“How Was the Match?”: Semantic Similarity between Electronic Media
Commentary and Work Domain Analysis Key Phrases
Gustavo Silva
1 a
, Ricardo Ribeiro
1,2 b
and Rui J. Lopes
1,3 c
Iscte - Instituto Universit
ario de Lisboa, Portugal
INESC-ID Lisboa, Portugal
Instituto de Telecomunicac¸
oes, Lisboa, Portugal
Football, Work Domain Analysis, Match Annotation, Performance Analysis, Semantic Similarity.
Football player’s performance can be measured in an objective way (e. g. Goals scored, assists, interceptions),
this being seldom a method to compare and rank the best players by categories. Over years of study, many other
factors that can influence the players performance were discovered and studied, considering not only objective
factors, but also subjective factors. Match commentary from different sources (e.g., social and formal media)
also plays an important role on a more subjective performance assessment.
By using semantic similarity analysis, this study aims to contribute to the understanding of the concepts that
are used in this commentaries, notably to each extend key phrases associated to match processes are used in
commentaries published in social and formal media.
Team and athlete performance analysis has been
an object of study and usage by practitioners (e.g.
coaches) for several years. Methodologies, metrics,
and studies have been designed to improve the per-
formance of football players and provide a better per-
formance analysis, typically in an objective way us-
ing notational analysis to account for several athletes
actions (e.g., goals, assists, shoots). As illustrated
in Figure 1, these actions are conditioned by many
factors, notably the match context is a main factor
in sports performance. In fact, there are many hu-
man and non-human components working dynami-
cally and constantly changing the environment of a
football match (Mclean et al., 2017).
The combination of human factors and football
complexity makes performance analysis an extremely
challenging task; advances in these studies provide an
increasing number of factors that are considered to
influence players’ and teams’ performance. On the
other hand, the perceived performance, e.g., by fans
or even specialised media, generally does not follow
these procedures and metrics and is not expressed via
objective metrics.
This study aims to explore the perception of fans
and specialised media of the Work Domain Analysis
(WDA) structure of football, and if it may exist a rela-
tion between objective performance approaches, their
metrics and the subjective performance assessment
expressed by fans in social media and specialised me-
dia on sports websites.
This paper is structured as follows: the next sec-
tion addresses the related work on performance anal-
ysis; Section 3 presents the used information sources;
Section 4 describes the methods used to process the
data and compute the relation between the perceived
performance and the levels of WDA; the achieved re-
sults are presented in Section 5; Final Remarks and
Future Work close the document.
There are many factors that can influence a match re-
sult, over the years, the researchers have been try-
ing to analyse the complexity of this factors. Many
aspects of human behaviour can be analysed, con-
sequently, it is important to determine what will be
analysed and the reason for this. It is important to
Silva, G., Ribeiro, R. and Lopes, R.
“How Was the Match?”: Semantic Similarity between Electronic Media Commentary and Work Domain Analysis Key Phrases.
DOI: 10.5220/0010691100003059
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2021), pages 144-150
ISBN: 978-989-758-539-5; ISSN: 2184-3201
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Player performance analysis in a match.
consider the saying: “not everything that counts can
be counted, and not everything that can be counted
counts” (C. Carling and Reilly, 2005). The sentence
above defines what happen in a football match. Play-
ers can have a bad performance considering the stats
(e.g., goals, assists, shots, interceptions), but still
make a good match if we consider the match context,
for example, a player who was positioned to avoid
counter-attacks or marked a specific opponent player
individually and played this role positively, both are
hard aspects to measure, but that we cannot ignore
when analysing the performance of a player.
2.1 Match Annotation
Annotations in football are an important tool to obtain
intelligence in a match, even in a general performance
of the team or an individual classification of a player.
With the sports evolution on the last decades the need
of more researches about the complexity of the eval-
uation of a player performance was found (Barros
et al., 2018). In football scenario, even it being a sport
very complex, it is possible to analyse the participa-
tion of a player in a match through predefined stats
(e.g. shots, interceptions, assists, goals).
The match annotations are alternatives to analyse
a player performance in a less empiric way, and to
compare a player with other player based in a com-
mon stat. This form of analysis is used by sports TV
channels, sports journalists, and bet sites. According
to the Figure 2, the player participation in a match
is converted in stats by analysis tools and used by
coaches and clubs to assist the decision making.
