Strategic Development of Management Accounting at Large
Industrial Corporations
Nina Ilysheva
, Vasily Karaulov
and Kristina Bulgakova
Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russia
Keywords: Management accounting, strategic approach, strategic management accounting, integrated performance
management system, strategic objectives, key performance indicators, key efficiency indicators.
Abstract: The given publication's objective is to research into the formation process of a strategic approach in the
management accounting of large industrial corporations in a competitive environment in oder to maintain the
leading position in their business segment. Meeting the formulated objective, the following tasks were set: to
consider the management accounting formation process and the prerequisites for the strategic management
accounting formation; to develop a theory of an integrated performance management system as the basis for
the strategic management accounting. Works of scientists and economists in accounting, management
accounting, economic, financial and strategic analysis have served as the theoretical and methodological basis
for this publication. Based on the results of this study, we have come to the following conclusions. Today, the
tools of traditional production accounting in management accounting are inapplicable. One should use any
useful methods such as: value chain analysis, balanced scorecard, mathematical methods and many others.
The strategic approach to planning, accounting, cost analysis is a new, higher level of the accounting and
analytical system of the enterprise. At which point one selects the key indicator, that affects the costs, the
choice of the relevant mathematical model, describing the costs forecast. This indicator forms high-quality
information background for a company's management in making effective management decisions. An
integrated performance management system is to solve the afore-said problems. The practical significance of
the research is in the application of the outcomes and recommendations to the management accounting at an
enterprise, thus improving the quality of management decisions.
As the world economic situation is getting more
unstable, the international and in-country competition
increasing, management accounting is becoming
more important.
The task of forming a modern management
accounting system is one of the most urgent. The
range of opinions on the definition of the
management accounting is quite extensive. Some
researchers interpret it as an accounting subsystem
whose main task is to collect, register and summarize
information. However, others consider it to be an
enterprise management system that performs all
management functions such as: accounting, planning,
analysis, control and decision making.
In the current economic conditions, which are
characterized by intensifying competition,
acceleration of scientific and technological progress,
it becomes impossible to maintain traditional
management accounting at an enterprise, based on
cost calculation and affecting the internal activities of
the company. Such accounting has been characteristic
of the industrial and, to some extent, post-industrial
era, now it is necessary to expand the management
accounting system by including information about the
company's external environment: buyers, suppliers,
competitors, government acts. One should also use
new methods for getting the information to make
effective decisions by the company's management,
which is the strategic management accounting
system's objective.
Ilysheva, N., Karaulov, V. and Bulgakova, K.
Strategic Development of Management Accounting at Large Industrial Corporations.
DOI: 10.5220/0010694000003169
In Proceedings of the International Scientific-Practical Conference "Ensuring the Stability and Security of Socio-Economic Systems: Overcoming the Threats of the Crisis Space" (SES 2021),
pages 111-116
ISBN: 978-989-758-546-3
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The acuteness of the strategic management
accounting, both theoretically and practically,
predetermined the research choice, its objectives,
subject and research methods.
The given publication's objective is to research
into the formation process of a strategic approach in
the management accounting of large industrial
corporations in a competitive environment in oder to
maintain the leading position in their business
To achieve the aforementioned objective, the
following tasks have been set:
to consider the management accounting
formation process and the prerequisites for the
strategic management accounting formation;
to develop a theory of an integrated performance
management system as the basis for the strategic
management accounting.
The research is focused on the patterns of strategic
management of large industrial corporations in a
competitive environment.
The subject is the strategic management
Works of scientists and economists in accounting,
management accounting, economic, financial and
strategic analysis, accounting normative and
legislative acts, Internet sources have served as the
theoretical and methodological basis for this
The emergence of the management accounting
system is published in the works by Sokolov, Drury,
Horngrem, Foster, Shank, et al.
The management accounting has been researched
by: Vakhrushina M.A., Volkova, O.N., Gerchikova
I.N., Ivashkevich V.B., Kerimov V.E., Kondrakov
N.P., Nikolaeva S.A., Sokolov Ya.V., Sheremet A.D.
et al.
