Technological Model using Machine Learning Tools to Support Decision
Making in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Leukemia
Daniel Mendoza-Vasquez, Stephany Salazar-Chavez and Willy Ugarte
Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), Lima, Peru
Model, Machine Learning, Leukemia, Decision Tree, Medical Assistance.
In recent years, multiple applications of machine learning have been visualized to solve problems in different
contexts, in which the health field stands out. That is why, based on what has been previously described, there
is a wide interest in developing models based on machine learning for the creation of solutions that support
medical assistance for disease such as pediatric cancer. Our work defines the proposal of a technological
model based on machine learning which seeks to analyze the input medical data to obtain a predictive result,
oriented to support the decision making of the specialist physician in relation to the diagnosis and treatment
of pediatric leukemia. For the evaluation of the proposed model, a web validation system was developed that
communicates with a service hosted on a cloud server which performs the predictive analysis of the inputs
entered by the physician. As a result, an accuracy rate of 92.86% was obtained in the diagnosis of pediatric
leukemia using the multiclass boosted decision tree classification algorithm.
Pediatric cancer is one of the leading causes of death
among children and adolescents worldwide. This dis-
ease affects everyone and can appear in any part of
the body
. In addition, according to the World Health
Organization (WHO) in its report made in 2018, it re-
ports that in underdeveloped countries there is a lower
survival rate of pediatric cancer due to the inability to
obtain an accurate diagnosis, deaths from toxicity due
to side effects caused by treatments and the lack of es-
sential technological solutions
Thus, it is detailed that, in Peru, 70% of pediatric
cancer cases are diagnosed late, which hinders the de-
velopment of a treatment. In addition, it is specifically
detailed that the mortality rate of pediatric cancer is
higher than 50%
Currently, to diagnose and treat pediatric
leukemia, specialists in pediatric oncology go
through a complex process of integration of medical
aspects to determine the recovery process, which
includes radiotherapies, surgeries, physical examina-
tions, among others. Consequently, there is an impact
PAHO “Childhood and Adolescence Cancer” - https:
WHO “Childhood cancer” -
Gestion Newspaper -
on the patient’s health, since the procedure has a long
duration (Marti-Bonmati et al., 2020). In addition,
on the technological side, there are challenges such
as the selection of the most appropriate classification
algorithm to perform a predictive analysis and pattern
identification to develop an alternative solution for
the detailed problem.
Nowadays, there are projects that are developing
models and solutions using technologies such as ma-
chine learning with cloud computing, applying dif-
ferent approaches, for example, the reading of med-
ical images through computer vision for the detec-
tion of tumors, development of platforms that imple-
ment biomarkers to support diagnosis and treatment,
among others (Marti-Bonmati et al., 2020; Fathi et al.,
2020; Verda et al., 2019; Chaber et al., 2021).
Equally important, third level hospitals in Peru
do not have the appropriate technology to optimize
the time for diagnosis and treatment of pediatric
leukemia, resulting in delayed evaluation and care
As a consequence, the patient’s recovery is compli-
cated with little chance of recovery. With new trends
and technologies, learning models make it possible to
analyze this information using algorithms. Therefore,
these models can be leveraged with information for
analysis and prediction in pediatric leukemia.
Health Ministry of Peru -
Mendoza-Vasquez, D., Salazar-Chavez, S. and Ugarte, W.
Technological Model using Machine Learning Tools to Support Decision Making in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Leukemia.
DOI: 10.5220/0010684600003058
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2021), pages 346-353
ISBN: 978-989-758-536-4; ISSN: 2184-3252
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Machine learning is a process that uses automatic
models that allow learning without any direct instruc-
tion. These learning models perform training that can
last from minutes to hours (Rajagopal et al., 2020).
Learning models can be adapted to different situa-
tions through classification and prediction. Thus, this
technology has been used to classify and predict the
different subtypes of leukemia. Thus, based on anal-
ysis and research, the boosted decision tree algorithm
was selected to predict the diagnosis according to the
type of pediatric leukemia. Consequently, this alter-
native solution will support the decision making of
the pediatric oncology specialist, since, when making
consultations, based on the history, signs, symptoms
and laboratory results, in a system based on machine
learning tools, a predictive result can be obtained to
indicate whether the patient has the disease or not.
Our contributions are as follows:
- A tabular dataset has been constructed with input
parameters such as medical history, signs, symptoms
and laboratory results for diagnosis and treatment.