2.2 Work Domain Analysis
Work Domain Analysis (WDA) is a system analy-
sis method that aims to, in a structured mode, as-
sociate actors, their fundamental functions and re-
sources used by themselves in a context based in the
functional environment that establishes the purposes
to be achieved.
In the football scenario, the whole squad has sev-
eral common functions (e.g., positioning, connect
passes, etc.), but each position has specific roles on
a football match (e.g., a striker is the responsible for
scoring the goals, the central back is the responsible
to intercept the opponents and avoid opponents effec-
tive attacks). Based on a preview study, the author
classified hierarchically a conceptual method to link
the functions and purposes of players in a football
match (Berber et al., 2020).
The structure is designed from specific compo-
nents to general components, Each level is linked with
the adjacent level based on the relation of the purpose
and functions of the player position in a match:
Functional Purpose. The main functions of a player
in a match (Prevent goals scored, Score goals,
Relieve pressure, Create chances). Example: a
striker has as main function to score goals.
Values and Priority Measures. Criteria used to
analyse the progress of a player to achieve the
functional purposes(Positioning, Goal Conceded,
Saves made, Goals scored). Example: the
quantity of goals a striker scored in a match.
Purpose-related Functions. Functions that need
to be done to achieve the functional pur-
poses(Defend, Attack, Leadership, Adaptability,
Communication). Example: a striker has to
“How Was the Match?”: Semantic Similarity between Electronic Media Commentary and Work Domain Analysis Key Phrases
Figure 2: Typical analyse of extraction of Match Annotations in the professional football teams (Stein et al., 2016).
establish communication with the teammates to
find the best way to score goals.
Object-related Processes. The process used by
players to achieve a purpose-related func-
tion(Dive, Shooting, Break Lines, Free Kicks,
Vision). Example: a striker has to pass, tackle,
and kick to perform the purpose-related functions.
Three different sources were used in this project as
represented in Figure 3. Each source is a different
perception of the same match, based on the context
of each platform. Reddit comments are in an in-
formal language, where essentially the author has an
open space to talk anything he wants about a football
match. In Formal Media, there are two sources: Live
Match commentary and Player Ratings. The first one,
Live Match, is the update, in real time, of the events
in a match and the comment about the events as they
happen. The Player Ratings comments are analyses
about the general participation of a player in a match
and the respective rating of the performance. Figure 3
illustrates the relationship between the used informa-
tion sources and shows their number of items.
Figure 3: Commentary text sources.
In this present study Reddit was used for obtain-
ing the social media content data. This platform
aims connect users by grouping them in communi-
ties through the creation of rooms about topics, where
users can comment and react to other’s comments. In
2020, Reddit had over 52 million daily active users,
nearly 303 million posts and two billion comments.
Reddit is organised around the following concepts:
Users. who interact in Reddit. A user can comment
and react in threads, follow other users and join
Communities. Group of Users with common inter-
ests about a topic.
Threads. A room where users can interact about a
given topic, for example, in a Football Match
Thread, the principal objective is talk about foot-
ball and related subjects.
Comments. A space designed for users to interact
with other users or just to express opinion. Com-
ments must respect the platform policies, but, the
user is free to express his opinion using any lan-
guage, including slang, emojis and hashtags.
Reddit offers an Application Programming Inter-
face (API). By using it, we can retrieve the data
through authenticated requests. Then, this data can
be filtered and organised. In the end, it can be used to
study topics or the sentiment associated to this kind
of contents. Also, through Reddit API it is possible to
make filtered searches about Users, Communities and
Threads. Using the Reddit API, a dataset containing
fans’ comments and opinions on that match was cre-
To obtain formal media contents, it was used web
scraping, that consists in collecting data from web
pages to obtain data, from different, in this case,
sports sites.
As case subject, we used the match between
Manchester City F.C. and Chelsea F.C. on the final of
the UEFA Champions League 2021, that took place
on May 29, 2021. In this match, Chelsea F.C. beat
Manchester City F.C. by 1-0, winning the tournament.
