Environmental Safety Factors of Territories and Development of
Ecological Tourism
N. Yu. Agaeva
, I. Petr. Shchetilina
, E. N. Kovaleva
and A. B. Sandberg
Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Keywords: Ecological Tourism, Economic Development, Ecological Safety, Geoinformation Research Method,
Ecological Audit.
Abstract: The issues of the influence of the development of ecological tourism in the Russian Federation on the
ecological safety of the country's territories are considered. The analysis of the influence of mass types of
tourism on the ecological system is carried out and the possible consequences of possible ones are given. The
main differences between sustainable and unsustainable types of tourism are identified. The following
parameters were used, mass character, types of vehicles, occupancy of the tourist program, language
proficiency and cultural characteristics of the host country. The analysis of the feasibility of the formation
and development of ecological tourism in specially protected natural areas, the importance, preservation of
the biological and natural landscape, changes in the natural environment. The features and development
prospects, as well as the pros and cons of the organization of ecological tourism in these territories and the
ecological consequences are revealed. Measures are proposed to minimize the negative impact on the natural
potential from tourist activities in the recreational area.
The federal program for the development of tourism
at the external and internal levels and the concept for
the development of a system of specially protected
areas, including parks, reserves, objects of historical
and cultural heritage, also identified the prospects for
the development of ecological tourism, especially in
protected areas. The maximum popularization of
parks, national reserves and other protected areas,
used to increase the tourist flow of foreign tourists, as
well as contributing to the development of domestic
tourism, leads to an increase in the burden on
ecological systems. This, in turn, has a bad effect on
the ecological state of the territory and has negative
consequences of a socio-economic nature. The
increase in the tourist flow necessitates the
development of a system of measures to reduce the
load on the ecosystem and neutralize the ecological
Analyzing the world experience of countries, both
with developed market economies and countries in
transition, it can be concluded that there is a direct
relationship between ecological systems with rational
viability and ensuring environmental safety.
Improving the quality of life, maintaining a healthy
environment for people's life and creating tourist
recreation are becoming a strategic task of the state,
along with meeting socio-economic needs.
In the work, empirical methods (description,
comparison, modelling), general logical methods
(analysis, synthesis, generalization, analogy),
methods of economic analysis (expert assessments)
were used as methods of scientific research. When
studying the differences between the types of tourism
sustainable and unstable, the method of criterion
differences was used. In particular, unstable tourism
Agaeva, N., Shchetilina, I., Kovaleva, E. and Sandberg, A.
Environmental Safety Factors of Terr itories and Development of Ecological Tourism.
DOI: 10.5220/0010697900003169
In Proceedings of the International Scientific-Practical Conference "Ensuring the Stability and Security of Socio-Economic Systems: Overcoming the Threats of the Crisis Space" (SES 2021),
pages 246-252
ISBN: 978-989-758-546-3
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
is characterized by mass character, fast means of
transportation, an approved program, the main
reference point to attractions, a low level of language
skills and cultural characteristics of the host country,
when unstable tourism is characterized by individual
tours and family tours, measured and not fast means
of transportation, unplanned the program, the
behaviour of tourists according to the lifestyle of the
host country, a preliminary study of the cultural
characteristics of the country and linguistic features,
the main reference point of the impression, the
purchase of souvenirs for memory. The regulatory
documents for regulating relations in the field of
tourism, the formation and development of individual
territories, environmental regulations and statistical
reporting on the issues under study were used
In the initial period, the formation of the policy of
ensuring the safety of man and the environment had a
multidirectional nature. Moreover, the process itself
did not have the structure and basis of scientific
research. It all came down to creating a safe
environment for humans. As a result, an engineering
task was completed, which determined the main
postulate of the environmental policy. As a result of
the development of socio-economic and ecological
systems, it was discovered that ensuring safety only
for humans does not at all guarantee the safety of the
other two components of the flora and fauna. The
result of the interaction between man and the
environment is nature management, which in the
process of economic development has been
transformed in the direction of greening the economy.
Considering the general concept of economic growth,
it is based on three factors: human capital, means of
production (artificially created) and natural resources.
In most cases, serious environmental disasters arise
from the underestimation of the "environmental
services" obtained from natural capital, and, as a
result, huge economic losses. Having passed a huge
number of concepts, which for the most part led to
consumption and environmental degradation, at the
present stage we have come to the most widespread
concept the concept of sustainable development.
