Netychords: An Accessible Digital Musical Instrument for Playing
Chords using Gaze and Head Movements
Nicola Davanzo
, Matteo De Filippis
and Federico Avanzini
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Milan, 20133 Milan, Italy
Accessible Digital Musical Instrument, Eye Tracking, Head Tracking, Chords.
Research on Accessible Digital Musical Instruments (ADMIs) dedicated to users with motor disabilities, fa-
cilitated by the introduction of new sensors on the mass market during the last decades, has carved out an
important niche within the scenario of new interfaces for musical expression. Among these instruments, Ne-
tytar, developed in 2018, is a hands-free ADMI enabling the performance of monophonic melodies, controlled
using the gaze (for the selection of the notes) and the breath (for the control of the dynamics), through an eye
tracker and an ad-hoc breath sensor. In this article we propose Netychords, a Netytar extension developed to
allow a quadriplegic musician to play chords. The instrument is controlled using gaze and head movement. A
head tracking paradigm is used to control chord strumming, through a cheap ad-hoc built head tracker. Inter-
action methods and mappings are discussed, along with a series of experimental chord keys layouts, problems
encountered and planned future developments.
Other than being an engaging activity, playing a mu-
sical instrument can improve one’s cognitive abil-
ities (Jaschke et al., 2013), contribute to their
health (Stensæth, 2013) and the social aspects of their
life (Costa-Giomi, 2004). The right of participating to
cultural and artistic activities in the society is recog-
nized by the Declaration of the Human Rights (United
Nations, 2015). Despite the developments in in-
terfaces for musical expression and accessibility re-
search, people with motor disabilities often have var-
ious difficulties in participating in musical activities,
such as playing an instrument. A quadriplegic disabil-
ity hinders the control of hands and feet, necessary to
play most of the instruments and music interfaces de-
signed for able-bodied users. According to a World
Health Organization report, spinal cord injuries af-
fect between 250,000 and 500,000 people worldwide
on average every year (World Health Organization,
2013). Accessible Digital Musical Instruments (AD-
MIs) are able to extend or transcend the creative pos-
sibilities offered by traditional musical instruments,
providing interaction based on unconventional phys-
ical interaction channels. In the literature, a few in-
struments are found dedicated to this niche of motor
disability. A recent survey (Davanzo and Avanzini,
2020c) is dedicated to their design and analysis. Such
instruments can exploit alternative interaction chan-
nels available from the neck upwards: eyes and eye-
brows, mouth and related facial muscles, head move-
ment and neck tension, brain activity detected via
electroencephalogram. In this article we propose Ne-
tychords, an ADMI and MIDI controller which allows
the performance of chords through two of the listed
channels: gaze, which is used for chord selection, and
head movement, used to perform strumming. The in-
strument is inspired by Netytar, an ADMI presented
and discussed in (Davanzo et al., 2018) and (Davanzo
and Avanzini, 2020d), designed to perform mono-
phonic melodies, controlled through gaze (again for
notes selection) and breath (which controls notes dy-
namics and note on/off events). Netychords could
complement it in collective musical performance. As
we will see in Sec. 2, a small amount of instruments
dedicated to quadriplegic users found in literature al-
low to play chords, thus Netychords could fill that
niche. We will discuss the related state of the art in
Sec. 2, the current implementation of Netychords in
Sec. 3, and its main design-related aspects in Sec. 4.
Finally, we will discuss problems as well as future
work, testing and evaluation in Sec. 5.
Davanzo, N., De Filippis, M. and Avanzini, F.
Netychords: An Accessible Digital Musical Instrument for Playing Chords using Gaze and Head Movements.
DOI: 10.5220/0010689200003060
In Proceedings of the 5th Inter national Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2021), pages 202-209
ISBN: 978-989-758-538-8; ISSN: 2184-3244
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Netychords interface. On the left, options such as layout selection and customization, sensors calibration and
customization are present. The layout of the virtual keyboard is drawn on the right.