icSPORTS 2021 - 9th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
To understand the relation between the perceived per-
formance by fans and specialised media, we com-
pute the semantic similarity between the Reddit’s
posts, live comments, and players’ assessments and
the levels of WDA. We experimented different ap-
proaches and the best results were achieved by using
BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) to generate computational
representations of the textual data from fans and for-
mal media and of the key phrases corresponding to
several levels of WDA and the cosine (Eq. 1) to com-
pute the similarity between these vectorial represen-
(x, y) =
x · y
BERT stands for Bidirectional Encoder Represen-
tations from Transformers, which hints about its na-
ture. BERT is a language representational model
which uses context, left and right, to generate rep-
resentations for raw text. This model is based on
the concept of transformer, which is a neural net-
work architecture that follows the encoder-decoder
structure using stacked self-attention and point-wise,
fully connected layers for both the encoder and de-
coder (Vaswani et al., 2017). In this work, we used
DistilBERT (Sanh et al., 2019), a more efficient ver-
sion of BERT, that achieves comparable results. As
implementation, we used the Python Sent2Vec
The method described in Section 4 was applied to the
collected datasets described in Section 3. Specifically,
we computed the semantic similarity, sim
i j
each entry (i.e., sentence), s
and key phrase, k
fined via WDA (here s
corresponds to the i
tence of dataset S
, and k
corresponds to the
WDA key phrase at level L
. This resulted
in 12 matrices (three datasets and four levels), with
values between 0 and 1, and presented as heat maps
in Figure 4, where rows and columns correspond to
entries (sentence) and WDA key phrases respectively.
These results show a great dispersion of the similarity
score across all domains: i.e., between sources, lev-
els, and between entries from the same source at the
same WDA level.
In order to assess how the similarity varied be-
tween levels and datasets we computed the simi-
larity mean and standard variation for all the 12
level/dataset combinations. According to Table 1, the
general content of all the data sources is more similar
with the key phrases from the WDA level L3. Value
& Priority Measures Level, which means that both,
informal and formal media, tend to describe matches
using an objective perspective more based on players
stats and less based in their participation in more ab-
stract processes (described in level L4). In contrast
to this, the WDA level that has less similarity with
the content of each information source is L1. Object-
related processes, which means that in a general con-
text, the comments are not about the secondary (i.e.
“means-to-an-end”) functions of a player in a match
but about the objective performance and the princi-
pal functions (e.g., a striker has to score goals). On
the other dimension, at all four levels, Reddit en-
tries present the higher similarity values while Rat-
ings present the smaller values. This is contrary to
what was expected, that is, that formal media live
commentary and player ratings would be more se-
mantically similar to WDA key phrases than fan’s
comments on social media.
Table 1: Similarity of the different information sources with
the WDA levels (mean and standard deviation).
S1. Reddit
L4.Functional purposes 0.437±0.078
L3.Value & priority measures 0.468±0.078
L2.Purpose-related functions 0.411±0.078
L1.Object-related processes 0.326±0.075
S2. Live Commentary
L4.Functional purposes 0.399±0.104
L3.Value & priority measures 0.427±0.107
L2.Purpose-related functions 0.378±0.099
L1.Object-related processes 0.300±0.089
S3. Ratings
L4.Functional purposes 0.351±0.081
L3.Value & priority measures 0.378±0.083
L2.Purpose-related functions 0.330±0.077
L1.Object-related processes 0.253±0.067
We also investigated if the key phrases at each
level would or not maintain their similarity rank
across the different data sources. According to Table
2, the ranking of most similar key phrases is very sim-
ilar in the three data sources, i.e., informal and formal
media comments typically tend to comment the match
based on the same key phrases. (Due to space limita-
tions Table 2 only shows the top ve and bottom two
key phrases for each level.)
“How Was the Match?”: Semantic Similarity between Electronic Media Commentary and Work Domain Analysis Key Phrases
(a) L4 × S1. Reddit
(b) L4. × S2. Live Commentary
(c) L4. × S2. Ratings
(d) L3. × S1. Reddit
(e) L3. × S2. Live Commentary
(f) L3. × S3. Ratings
(g) L2. × S1.Reddit
(h) L2. × S2. Live Commentary
(i) L2. × S3. Ratings
(j) L1. × S1. Reddit
(k) L1. × S2. Live Commentary
(l) L1. × S1. Ratings
Figure 4: Similarity score between entry and key sentence at different levels (L4.Functional purposes, L3.Value & priority
measures, L2.Purpose-related functions, L1.Object-related processes).
icSPORTS 2021 - 9th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Table 2: Comparison of rank and mean across layers and entity sources.