The concept clearly traces relations in the "nature
society" system and forms the following principles of
interaction between them: optimal correspondence
between society and nature, the integrity of the
biosphere, the factor of compensation to the nature of
what is withdrawn in direct proportional relationship,
human activity in the use of natural resources should
be as environmentally friendly as possible and
justified, the priority of public interest in solving
environmental problems (Zabihi, 2020).
The ecological safety of territories and the quality
of the environment are directly interconnected not
only with the growth of industrial production, the
development of the energy sector, transport structure,
but with the tourism sector, the development of
recreation as a factor of increased interest of tourists.
The intensive development of the tourism sector
contributes to the emergence of contradictions
between the real needs of the industry and the
observance of the environmental safety of
recreational areas; between the ever-increasing
consumption of natural resources by participants in
the tourism sector and serious pressures on the
ecological environment; between the formation of
sustainable development and functioning of
ecological systems and the decline in natural capital;
between the ever-increasing demands on the
environment and its quality and an insufficiently
formed ecological culture as a personal and
independent value (D'Souza. 2019).
In addition to the positive aspects, the
development of mass tourism also has negative ones,
and this is a decrease in the environmental safety of
tourist destinations. When studying the influence of
mass tourism on tourist territories, it was found that
there is a negative impact: on the soil – a decrease in
its fertility and moisture; on the plant world the
degradation of the species composition and changes
in the characteristics of plants; on the animal world –
the disappearance of species; for the water system
changes in coastal boundaries, changes in chemical
composition; for the atmosphere – harmful emissions
from industrial production of goods. At the same
time, it should be noted that ecological tourism is one
of the cleanest and safest types of tourism, in terms of
the consumption of natural resources in specially
protected areas.
The main difference between ecological tourism
(sustainable form of tourism) and mass
(unsustainable form) is that part of the proceeds from
ecological tourism goes to the restoration of tourist
recreation used as an object of ecological tourism.
Ecological tourism as a type of tourism was
formed in 1990. Since then, its share has increased
significantly, and it continues to grow. It has a lot of
different names focused on cleanliness,
environmental friendliness, maximum gardening.
Accordingly, there is a tendency indicating an
increase in the individual responsibility of consumers
of territories used for ecological tourism; about the
emergence and eco-tourists of maximum awareness
Environmental Safety Factors of Territories and Development of Ecological Tourism
and maintenance of the ecological stability of the
territories, which directly correlates with the
aforementioned concept of sustainable and balanced
The sustainability of ecological tourism is
characterized by the following features: preservation
of recreational potential; increasing the level of socio-
economic sustainability of regions directly related to
the field of ecological tourism; strengthening the
ethnographic potential of recreational areas.
Tellingly, these signs have a very serious
drawback, since the factor of rest of the tourist
himself is not taken into account. There is no
reference to compliance with travel safety measures
and meeting the needs of tourists.
Ecological tourism can be defined as tourism of a
sustainable form, based on the recreational and
educational activities of participants, without
harming it, contributing to the formation of an
ecological culture, having a positive effect on the
psycho-emotional state of tourists and local residents,
and focused mainly on small groups of tourists
(Cheng, 2019).
Several models, one focused on pristine nature
(USA, Canada, Australia) and one that can be
implemented in a local format, can represent
ecotourism. In Russia, the second model is most
applicable, since ecological tourism is an attentive
attitude to natural resources, no matter especially
protected areas or not. Even now, the question
remains open about the possibility or impossibility of
using protected areas as an object of ecological
tourism. The most commonly used are parks and
protected areas. The Russian Federation is a country
with unique natural resources and protected areas.
Today in Russia there are 102 nature reserves and 42
national parks, respectively, the territorial potential
for the development of ecological tourism is
enormous. Territories suitable for the development of
ecological tourism can be oriented towards both
external and internal tourism. Moreover, it should be
noted that territories of such a plan are most
preferable for the development of ecological tourism,
since it is advisable to organize tourist activities
around an ecologically protected zone, taking into
account the load on the ecological system and in
accordance with permissible environmental safety
standards, with the development of a set of measures
in order to further eliminate the consequences from
the activities of the tourism sector.
Despite the significant development of tourist
areas for the organization of ecological tourism, there
are also serious issues, namely: the insignificant
development of infrastructure, a small number of full-
fledged accommodation facilities, and
underdeveloped infrastructure of tourist routes. It is
these negative factors that lead to uncontrolled
pollution of territories, waste disposal, pollution of
water bodies. These factors also lead to a decrease in
the environmental safety of the territories, and,
therefore, have a negative impact on the local
population (Tan, 2018).