The aforementioned work (Davanzo and Avanzini,
2020c) analyzes 15 musical instruments operable by
people with quadriplegic disability. Only 6 of these
seem to allow the performance of chords, with various
degrees of versatility. (Frid, 2019) proposes an analy-
sis of general accessible musical interfaces in the state
of the art, dividing them into 10 categories. Of the 83
instruments analyzed, only 2 fall in the gaze-based
category, suggesting how this interaction channel can
still be exploited. One further survey (Larsen et al.,
2016) lists 16 musical applications (performance in-
struments, sequencers, video games and more) which
can be operated by people with different types of dis-
Head tracking and eye tracking are widely con-
solidated as interaction channels for accessible ap-
plications. Their use in selection tasks have been
recently evaluated and compared through Fitts’ Law
tests (Davanzo and Avanzini, 2020b), showing that
gaze pointing is particularly fast and fairly stable,
especially if the eye tracker data stream is filtered,
while head movement is slightly slower but has ex-
cellent stability. However, it has also been demon-
strated that a maximum limit of physiologically pos-
sible saccadic eye movements per second can be ob-
tained (Hornof, 2014), which potentially hinders the
performance of fast sequences. This limit is poten-
tially more important if gaze is used for notes se-
lection while performing melodic lines, whereas for
chord changes it could be sufficiently fast. While pre-
cise eye tracking requires a dedicated peripheral, head
tracking has been exploited for accessibility purposes
(e.g. to navigate tablets) also through integrated cam-
eras (Roig-Maim
o et al., 2016). However, for Nety-
chords we preferred to use a wearable peripheral in
order to improve tracking precision. Head tracking
was also used to control and direct wheelchairs: a re-
view on the topic is proposed by (Leaman and La,
2017). Head motion peculiarities from a physiolog-
ical point of view have also been extensively stud-
ied (Sarig-Bahat, 2003).
As already stated, some ADMIs dedicated to
quadriplegic people already allow to play chords.
Tongue-Controlled Electro-Musical Instrument (Ni-
ikawa, 2004) consists of a PET board mounted on the
palate. Using the tongue it is possible to press one of
the buttons, arranged in a cross shape, to play the cor-
responding chord. Eye Play The Piano is a gaze-based
interface which allows to control a real piano through
actuators placed on the keyboard. Although the in-
strument is not described in any scientific publication,
the material available on the official website (Fove
Inc., nd) shows that it is possible to customize the
interface to play chords. Jamboxx (Jamboxx, nd) is
an ADMI bearing similarities to a digital harmonica:
a cursor moved using the mouth along a continuous
horizontal axis is mapped to pitch selection. Although
no scientific publication on the istrument is available,
as with the previous one, it seems that it is possi-
ble to play chords. The EyeHarp (Vamvakousis and
Netychords: An Accessible Digital Musical Instrument for Playing Chords using Gaze and Head Movements
Ramirez, 2016) is controlled entirely by gaze. Keys
are arranged in a pie shape. In the described prototype
it is possible to build arpeggios through a sequencer
layer, then use some of the circularly arranged keys to
trigger chord changes. Those will be played continu-
ously in the background following the defined arpeg-
gio pattern at a fixed tempo. P300 Harmonies (Vam-
vakousis and Ramirez, 2014) is an electroencephalo-
gram based interface that allows to generate and edit
arpeggios live in a simplified way, by editing a 6-note
Only two ADMIs found in the literature are con-
trolled through head tracking. In Hi Note (Matossian
and Gehlhaar, 2015), head movements are tracked to
move a cursor over a virtual keyboard having a spe-
cial layout. Breath is used to control notes dynamics.
It is unclear if chords performance is possible. Clar-
ion (Open Up Music, nd) is an ADMI whose layout
can be customized according to the musical piece to
be played, drawing colored keys of various sizes. It
is controllable using touch screen, gaze point or head
tracking, according on the setup. In both Clarion and
Hi Note, head movement is used to control a cursor
and is mapped to note selection.
Netychords is somehow related to a guitar: in both
instruments, notes selection and strumming are con-
trolled by two different channels (the two hands in
the guitar, gaze and head movement in Netychords).
Some guitar-inspired ADMIs, in the form of aug-
mented instruments or novel interfaces, are already
present in the literature, though not operable by a
quadriplegic user. The Actuated Guitar (Larsen et al.,
2013; Larsen et al., 2014), for example, consists of a
guitar adapted for by people with hemiplegic paraly-
sis. The able hand is placed on the neck, while a pedal
controls an actuator capable of plucking the strings.
