of equal importance are part of holdings.
Financing also goes "top-down", that is, there
is an organizational and financial subordination
of economic entities that are part of a state
• to include enterprises of the same profile that
operate on the basis of pooling resources;
• to provide the economic entities that are part of
them with the necessary personnel (highly
qualified), they can realize their capabilities for
conducting research and development work (R
& D) and organizing the educational process.
State corporations include large economic
entities, such as Rostec, Vnesheconombank,
Rosatom, and others. State-owned corporations can
be created in any industry, the main thing is to
represent the state interests. Their activities are
inextricably linked with the implementation of the
long-term policy of the state. The criterion for the
effectiveness of such activities is the achievement of
strategic goals. In this paper, the Rostec Group of
Companies will be considered in detail.
The financial strategy is a set of plans and
objectives of the financial activities of the
corporation, calculated for a long period and aimed at
ensuring the effective development of the company.
The financial strategy reflects the financial objectives
of the company's overall strategy. Foreign and
domestic researchers give different definitions of the
essence of the term "financial strategy".
After analyzing the differenced definitions, we
can conclude that foreign and Russian researchers
have a different understanding of the essence of
financial strategy. Russian scientists consider the
financial strategy as one of the components of the
overall strategy of an economic entity. Foreign
experts believe that the financial strategy is of
decisive importance, it is the basis for the positioning
of the corporation in the market. It also contains the
basics of management and goal setting.
The essence of the concept of "financial strategy"
can be revealed through functions. Thus, we can
illustrate the essence of a financial strategy from three
sides. First, the financial strategy is an official
document that contains the principles of management,
the financial goals of the corporation and basic
information on the tools to achieve these goals, ways
to improve the quality of the company's activities,
expressed in financial indicators. Such a document is
of a public nature within the framework of
information disclosure, but it can also be used for
internal use. Secondly, it is part of the overall strategy
of the company, as well as a reflection of the principle
of hierarchical management. Thus, the financial
strategy is based on the overall strategy of the
company, but changes to the existing strategy are
made "from the bottom up" - first in the financial
strategy, then in the overall strategy of the
corporation. Third, the financial strategy serves as a
direction in financial management. In this case, it has
an applied nature and is used in the corporation as a
tool for responding to risks. State-owned
corporations, like other large companies, adhere to
corporate governance standards, but as policy
documents containing specific actions, financial
strategies are only for internal use .
In 2007, a federal law was issued on the creation
of the state corporation "Rostechnologii", later
renamed "Rostec" . The financial functions of Rostec
State Corporation are defined in this law and consist
in ensuring the promotion and sale of high-tech
products. In addition, Rostec is engaged in attracting
investments in various industrial companies,
including companies in the defense industry. Since
this is a non-profit organization, the goals are more
likely to carry the desire of the state to improve the
state of the industry, than the desire to get more profit.
This state corporation was established to promote
the development, production, and sale of high-tech
products, and to support the innovative development
of industry in Russia. Rostec Group combines
holding companies aggregated into clusters by
industry: the Aviation cluster, the Radio Engineering
cluster, and the Armament cluster.
Rostec Group was created during the crisis, when
most companies in the military-industrial complex
were unprofitable or were at the stage of bankruptcy.
Of the 443 enterprises, more than a third were in a
state of crisis, the total loss was 64 billion rubles, the
total debt of enterprises was about 630 billion rubles.
The goals of creating a state corporation can be
considered to ensure the effective management of
state assets, the recovery of industrial enterprises
from the crisis situation, and the improvement of the
quality of domestic products. At the moment, the state
corporation has about 560 thousand employees,
branches are located almost throughout the Russian
Federation. The corporation occupies one of the
highest places in terms of sales, size, and export
The management of Rostec Group focuses
corporate governance on improving the efficiency of
the use of the property complex. There is a positive
trend in terms of financial results, there is an increase
in consolidated net profit and, accordingly,
profitability of operations. The main performance
indicators of the company for the period 2014-2019
are presented in table 1.