The following researchers have delved into the
strategic development of enterprises, their
competitiveness: Ansoff, Gaponenko, Ilyshev,
Ilysheva, Karanina, Pankrukhin, Thompson
Strickland Porter, Fatkhutdinov, Fleischer, Yurieva et
However, at the current stage of science
development there is a small number of works on the
problems of forming strategic management
accounting in large industrial corporations.
The study used general scientific research
methods - comparison, grouping, graphic method.
3.1 The Management Accounting
Formation Process and the
Prerequisites for the Strategic
Management Accounting
For a company's management to make effective
management decisions, management accounting is
intended. This is one of the main tasks of
management accounting. The main purpose of this
type of accounting is to create and support the
information system within the company. This is a
fundamental prerequisite for the effective functioning
of the management accounting system.
The origin and formation of the management
accounting are the systems of costing and production
When the first exchange operations appear, the
manufacturer needs to calculate the cost of goods sold
and services rendered, which is a prerequisite for the
formation of cost accounting. At first, however, it was
simple enough, all the calculations were made in the
mind and account records were not required.
The industrial revolution that took place at the end
of the 18th century, the transition from individual to
factory production, the emergence of numerous
industrial enterprises and free business activity
contributed to competition, capital market, goods
market and labor market, as well as free pricing. In
these conditions, the importance of calculating
accounting increased primarily as a tool to assess the
profitability of goods, and the market prices
(Horngren, Foster, 2000).
At the end of the 20th, the beginning of the 21st
century, the cost record got a boost in its
development. As a result of the scientific and
technological advances that took place at that time,
there was a concentration of production, which made
it difficult to sell products (goods and services) and
the need to borrow due to a lack of working assets.
Interested parties, such as investors, creditors, tax
authorities, needed detailed information about the
financial and economic activities of a company. For
these reasons, the problems of costing accounting,
providing information that is not immediately
possible to influence, became apparent.
The main goal of a business was to obtain
maximum profit, which directly depended on the
operational, successful actions of management
personnel aimed at efficient organization of
production, through the appropriate and profitable
allocation of the company's resources. All these
changes were prerequisites for changing the entire
accounting system of a company.
In the late 1940s and early 1950s, there were
global changes in the accounting system in
industrialized countries. Accounting ceased to be
simply a means of collecting, processing and
grouping economic information, instead the
information started being used for forecasting,
analysis, control and management decisions.
Significant attention was paid to the production costs,
the volume of manufactured products, as well as the
comparison of the actual and projected output of a
As a result of the expansion, increase in the
production output, the formation of large companies
and the resulting need to preserve trade secrets,
accounting split into financial and management (cost)
The main task of management (cost) accounting
was to provide the company's management with
operational and analytical information on the costs
and revenues of the company's structural units, so that
the management could make effective decisions.
The next stage in the development of the costing
system is the emergence of a standard-cost system,
the essence of which was to create material and
manpower standards for their more economical use.
The prerequisites for the creation of this system were
the need for operational cost control and the ability to
regulate the cost of the products produced. Constant
comparison of standards with the actual cost made it
possible to quickly eliminate any bias, thus there
appeared a new way of cost managing - deviation
(bias) management.
With the use of the standard-cost system in the
management (calculus) accounting, accounting
ceased to be simply a record of facts of business
activities of the enterprise.
In 1936, Harrison, an American scientist, first
coined the term "direct-costing." The idea of this
accounting system was to separate the fixed and
variable costs. This was the next stage in the
development of costing accounting and gave way to
the formation of the company's pricing and strategic
An important step in the formation of
management (costing) accounting was the emergence
of cost accounting based on "the centers of
responsibility" as the further development of the
standard-cost system. The use of the responsibility-
centers accounting made it possible to track
deviations of actual costs from standard costs, which
demonstrated the effectiveness of managers.
Thus, the emergence of new production cost
accounting methods such as: standard-cost, direct-
cost and responsibility centers accounting made a
huge impact on the development of the costing
accounting system, transforming it into a production
accounting system and then turning it into a
management accounting system.