Strummi (Harrison et al., 2019) is an instrument rela-
tively similar to a digital guitar, which allows the per-
formance of chords, designed for partial motor dis-
Netychords interface is depicted in Fig. 1. The idea
for its implementation stems from a general lack in
the literature of polyphonic instruments (i.e., able
to play chords) dedicated to users with severe mo-
tor disabilities. As an example, the aforementioned
EyeHarp (Vamvakousis and Ramirez, 2016) allows
for the performance of chords only in diatonic logic
and using predefined rhythmic patterns. Netychords
shares with Netytar the use of the gaze point to per-
Figure 2: Netytar running on a laptop, equipped with Tobii
4C and the ad-hoc build head tracker.
form notes selection. However, while Netytar exploits
breath to control note dynamics, Netychords exploits
head movement to perform note strumming events,
which actually trigger a group of notes at the same
time. The instrument is operable through low cost
sensors. It has been developed using a Tobii 4C eye
tracker, which features 90 Hz image sampling rate
through near infrared illuminators (NIR 850nm)
. We
built an ad-hoc head tracker using an MPU-6050/GY-
521 accelerometer/gyroscope and an Arduino Uno
microcontroller, both mounted on an headphone set,
interfaced via USB port and featuring a 100 Hz
sampling rate. The device is depicted in Fig. 2. The
Netychords code is available
under the Open-Source
GNU GPL V3 license. A demo video of the instru-
ment is linked in the GitHub Readme.
3.1 Chord Selection
Gaze point is used to navigate a virtual keyboard,
having differently colored keys to indicate different
chords. Each color corresponds to a different root
note, while different color shades indicate different
chord types. Six different layouts have been imple-
mented in the current iteration, allowing the user to
choose the most suitable for their performance. Each
key is assigned a square shaped gaze sensitive area
(occluder). Given the noisiness of the eye tracker
signal, there is a trade-off between selection accu-
racy and length of movement required. For this rea-
son, most of the implemented layouts have two dis-
play modes having different distances between keys:
Tobii 4C eye tracker:
Netychords on GitHub:
CHIRA 2021 - 5th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
square grid (Fig. 2, 3, 4 and 5) or slanted (Fig. 1). The
reader can use Table 1 as a reference for the chords
named below. The implemented layouts are the fol-
Stradella. It is inspired by the Stradella bass sys-
tem (Balestrieri, 1979), used in some italian ac-
cordions, which arranges the chords using the cir-
cle of fifths. While each column of keys cor-
responds to the same root note, each row corre-
sponds to a different family of chords, as shown
in Fig. 3. The original Stradella includes 4 chord
families. In Netychords these have been extended
to 11: major, minor, dominant 7th, diminished
7th, major 7th, minor 7th, dominant 9th, domi-
nant 11th, suspended 2nd, suspended 4th and half-
diminished 7th.
Simplified Stradella. Since the original Stradella
bass system is designed for a fingered keyboard,
the distance between the keys could be disadvan-
tageous for gaze based interaction. In this sim-
plified version, all the chords from Tab. 1 have
been grouped into 5 families (major, minor, dom-
inant, diminished and half-diminished). While
maintaining the circle of fifths rule for horizon-
tal movements (each key is incremented by seven
semitones from the previous one), the first chord
of each row is different according to the chord
family. Taking as fundamental the first major
chord (for example, a C chord), the minor chords
row starts from the VI degree of the major scale
(relative minor, therefore in the example an A
chord), the dominant sevenths start from the V de-
gree (in our example, a G chord), the diminished
rows follows the same arrangement as the major
one while the half-diminished rows starts from the
VII degree (in the example, a B chord). Fig. 4
shows how, with this arrangement, chords belong-
ing to an harmonized diatonic scale are kept close
together, resulting in less eye movement required
to play musical pieces in a single key. Diatonic
scale harmonization is resumed in Tab. 2. By
removing rows from this layout, three simplified
genre-specific presets have been obtained, poten-
tially useful for playing pop, rock and jazz mu-
sic. In the jazz preset, for example, the major and
minor chords are replaced with major 6th and mi-
nor 6th chords, following the indications of Pino
Jodice, jazz pianist (Jodice, 2017), thus keeping
close the grades listed in Tab. 2 (right half). The
rock preset instead contains only major, minor
(thus keeping close the degrees described in the
left half of Tab. 2), dominant 7th, suspended 2nd
and suspended 4th chords. The user is also able to
create a new custom layout selecting which chord
Table 1: Intervals describing each type of chord present in
Netychords. Colors reflects the chord families subdivision
implemented in the Simplified Stradella layout: major (red);
minor (blue); dominant (green); diminished (orange); half-
diminished (gray).
