rather on the number of time steps. That is why the
additional number of clients resulting from the virtual
client nodes does not appear in the analysis.
Lemma 2. For any service (i,k,t) ∈ S
and µ =
, it holds that:
( js,t
µ · α
− β
i, jst
≤ c
i js
Notice that both bounds do not depend on the
number of services and that is why the additional
number of clients resulting from the virtual service
nodes does not appear in the analysis too.
By combining the two lemmata, we obtain the fol-
lowing theorem.
Theorem 1. There is an online deterministic O((L +
) · log l
)-competitive algorithm for metric d-
OFSL, where L is the number of lease types available,
d is the maximum number of days after which a dor-
mant fee needs to be paid, l
is the shortest lease
duration, and l
is the longest lease duration.
In this paper, we have introduced a natural general-
ization of the well-known facility location problem in
the online setting. The latter appears as a sub-problem
in many real-world optimization scenarios involving
serving clients, as they appear over time, by leased
The first research direction would be to close the
gap between the upper and lower bounds for metric d-
OFSL. This can be done by either designing another
algorithm, or by improving the analysis of the cur-
rent one. Proving a better lower bound would also be
worth trying.
Furthermore, we have considered in this paper a
fixed parameter d for all our facility services. It is
important to note here that our algorithm does extend
to the case where this parameter differs between one
service and the other. Yet, it is not clear whether the
same can be said if we consider other variations of the
parameter. That is, it could be that we have to pay a
small fee the first time we leave a service unleased and
then a higher fee in the next times. It would be inter-
esting to investigate about these variations, by observ-
ing their connection to actual real-world examples.
This brings us to the next research direction,
which would be to actually implement the proposed
algorithm and evaluate it under real-world or simu-
lated instances of the optimization problem.
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IN4PL 2021 - 2nd International Conference on Innovative Intelligent Industrial Production and Logistics