- A machine learning model has been designed and
trained to be able to perform the classification accord-
ing to the type of pediatric leukemia.
- A validation system has been developed with the aim
of verifying how our proposal supports the pediatric
oncology specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of
pediatric leukemia.
This paper is has been organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 presents a brief theoretical framework of the
most important concepts of our approach. Section 3
describes in detail our proposed technological model
by explaining all the concepts involved in its devel-
opment. Subsequently, in Section 4, we present the
experiments carried out for the validation of our re-
search and the results obtained. Section 5 gives de-
tails about the different existing research, and how in
contrast with our proposal to generate a new solution.
Finally, in Section 6, we present the conclusions and
In this section, the main requiered concepts for our
approach will be introduced.
2.1 Pediatric Leukemia
This disease is among the most common cancers with
the highest number of cases. Pediatric leukemia is a
disease that originates in the bone marrow where new
blood cells are formed and it has 4 types:
1. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) is the
most common cancer among children and the most
frequent cause of death. This type of leukemia
presents an abnormal increase of lymphoblasts in the
patient (O’Brien et al., 2018).
2. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) is a ma-
lignant neoplasm in which small, mature-appearing
lymphocytes accumulate in the blood, bone marrow
and lymphoid tissues.
3. Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is a form
of cancer characterized by the infiltration of bone
marrow, blood and other tissues by proliferative
hematopoietic systems cells (Naymagon et al., 2021).
4. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) represents
2% leukemias in children and adolescents. This dis-
ease presents with an increase in white blood cells and
large spleen size (Hijiya and Suttorp, 2019).
Figure 1: Microphotographs of the different type of
leukemias (Kaplan, 2019).
Figure 1 shows the leukemic cells according to
their type. In Figure 1A, ALL cells are evidenced
where the large size of the nucleus to the cytoplasm is
observed. In Figure 1B, CLL cells where the enlarge-
ment of the cytoplasm is visualized. In Figure 1C,
AML cells are observed where the enlargement of the
cytoplasm with prominent granules can be seen. In
Figure 1D, CML cells where the number of myeloid
progenitors in different stages can be observed.
2.2 Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is the compilation of integrated and
networked hardware, software and internet infrastruc-
ture (Mathew et al., 2017).
1. API services (application programming inter-
faces) are interfaces that provide the program with the
interaction with another system for data exchange.
2. Azure functions is a cloud service that provides
infrastructure and resources for executings apps.
Technological Model using Machine Learning Tools to Support Decision Making in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Leukemia
2.3 Machine Learning
This discipline belongs to artificial intelligence de-
signed to create new systems that learn automati-
cally without human intervention. Machine learn-
ing (ML) is a method of data analysis that auto-
mates the constructions of analytical models where
this model can learn from experience to improve its
performance (Gonz
alez et al., 2020).
A ML model has the following components:
1. Dataset is a collection of data that is made up of
values from a table, which is part of database.
2. A machine learning model is a file that has been
trained to recognize certain types of patterns.
3. A Decision tree is a classification technique is a
tree structured representation where the nodes rep-
resent an attribute, the branches symbolize the test
output and the final nodes are the classification re-
sult (Gonzalez et al., 2019).
Figure 2: Decision tree classification model (Bi et al.,
Figure 2 shows a case of a classification deci-
sion tree to predict a binary outcome for type 2 di-
abetes mellitus. Also, it should be noted that several
works (Rodin et al., 2021; Zhao et al., 2021; Aslam
et al., 2021) using this technique have used with dif-
ferent types of cancer providing a diagnostic result.
2.4 Validation
A the validation system has been built for the pediatric
oncology specialist to provide support on the patient’s
diagnosis. In this way, input variables have been de-
fined that allow the predictive analysis to obtain a pos-
itive or negative result of suffering the disease.
2.4.1 System Development
- Framework: It is a framework that enables software
development. Therefore, Angular has been selected
as the framework for this project.
- Programming Language: It is a set of instructions
or actions designed for the execution of the system.
For this purpose, TypeScript has been used since it is
open source and based on JavaScript.
- Execution Environment: The execution environ-
ment used for the development of the project is
Node.js, which is oriented to the interpretation of the
JavaScript language.
- Versioning: The versioning and hosting of the sys-
tem code has been done in the GitHub platform since
it allows us to have a version control.