Suffix Chord name Intervals
Sample C-
- Major 1, 3, 5 C-E-G
min Minor 1, [3, 5 C-E[-G
maj6 Major 6th 1, 3, 5, 6 C-E-G-A
min6 Minor 6th 1, [3, 5, 6 C-E[-G-A
maj7 Major 7th 1, 3, 5, 7 C-E-G-B
min7 Minor 7th 1, [3, 5, [7 C-E[-G-B[
7 Dominant 7th 1, 3, 5, [7 C-E-G-B[
o7 Diminished 7th 1, [3, [5, [[7 C-E[-G[-A
ø7 Half-dimin. 7th 1, [3, [5,[7 C–E[–G[–B[
sus2 Suspended 2nd 1, 2, 5 C-D-G
sus4 Suspended 4th 1, 4, 5 C-F-G
9 Dominant 9th 1, 3, 5, [7, 9 C-E-G-B[-D
11 Dominant 11th 1, 3, 5, [7, 9,
Table 2: Harmonized diatonic major scale pattern used in
Netychords. On the left, harmonization with 3 notes per
chord; on the right, harmonization with 4 or more notes per
chord. Degrees are provided using jazz notation.
3 notes / chord 4+ notes / chord
Degree Example Degree Example
I C I Cmaj7
ii Dmin ii Dmin7
iii Emin iii Emin7
IV F IV Fmaj7
V G V7 G7
vi Amin vi Gmin7
vii Bmin vii
rows to include, and in which order.
Flowerpot. This layout has a completely different
structure from the previous ones. The keyboard is
divided into groups of 5 keys arranged in a cross,
called flowers. A major flower is red; the mid-
dle key is mapped to a natural major chord, while
the other keys are mapped to dominant 7th, ma-
jor 7th, major 6th and suspended 4th chords. A
minor flower is blue; the central key is mapped
to a natural minor chord, while the other keys are
mapped to minor 7th, minor 6th, diminished 7th
and half-diminished chords. Flowers are grouped
in proximity to each other, obtaining a square grid
tessellation without empty spaces. After selecting
the tonal center, the central flower will correspond
to the I degree of the harmonized diatonic major
scale, while the adjacent flowers, arranged in a cir-
cle, will cover the other degrees (again according
to the scheme shown in Fig. 5). This layout could
therefore be practical for playing songs without
key changes.
Netychords: An Accessible Digital Musical Instrument for Playing Chords using Gaze and Head Movements
Figure 3: A four rows/six chords detail of the Stradella lay-
out implementation. Chord labels are not visible while play-
Figure 4: A four rows/six chords detail of the Simplified
Stradella layout implementation. Keys belonging to the di-
atonic harmonization of the B major scale (labels indicate
the various degrees) are enclosed in the red square. All the
labels are not visible while playing.
Figure 5: Current implementation of the Flowerpot layout
with C as root note. Labels are not visible while playing.
Figure 6: Head position feedback handle (in white).
For most of the layouts, keys cannot all be shown
within the application window, due to the size of the
screen and because too small keys would be difficult
to select using gaze pointing. Netychords therefore
implements the same autoscrolling system as Nety-
tar (Davanzo et al., 2018), which smoothly moves
the fixated key to the center, taking advantage of the
“smooth pursuit” capabilities of the eyes (Majaranta
and Bulling, 2014). Octave choice is based on ”reed”
selectors (recalling again the Stradella accordion), to
reduce the number of keys drawn on the screen.
3.2 Strumming
Chords strumming (traslated into MIDI note on/off
events and velocities) is controlled through head
tracking. Here we discuss the strumming modality
implemented for Netychords, which to our knowledge
has not been previously proposed in the literature of
digital musical instruments.
