was reflected in the security programs of the leading
countries of the world, the number of which grew
from year to year (UN Resolution, 2020). The basic
model of economic regulation is based on the
conformity of the basic provisions of the doctrine of
strengthening stress resistance to the concept of the
neoliberal paradigm of sustainable development.
Emphasis is placed on introducing the concept of
control parameters and determining their relationship
to the parameters of the systems controlled by them.
This model approach can be defined as a separate
stage in the development of theoretical concepts for
assessing the stress resistance of complex systems as
a mechanism for regulating the stability of the
development of complex socio-economic systems.
The next step in the development of assessment
models of stress tolerance in anti-stress management
was forward and backward modeling as a task
focused on the vulnerability of regulatory systems for
their growth trajectory. Such practice of specifying
evaluation vectors as a certain kind of rationalization,
when literally executed, can lead to a reduction in
control actions, a reduction in the horizon of control
forecasting. This is confirmed in some of today's
decisions by leading Western states. Management of
a complex system ceases to be an end in itself for the
work of the management system, and state interests
come into conflict with the practice of choosing
directions and development goals that do not
contribute to strengthening its stress resistance
(Romanova, 2017). New model approaches are
needed that are more consistent with the modern
practice of making and implementing control
decisions to strengthen the stability of complex open
multilevel systems (Henry J., Kok C., (2017).
Currently, the concept of resilience (resilience –
vitality, flexibility or pliability) is absent as a
theoretically and methodologically grounded and
economic and management model in academic
analysis and in practice. This is manifested in the
unsettled, in terminological terms, scientific practice
of interpreting stress resistance as a mechanism, as a
model of risk-oriented management, a system of
relations or the state of a complex multi-level system.
At the same time, at the level of individual economic
entities (for example, financial and credit
organizations), stress testing in order to strengthen the
stability of organizations is used quite actively and
gives useful results. In our opinion, it is necessary to
develop a unified interpretation (since this is, to a
large extent, a conventional form) of the Russian-
language concept of resilience. Existing international
practices of interpretation (see, for example, the
Sendai UN Program on Disaster Risk Reduction),
offer a translation of the term resilience into Russian
as “resilience potential”. But this, at least, requires
discussion and clarification. In UN documents, you
can find the concept of "resilience" as a term that has
the meaning of flexible (regulated) resilience of a
complex socio-economic system to external serious
influences and threats that bring great changes in the
economy and society (UN Resolution, 2020). In this
respect, this understanding approaches the
interpretation of the stability and safety of the system.
In the Russian practice of regulating the development
of complex socio-economic systems, the main
mechanism for ensuring economic security,
according to the «Strategy for ensuring the economic
security of Russia until 2030» (clause 24) is a risk
management system (RMS). With this approach,
counteracting stresses and shocks is part of the RMS,
but it considers that part of risk management that
includes unlikely risks, but that can cause serious
large-scale consequences of various nature
(Romanova, 2017). This approach is currently being
implemented everywhere in stress testing in financial
and credit institutions for quite a long time.
At the same time, not only financial and economic
factors, but also other factors that are becoming more
and more significant, have an increasingly noticeable
effect on the state and behavior of the economy.
Among them, we should note the increasingly acute
problems of social development, infrastructural
changes, regional imbalance, resource provision,
information security of the system, powerful natural
disasters and others, which are also manifested in the
economic sphere. Each of them individually
contributes to the violation of systemic stability, but
their interconnected manifestation can now critically
change the situation and seriously affect the security
of the economy and society, along with financial or
economic issues.
These problems have not yet been studied either in
scientific-methodological and applied terms, the need
for their comprehensive scientific understanding is
becoming more and more obvious. In a difficult
environment of instability in the global context,
Russia prioritizes its development in the formation of
an independent vector of counteraction to attempts to
dominate Western countries (USA, Europe), which