2.4.2 Input Parameters
For the development of the system, input parameters
classified by medical history, signs, symptoms, and
laboratory results have been defined to perform the
predictive analysis with the objective of obtaining a
result as a support suggestion in the diagnosis and
treatment of pediatric leukemia.
- Medical History: The history is focused on the col-
lection of patient information. Among the recorded
histories of pediatric leukemia is DNA lesion, previ-
ous diseases, exposure to X-rays, chemotherapy, ra-
diotherapy, among others.
- Signs: Signs are diagnosed during a physical exami-
nation with the patient. Among the signs that special-
ist identifies in pediatric leukemia are pallor, enlarged
lymph nodes, fever, weight loss, appearance of red
spots on the skin (petechiae), among others.
- Symptoms: The patient’s symptoms are those ail-
ments that the patient suffers from. The identified
symptoms that the patient commonly suffers with the
leukemia disease are extreme tiredness, night sweats,
dizziness, blurred vision, among others.
- Laboratory Results: Laboratory tests analyze sam-
ples of blood or body tissue. With these results, the
physician analyzes and determines the patient’s cur-
rent condition. For example, among the tests per-
formed on the patient are the number of red and white
blood cells, full blood count and others.
Figure 3: Integrated architecture of proposed solution.
WEBIST 2021 - 17th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 4: Proposed technological model for decision support in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric leukemia.
Based on the analysis of the current situation in Peru
regarding the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric
leukemia, the following solution proposal has been
developed with the objective of providing support in
decision making to the medical specialist, optimizing
the time in the diagnosis and treatment of this disease.
For this reason, the following paragraphs will detail
the development of the proposal.
3.1 Integrated Architecture
The design of the integrated architecture that allows
visualizing the integration of the development of the
validation system to the technological model has been
carried out. In this way, the pediatric oncology spe-
cialist has been identified as the main actor. This ac-
tor accesses the validation system with the objective
of obtaining a diagnosis and treatment suggestion for
pediatric leukemia (see Section 2.1).
Figure 3 defines the integrated architecture where
the specialist enters through a device (computer) to
the validation system via an Internet connection. The
main actor visualizes the diagnosis and treatment
module to obtain a predictive analysis report using the
selected variables: history, signs, symptoms, and lab-
oratory results (see Section 2.3) according to the type
of leukemia (see Section 2.1) that the patient possibly
suffers from. Also, there are two environments in our
research proposal. The first environment is the local
infrastructure where it is conformed with the front-
end of the validation system. Thus, this system has
the diagnosis and treatment and reporting modules. It
should be noted that in the reports the percentage of
accuracy obtained with the machine learning model
is displayed. The second environment is the cloud in-
frastructure, where it is conformed by the Azure ser-
vices used for the development of the model.
It should be noted that the information is kept se-
cure through services offered by Azure platform such
as data encryption, access management and imple-
mentation of audits to ensure compliance with the se-
curity policies established by the client.
3.2 Technological Model
The following technological model (see Figure 4) has
been developed to improve the accuracy in the diag-
nosis and treatment of pediatric leukemia. The objec-
tive of this model is to optimize and improve medical
care for the patient. For this reason, the following
modules have been determined.
1. Input: This phase consists of three modules:
- The data repository is focused on the patient’s med-
ical data and important documents.
- The medical consultation is focused on the medical
evaluation of the patient.
- The medical examinations that the patient must un-
dergo to determine his or her diagnosis.
2. Transformation: This phase is focused on data
transformation. Therefore, it consists of two phases:
The first module is the data loading where the prepa-
ration of the information in the previous phase is per-
formed. The second module is the data transforma-
tion, which adapts the data conversion for its analysis.
3. Analysis: This phase is oriented to the analysis
of data collected in the previous phase. Therefore,
two modules have been defined in this stage: The data
analysis module is focused on the verification of these
obtained from the patient. The second module is the
validation of the data, where the correctness of the
data is confirmed.
4. Prediction: This phase is focused on performing
pediatric leukemia diagnosis and treatment prediction
using Azure Machine Learning tool using supervised
classification algorithms.
5. Results: This phase is focused on visualizing the
reports with the results obtained through the predic-
Technological Model using Machine Learning Tools to Support Decision Making in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Leukemia
tive analysis model. Thus, it has been segmented into
the following modules. First, there is the web plat-
form, which is the medium where the specialist in-
teracts to identify and visualize the results obtained.