Head rotations on the horizontal axis (yaw) are
tracked. A strum occurs when a change in rotation di-
rection is detected. A MIDI velocity value (which in
turn determines the resulting sound intensity) is gen-
erated as a proportional value to the angle described
by the head with respect to a center position (cali-
brated before playing), where the proportionality fac-
tor is adjustable through a slider. In order to actually
trigger a new strum (i.e., to generate a MIDI note on
event), it is necessary to pass through a central zone
called deadzone, defined around 0
. The deadzone
has an adjustable size, within which changes in direc-
tion are not detected.
Visual feedback of head rotation is given directly
on the key that is being fixated, through a white han-
dle whose width corresponds to the head rotation an-
gle with respect to the center, which is indicated by a
white dot, as depicted in Fig. 6.
A known problem to face when designing gaze-
based interfaces is that of Midas Touch (Majaranta
and Bulling, 2014), namely the involuntary activa-
tion of interface elements (e.g. keys) when these are
crossed by gaze trace. In previous works, different
gaze controlled instruments addressed the problem in
CHIRA 2021 - 5th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
Figure 7: The main design aspects of Netychords, visual-
ized on a dimension space for the evaluation of ADMIs (Da-
vanzo and Avanzini, 2020a).
different ways. In Netychords the Midas Touch is
to an extent solved by design, as notes are triggered
by strumming and head movements, rather than fixa-
tions. Therefore, notes are let ring until a new strum
action is detected regardless of gaze moving to other
keys. In addition, neutral areas between occluders
are also placed. To trigger chord stops (pauses), eye
blinking is exploited. By closing both eyes for a suffi-
ciently long period (corresponding to 4-5 samples of
the eye tracker data stream, adjustable) the sound is
We will discuss in this section some notable prop-
erties of the instrument design, as well as the ratio-
nale behind the outlined design choices. (Davanzo
and Avanzini, 2020a) proposed an 8-axis “dimension
space”, inspired by (Birnbaum et al., 2005) for the
evaluation of the general characteristics of ADMIs.
This dimension space can be useful for summarizing
and visualizing Netychords features.
The Simplification axis indicates which degree of
simplification was introduced to enable less trained
musicians (or to make up for some deficits) through
the introduction of specific aids. In Netychords, no
layout allows the selection of the single notes in a
chord, differently from most polyphonic acoustic in-
struments. This however translates into a potential
gain in ease of use and could be considered an aid.
Apart from this, no other aids have been introduced.
Playing aids like strumming temporal quantization
could be introduced for facilitating the learning pro-
Hence, the Use context is more oriented to-
wards performance. According to McPherson et al.
(McPherson et al., 2019), there is a clear distinction
between performance interfaces, dedicated to skilled
users, and musical interfaces dedicated to music ther-
apy, usually simplified to be usable without prior mu-
sic training. Netychords is thought to belong to the
performance category, as it does not offer particular
performance aids. It is a complex instrument requir-
ing training to be mastered.
The Design Novelty axis indicates whether an
ADMI resembles the design of a traditional musical
instrument or departs from such traditional designs.
Although Netychords differs from any acoustic in-
strument, some similarities can be found with accor-
dions, with particular regard to the octave manage-
ment system, the reed system and the Stradella Lay-
The usability and the expressivity of an instrument
are largely affected by the amount of Physical Chan-
nels that the user can employ in the interaction. Ne-
tychords uses two channels, namely head movement
and gaze pointing. This choice is the result of a trade-
off between expressivity (as an example, no contin-
uous control on the emitted chord is possible after it
has been triggered) and usability (with particular re-
gard to the Midas Touch problem discussed earlier).
Although the two interaction channels are largely in-
dependent from each other, the eye tracker can only
tolerate a certain degree of head rotation. We found
that a head rotation angle of about 30 degrees is suffi-
cient to strum at different intensities without compro-
mising gaze detection.
The dimension space clusters categories of im-
pairments into three main axes: physical, cogni-
tive, sensory (or perceptual), and classifies target user
groups along these three categories, also considering
that physical, sensory, and cognitive impairments are
often intertwined due to the multidimensional charac-
ter of disability. Although Netychords is potentially
usable by a quadriplegic user, the head movement re-
quired makes it incompatible with the maximum de-
gree of the discrete Physical Impairment scale (LI, or
Lock-In syndrome, characterized by the possibility of
move your eyes only). Instead it falls into the QP
(Quadriplegic Paralysis) level.