Of course, the lack of strategic development,
planning, a clear understanding of the vector of
development, the presence of a regulatory and
methodological base of documents aimed at
organizing the sphere of tourism and its branches
negatively affects the overall development of
ecological tourism. Taking into account the
documentary base at the government level, it is
necessary to develop and implement measures of state
regulation in the field of taxation of enterprises
focused on the provision of tourist services.
Determine the rules for the use of land, the procedure
for organizing tourist routes, trails, as well as the
procedure for licensing and certification of tourist
Despite the fact that at the government level,
programs for the development of external and internal
tourism have been developed, and some have already
been prolonged and continue their work, there are
many difficulties. It is necessary to stimulate the
population to ecological travel around the country. To
achieve this goal, it is necessary to develop and
implement a comprehensive marketing research
program, the main purpose of which will be to
determine the tourist preferences of the country's
Another important factor in the development of
ecological tourism is its organization in specially
protected natural areas; moreover, this aspect can
positively affect the increase in the welfare of the
local population living in this area. However, it
should be noted that not all residents consider the
development of ecological tourism in specially
protected natural areas to be an acceptable and
positive moment. Of course, one cannot but pay
attention to the negative factors that arise during the
organization of this type of tourism: environmental
pollution, depletion of natural resources in general, an
increase in noise levels, the emergence of
contradictions between local residents and tourists. In
this situation, a low level of environmental culture is
clearly traced: education in this area, complete or
partial lack of understanding of the economic benefits
of organizing tourism, instability of education and
obtaining a profitable part, a possible negative impact
on local culture. Naturally, over time, all factors are
levelled, giving way to understanding the positive
aspects of the process: obtaining benefits, increasing
the number of jobs, the possibility of organizing
family businesses, the development of small and
medium-sized businesses, the development of related
types of business (trade, communications).
The authors identified the prospects for the
development of ecological tourism in the country in
order to be in demand on the world market. For this,
the SWOT - analysis method (Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Threats) was used, in order to
determine strengths and opportunities and maximize
their use, as well as the possibility of levelling
weaknesses and threats. The strengths of the
organization of ecological tourism include a unique
natural potential, a huge number of monuments of
cultural and historical heritage, the location of the
local population, fairly budget prices. Among the
weaknesses, the following can be distinguished: a
small amount of accumulated experience in receiving
tourists, a lack of necessary knowledge in the field of
foreign languages, the consequences of various
environmental emergencies and disasters with
irreversible consequences, an almost absence of
developed infrastructure, a low degree of
popularization of tours and routes that have an
ecological direction. Considering the possibilities, the
following important points can be highlighted: based
on the analysis of statistical data, there is a huge
external demand for ecological tourism, the
possibility of cooperation with neighbouring states in
terms of the development of tourism infrastructure, as
well as significant support from the state. The threats
are the difficulty of obtaining subsidies from the state
and the competition within the tourism sector.
At the present stage, the economy of the Russian
Federation is at the stage of global reform, and there
is a general vector of development that has a social
orientation. Any reforms, as a rule, create the need to
develop mechanisms for interaction of all participants
in the process. The most significant parameters in
these processes are the improvement of the level and
quality of life of citizens.
Considering the reforms through the prism of
socio-economic development and the formation of
economic relations in the field of tourist services, one
cannot but pay attention to the variety of forms of
ownership, types of activities, forms of
interconnection and subordination, all this is due to a
large number of different directions of tourism
activities and the multivariate implementation of
tourist services.
The Government of the Russian Federation pays
special attention to the development of tourist
infrastructure, tourist recreation, the formation of
special economic zones, which is confirmed by the
development of a huge number of programs of
various levels aimed at the formation of tourist
clusters, and accurately showing the profitability of
this area of socio-economic development. Moreover,
developing its own tourist potential, a large number
of programs for spiritual development, moral, civil-
patriotic, physical development of society are being
The tourism industry is a multifaceted and
multifactorial system, it contributes to the growth of
the number of jobs, the formation of tourist zones
aimed at the development of new types of recreation,
using various natural areas with unique natural
potential; influences the formation of the economy at
different levels; contributes to an increase in the flow
of foreign tourists.
Self-organization and the formation of a service
market are the main directions that can lead to self-
organization, both in the tourism sector and in the
entire service sector. The development of the tourism
sector is very susceptible to the influence of various
factors of the economic and non-economic format,
which creates the need to study relations in the field
of tourism, the ultimate goal of which is to improve
the mechanism for the development and
implementation of the state's socio-economic policy.