Live Live
Reddit Reddit Commentary Commentary Ratings Ratings
Key ID Key phrase Rank Mean Rank Mean Rank Mean
L4.22 Assist in goal scoring 1 0.470 3 0.426 5 0.376
L4.8 Create goal scoring op-
2 0.470 1 0.430 1 0.381
L4.20 Bring others into offen-
sive situations
3 0.468 2 0.429 2 0.378
L4.7 Break up opposition at-
4 0.461 5 0.423 4 0.376
L4.3 Provide a safe passing
5 0.461 6 0.423 6 0.375
L4.2 Initiate build-up 21 0.394 22 0.359 22 0.311
L4.10 Stretch opposition 22 0.393 20 0.364 21 0.318
L3.32 Goals scored 1 0.493 1 0.446 1 0.398
L3.21 Runs without the ball 2 0.492 2 0.446 3 0.394
L3.13 Effective defensive
3 0.487 5 0.441 5 0.391
L3.3 Goals conceded 4 0.484 7 0.438 7 0.389
L3.10 Effective contests 5 0.484 3 0.445 2 0.397
L3.18 Block shots and crosses 31 0.436 32 0.394 32 0.346
L3.7 Interceptions 32 0.432 30 0.399 30 0.352
L2.7 Maintain position in
team structure
1 0.456 1 0.413 1 0.365
L2.15 Play in line with coach
2 0.455 2 0.411 2 0.363
L2.13 Appropriate decision-
3 0.444 3 0.407 3 0.361
L2.18 Manage own fitness
physical condition
4 0.443 5 0.406 5 0.358
L2.12 Maintain resilience 5 0.442 4 0.406 4 0.360
L2.5 Communication 17 0.370 17 0.343 17 0.296
L2.1 Defend 18 0.344 18 0.320 18 0.271
L1.62 Recognise when and
how to support team
1 0.410 1 0.374 1 0.330
L1.30 Recognise/anticipate
team member actions
2 0.390 2 0.355 2 0.311
L1.15 Initial distribution of the
3 0.385 3 0.353 3 0.303
L1.26 Organise team members
at opposition set pieces
4 0.379 5 0.342 4 0.294
L1.21 Provide protection from
5 0.373 4 0.343 5 0.293
L1.34 Understand coach’s in-
68 0.243 68 0.229 66 0.202
L1.65 Risk-taking 69 0.200 69 0.188 69 0.144
“How Was the Match?”: Semantic Similarity between Electronic Media Commentary and Work Domain Analysis Key Phrases
In the work described in this paper it was possible to
explore how key phrases associated to different lev-
els of Work Domain Analysis are used in football
matches commentary published electronically by dif-
ferent sources. From this exploratory work the fol-
lowing conclusions could be obtained:
The similarity score between commentary entries
and WDA key phrases shows a great dispersion
across all domains (sources, levels, and entries);
The higher similarity values are obtained at the
WDA level L3. Values & priority measures. It is
worth of note that the key phrases identified at this
level have usually a closely related match annota-
tion item (e.g., Goals scored);
Contrary to what may be expected, comments
from users in social media show, for all WDA
levels, higher semantic similarity values that com-
mentary entries in formal media.
Concerning future work, we foresee six main
ideas on how to increase the potential of this project:
The informal and formal media have close simi-
larity scores, with higher similarity values being
achieved by fans comments - it is important to un-
derstand how this conclusion generalise to other
Perform a more comprehensive study of the dif-
ferent key phrases, notably their relative ranking
and their potentially hierarchical structure (e.g.,
Goals and Goals scored/conceded or Runs and
Runs with/without the ball).
Sentiment polarity of fans perspective can pro-
vide unanticipated insights concerning perfor-
mance analysis of football players. Sentiment
analysis captures the subjective part of perfor-
mance, and analysis based on metrics (stats about
passes, goals, and assists, for example) its objec-
tive part;
Apply our method to other social media platforms
and sources of formal media commentary notably,
comparing how users behaviour in different plat-
Try to adapt the used methods to other sports;
The creation of a specific platform to connect
football fans and the Data Department of the Foot-
ball Teams could lead to an integrated (qualita-
tive and quantitative) perspective on performance
Rui J. Lopes was partly supported by the Fundac¸
para a Ci
encia e Tecnologia, under Grant Num-
ber UIDB/50008/2020 attributed to Instituto de
oes. Ricardo Ribeiro was partly sup-
ported by national funds through Fundac¸
ao para
a Ci
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bile devices. In Proceedings of the 6th International
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icSPORTS 2021 - 9th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support