The current Concept for the development of the
system of specially protected natural territories of
federal significance for the period up to 2020
emphasizes the role of protected areas in creating
conditions for the development of regulated tourism
and recreation. Among the tasks for the
implementation of the direction "Development of
educational tourism", the document provides for an
assessment of the maximum permissible loads and
determining ways to minimize the negative impact on
natural ecosystems.
The concept of functioning and development of
the network of specially protected natural territories
of the Murmansk Region until 2018 and for the future
until 2038, as one of the goals of functioning and
development of the network of protected areas of the
Murmansk region, defines the implementation of the
socio-economic interests of the region through the
development of natural and ecological tourism. As a
mechanism for ensuring sustainable recreational
development of territories, the document provides for
the environmental regime approved by the
regulations on protected areas.
Thus, the Concepts of development of protected
areas networks at both the federal and regional levels
recognize the importance of regulating recreational
loads, but do not contain information about
methodological approaches and mechanisms for
implementing this task.
The analysis of the normative legal acts regulating
the creation and functioning of protected areas also
showed that the assessment of recreational capacity is
not provided for in the preparation of justifications for
giving territories the status of protected areas in the
Murmansk region (Decree of the Government of the
Murmansk Region of 15/10/2020 No. 701-ПП), when
maintaining the state cadastre of protected areas
(Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the
Russian Federation of 19//03/2012 No. 69; Order of
the Federal State Budgetary Institution "All-Russian
Research Institute Ecology" of 09/08/2016 No. 18).
In the current legal framework, the assessment of the
recreational capacity of territories is a mandatory
requirement only for forest lands. The existing
methodological approaches (Temporary
Methodology) do not allow assessing the recreational
capacity not only in tundra and coastal ecosystems,
but also in the northern taiga and forest tundra. For
protected areas, regulatory documents do not contain
requirements for assessing the recreational capacity
of territories either at the stage of creation or at the
stage of operation, which creates prerequisites for
irrational establishment of the boundaries of
functional zones and protection regimes of such
1987. A temporary method for determining the recreational
loads on natural complexes in the organization of
tourism, excursions, mass everyday recreation and the
time norms of these loads. MOSCOW: PUBLISHING
USSR. p. 35
Gainanova, R. I., Potorochin, E. O., 2019. Birdwatching as
a direction of tourism development in the protected
areas of the Murmansk region. In the collection:
Problems of development of the tourism industry.
Collection of articles of the V All-Russian Scientific and
Practical Conference with International Participation.
pp. 112-117.
Petrova, O. V., Borovichev, E., 2019. Ecotourism in the
Green Belt of Fennoscandia: prerequisites, problems
and features (on the example of the Murmansk region)
In Proceedings of the Karelian Scientific Center of the
Russian Academy of Sciences. 4. pp. 166-181.
Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian
Federation No. 69 dated March 19, 2012 "On Approval
of the Procedure for Maintaining the State Cadastre of
Specially Protected Natural Territories".
Order of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "All-
Russian Research Institute of Ecology" dated
09/08/2016 No. 18 "On Approval of methodological
recommendations for Federal State Budgetary
Institutions (State Nature Reserves, National Parks,
Joint Directorates of Protected Areas) for the
preparation and submission of information for
maintaining the state cadastre of Protected Areas of
Federal Significance".
Resolution of the Government of the Murmansk Region of
15/10/2020 No. 701- PP "On approval of the procedure
for the preparation and composition of materials
justifying the creation of specially protected natural
territories of regional significance, changing the regime
of their special protection". Consultant-Plus: accessed
Resolution of the Government of the Murmansk Region of
11/11/2020 No. 780- PP "On approval of the state
program of the Murmansk region "Economic
Resolution of the Government of the Murmansk Region of
24/03/2011 No. 128- PP "On the concept of functioning
and development of the network of specially protected
natural territories of the Murmansk region until 2018
and for the future until 2038".
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of
13/07/2020 No. 1039 "On Approval of the Rules for
Determining Fees for Individuals who do not Live in