In the early stages of development, there were two
forms of tourism: "hard" a form of maximum
consumption, like a conveyor; “soft” – differentiation
takes place in this type. The reformation led to the
need to change the work of the sphere, focused on
taking into account the individual needs of the
consumer. The form of transition from hard to soft
form contributes to the shift of priorities from the
seller to taking into account the individual
characteristics of buyers.
It is ecological tourism that can be most easily
transformed. The demand for outdoor recreation and
its massive consumption lead to the use of new
territories used for the development of, in particular,
ecological tourism. The main goal of ecological
tourism is to restore the vitality of the human body,
its spiritual and psychological state. Ecological
tourism contributes to the relaxation of the human
body in the natural environment, relieving stress,
restoring the vitality of the body. Time spent in nature
increases the body's performance. Recreational time
includes time to work, rest and sleep. An extremely
important factor is the type of activity that a person is
engaged in during the rest period, since this affects
his further behaviour at work, in the family, in
Environmental Safety Factors of Territories and Development of Ecological Tourism
Based on a large number of documents developed
at different levels of government from the
government to the local scale, it should be noted that
the state policy in the field of environmental
development is focused on solving problems of the
socio-economic format. In particular, this is the
preservation of the environment in general, the
variety of natural resources, including the use of
environmentally friendly natural resources, as well as
the formation and implementation of the right to a
favourable ecological environment. From this point
of view, many areas can be identified, the key ones
are the following: creation of a management system
with the maximum ability to protect the environment
and ensure environmental safety; widespread use of
new technologies in environmental safety;
minimization of negative impact on the environment;
exclusion of the possibility of damage to natural
resources and specially protected areas; educating
citizens about the formation of environmental culture;
preservation of natural, ecological territories used for
the formation of zones of ecological tourism.
Of course, this concept is most effective, provided
that huge investments are made in this area, which
will be aimed at developing new innovative
technologies that can gradually eliminate the
consequences of negative impacts on the ecological
system (D'Souza. 2019).
The Russian Federation is one of the main states
that have the strongest impact on maintaining the
sustainability of the biosphere. This happens due to
the huge reserves of drinking water, forestlands,
ecosystems not used by economic activities, huge
biodiversity. At the same time, one cannot fail to note
the enormous damage caused to the environment by
increasing the discharge of wastewater and the
volume of waste, which increases annually,
exceeding the EU standards by 2 times. The
Government of the Russian Federation has set the
task of stabilizing the situation in environmental
safety. This can be achieved through rational nature
management, increasing the efficiency of natural
resources use, legal regulation, including the
development of large recreational projects aimed at
preserving ecologically clean areas, including:
application of the international system of
environmental safety standards; the use of
environmentally friendly and safe industries; creation
of a system of environmental education, culture and
upbringing; creation of a system of specially
protected areas; use of innovative technologies.
Paying close attention to the last three points, the
following should be highlighted. In the Russian
Federation, a document has been developed a
concept aimed at creating a system of specially
protected areas throughout the country. The main
mission of the concept is the creation and
development of a system of specially protected
natural areas of federal importance by increasing the
efficiency of public administration and the operation
of the system of specially protected areas in order to
ensure environmental safety, preserve the natural
diversity of territories and cultural heritage (Cheng,
Of course, the current concept provides for a large
number of tasks: creation and development of parks
and reserves with national status; formation of
geographical maps with a list of currently existing
parks and reserves; creation of a system for the
protection and safety of parks, reserves, objects of
cultural and historical value; development of
educational work to popularize reserves and parks;
creation of a system of interconnection and
involvement of these territories in the development of
ecological tourism; ensuring the demand for scientific
products of reserves and national parks and the results
of their environmental monitoring; implementation of
the process of integration of territories with a special
status in the sphere of socio-economic development
of regions (Shchetilina, 2020).
All this, in a single complex, is aimed at creating
a positive image of the Russian Federation at the
international level.
Specially protected areas are areas that are
partially or completely withdrawn from economic
circulation. They are necessary to preserve the
landscape of the biosphere. The main directions of
use of such lands are as follows: creation of
ecological stability of lands previously used in
economic activities; creation of rational conditions
for the reproduction of natural resources; creation and
development of ecotourism recreations in order to
maintain normal human life; creation of programs
with an environmental and educational direction for
the mass awareness of people (Bowles, 2018).