The official division of accounting into financial
and management ones took place in 1972.
In the early 21st century, the next stage in
management accounting development was the
development of an approach, driven by the need for
strategic accounting, planning and analysis of a
company's business activities. There was a division of
management accounting into a tactical (information
about the current activities of a company) and
strategic (long term information) ones.
Features of strategic management accounting
external environmental factors;
aim at taking into account uncertainty, risk
management strategy, all components of the subject's
risk system (Karanina E., 2017;
is the basis for making rational, effective
management decisions (P.A. Vinogradov, 2018).
The main task of strategic management
accounting is to create a relevant information base for
the management of a company.
The object of strategic management accounting is
the capital expenditures of an enterprise, which are of
a long-term nature; would-be results of the business
activities of a company as a whole and its individual
structural units; pricing that takes into account market
prices and the expected inflation rate; strategic
planning (Kim L.I., 2019).
Based on the aforesaid, we will formulate the
author's vision of strategic management accounting.
Strategic management accounting at a large
industrial enterprise is an accounting system in which
financial and non-financial information is generated
in terms of management objectives, on three main
components: planning, monitoring and analysis of the
company's activities. This applies not only to the
costs of the enterprise, as it was in traditional
management accounting, but also to its external
business environment (suppliers, buyers,
competitors, government actions), and the internal
business environment (production process, labor and
material resources, as well as social processes).
Strategic management accounting uses any useful
method, such as balanced scorecards, benchmarking,
target costing, ABC (Activity-Based Costing), value
chain analysis, risk analysis, mathematical methods
and many others.
Strategic Development of Management Accounting at Large Industrial Corporations
The main distinguishing feature of strategic
management accounting is the possibility and
necessity of its use to assess the financial and
economic activities of an enterprise both in terms of
financial (expressed in monetary terms) and non-
financial (expressed in shares, percentages, natural
units) indicators, which makes it possible to obtain a
more detailed view of the company's efficiency.
Today, large industrial corporations are in intense
competition, dynamic development of the production
base, therefore, in the accounting and analytical
system of an enterprise it is impossible to limit
ourselves to the tools of classical management
accounting of production costs. New methods of
accumulating management information, adequate for
modern conditions, are needed, and the strategic
management accounting system possesses such
So, the strategic approach to management
accounting at the present stage of development of
society plays a dominant role in relation to
operational (current) accounting.
The stage of development of management
accounting in the 21st century is fundamentally new.
Since this accounting and analytical system
increasingly begins using the methods of various
sciences - mathematics, computer science, sociology,
statistics, a comprehensive approach to management
accounting in the 21st century is inevitable in order to
achieve such goals as: manyfold increase in labor
productivity, a significant strengthening of
competitive positions of our country in world markets
and many others.
3.2 Formation of an Integrated
Performance Management System
as the Basis of Modern Strategic
Based on aforesaid, we conclude that in large
industrial corporations there is a need for the 21st
century management accounting that meets all the
requirements and current business conditions, in other
words, a strategic approach to enterprise accounting.
The strategic approach is to form an integrated
performance management system as the basis for
strategic management.
The main tasks to be solved by the performance
management system are the following:
measuring the efficiency of the enterprise in
order to show how satisfied customers are with the
goods and services provided to them;
clarity and accuracy of the strategic objectives of
the enterprise;
attention to the key business processes and key
indicators at the enterprise, as well as notification of
management about improvements or deterioration in
point out critical business success factors that
require the most attention;
creation of basis for identifying achievements
and setting up appropriate reward system.
So, the performance management system is a set
of interrelated elements such as: strategic objectives,
key company strategies, critical success factors and
key performance indicators.
In order to develop new indicators of enterprise
performance, it is necessary to define the strategic
objectives and important factors of the company's
success, which form the basis of an integrated
performance model. The elements of this system
a statement of the company's vision and mission;
strategic objectives;
customer needs;
systems of incentives and rewards (Averchev,
Company Vision Statement describes the main
objectives, characteristics and philosophy that guide
the strategic activities of the company.