Secondly, it is focused on the reports where the accu-
racy obtained for the diagnosis of pediatric leukemia
is detailed. Finally, there is the definitive diagnosis
where it is indicated whether the patient may suffer
from this disease based on the predictive analysis per-
6. Treatment. This last phase consists of providing
treatment suggestions based on the results of the diag-
nosis provided by the predictive analysis tool. Thus,
the specialist analyzes the suggestions and determines
the ideal treatment for the patient’s recovery.
3.3 Development of the Predictive
Analytics Model
Based on the design of the proposed technological
model, its development was carried out at a functional
level through the Azure Machine Learning cloud plat-
form, which offers tools as a service could allow ob-
taining a predictive result in relation to the diagnosis
of pediatric leukemia. Thus, the following lines will
detail the process of creating the predictive model:
Firstly, a resource group was created, which refers
to a container of services provided by the Azure
Cloud Platform, which contains virtual networks, vir-
tual machines, coding services, machine learning and
other. In this way, we started by creating a dataset in
a spreadsheet, with the values of each input variable.
Also, it is highlighted that the input medical parame-
ters represented by general analysis, signs, symptoms,
and laboratory results were extracted from research
and reports of formal medical institutions.
Secondly, after having the dataset, we proceeded
to the creation of the environment where the predic-
tive analysis is going to be performed, for which rea-
son we used the service called process, for the gener-
ation of a resource represented by a virtual machine
which will allow the training of the model.
Thirdly, we proceed to the design of the predic-
tive model, where through the components provided
by Azure such as machine learning algorithms, data
analysis, statistical functions, training model and oth-
ers, it is possible to establish the flow that will allow to
obtain a result. Therefore, the first component is the
parameterized dataset, then there is the data normal-
ization component to allow the algorithm to model the
data correctly. Then, the training and test data were
separated (with the split data component). After, the
MultiClass Boosted Decision Tree algorithm was se-
lected to perform the prediction, since there are four
types of leukemia to be classified. Next, the train-
ing phase is performed, which allows learning from
patterns identified based on historical data sets (with
the train model component). Finally, a score and an
evaluation of the training (with the components score
model and evaluate model) were obtained, which will
be detailed in Section 4.
3.4 Validation System
To verify the performance of the model, a web sys-
tem was developed under a controlled environment
using the dataset with test cases established by the re-
searchers detailed in the previous section. As part of
our validation system, the pediatric oncology special-
ist selects the patient along with the type of leukemia
he/she may possibly have. In this way, the various
primers are displayed with the variables that the pa-
tient may present. As a result, the diagnostic re-
port is displayed indicating the patient’s status (pos-
itive or negative) with the percentage of accuracy or
false positives based on the analysis of the predictive
model developed in Microsoft Azure Machine Learn-
ing. Also, the validation system displays the “Treat-
ment” option when the result is positive.
In this section, the experiments carried out in this pa-
per will be explained, starting from the experimental
protocol and the results, as well as its discussion.
4.1 Experimental Protocol
For the development of our research project, several
activities have been carried out to obtain an expected
result. Figure 5 details the steps that have been carried
out for the implementation of our approach.
4.1.1 Dataset Creation
A dataset has been created to obtain the percentage of
accuracy in the diagnosis of the four leukemia sub-
types (see Section 2.1). Then, we have placed the
input values and generated the casuistry to train the
model and thus obtain a predictive result with a per-
centage of accuracy of having or not having the pe-
diatric leukemia disease. It should also be noted that
the input parameters were collected from medical re-
search and validated by a pediatric specialist.
WEBIST 2021 - 17th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 5: Proposed technological model for decision sup-
port in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric leukemia.
4.1.2 Design and Training of the Predictive
A model has been developed using the tools of the
Azure Machine Learning cloud platform, from which
training has been performed with the input values
with certain controlled casuistries to obtain the per-
centage of accuracy. Therefore, to train the model,
the parameterized dataset with the medical values de-
veloped in the previous phase was used. It should also
be noted that the following Azure services have been
used to train the model:
1. Process: This service allows to use the resource
as a destination to perform the training of the model
with the following specifications:
- Process name: ML1-Process
- Process type: Machine Learning compute
- Operating system: Linux 3.10 x86 64
- Processor: Intel Xeon E5-2673 @2.29GHz 4 cores
2. Pipelines: This Azure Service allows to organize
step by step the machine learning flow in parallel with
the data processing with the following results:
- Training duration: 1 hour, 8 minutes.