Among a wide range of goals, objectives and
directions in the concept, special attention is paid to
the use of innovative technologies that increase the
efficiency of using territories, obtaining information
about the current state of a particular territory and
promptly responding to possible changes in its
landscape, ecological state, etc. (Loc, 2021). Among
such technologies, one can single out geographic
information systems that are capable of checking
territories for compliance with the environmental
situation, and the results can be made public in a
document as a report on the environmental safety of
the territory. Moreover, using geographic information
systems, both natural and industrial territories are
assessed, objects and soil are assessed (Andersen,
Geographic information systems are widely used
at different levels of government. When determining
the strategic directions of socio-economic
development, there is a need for analysis, with the aim
of dividing territories into sub-districts with a certain
content, and further use of the obtained data to build
geographic information systems, and this, in turn, is
possible using cluster analysis methods.
Cluster analysis involves geographic zoning of
territories based on natural and socio-economic
characteristics, in order to conduct research and build
coverage areas.
"Cluster" (or "Bundle") is a territory bounded by
physical obstacles of natural
At its core, "Cluster" is a "territory within a
territory" that conduct life according to their own
rules. Accordingly, if a society living in a cluster has
the ability to satisfy its needs, then it will not go
beyond its limited territory without special need.
An elementary example of a "bundle" is a village
in a mountain valley. Accordingly, if the residents of
such a village have everything for a normal life, they
may not leave it for a long period.
Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that
geoinformation technologies make it possible to
correctly determine the size of a cluster, its
boundaries and its natural resources. Moreover, the
boundaries of the cluster can change in the context of
changes in the infrastructure around the formed
Returning to geographic information systems and
their use for geographic regionalization based on
natural characteristics and characteristics of the
socio-economic plan, cluster analysis is also used.
Accordingly, it is advisable to use these systems to
create clusters of the ecological direction. Moreover,
geographic information systems allow you to set a
model for a clear formation of a territory with given
characteristics. Also, through geoinformation
systems, there is a solution to certain problems,
through environmental audits: monitoring the
environmental situation of natural and man-made
emergencies, assessing man-made impacts on the
environment and their consequences, ensuring the
environmental safety of the area under consideration
(from local to global levels); territorial and sectoral
planning and management of the placement of
industrial facilities, transport, agriculture, energy;
control of living conditions of the population, health
care and recreation; mapping (complex and sectoral):
creation of thematic maps and atlases, updating maps,
operational mapping; integration and interaction of
information resources (Tikhomirov, 2019).
Thus, the geoinformation method of
environmental audit research performs two functions:
informing about objects and the state of the
environment and modelling. As a result of an
environmental audit using geographic information
systems, management decisions are made, the
purpose of which is to stabilize and improve the
environmental situation in the area under
The geoinformation method for studying the
ecological situation involves the analysis of the entire
spectrum of available information in relation to a
specific geographic point or object. Spatial
geoinformation includes geographic information
about the study area, objects located on it, and
occurring natural and anthropogenic phenomena.
Time geo-information assumes data for monitoring
these objects and phenomena distributed over time
and is necessary for creating models and predicting
the implementation of one or another scenario of
changing the ecological situation. Non-spatial
geoinformation consists of regulatory documents,
general data typical for the class of objects,
phenomena, etc. (Dedeke, 2017).
Accordingly, the obtained data of the analysis and
the data of the cartographic study can be used in
monitoring and making management decisions on the
part of the places where ecological tourism is
organized, as well as the possible elimination of
negative consequences in the territories exposed to
tourists (Xu, 2017).
Based on the foregoing, we can say the following that
the Russian Federation has a huge number of
opportunities for the development of ecological
tourism. Many reports on sustainable development of
territories have been published, both at the European
level and at the country level (Osland, 2017).
Studying modern theories of sustainable development
and ecological safety of territories, considering and
adopting, unfortunately, domestic and foreign
experience in organizing ecological tourism using
specially protected natural objects, there is an urgent
need to develop conceptual approaches and develop
directions for increasing the ecological sustainability
and safety of ecological tourism (Agaeva, 2021).
We believe that on the basis of the already
developed concept for the development of domestic
and inbound tourism, it is necessary to develop a
Environmental Safety Factors of Territories and Development of Ecological Tourism
concept aimed at increasing environmental
sustainability and improving the safety of ecological
tourism, which will contribute to the economic
development of specially protected areas, including
taking into account the preservation of natural
resources and environmental protection. Moreover, it
has been statistically proven that sustainable
development leads to increased tourism
competitiveness (Martinis, 2019). Ecological tourism
has a significant socio-economic effect, and Russia
has numerous criteria that contribute to the
development of ecological tourism. Due to its unique
natural potential, the Russian Federation has every
opportunity to become a world leader in the field of
ecological tourism.
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