at specific dates within the data set range we used.
Following this, we applied our method to different
time intervals before the events specified to under-
stand whether a specific dynamic pattern could be as-
sociated with them. Moreover, we also performed the
same analysis on periods where no events were iden-
tified to analyze a different specific pattern relevant to
a “no-event” period.
Future work will be centred on the extension of
this preliminary results on pattern identification to
more distinct and expanded events, with the goal to
define a more complete collection of patterns.
Another focus will be to tackle the implementa-
tion of higher-level stages, i.e. those concerning to
the classification task. In particular, the feature ex-
traction stage will be refined by selecting the features
typologies returning the best possible discriminating
power. Also, different classifiers will be devised to
identify the most suitable ones for the purpose of this
analysis. These latter activities are the foundation for
the next step of automatic classification of massive
datasets without the need for expert feedback.
The test and validation of the proposed algorithm
is carried out and will continue as part of the activities
of the EU H2020 project NAUTILOS (Pieri, 2020;
Pieri et al., 2021).
This paper is part of a project that has received fund-
ing from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 re-
search and innovation programme under grant agree-
ment No. 101000825 (Nautilos, 2021).
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