- Process destination: ML1-Process.
- Accuracy: 92.86%
3. Validation System: This validation system has
been elaborated under the approach of a controlled
environment with the processing of simulated data to
obtain a predictive result provided by the Azure tool
with the following technologies:
- Framework: Angular
- Programming language: TypeScript
- Execution Environment: Node.js
- GitHub:
In addition, to collect and process the data, an API
was developed using Azure Functions to enable com-
munication between the web app and the model.
4.2 Results
4.2.1 Treatment and Caring Time
In addition, in Lima, the delay from the first symp-
toms of cancer to access to a hospital specialized in
pediatric oncology care was 81 days. Likewise, in the
regions of origin, the delay time from the appearance
of the first symptoms was 63 days (142 days in ES-
SALUD). On the other hand, in Lima, the delay time
is 61 days (88 days in MINSA)
. It is evident that cur-
rently, the specialist has a delay time in the diagnosis
of pediatric leukemia of 1464 hours (61 days). There-
fore, based on the test performed together with ex-
perts, it can be pointed out that, the specialist will take
a maximum time of 10 additional minutes to obtain an
accurate suggestion to support decision making in the
diagnosis and treatment of pediatric leukemia.
4.2.2 Validation with Experts
For our work, validation has been carried out with ex-
perts in the field of pediatric medicine and develop-
ment of health care systems. In this way, meetings
were held with experts where the research proposal
was detailed. For further details, please see the fol-
lowing link
Likewise, the validation system has been pre-
sented to the experts indicating its functionalities to
demonstrate the predictive result in support of the di-
agnosis and treatment of pediatric leukemia. As a
result, the specialist has performed the correspond-
ing tests on the validation system in a time inter-
val of 8 to 10 minutes based on the developed test
plan that can be visualized in the following link https:
// (in Spanish).
4.2.3 Algorithm Results
As part of the experiment of this research, different
supervision algorithms have been used to compare the
results obtained in relation to the percentage of accu-
racy. Table 1 shows the percentage obtained accord-
ing to the type of classification algorithm.
Table 1: Accuracy score w.r.t the classification technique.
Classification algorithm Percentage of accuracy
Multiclass Decision Forest 23.61%
Multiclass Logistic Regression 33.33%
Multiclass Neural Network 85.71%
Multiclass Boosted Decision Tree 92.86%
Peruvian ombudsman -
Technological Model using Machine Learning Tools to Support Decision Making in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Leukemia
Thus, based on the experiment carried out, it was
validated that the result obtained by the algorithm
called “Multiclass Boosted Decision Tree” is the most
suitable for predictive analysis based on the input
medical parameters. Therefore, this algorithm was
selected to provide a suggestion result with a high de-
gree of accuracy, which supports the diagnosis and
treatment of pediatric leukemia.
4.2.4 Diagnostic Error Rate
On the other hand, the misdiagnosis rate has identi-
fied opportunities to reduce the recovery rate of pedi-
atric cancer. Therefore, the key factor of the research
factor of the project is to focus on the lack of diagno-
sis or misdiagnosis since approximately 20% of chil-
dren are affected with this diagnosis
. Table 2 shows
the percentage of error represented by false positives
according to the classification algorithm provided by
Microsoft Azure Machine Learning. As a result, it is
observed that the neural network algorithms and the
boosted decision tree algorithm have a lower percent-
age of error compared to the percentage of error in the
diagnosis of pediatric cancer.
Table 2: % of false positives w.r.t. classification technique.
Classification Algorithm Percentage of accuracy
Multiclass Decision Forest 76.39%
Multiclass Logistic Regression 66.67%
Multiclass Neural Network 14.29%
Multiclass Boosted Decision Tree 7.14%
Thus, it is demonstrated that with the neural net-
work and boosted decision tree algorithms there is a
lower percentage of false positives compared to the
diagnostic error rate of 20% detailed in the PAHO re-
port. Thus, based on the above, we have a viable solu-
tion to support specialists in making a better decision
in the definitive diagnosis of pediatric leukemia.