Future iterations of the instrument may however
include the choice for new input methods. Blink
based strumming could be tested for users with diffi-
culties in rotating the head. This could influence and
improve the actually low Adaptability of the instru-
ment, namely the possibility to adapt to the individual
Netychords: An Accessible Digital Musical Instrument for Playing Chords using Gaze and Head Movements
user needs. Sensory and Cognitive Impairments are
instead not addressed by Netychords.
We have presented the first iteration in the design and
implementation of a polyphonic ADMI, Netychords.
Future work will be mainly addressed at evaluation
with target users, in order to guide subsequent itera-
tion of the instrument design.
One primary element of evaluation concerns an
in-depth study of new key layouts and a comparative
study of existing ones. Representing a large amount
of chord families on the screen requires a great num-
ber of keys. We plan to experiment with separating,
among different interaction channels, root note selec-
tion and chord type selection. Different head rota-
tion axes (or different angles) could for example cor-
respond to different chords (e.g. major, minor).
The proposed strumming modality also needs
thorough evaluation, and may be further extended to
allow for more expressive interaction. In the current
prototype, chords notes are played all in the same
time while strumming. A method for sequential note
strumming (arpeggio) could be implemented, in a
similar fashion as guitar strings, by subdividing the
head rotation interval. Strumming can be good for
simulating plucked instruments or piano. Continuous
intensity detection could be implemented, suitable for
playing strings, for example evaluating head rotation
velocity for each sample.
Evaluating a musical instrument from an objective
point of view is a complex task. (O’Modhrain, 2011)
proposes a framework for the evaluation of Digi-
tal Musical Instruments from the perspective of the
various stakeholders (performer/composer, designer,
manufacturer and audience), consisting in a set of pa-
rameters to be evaluated. (Vamvakousis and Ramirez,
2016) for example implemented this framework for
the evaluation of The EyeHarp from the point of view
of the audience through questionnaires submitted to
the attendees of a concert. As O’Modhrain highlights,
being able to trace a link between the performer’s
motion and the perceived sound is a very important
element for the audience to appreciate a live perfor-
mance, and this is a concern for gaze based interfaces
since movements are very subtle. Head rotation in
Netychords could be a way to convey the expressive
Interaction in both Netytar (Davanzo et al., 2018)
and EyeHarp (Vamvakousis and Ramirez, 2016) has
been evaluated quantitatively, also from a precision
and accuracy point of view, through the recording of
simple musical exercises in order to measure timing
errors and number of wrong notes. We feel however
that a comparative evaluation between Netychords
and another instrument could be difficult to make
since all the instruments listed in Sec. 2 offer a dif-
ferent degree of control of the chords performance.
The COVID-19 pandemic has so far prevented
testing Netychords with target users. We thus con-
clude by discussing a test procedure for Netychords
we intend to carry out in the future. This is simi-
lar to the one used for Netytar’s evaluation (leaving
aside the comparison phase). A sample of at least
25-30 individuals, possibly with musical experience,
will be recruited. A training phase of at least 20
minutes will provide a minimum of familiarity with
the instrument and the proposed interaction methods;
a practical test will involve the performance of mu-
sical exercises (or songs), and the performance will
be recorded as a MIDI track and analyzed later. We
intend to detect elements such as error rates, strum-
ming and chord change speed, as well as the flexibil-
ity of the various layouts in allowing chord changes
between distant keys; a qualitative test will include
a questionnaire with general questions on the usabil-
ity of the system. Elements such as perceived fatigue,
degree of naturalness and simplicity of interaction and
interface clarity will be detected. Case studies should
be also carried out with musicians having physical
(quadriplegic) disabilities.
Another session could be devoted solely to test-
ing the proposed head-based interaction method.
While the movement precision and stability have al-
ready been discussed in other experiments (Davanzo
and Avanzini, 2020b), it would be useful to detect
through recorded exercises the head’s rhythmic ca-
pabilities, namely the relationship between precision
and speed/frequency of head strums.
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