off a
dictionary or a cluster that groups several message
components within a dictionary. The interface design
follows well-known usability heuristics, principles
and guidelines. We conduct this project in
YOUsability, which is a usability lab located in the
Industrial Engineering and Management department
at SCE, the Shamoon College of Engineering in
Ashdod, Israel. YOUsability is a research centre for
developing and testing interactive technologies. We
will conduct usability tests in the lab with 3-4 end
users for each one of three family generations, and
will continue to develop the interface in an iterative
manner. Figures 1-2 show prototype screens that
demonstrate WhatsApp message exchanges between
Grandpa David and his grandson Tamir. Figure 1
presents Tamir’s view, and Figure 2 presents Grandpa
David’s view. The left screenshots in both figures
show the view before the user clicks on an embedded
link and the right screenshots in both figures show the
view after the click, including the contextual
knowledge retrieved from the dictionary. The display
style can vary according to age, for example the
contextual knowledge for the concept that Tamir did
not understand (What’s your bag?) is presented in a
comic word bubble style that is suitable for children
(see Figure 1).
CHIRA 2021 - 5th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
Figure 1: Grandchild’s view.
Figure 2: Grandparent’s view.
2.3 Applying the Signal Detection
We use signal detection theory (Green & Swets,
1966) to explain the system’s decision-making
process on whether to link up a message component
to its dictionary entry during message parsing. Table
1 shows the application of signal detection theory to
the context of contextualization. A message
component (stimulus) is either familiar or unfamiliar
to a certain user, and the system should display
(response) only unfamiliar components as embedded
links to dictionary entries. An effective system must
have many hits and correct rejections, and very few
misses and false alarms. In other words, we need to
ensure a nonintrusive user experience (few false
alarms but many correct rejections), with useful
contextual information whenever there is need to
bridge language gaps (many hits and few misses).
Table 1: Application of signal detection theory.
User view
No Yes
Embedded lin
Hit False alar
No embedded
Miss Correct rejection
Effective message views that suit a given user would
be produced in several ways: (1) the user regulates
information overload by activating or deactivating the
contextualization feature, fully or partially (for
example, activate the Famictionary and deactivate the
public dictionary). Depending on the user’s choice,
the links associated with the activated dictionary will
be filtered. Users will also be able to enter specific
dictionary entries and turn them off, or even more
efficiently turn off clusters of dictionary entries so
that they do not appear as embedded links in
incoming messages. (2) In the initial activation of the
contextualization feature, the user will be asked to
complete a short survey (with questions such as age,
country/state, and languages) to create a personal
profile. Based on the survey, the system will assess
the user’s generational affiliation and the words and
phrases that are expected to be unfamiliar to him or
her. Survey results will guide formation of the
embedded links presented to the user as part of
incoming messages. (3) The contextualization feature
will also employ a machine-learning component that
continuously incorporates new data regarding a user’s
message exchanges. By tracking the usage (and non-
usage) of dictionary entries in messages, the system
will effectively determine which dictionary entries
are useful for a given user as contextualization for
comprehension. The idea here is that a user most
likely knows the meaning of a message component if
that message component was used in previous
messages he or she sent, or appears in a sufficient
number of incoming messages in various groups to
which he or she belongs. It may also be assumed that
if a user does not click on an embedded link of a
message component several times, then the entry is
not useful for that user (4) To overcome situations
where the system does not detect a message
component which is unfamiliar to the user (miss), the
user can select that message component and check
whether there is a dictionary entry for it.
An additional option that lets the user control the
amount of information linked to a message
component, according to the user’s momentary
(situational) needs, is to choose the amount of
contextual information displayed for that component.
A Contextualization Feature to Overcome Intergenerational Language Barriers in Communication Apps
Each message component may have several layers of
information. A quick and parsimonious display of the
meaning which lets incoming messages be
understood will appear at the bottom of the screen
when the user clicks on an embedded link. This
parsimonious display is shown in Figures 1-2. Users
who wish to expand their knowledge about a message
component that has a dictionary entry can click on the
triangle to access the full information for that
component (synonyms, example sentences, etc.).
A requirement that is vital to the feature’s success yet
difficult to control, is a sufficient level of user
participation in the task of updating the private
dictionaries (the ‘Famictionary’ in the current
project). In this respect, our feature suffers from the
same shortcomings as any other knowledge-
management system (Schwartz & Te'eni, 2000). Our
design approach is persuasive, with interface
elements that encourage the act of updating. On the
one hand, interface elements should increase the
motivation for updating (e.g. including gamification
components such as winning special stickers) and on
the other hand the interface design will simplify the
ability to update (by applying usability principles,
focusing on ease of use and efficiency). Of course,
there is also a challenge that relates to the creation of
appropriate message views. The system’s successful
use depends on the system’s ability to properly define
the views relevant to each user. We previously
described how signal detection theory explains the
system’s decision-making process regarding the
creation of links to dictionary entries when creating a
user’s view. As aforementioned, our feature will
employ a machine-learning component that
continuously incorporates new data regarding a user’s
message exchanges. Signal detection theory, which is
closely related to statistical decision making theories,
provides a base for modern machine learning
(Sumner & Sumner, 2020). Previous work already
employed signal detection theory in the field of
machine learning (Hung, Jiang, & Wang, 2020;
Demestichas et al., 2021).
Our preliminary user study findings, conducted using
questionnaires, participatory observations, and
interviews, support the research literature regarding
language barriers as a gap across generations, and the
difficulties that older adults have in interpersonal
communication via ICTs. We offer a solution to
reduce the gap and its possible negative consequences
for the well-being of adults. Our solution is a
contextualization feature which we designed as an
addition to existing instant-messaging systems, to
overcome misunderstandings and communication
failures during synchronous message exchanges.
While we focus in the current work on
intergenerational language gaps within families, such
a contextualization feature can be just as beneficial
for bridging any language gaps between
communicators in different environments and
communicational domains, such as communication
between employees who use different professional
jargons, people from different nationalities and
cultures, and so on.
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A Contextualization Feature to Overcome Intergenerational Language Barriers in Communication Apps