4.3 Discussion
At the end of the result stage, the following discus-
sions have become evident in relation to the devel-
opment of this research. Based on the development
of the technological model validation system, it was
possible to verify that the process of obtaining a pre-
dictive result in relation to the diagnosis and treat-
ment of pediatric leukemia has a time interval of be-
tween 8 and 10 minutes. In addition, to have the abil-
ity to determine the most appropriate pediatric onco-
Health Ministry of Peru “Early Diagnostic Guide Can-
cer in Children and Teens in Peru” - http://bvs.minsa.gob.
logic treatment line for the patient’s recovery. The
ideal classification algorithm for the development of
this project is the boosted decision tree algorithm base
on the comparison of the results of other algorithms
(see Table 1), since an accuracy percentage of 92.86%
was obtained. It should be noted that this percent-
age was obtained based on the use of the Microsoft
Azure Machine Learning platform, so this research
seeks those other studies use different platforms and
design multiple machine learning models to obtain
better results. The present research proposal aims to
support the process of diagnosis and treatment of pe-
diatric leukemia by reducing the percentage of mis-
diagnosis to increase the recovery rate of the disease.
For this reason, the results of false positives have been
analyzed and detailed to solve the problem of misdi-
agnosis (see Table 2).
In (Fathi et al., 2020), the authors propose an expert
system based on neural networks with the aim of per-
forming the prognosis and classification of the type
of leukemia in children according to complete blood
count test, ANFIS (Artificial Neural Network Fuzzy
Inference System), GMDH and metaheuristic algo-
rithms. Therefore, this proposal is conformed in the
collection of data and samples, training and verifica-
tion of answers, data classification and data division.
As a part of the study results, it has been demon-
strated that there are limitations in the separation of
cancer types due to the high percentage of error (Fathi
et al., 2020). In relation to our proposal, our model
is focused on the patient’s symptomatology as input
values to make the diagnosis of pediatric leukemia
according to its type allowing to visualize treatment
suggestions for the early recovery of the patient.
In (Verda et al., 2019), the authors detail the devel-
opment of Logic Learning Machine (LLM) in order
to perform gene expression data analysis for pediatric
cancer diagnosis. In this research, a comparison has
been made with existing supervised analysis meth-
ods such as decision tree (DT), artificial neural net-
work (ANN) and k-means classifier algorithms. For
this purpose, the authors have used a dataset of eight
databases including cancer cell types. In contrast to
our research proposal, our project is focused on the
four subtypes of pediatric leukemia using the multi-
class classification algorithm. To make the diagnosis
of this disease, we have analyzed the patient’s history,
signs, symptoms, and laboratory results without fo-
cusing on the patient’s genetics. In (Chaber et al.,
2021), the authors mention the use of the Fourier
WEBIST 2021 - 17th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) tool as it is
a fast and cost-effective method, which allows early
detection of cancer-specific chemical changes in tis-
sues, cells and biofluids. In this research, it is pro-
posed to use this tool for diagnosis in pediatric acute
lymphoblastic leukemia using blood samples. As part
of the experiment, an evaluation has been performed
with 10 patients with this disease. Given this, the
authors developed a predictive model based on Ad-
aBoost with a percentage of 85% accuracy. In con-
trast to our approach, a technological model has been
developed focused on the diagnosis and treatment of
the four subtypes of pediatric leukemia through labo-
ratory results, symptoms, signs, and general medical
aspects of the patient. From which, an accuracy of
92.86% was obtained.
A machine learning model trained with a dataset in
a tabular manner with medical history, symptoms,
signs, and laboratory results has been developed to
be able to identify whether the patient has high prob-
ability in suffering from pediatric leukemia disease.
It has been shown that the multiclass boosted deci-
sion tree algorithm has a high percentage of accuracy
(92.86%) for obtaining a predictive result of sugges-
tion to support the diagnosis and treatment of pedi-
atric leukemia. In addition, there is evidence of an
opportunity to reduce the misdiagnosis results from
the solution, since a lower percentage of false posi-
tives (7.14%) was obtained.
An interesting future work can be the analysis
of information such as medical history (with ma-
chine learning), medical images (with computer vi-
sion) or adding new modules to complement and
increase knowledge and support the recovery rate
of pediatric cancer disease or its protection with
blockchain (Arroyo-Mari
nos et al., 2021).
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Technological Model using Machine Learning Tools to Support Decision Making in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Leukemia