to the information security, since they characterize
the ability to protect information and the
infrastructure that supports it. We took a number of
conceptual provisions developed and presented
earlier as a basis for formation of the structure of
personnel threats to the security of the company
information potential (Karzaeva, 2021):
- the structure of threats is formed based on the
goal of organizing security activities – preventing
threats and minimizing risks;
- a threat is understood as a negative process,
event, action that is probabilistic in nature and can be
prevented by a person;
- a personnel threat is understood as a process,
event, action, as a result of which objects
(information) or interests of both an individual person
– a holder of information and a company are done
- the specificity of personnel threats is determined
by the dualistic nature of company employees. On the
one hand, he/she is the holder of information, and on
the other hand, he/she, when fulfilling official duties,
deals with information, including negatively.
The construction of the system of personnel
threats to the information potential should be based
on the list of threats to the company information
security (Table 2).
The analysis of this list allows us to conclude that
the source of threats is a person, including an
employee of a company. His/her deliberate
(malicious) or unconscious (unprofessional actions,
inadvertent mistakes) actions can lead to
implementation of these threats. Therefore, we
previously proposed to systematize an entire set of
personnel threats into three groups according to their
source: an employee of an enterprise, the company
management, and third parties in the event that their
unfriendly actions can be prevented by company
employees (Karzaeva, 2021).
Almost all scientists who study personnel security
issues compile both lists of threats and their
indicators. These lists are characterized by a variety
that can be explained by not applying the principles
of their formation. Based on our previous studies of
the methodology of indicative safety assessment
(Karanina & Loginov, 2017; Karanina & Ryazanova
ets 2018) and the principles of constructing their
system (Karzaeva & Davydova, 2020), we developed
models for calculating indicators (Table 3). To
achieve objectivity in determining the level of the
indicator, it is necessary to build a calculation model
in which natural units of measurement are used
(Table 3).
The article was prepared with the support of the grant
of the President of the Russian Federation NSh-
5187.2022.2 for state support of the leading scientific
schools of the Russian Federation within the
framework of the research topic «Development
andjustification of the concept, an integrated model
of resilience diagnostics of risks and threats to the
security of regional ecosystems and the technology of
its application based on a digital twin».
As a result of the study, the following main
conclusions were formulated:
- the role of company employees in the
information potential is of a dualistic nature: on the
one hand, the employee is a holder of information
and, on the other hand, the employee influences the
state of both information and software/hardware that
carry out operations with it;
- threats employment information have an impact
on almost all threats to information security;
- assessment of the level of threats to personnel
security by means of indicators will increase the level
of reliability in assessing the information potential of
a company;
- indicators of personnel security should be
objectively measured, therefore it is better to use
natural indicators, as a rule, this is the number of
registered cases.
The findings confirm the hypothesis tested in this
study about the dependence of the level of assessment
of the company information potential on the presence
and level of personnel threats reflected in the
corresponding indicators.
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