Mission statement includes a clear statement of
the specific needs of the customer that the company
seeks to satisfy; not the products or services offered.
A well-defined and clear set of a company's
strategic objectives is at the heart of the performance
management process that shapes the strategic line of
the company. Examples of strategic objectives are
given in Table 1.
Table 1: Strategic objectives.
Afterwards, one needs to identify the main
success factors. They focus on the key performance
indicators that differentiate a firm from its
competitors in order to achieve its goals and meet
customer requirements.
A company's basic success factors are the
production of goods that consumers will
rate as products of the highest quality;
rapid development of new types of
keeping the cost of products and services
fast and a comprehensive response to
customer needs.
For critical success factors to be effective and
understandable, they need to be quantified through
key performance indicators. When choosing such
indicators, one can address the concept of a balanced
scorecard (BSC), it considers any enterprise from
four angles:
financial indicators;
business processes;
staff (Yur'eva, 2013).
To achieve the strategic goals of the company, an
integrated system
of financial and non-financial indicators is
created, thanks to which the company gets assessment
tools of its financial and economic activities. An
example is the strategic risk system of an enterprise,
which determines strategic risk indicators in
conjunction with performance indicators (Karanina
E., 2017).
Based on the information received about the
strategic intentions of the company, the main business
processes, critical success factors and key indicators,
an integrated model of the company's performance is
drawn up (See Figure 1).
Figure 1: Integrated performance model.
Upon the selection of key indicators, the protocol
of the company's performance becomes an important
tool, which provides an easy, visual interpretation of
the indicators and is a concise report on the daily
For the performance management system to work,
it is necessary to turn to digital technologies as an
essential condition for the successful functioning of
large industrial corporations in the digital economy.
The most suitable in our case is the Customer
Relationship Management (CRM) system, the
purpose of which is to computerize business
processes in marketing, sales, service quality;
collecting customer information for subsequent
analysis and making effective management decisions.
The integrated performance management system
is a constantly changing system, i.e. a dynamic one.
Key performance indicators of the company also
cannot remain unchangeable. Therefore, one should
constantly monitor the data of the system,
maintaining its relevance, providing the company's
management with timely information to analyze
decisions and courses of action at a constantly
changing set of customers and needs.
As companies are now entering a new era of
globalized markets in a highly competitive
environment and are increasing their flexibility and
responsiveness of their product delivery policies and
delivery mechanisms, a well-designed system of
indicators is becoming increasingly important. An
effective performance management system is a
snapshot of the health of the enterprise and should
provide management with information to manage
current operations and to plan future opportunities
and development strategies.
Based on the results of this study, we have come to
the following conclusions.
In modern conditions, it is impossible to use
only traditional production accounting tools in
management accounting, it is necessary to use any
useful methods such as: benchmarking, balanced
scorecard, direct costing, target costing, value chain
analysis, ABC (Activity-Based Costing), risk-
analysis, mathematical methods and many others.
A strategic approach to the accounting and
analytical system of an enterprise is to form high-
quality information support for the company's
management staff for making effective management
decisions by introducing an integrated performance
management system.
The results of this study are applicable in setting
up modern management accounting at large industrial
corporations, which will significantly improve the
Strategic Development of Management Accounting at Large Industrial Corporations
adequacy of the decisions made by the management
of the enterprise.
In modern conditions, which are characterized by
intense competition, the need to increase the
efficiency of the use of production resources,
increased requirements for exceptional, unique
characteristics of the goods sold, dynamic changes in
consumer demand, as well as the improvement of
production means, it is necessary to form a strategic
approach to management accounting of large
industrial corporations.
The article was prepared with the support of the grant
of the President of the Russian Federation NSh-
5187.2022.2 for state support of the leading scientific
schools of the Russian Federation within the
framework of the research topic «Development and
justification of the concept, an integrated model of
resilience diagnostics of risks and threats to the
security of regional ecosystems and the technology of
its application based on a digital twin».
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